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2nd December 2011, 10:06 AM
I specially like this part........"If you have gold and silver who gives a rat’s butt how high it goes? I don’t, because I am not selling mine at any price. My puny collection of metal is for barter".....he thinks as I do.
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Grit Your Teeth It’s About To Get Nasty.

Posted on truther on November 29, 2011

I know that by now you guys are saying to yourselves, “What the hell is wrong with the Codger today?” My friends, it is about to get nasty in many ways. Please follow the link to Mac Slavo’s site. http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/senate-to-vote-on-legislation-that-allows-u-s-military-to-detain-americans-without-charge-or-trial_11252011 . Folks this could happen this coming week. People Like Mac, Chris, Sean and others have the God given talent for pointing out the nose on your face. Like the old saying goes most folks can’t see the forest for the trees. And thanks to these young people alot of folks can now see the forest.

Back in December 2010, Bob Chapman said on someone’s show that there would be 13 to 13.5% inflation in the US in 2011. Well, the annual national Thanksgiving Day meal went up nationwide this year by 13%. Damn good call Bob! The scary thing is about Bob’s prediction in December 2010 was that he also said he anticipated 25%, minimum, in 2012 but that it could go as high as 35%. I have not heard Bob change that as of this (Thanksgiving Day holiday) week.

CrunchyConMama sent me an email while I was in the state of Confusion, Louisiana, and in it was this link http://www.zerohedge.com/news/russia-retaliates-against-us-puts-radar-station-combat-alert-prepares-take-out-european-missile. CCM wanted to know if this was an Oh SH*t moment and I told her it was just a Pucker Factor moment. And here is another one from Tyler Durden: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/aircraft-carrier-cvn-77-parks-next-door-syria-just-us-urges-americans-leave-country-immediately . Now, in the world of diplomacy, when you see a country recall its ambassador, which we have already done, and then encourage its citizens to get out of the host country immediately, you have moved to the next level of Pucker Factor. This is the stage of the poker game called BLUFFING. What happens when you bluff is that you have to be prepared to back up that bluff. This is where any mistake in reading the cards will cause a calamity.

Bluffing is an old game and most countries know how to play it. The problem is that the cards in the deck, that’s the people on the ships, in the aircraft or on the ground, aren’t diplomats and don’t know the game and often misread a signal or go to far in the execution of an order. This is where a simple mistake may cause an unintended consequence of enormous magnitude. This is the scene in the old western movie where one guy stands up and challenges another guy, usually still seated with his gun already out under the table and sort of smiling, to draw his gun. Seeing his antagonist’s smile he gets angry and goes for his own and then the big shoot out takes place. That is where we are in Syria.

In Pakistan we are still playing cards but each new card gets a squinty-eyed look from the main characters and maybe even a mumbled insult thrown in for good measure. But don’t be fooled, we could go from playing cards to pulling guns in a heartbeat. Pakistan is sick and tired of the US and its threats. Oh, did I mention that in the game being played in Pakistan the dealer isn’t the US, it’s China and that Pakistan IS a nuclear nation. India is in there playing too but even though they are a small stakes gambler, they could lose everything before they know they were the “mark” in the game.

Now we move to Iran, maybe literally. Iran is a tough and resourceful nation just like Pakistan. Unlike Pakistan it is rich in oil, not nuclear weapons like the Pakistanis. The Iranians, Persians, are sick of their own government just like we are, but they too will fight for their COUNTRY just like we would ours if we were invaded.

Why do I say all this? At the heart of the problem in this country is a bunch of meglomaniacs running this country, either by title, i.e. President, Vice-President, Secretary of State, or by financial hold over the politicians, i.e. Blankfein, Dimon, Immelt, Daly and you know the rest. You must prepare you and yours for what is about to befall this nation. What? I don’t know exactly and noboby else does either.

Everyday, I see articles where people said Jim Rickards said such and such and Jim Sinclair said so and so. Gold will hit $8,000/oz. No, so and so said it would hit $10,000/oz and silver would hit $850.00/oz. And then someone else says “No, gold will hit $12,000 and silver will hit $3,000/oz. WHO CARES?

