View Full Version : TSA stops teen for gun (design on purse)

midnight rambler
2nd December 2011, 08:41 AM
And caused her to miss her flight. Stop the madness already, however I suspect it will get far worse before it gets better.


2nd December 2011, 08:52 AM
I don't know what's more sickening - the ridiculousness of the TSA or the media's refusal to side with the victim of all this - the girl who was detained to the point of missing her flight because of some over-zealous government thugs

midnight rambler
2nd December 2011, 09:01 AM
because of some over-zealous government thugs

It wasn't that the goons were overzealous, the biggest problem is that it appears they have common sense or are unable to use common sense and thus are acting as robots. Shit, you could program a machine to make better decisions than this, but exercising good judgment is not the intention here is it?

2nd December 2011, 11:03 AM
Listen how pissed off these goons get when his only answer to all questions is, "Am I legally required to answer that question?"

"This piece of shit is refusing to answer questions!"

"I'm not refusing, sir. I will happily answer all questions required by law. Am I required by law to answer that question?"

"He's refusing again!!"

"Sir, I don't understand the law. Do you?"



2nd December 2011, 11:36 AM
But her preference for the pistol style didn't sit well with TSA agents at the Norfolk airport.

Who the fuck CARES what "sits well" with those pedophile control freak rent-a-cop shitheads? Fuck 'em! :(

Tune in next week when I tell you how I REALLY feel about the TSA! ;)

Twisted Titan
2nd December 2011, 11:47 AM
Stay away.....starve the beast

2nd December 2011, 11:56 AM
So airports are gun free zones just like skewls.

A bunch of people should get together and start drawing pictures of guns while waiting and leave them sitting on the seats.
That is enough to get a kid kicked out of skewl.

2nd December 2011, 12:10 PM
For a picture design on a purse they detain her. New levels of insanity have been reached by these walking donuts.

This is beyond moronic, and approaches the threshold of brain dead.

2nd December 2011, 12:21 PM
After agents figured out the gun was a fakeYou mean there was actually some confusion over whether or not it was real? It's a design on a purse.

2nd December 2011, 12:49 PM
"It's a purse, not a weapon" she says!

Depends on the purse, I have seen some that are
weapons, they would knock the holy shit out of you
if swung by the right woman.

No need to shoot the dam thing! 1721

2nd December 2011, 01:04 PM
I could just picture the neanderthal TSA agents questioning the girl-

Where did you get that weaponized purse?
Have you ever killed anyone with it before?
How were you planning to use it?
How many rounds of ammo can that purse hold?
Do you have a license for it?
Would you pull down your pants?
Does the design come off and fire?
Why would you have a weaponized purse?
Are you wearing weaponized underwear?
If you have nothing to hide then why would you not show us everything?

2nd December 2011, 01:09 PM
You mean there was actually some confusion over whether or not it was real? It's a design on a purse.


2nd December 2011, 04:24 PM

Is that a belt buckle? I want one!

willie pete
2nd December 2011, 04:26 PM
.....dealing with the tsa thugs is living in the theater of the insane....I suppose if you had a "knife" or "gun" tattoo they'd detain you also? ....everytime I hear "tsa" I think of that hog that runs DHS

2nd December 2011, 04:27 PM
Knew a guy, that had a belt buckle like that, at first I did not believe it was real.
Until he took it out and let me shoot it.

2nd December 2011, 04:39 PM
Transportation Safety Administration - in some twist of logic, the purse design would have made the people on the flight unsafe. These clowns must be confused with zero tolerance elementary school policy...then again they do get off treating us like children

The next time I fly I'm going to bring a bag of plastic army men and really terrify these idiots