View Full Version : Two Traitors to American Constitution pictured here.

2nd December 2011, 05:53 AM

Senate passes defense bill with Defeat of Detainee Amendment

Sen. Paul Statement on Defeat of Detainee Amendment
Dec 1, 2011
WASHINGTON, D.C. -Tonight, Sen. Rand Paul prevented the passage of an amendment that would have further eroded Americans' constitutional rights.

Offered to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 2012 (S.1867), amendment No. 1274 would have allowed the U.S. government to detain an American citizen indefinitely, even after they had been tried and found not guilty, until Congress declares an end to the war on terror.

"Suspicion of committing a crime should lead to your attempted prosecution. If the evidence does not support conviction, it would be against everything we believe in and fight for in America to still allow the government to imprison you at their whim," Sen. Paul said. "Tonight, a blow was struck to fight back against those who would take our liberty."

The amendment would have passed by voice vote, but this tactic was blocked by Sen. Paul's objection. He then forced a roll call vote, in which the amendment was defeated, 41-59.

More here:

Silver Rocket Bitches!
2nd December 2011, 06:05 AM
Look at Levin, that treasonous hook nose traitor. He's like a bad caricature.

2nd December 2011, 06:42 AM
I have had enough of McCain using his Vietnam creds to destroy this country. Fuck him.

General of Darkness
2nd December 2011, 06:43 AM
Repost, but that's ok, no one posted in my thread. :(

2nd December 2011, 07:06 AM
using his Vietnam creds.... Fuck him.

I have my doubts about them "creds"...and I couldn't agree more.

2nd December 2011, 07:20 AM
I'm convinced this passage will portain to a can of terror worms being opened.

2nd December 2011, 07:22 AM
I have had enough of McCain using his Vietnam creds to destroy this country. Fuck him.

What creds?

That he was captured and indoctrinated with communists teachings?

Looks like his "lessons" from the VeeCee payed off....

2nd December 2011, 07:29 AM
I have had enough of McCain using his Vietnam creds to destroy this country. Fuck him.

What creds? He sat in a prison for 5 1/2 years while the rest of our military fought and died fighting.
If this is all that makes him a hero, we have prisons full of heros.

McCain’s reputation as a war hero rests on the sum total of 20 hours in combat. That’s right. McCain spent only 20 hours in combat in the entire war. He flew 23 missions. He got 28 medals. In other words, he got more medals than he had missions. Not bad. It should be noted that none of McCain’s medals related to anything he did in combat. They were given for the supposed bravery he displayed after he had been shot down and captured.

It’s appropriate to ask whether McCain’s shoot-down was caused by bad luck or simple incompetence on his part. Of course, there is no way to answer definitively. But we can form an assessment based on the rest of McCain’s military record. At the Naval Academy, McCain graduated almost bottom of his class. He was 790th out of 795. McCain lost many aircraft over the course of his military career – five in total. He admitted himself that he had a "reputation for mayhem". One of these incidents, on board the USS Forrestal, involved the death of 144 sailors and was the most serious "accident" the navy had experienced since the Second World War. It appears that McCain's incompetence played a significant part in increasing the severity of the incident when, in a frightened scramble to get out of the aircraft, he pressed the bomb release button by mistake, dropping a bomb from his aircraft onto the burning fire. It detonated one minute later, killing many people. After escaping from the aircraft, McCain shamefully left the deck and hid below, then, within hours, flew to Saigon for some "R n' R" while funeral services were still being arranged for his shipmates. Most pilots who lost aircraft in the way and at the rate McCain did would have been kicked out of the service. But McCain had protection from up on high. His father was an admiral. He was an untouchable. So McCain blundered his way through his military career until he was finally shot down.

Despite constantly harping on about his military experience, McCain has refused to release his military records. All he has released is a list of medals.

McCain claims that he was tortured while in custody. There were no other American witnesses to this torture and some former POWs doubt that it happened at all. Former North Vietnamese military personnel have also insisted that McCain was never tortured. In fact, McCain himself admitted in a 1973 interview with the magazine US News and World Report that he volunteered to give military information in return for medical treatment, even before being subjected to any torture.

2nd December 2011, 07:35 AM
Airdales (pilots) live in their own fantasy world.

