View Full Version : Rand Paul Single Handedly Stops Amendment that Would Have Allowed the Government to

3rd December 2011, 02:33 AM
Rand Paul Single Handedly Stops Amendment that Would Have Allowed the Government to Detain American Citizens Indefinitely


Last Night, Senator Rand Paul prevented the passage of an amendment that would have further eroded Americans’ constitutional rights. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 2012 (S.1867), amendment No. 1274 would have allowed the U.S. government to detain an American citizen indefinitely, even after they had been tried and found not guilty, until Congress declares an end to the war on terror.

“Suspicion of committing a crime should lead to your attempted prosecution. If the evidence does not support conviction, it would be against everything we believe in and fight for in America to still allow the government to imprison you at their whim,” Sen. Paul said. “Tonight, a blow was struck to fight back against those who would take our liberty.”

The amendment would have passed by voice vote, but this tactic was blocked by Sen. Paul’s objection. He then forced a roll call vote, in which the amendment was defeated, 41-59.

Sen. Paul earlier this week introduced an amendment to formally end the war in Iraq. Despite the fact that troops will be removed from Iraq at the end of this year, the amendment failed 30-67.

Update: I see from the comments that there is some confusion over what Senator Paul was able to accomplish. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 2012 (S.1867) passed. Senator Paul was only able to stop amendment No. 1274 attached to the bill. Here the direct wording in Senator Paul's statement on the matter:
Sen. Rand Paul prevented the passage of an amendment that would have further eroded Americans’ constitutional rights. Offered to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 2012 (S.1867), amendment No. 1274 would have allowed the U.S. government to detain an American citizen indefinitely, even after they had been tried and found not guilty, until Congress declares an end to the war on terror.
No doubt, other provisions in the act treat the rights of American citizens with additional disrespect. Senator Rand has won a battle here, not the war.

3rd December 2011, 02:40 AM
So am I still a terrorist for MAYBE having more than 7 days of food?

3rd December 2011, 06:01 AM
This might be a staged event. Envision politicians getting together and planning to push tyrannical legislation, then having an "opponent" knock it down, thus giving said "opponent" credibility. From then on the masses will rally behing said "opponent". This is how controlled opposition is created.

3rd December 2011, 06:12 AM
This might be a staged event. Envision politicians getting together and planning to push tyrannical legislation, then having an "opponent" knock it down, thus giving said "opponent" credibility. From then on the masses will rally behing said "opponent". This is how controlled opposition is created.

Gee, what a way to spoil a party...

thanks hoarder...

3rd December 2011, 06:19 AM
This might be a staged event. Envision politicians getting together and planning to push tyrannical legislation, then having an "opponent" knock it down, thus giving said "opponent" credibility. From then on the masses will rally behing said "opponent". This is how controlled opposition is created.

I haven't really followed Rand Paul in detail, but what I have seen seems credible. The scenario you outline though may definetely be a possibility. Is there anything in Rand Pauls previous actions that makes you suspicious of him?

General of Darkness
3rd December 2011, 06:56 AM

3rd December 2011, 12:54 PM
I haven't really followed Rand Paul in detail, but what I have seen seems credible. The scenario you outline though may definetely be a possibility. Is there anything in Rand Pauls previous actions that makes you suspicious of him?The fact that anyone has influence in the public arena is enough to make him suspect. Controlled opposition has long been the modus operandi of TPTB. Also, one more tidbit....Jews sometimes change their last names to goy first names. Goys never suspect anything but members of the name-changing tribe recognize each other this way.

But then the Pauls may be who they claim to be, I dunno.

po boy
3rd December 2011, 03:36 PM
Yeah I'm sure Rand wants to let his kids to grow up where they could be detained forever.

3rd December 2011, 03:40 PM
The fact that anyone has influence in the public arena is enough to make him suspect. Controlled opposition has long been the modus operandi of TPTB. Also, one more tidbit....Jews sometimes change their last names to goy first names. Goys never suspect anything but members of the name-changing tribe recognize each other this way.

But then the Pauls may be who they claim to be, I dunno.
Good point, I have noticed that as well re Jews and taking a first name as a last name. It is a possibility that the Pauls are in fact deep undercover controlled opposition. I do think they are genuine though, but not 100% sure... I wonder if Ron would pick Rand as vice president if he wins the primaries?

3rd December 2011, 03:42 PM
Good point, I have noticed that as well re Jews and taking a first name as a last name. It is a possibility that the Pauls are in fact deep undercover controlled opposition. I do think they are genuine though, but not 100% sure... I wonder if Ron would pick Rand as vice president if he wins the primaries?

Rand is short for Randal, like Ron is short for Ronald.

.................................................. .................................................. ....................

3rd December 2011, 04:02 PM
Rand is short for Randal, like Ron is short for Ronald.

.................................................. .................................................. ....................Randy is short for Randall, Rand is very Jewish.

po boy
3rd December 2011, 04:10 PM

General of Darkness
3rd December 2011, 06:16 PM
Randy is short for Randall, Rand is very Jewish.

Randal Howard "Rand" Paul (born January 7, 1963) Nice try, WRONG.

3rd December 2011, 06:56 PM
Ron and rand Paul may be who they present themselves as, but I doubt it. I ran out of hopium to smoke long ago.

po boy
3rd December 2011, 07:01 PM
Ron and rand Paul may be who they present themselves as, but I doubt it. I ran out of hopium to smoke long ago.
Well if your looking for a savior your lost to start with but trying to paint the Pauls with your Jew hate paint brush is just sad.

3rd December 2011, 07:06 PM
Randal Howard "Rand" Paul (born January 7, 1963) Nice try, WRONG.

but, but but but, if you add up the numbers, january is 1, and 1 and 7 are 8. 8+1 is 9. Then theres the 9 in 1963, so now its 99 and of course we all know 6 + 3 = 9 so now we have 999 which of course is 666 upside down so Rand Paul IS satan!


3rd December 2011, 10:46 PM
The whole political arena today is a sideshow. Whilst the masses rally behind the last vestiges of salvation, the looting continues. Whether the Pauls are real or not is irrelevant. If they ever came to office I would think they would be used willingly/unwillingly to further the agenda of these zionist. Delay tactics, like these central bank bailouts (Europe being the latest), bleed just a little bit longer........loot just a little bit longer.