View Full Version : Movers, sheriff's deputies refuse to evict 103-year-old woman.

30th November 2011, 07:39 AM
11.30.2011.............video at link.

Movers, sheriff's deputies refuse to evict 103-year-old woman.

"Fulton County sheriff's deputies and movers showed up at Lee's home Tuesday after Deutch Bank planned to kick the two women out.

The moving company and the deputies took one look at Lee and decided that would not happen."

Note: This IS a miracle - the police didn't shoot anybody! Just kidding. This is encouraging.

I must give credit to law enforcement here for realizing what they were doing - simply carrying out orders for a bank. It's too bad that something as insane as kicking these seniors out is what it takes for them to actually wake up and realize what they are doing when they carry out the orders of banksters.

But remember - somebody at the bank gave the orders. Who? Were they aware that they were throwing PEOPLE out into the street? Where did they think these PEOPLE would have gone had the sheriff been the Sheriff of Nottingham and not these good guys? Obviously the folks at the bank couldn't care less. Obviously we are all just numbers on a spreadsheet, another 1 or 0 in a computer somewhere...

These banks are no good for any of us. Let's get rid of the Federal Reserve. Let's get Ron Paul in there sin ce he is the only candidate with the sense to stop the bleeding from the wars, bring the troops home, and kick out the banksters.


30th November 2011, 07:43 AM
Link to video.


Posted: 5:23 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2011

Movers, deputies refuse to evict 103-year-old woman

http://media.cmgdigital.com/shared/img/photos/2011/11/29/7f/6f/103_year_old_eviction_t670.jpg?2663c383ae3146e1f47 ef3bf52e57c5fcacce698 (http://media.cmgdigital.com/shared/img/photos/2011/11/29/7f/6f/103_year_old_eviction.jpg)

Movers and sheriff's deputies refused to evict 103-year-old from her home Tuesday.

By Ryan Young (http://www.wsbtv.com/staff/ryan-young/)

A 103-year-old woman and her 83-year-old daughter were just moments from being evicted from their home Tuesday, when sheriff's deputies and the moving company hired by the bank decided not to go through with the action.

Channel 2's Ryan Young was there when the family started thanking God for the miracle.

At justthree weeks shy of her 104th birthday, Vita Lee has shared her home on Penelope Road in Northwest Atlanta with her daughter for 53 years.

"I love it. It's a mansion," Lee said about her house.

Fulton County sheriff's deputies and movers showed up at Lee's home Tuesday after Deutsche Bank planned to kick the two women out.

The moving company and the deputies took one look at Lee and decided that would not happen.

"I saw the sheriffs, who came to put them out, take off and leave. I gave all glory to God," community activist Michael Langford said.

"This family has been waging a war against Deutsche Bank," community activist Derrick Boezeman said.

Channel 2's Ryan Young asked Lee is she was worried about being kicked out of the home.

"No, I knew that they know what they were doing. God don't let them do wrong," Lee said.

The house and case have been in the court system for years. Possible eviction seemed too much for Lee's daughter Tuesday. She was rushed to the hospital.

"Please don't come in and disturb me no more. When I'm gone you all can come back and do whatever they want to," Lee said.

For now, Lee remains in the home. She is hopeful things can be worked out with the bank.


30th November 2011, 10:08 AM
wow! i wish her all the best!

mick silver
30th November 2011, 10:22 AM
maybe there is hope . i am still waiting for a leader to step up . this may light that fire if more was to do this and stop kicking people in the head

1st December 2011, 11:51 AM
103-year-old woman won't be evicted from Atlanta home
http://www.ajc.com/images/transparent.gif (http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=250&username=cmgdigital)
By Mark Davis (mrdavis@ajc.com) and Angel K. Brooks (akbrooks@ajc.com)

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
A 103-year-old woman facing foreclosure from her home will not be forced to leave the dwelling she has lived in for the past 53 years.

http://www.ajc.com/multimedia/dynamic/01202/noeviction_1129_1202248l.jpg (http://www.ajc.com/news/atlanta/103-year-old-woman-1245741.html?bigName=Channel+2+Action+News&bigPhotog=Channel+2+Action+News&bigCap=A+bank+wanted+to+evict+103-year-old+Vinia+Hall%2c+but+movers+and+deputies+did+not+ remove+her+from+her+Atlanta+home+Tuesday.&bigDeclCap=&bigCred=Channel+2+Action+News&bigUrl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ajc.com%2fmultimedia%2fdyn amic%2f01202%2fnoeviction_1129_1202248c.jpg&superSizeImage=y)

Channel 2 Action News, Channel 2 Action News A bank wanted to evict 103-year-old Vinia Hall, but movers and deputies did not remove her from her Atlanta home Tuesday.

