View Full Version : War is now
1st December 2011, 05:44 AM
Uploaded by MsMilkytheclown on Nov 30, 2011
2 Nuclear explosions in Iran, (by Israel?) Syria, Russia, Jerico Missile explosion... I'm throwing this out there for your consideration...
1st December 2011, 06:20 AM
Uploaded by RussiaToday on Dec 1, 2011
European foreign ministers are expected to discuss fresh sanctions against Iran, following an attack on the UK embassy in Tehran. Ahead of the talks in Brussels, British Foreign Secretary William Hague called for increased economic pressure and isolation on Iran's financial sector. On Tuesday, hundreds of protesters attacked the UK embassy, occupying it for several hours. The demonstrations came after Iran resolved to reduce diplomatic ties with the UK following its decision to impose further sanctions over its nuclear programme. Violence prompted Britain to close the Iranian embassy in London and to pull its own diplomats out of the Islamic state's capital. Political analyst and author Adrian Salbuchi says the West is waging a complex war against Islamic countries.
9th December 2011, 09:05 AM
Uploaded by ravenise00 on Dec 6, 2011
A former CIA officer believes the White House has no interest in a war with Iran and so Israel is now marketing a 'mindset change' to the American people.
Press TV talks with Phillip Giraldi, a former CIA officer, about the division between the US and Israel on the issue of a war with Iran.Could the target of the media blitz from Israeli officials be the American public?
Following is a transcript of the interview.
Press TV: Concerning the possible security and economic consequences of a war against Iran, do you think now there is a strong difference of opinion between Israel and the US about this question of a possible attack on Iran because today a lot was said about Mr. Netanyahu's comments when he said, "We have to make the right decision even if our allies are objecting to it." Do you the two sides are now adopting very different approaches and do not agree on this point?
Phillip Giraldi: That question kind of depends on how you define the two sides. I believe very much that a lot of these statements being made by the Israelis are being made deliberately targeted towards the Western and specifically the American audience.
And I think what they're trying to do is condition that audience - the American public and American opinion makers - to be supportive of a military action against Iran if that were ever to take place.
I believe that the White House definitely does not want the United States to get involved in any war against Iran. But it cannot openly say so because too many leading politicians in the United States - the Republican candidates with the exception of Ron Paul for example - are all advocating in one way or another a military option against Iran. This is very much true in Congress and it's very much true in the media.
So, I think a lot of the statements coming out of Israel are an attempt to condition the public in the US and elsewhere to support this kind of policy.
My real fear is that even though Israel knows deep down that starting a war with Iran is not a good idea, we are approaching a situation with these threats and intimidation going on where some kind of incident or accident could lead to an armed exchange between Iran and Israel that would draw the United States in.
Press TV: Do you think, in the US, the option of a military attack is simply out of the question?
Phillip Giraldi: The option of a military attack is out of the question if it is the United States that were initiating it. I don't believe that the White House has any interest in starting another war. But what has been reinforced: the issue of Israel actually starting a war is a very serious one.
Press TV: What about the consequences to Israel - can they afford to do that?
Phillip Giraldi: Well, Israel would do it on the assumption that the United States would get involved quickly. And I think that's a valid assumption and that's why you're seeing all of these statements from Israeli leaders saying that Iran is an imminent threat - we have to do something about it. These statements come every week and they're coming to convince the American public and the Western public that a war is probably an option that should be looked at.
If Israel were to start it, the media and Congress of the United States would immediately jump on the bandwagon and demand from the White House that the US get involved. I'm convinced of that.
Press TV: So you are saying that the US would go for that move if it understands that Israel has made that decision that despite all of the consequences that it may have for the United States itself, that it would approve of that move and get itself involved?
Phillip Giraldi: I believe it would get involved and I cannot see any scenario in which it would not get involved because the media in the United States would immediately be screaming that our poor little ally Israel is doing the job of attacking the Iranian weapons program and we have to help them; and Congress would second that call. I cannot see how it would go any other way.
9th December 2011, 09:46 AM
Uploaded by TheRealNews on Dec 8, 2011
Larry Wilkerson: National Defense Authorization Act that passed the Senate giving the military power for indefinite detention without trial is a draconian violation of our rights.
9th December 2011, 09:48 AM
News you won't see on Fox
Wow, I like Mark Dankof's bluntness!
Israel wants the Goy blood of your sons and daughters.
9th December 2011, 10:08 AM
Uploaded by stimulator on Dec 8, 2011
This Week:
1. Pepper pig
2. UK Gang Truce
3. Puckupy Vancouver
4. Toxic Poop Soup Stoppers
5. No Tar Sands Oil through BC
6. Egypt's Pipeline Saboteurs
7. Canadian Resistance Court Wrap Ups
8. Many Chao
9. You are going to Jail, a security culture primer
9th December 2011, 10:14 AM
Careful, stimulator is a Communist.
24th December 2011, 03:11 PM
Uploaded by corbettreport on Dec 23, 2011
The world's attention is increasingly focused on Syria and Iran as the region continues to move toward military confrontation. Less noticed, however, is that the pieces are being put into place for a truly global conflict, with military buildup taking place in every region and threatening to draw in all of the world's major powers.
"I don't quite know what weapons WWlll will be fought with but WWlV will be fought with sticks & stones." Albert Einstein
24th December 2011, 03:50 PM
The world's attention is increasingly focused on Syria and Iran as the region continues to move toward military confrontation. Less noticed, however, is that the pieces are being put into place for a truly global conflict, with military buildup taking place in every region and threatening to draw in all of the world's major powers.
"I don't quite know what weapons WWlll will be fought with but WWlV will be fought with sticks & stones." Albert Einstein
Who's responsible for this global military build-up and arms race?...a few ragheads that live in caves in Afghanistan?
How will the history books be written after WWIII? Will there be a victor?
You have to wonder, if the US had a policy of peace and had only gone into Afghanistan and came home...would all this have taken place?
24th December 2011, 04:15 PM
Sign Of War : Syrian President's and 54 Others, Assets Frozen In Switzerland
Uploaded by MaryGreeley on Dec 23, 2011
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