If you have gold and silver who gives a rat’s butt how high it goes? I don’t, because I am not selling mine at any price. My puny collection of metal is for barter when $100.00 dollar bills will be used to wipe your butt. Are you going to sell at $10,000/oz only to let your family starve because a loaf of bread is $20,000? What you need to consider is, do you have a refuge? Do you have adequate food? Water? Guns? Ammunition? Do you have a bug out plan? If you are dead, because you didn’t plan, will you care how high gold and silver go? If gold is one million dollars per ounce what good will it do you if you die from hunger, malnutrition or violence from roving bands of thieves, murders and rapists. I have seen what 18 year olds with M-16′s CAN and WILL do where they are the law. They will kill anyone who is a threat to them in their eyes, rape anyone who isn’t and steal whatever is left. Is that what you want to see happen to your family?

Many times I have been asked my scenario and I wrote about here: http://dont-tread-on.me/?p=9234 . We do not know how much longer we have to prepare, but if I were a betting man I would say that preparations will get to be too expensive or difficult to accomplish by the end of 2012 and if you don’t have them by then you won’t have them at all. I honestly think they, the power brokers, will either try to hold everything together until after the 2012 elections, or they will stage a massive false flag before then, to justify war and/or martial law.

SO, breakdown where you are in your preparations and divide them into categories. Take the must haves and work on them first. Then the essentials, then the nice-to-haves and so on. I will try to write another article about the methodology that I used. It may be a help but it may be a hindrance. No two people will come to the same goal in exactly the same manner. When Christmas time rolls around, ask yourself whether or not you NEED the latest XBOX, flatscreen TV or IPAD. Or, do you need storable food, guns and ammunition or more gold and silver? It is Pucker Time.

Be prayful, for our leaders, our nation, our military and our families. We are entering a trying time. It will wear on your patience, your faith, not only in God but also yourself, your family and friends and, mankind as a whole. But don’t let that happen. Channel your faith into action. (A good object lesson on this, whether you are a Christian or not, can be found in the New Testament in the Book of James. It is a short book so read the whole thing but after the first few verses you will get the drift. Don’t tell me your faith, show it to me by your DEEDS.)

Keep stacking and keep packing and remember, there may come a day when you cannot buy a gun or ammunition with silver or gold because a loaded weapon in the hand is worth a fortune. It will be difficult to beat an enemy to death with a bar of gold or silver. PREPARE.

http://www.pakalertpress.com/2011/11/29/grit-your-teeth-its-about-to-get-nasty/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+pakalert+%28Pak+Alert+Press%2 9

2nd December 2011, 10:27 AM
Pucker time bitchez!!!!>:D

2nd December 2011, 10:32 AM
Firehose pants went up from $45 to $60 in the 10 months or so I've had them. That's a 33% increase in price! We all know food has gone up considerably too. Inflation is here my friends, the pucker factor just hasn't hit the masses yet. But it will, and when it does the lemings will rush into gold and silver.

mick silver
2nd December 2011, 11:09 AM
the pucker factor just hasn't hit the masses that live off of the system that never payed into . but for the rest of us yes it starting to take hold ... hold on tight the ride picking up speed

2nd December 2011, 11:27 AM
Since I am fascinated by the various possible SHTF scenarios, I went and read his blog entry on this, at http://dont-tread-on.me/?p=9234 He's in the extremist camp (and I'm not saying he's wrong, but it's on the extreme end of the scenario spectrum), where he expects half the country to be dead within a few years of SHTF, due to disease, starvation, and violence. As such, he spells out some prep considerations.

My question for GSUS Nation to ponder: Do you ever wonder how many "super-prepared" there are out there? To me, a "super-prepared" person is in a position to assist and protect a large group of people, say 1-3 dozen. They become a "super-asset" to the whole group because they have prepared for more than just themselves, with a broad skill set, more than a year's worth of food and water for one person (meaning they could feed a dozen people for a month), supplies and tools to support a group camp, and enough weapons and ammo to keep a half dozen people in the camp armed at all times. And they've thought it through to the point where they could manage a "neighborhood" camp if necessary, rather than simply protect their own family of 4 or 5.

So, is there 1 super-prepared person for every 1,000 citizens? 10,000? 100,000? Are you one? I'm not. I tend to think in terms of protecting myself and my immediate family, though I'd be a good contributor to a larger group. I'd say maybe 1-2% of the population is "prepared" (meaning they've thought ahead and taken some action), but only 1 in 50,000 is super-prepared. Also, I'll add, that there is probably another 10% of the population that might not be prepared as we tend to define it, but are level-headed and wise and aware enough that they could serve as a good support resource for the prepared and the super-prepared, if necessary. Just food for thought here.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
2nd December 2011, 11:43 AM
Well then. I'm off to buy some more ammo..