The bank administering a second mortgage on the northwest Atlanta house where Vinia Hall lives will work out an arrangement so that she and her 83-year-old daughter, Kathelyn Cornelius, don’t have to move. The bank, JPMorgan Chase, announced the decision Wednesday afternoon.

“We will work out a resolution to keep them in the home,” Thomas Kelly, a spokesman for the bank, said in an emailed statement.
"That's a blessing," Hall told Channel 2 Action News (http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/103-year-old-gets-stay-home-after-ch-2-story-airs-/nFqqS/).

The bank’s decision caps a series of telephone calls and negotiations that involved a former Atlanta City Council member, a state senator and the office of Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed.

There were plans to evict the women Tuesday, but the movers and Fulton County sheriff's deputies sent to the home did not remove them, Channel 2 reported.

Hall, whose 104th birthday is three weeks away, told Channel 2 that day that she was not worried about being kicked out of her Penelope Road home.
"No, I knew that they know what they were doing. God don't let them do wrong," she said.

The situation seemed to affect Hall's daughter, who was rushed to the hospital, Channel 2 said.

In 2002, Ali Muhammad, the grandson of Vinia Hall, got a second mortgage on the house from Deutsche Bank National Trust, according to Fulton County Civil Superior Court records. That loan ultimately was administered by Chase.

Muhammad was listed as the owner, though his grandmother had lived in it for decades. Seven years after getting the loan -- in March 2009 – Deutsche foreclosed on the property.

Hall remained in the home while Muhammad fought the foreclosure, said Derrick Boazman, a former Atlanta City Council member who said he negotiated with the banks to keep the two elderly women from eviction. Joining him was state Sen. Vincent Fort, D-Atlanta. Officials representing Reed also contacted the banks.

Chase, Boazman said, “should write this off at a loss.”
Chase – not Deutsche –should be negotiating with Hall, said John Gallagher, a spokesman for Deutsche. Chase administers the loan, and is responsible for settling it, he said.

“Deutsche Bank was not involved in any way in the decision to seek to evict Mrs. Lee and her daughter,” Gallagher said in an emailed statement. “As trustee, Deutsche Bank does not control decisions or actions related to foreclosures (http://g.ajc.com/r/DC/) or evictions.”

News about Hall’s predicament, originally broadcast Tuesday night, prompted Carol Beaver to leave her west Cobb home Wednesday morning and deliver a basket of fruit to Hall.

Hearing of Hall’s plight “just broke my heart,” said Beaver “This really puts a face on foreclosures (http://g.ajc.com/r/DC/)."


1st December 2011, 12:10 PM
maybe there is hope . i am still waiting for a leader to step up . this may light that fire if more was to do this and stop kicking people in the head

This isn't directed at you Mick, but that's part of the problem. Everyone is waiting for someone else to step up. I'm guilty of this as well.

1st December 2011, 12:18 PM
Deutsche Bank Gambles Bailout Money in Las Vegas - Loses BIG (http://www.dialoginternational.com/dialog_international/2011/10/deutsche-bank-gambles-bailout-money-in-las-vegas-loses-big.html)

1st December 2011, 08:33 PM
The bank administering a second mortgage on the northwest Atlanta house where Vinia Hall lives will work out an arrangement so that she and her 83-year-old daughter, Kathelyn Cornelius, don’t have to move. The bank, JPMorgan Chase, announced the decision Wednesday afternoon.

Sorry to be so cynical, but how do we know this isn't just a carefully engineered PR move by the psychopaths at the Morgue?

I don't put anything past those lowlife scum anymore.

1st December 2011, 08:47 PM
Sorry to be so cynical, but how do we know this isn't just a carefully engineered PR move by the psychopaths at the Morgue?

I don't put anything past those lowlife scum anymore.


Trying to show that deep down they do have hearts! And they care.

In reality, with the pr and media exposure, they had too do something nice for a change.
If the women were kicked out, it would have started a media wild fire across the country
and those banks would take the hit.

So it was PR , it was forced out of the black, burnt out, pit's of their hearts!