View Full Version : Californicate govt. officials mull amnesty for illegals

midnight rambler
3rd December 2011, 08:36 AM
And they will likely make the official name change to Mexifornia or Norte Mexico. If so, stand clear, the floodgates are going to open.


3rd December 2011, 08:40 AM
fucking california. that state will be the death of us all.

3rd December 2011, 08:53 AM
This changes nothing. They just want it written down so they can feel more justified.

3rd December 2011, 08:58 AM
fucking california. that state will be the death of us all.

The real danger are the Californians that leave the state and bring their multi-cult commie BS with them.

3rd December 2011, 09:01 AM
The real danger are the Californians that leave the state and bring their multi-cult commie BS with them.

seriously true. myy brother in law lives in colorado. he says they are fleeing california because it's gotten so shitty, they come to colorado, and then they try to get the same laws passed that they were just fleeing.

3rd December 2011, 09:04 AM
seriously true. myy brother in law lives in colorado. he says they are fleeing california because it's gotten so shitty, they come to colorado, and then they try to get the same laws passed that they were just fleeing.

Yup. They're in Texas too..They should lose their right to vote.

3rd December 2011, 09:12 AM
The real danger are the Californians that leave the state and bring their multi-cult commie BS with them.
Hey! I'm one of the good guys!

3rd December 2011, 09:52 AM
Vattel Book 1 discusses the remedy

if the question be, to quit a form of government to which alone it appeared that the people were willing to submit on their entering into the bonds of society, — if the greater part of a free people, after the example of the Jews in the time of Samuel, are weary of liberty, and resolved to submit to the authority of a monarch, — those citizens who are more jealous of that privilege, so invaluable to those who have tasted it, though obliged to suffer the majority to do as they please, are under no obligation at all to submit to the new government: they may quit a society which seems to have dissolved itself in order to unite again under another form: they have a right to retire elsewhere, to sell their lands, and take with them all their effects.

However, Vattel did not have the concept of planes down pat. So removing yourself from the new State doesn't necessarily mean physically. These people called "illegal immigrants" are objectionable to native Californians because they do not occupy the same plane .... they are not part and parcel of the body politic.

Once the body politic figures out how to integrate these "illegal immigrants" if this is not acceptable to the average run of the mill body politic person maybe he should migrate to the same plane occupied by the previous "illegal immigrant". It is bound to have fewer occupants.

Twisted Titan
3rd December 2011, 10:15 AM
fucking california. that state will be the death of us all.

It will be new york.....