2nd December 2011, 11:54 AM
I guess it's time to get "Plum Mad Dog Mean".



2nd December 2011, 02:50 PM
Well Sparky, I either have food for one for seven to eight years or food for seven for one year........and the extra goodies to supply them.......but for boots.............however........in this area there is ONLY one person that I can trust and he has to protect what is his.

2nd December 2011, 06:53 PM
Good comment on BlacklistedNews (decent article too): Tens Of Millions Of American Families Are Living On The Edge Of Desperation – And The Economy Is About To Get A Whole Lot Worse (http://www.blacklistednews.com/Tens_Of_Millions_Of_American_Families_Are_Living_O n_The_Edge_Of_Desperation_%E2%80%93_And_The_Econom y_Is_About_To_Get_A_Whole_Lot_Worse_/16803/0/0/0/Y/M.html) November 30, 2011

2nd December 2011, 08:16 PM
"There is greed and then there is need"... Ponce.............happy to say that I am happy with my need because I have it.

2nd December 2011, 08:44 PM
My question for GSUS Nation to ponder: Do you ever wonder how many "super-prepared" there are out there? To me, a "super-prepared" person is in a position to assist and protect a large group of people, say 1-3 dozen. They become a "super-asset" to the whole group because they have prepared for more than just themselves, with a broad skill set, more than a year's worth of food and water for one person (meaning they could feed a dozen people for a month), supplies and tools to support a group camp, and enough weapons and ammo to keep a half dozen people in the camp armed at all times. And they've thought it through to the point where they could manage a "neighborhood" camp if necessary, rather than simply protect their own family of 4 or 5.

Well, Sparky, I loved reading this because it made me feel like I might be one of your "super-prepared"! But if I am . . . it's just barely. I would not want to divide my food supply by twelve people. It would go too quickly for my comfort. I also don't know what "enough ammo" is. I could have enough, or not, depending on the zombie situation. I am not sure about the broad skill set, although I've got a healthy garden, can cook, and I know how to shoot. Is that broad enough? ;) All of my other skills aren't worth a crap in a SHTF situation.

As to a guess for what percentage of the US population is "super-prepared", I thought for sure yours was optimistic. But I thought more about it, and I changed my mind. I believe that there are many more people that would fall into your description, but they're mostly in concentrated areas, and by that, I mean out in the country. City and suburb dwellers are doomed as far as preparedness goes. The "super-prepared" are surrounded by other "super-prepared" people, which sort of nullifies their value in this equation. Most of them would not need to support a dozen other people, because the dozen that surround them don't need (much of) their help.

2nd December 2011, 08:57 PM
I believe that there are many more people that would fall into your description, but they're mostly in concentrated areas, and by that, I mean out in the country. City and suburb dwellers are doomed as far as preparedness goes. The "super-prepared" are surrounded by other "super-prepared" people, which sort of nullifies their value in this equation. Most of them would not need to support a dozen other people, because the dozen that surround them don't need (much of) their help.

Ding! Ding! Ding! You got it exactly right!

As I usually say: It's a mindset.

2nd December 2011, 09:53 PM
Good point, K, that the super-prepared are probably more concentrated, or at least surrounded by more "prepared" people, and living more in open country. And city dwellers are probably in the most jeopardy, as you say. I disagree on suburbanites, however, at least in my neck of the woods. This group is more likely to have sufficient means to prep if they choose to, a fair amount of farmable land per person, a good pool of basic tools and supplies (since they all have their own properties to maintain), less prone to crime (compared to the city), community access to natural resources (woods and water supplies), and they tend to be fairly civic-minded and reasonably educated, in terms of being able to figure stuff out in a fix. I'll bet suburbia has a fair number of "closet" preppers, though not as concentrated as out in the country. Perhaps my perspective is biased by suburbs comprised of hearty New Englanders, who tend to have a lot of the old Yankee survival spirit; maybe it's not quite the same in other regions. I'd be comfortable making a SHTF stand with my neighbors.

2nd December 2011, 10:03 PM

::) quite common in Utah and here in Idaho

2nd December 2011, 10:14 PM
Super prepared and in trouble because I am alone.......hummmmmm better put out some more goodies to tomorrow.....

2nd December 2011, 11:20 PM
And Gird your loins!