2nd December 2011, 07:54 AM
I don't know if this was posted?


2nd December 2011, 07:55 AM
What creds? He sat in a prison for 5 1/2 years while the rest of our military fought and died fighting.
If this is all that makes him a hero, we have prisons full of heros.

McCain’s reputation as a war hero rests on the sum total of 20 hours in combat. That’s right. McCain spent only 20 hours in combat in the entire war. He flew 23 missions. He got 28 medals. In other words, he got more medals than he had missions. Not bad. It should be noted that none of McCain’s medals related to anything he did in combat. They were given for the supposed bravery he displayed after he had been shot down and captured.

It’s appropriate to ask whether McCain’s shoot-down was caused by bad luck or simple incompetence on his part. Of course, there is no way to answer definitively. But we can form an assessment based on the rest of McCain’s military record. At the Naval Academy, McCain graduated almost bottom of his class. He was 790th out of 795. McCain lost many aircraft over the course of his military career – five in total. He admitted himself that he had a "reputation for mayhem". One of these incidents, on board the USS Forrestal, involved the death of 144 sailors and was the most serious "accident" the navy had experienced since the Second World War. It appears that McCain's incompetence played a significant part in increasing the severity of the incident when, in a frightened scramble to get out of the aircraft, he pressed the bomb release button by mistake, dropping a bomb from his aircraft onto the burning fire. It detonated one minute later, killing many people. After escaping from the aircraft, McCain shamefully left the deck and hid below, then, within hours, flew to Saigon for some "R n' R" while funeral services were still being arranged for his shipmates. Most pilots who lost aircraft in the way and at the rate McCain did would have been kicked out of the service. But McCain had protection from up on high. His father was an admiral. He was an untouchable. So McCain blundered his way through his military career until he was finally shot down.

Despite constantly harping on about his military experience, McCain has refused to release his military records. All he has released is a list of medals.

McCain claims that he was tortured while in custody. There were no other American witnesses to this torture and some former POWs doubt that it happened at all. Former North Vietnamese military personnel have also insisted that McCain was never tortured. In fact, McCain himself admitted in a 1973 interview with the magazine US News and World Report that he volunteered to give military information in return for medical treatment, even before being subjected to any torture.

Sounds just about right for that character.

2nd December 2011, 08:10 AM
I have had enough of McCain using his Vietnam creds to destroy this country. Fuck him.

what creds ?

he betrayed his fellow POW's to gain favor with the enemy

during the Vietnam war and using his political clout to close any further investigation into Vietnam War POW's left behind

there's a rope with his name on it

2nd December 2011, 08:11 AM
A question I have been pondering is, way do nations have "enemies"?

It seems that there is always some boogie out to get the US, and my question is why?

What makes one an "enemy" of another?

You usually have to do some harm or injury to somebody in order for them to become your "enemy".

Why does the US have to have an "enemy" behind every corner?

If it is "Freedom and Prosperity" that is claimed to be why the US is hated so much, then why is the US Government itself attempting to curtail it?

2nd December 2011, 08:17 AM
A question I have been pondering is, way do nations have "enemies"?

Lots of answers here ... note it establishes the relationships between nations THE WAY THEY SHOULD BE. But Vattel presents an interesting perspective with the present day relationships.


My own explanation? The U.S. is still fully engaged in a civil war that has yet to be resolved. There are no bullets flying except in foreign wars. Reflect that the several States are foreign to the United States except for those domestic relations established by the U.S. constitution. Seventeen of the State constitutions state that their government is INDEPENDENT. That clause right there puts them at odds with the federal (trying to be national) government.

2nd December 2011, 08:20 AM
A question I have been pondering is, way do nations have "enemies"?

It seems that there is always some boogie out to get the US, and my question is why?

What makes one an "enemy" of another?

You usually have to do some harm or injury to somebody in order for them to become your "enemy".

Why does the US have to have an "enemy" behind every corner?

read george orwells book; 1984

2nd December 2011, 08:27 AM
He also, along with Sen. Kerry, did his best to shut down any help for releasing POW's still in Nam.
He was an a**hole to the families.
And if you see any of the video from those hearings McCain looks as furtive and guilty
(of what?) as hell.
Conscience maybe?
Can a politician have one?