View Full Version : US army quartering Troops in Our Homes?..........

2nd December 2011, 03:04 PM
I would rather burn don my home and then let them send me to theirs........FemaCamps.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Final Amendment They WIll Violate with S-1867 By Quartering Troops in Our Homes?.

"No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law."

We do not hear much about the third amendment in the Bill of Rights. We are so concerned about our 1st,2nd,4th ,5th, 6th,7th, 8th, 9th and 10th amendment being trampled on. We talk about the illegal check points on the highways, without a search warrant wiretapping our phones and the TSA groping us. We are all up in arms about these abuses of power by the Federal government. We are fed up with the tyranny We all want the Patriot act repealed and the Department of Homeland Security dismantled. The Third amendment being violated without hesitation will kill what is left of our privacy we enjoy in the comfort in our own homes once and for all.

On Thursday night on Dec 1, 2011, the US Senate voted to end the right to due process by a vote 93-7 passing S-1867. Now the US Military can now arrest American citizens who may be dissidents. The Bill of Rights is now shredded. Now they might do the final blow to all the bill of right violating the final amendment in the Bill of Rights. How you may say since they violate our rights daily. They might violate us again by forcing us to quarter troops in our homes against our will. There is a strong possibility this can happen as another way to control the people in places were the citizens are disarmed. Think about it, our own living space, the last bastion of privacy is taken away by quartering a soldier in our homes against our consent.

When we were fighting for our independence against the King and during the war of northern aggression some will call the Civil War. British Redcoats and Union Soldiers quartered themselves in people's homes against the owners wishes. They plundered many plantations in the south. Took gold and other valuables from people homes when quartered there. When the Redcoats were quartered in the colonist homes. The people had to feed them and shine their boots under duress. You see it is easier for the government to quarter troops in our homes against our will then set up hidden microphones or surveillance cameras. There is the new secret police that might be lording over us in our own living room.

Can you imagine some soldier who is from some certain guild not of good character alien to what the average solider is about. This soldier is hogging up the TV and masturbating to internet porn on your computer. You have to feed them ,they will impose on your wife while she is changing clothes or taking a shower to make sure she is not doing anything wrong against the state as an excuse. The man of the house have no to say in what they do. They might trump up a charges on the husband to be arrested as an enemy of the state so the soldier can have his way with the lady if she is sexy looking. The sky is the limit with this corrupt tyranny when the final vestige of private property rights are lost when we can be forced to quarter troops against our will.

There was a reason why the founders put the third amendment in the Bill of Rights and why it is between the second and fourth amendments. It is because the owner had a right to tell the military no to being quartered in their homes.The military is supposed to respect the wishes of the owner under the third amendment. The early colonist knew the abuses that happened when the Redcoats were quartered in people's homes against the will of the landowners. They had to feed them and do their chores for the soldiers.For me, the second Amendment means if the Military tries to force their way into my home violating my third amendment right to say no to live there as an uninvited guest. They will get lead in their bellies for dinner by Chefs Smith and Wesson before I allow them to eat my steak or take food out of the mouths of my children.

Do not be surprised if some people will be forced to quarter the soldiers while they arrest Americans in cities like Chicago or New York city because the peasants have no right to keep and bear arms. The best way to make sure the people are under the control of the regime and do not step out of line is to have soldiers as uninvited guest in people's homes.I do not think this tactic will work well in Texas at all because as long we still have our right to keep and bear arms. We still have a right to say no to quartering the troops in our homes. Our home is still our castle. Do not underestimate the goverment violating the third amendment now. They violated the other nine. This amendment is no different then the other nine. They will strip away from us this right too like the other nine with brazen disregard. Now I know why the founders were so much against a standing army in peacetime because the potential abuses like this on the horizon. Do you agree?


General of Darkness
2nd December 2011, 03:09 PM
Same shit the communist jews did in Russia.

2nd December 2011, 04:15 PM
First they stack the courts.
Then they control the law.
Then they twist the law to suit their qualifications of "legal"
Then they come after us.
And it won't be illegal anymore....
But perfectly legal.
And we will lose in court - legally.

And you wonder why 500 lawyers at the bottom of the sea is called a good start...

Twisted Titan
2nd December 2011, 04:26 PM
When injustice becomes law.......rebellion becomes duty.

2nd December 2011, 04:41 PM
I'm tired of this bull shit, I hope the world really does end in 2012.

2nd December 2011, 06:31 PM
I'm tired of this bull shit, I hope the world really does end in 2012.

My advice: if you're ready to pack it in then just enjoy the absurdity of it all. God has a shit-eating grin on his face watching us through the objective of his microscope make fools of ourselves.

3rd December 2011, 06:45 AM
First they stack the courts.
Then they control the law.
Then they twist the law to suit their qualifications of "legal"
Then they come after us.
And it won't be illegal anymore....
But perfectly legal.
And we will lose in court - legally.

And you wonder why 500 lawyers at the bottom of the sea is called a good start...

500 Jew lawyers at the bottom of the sea is a good start.

3rd December 2011, 08:19 AM
I'm tired of this bull shit, I hope the world really does end in 2012.

The world you have known is called the Age of Pisces. The Age of Aquarius is upon us now. It is ironic because Aquarius is water and water is associated with maritime law. Money of the fiat variety is also associated with maritime rule of law as well.

Better brush up on your swimming skills. You will need them unless you care to hang three black balls vertically on your mast to proclaim to the world that you are hard aground and not under command.

It is important to know that black balls and diamonds shown in different combinations give the same kind of information during the day. A vessel under 50 meters showing a black ball is at anchor. A vessel which is restricted in its ability to maneuver will show a black ball over a black diamond over a black ball. One conducting underwater operations or dredging will show a black ball over a black diamond over a black ball plus a black diamond over a black diamond on the safe side and a black ball over a black ball on the side which is obstructed. A vessel which is aground shows three black balls, and one which is not under command shows two.

3rd December 2011, 08:22 AM
b-b-but you don't own your home.

3rd December 2011, 08:51 AM
Aquarius is an air sign. A fixed air sign to be specific..

3rd December 2011, 09:56 AM
Aquarius is an air sign. A fixed air sign to be specific..

Sign of the coming age was to be a man standing in a doorway pouring water out of a jar.

3rd December 2011, 10:07 AM
Sign of the coming age was to be a man standing in a doorway pouring water out of a jar. Hay , I resemble that remark! (Aquarius sign that is)