View Full Version : Bill introduced to block UN gun control treaties

4th December 2011, 06:40 PM
Bill introduced to block UN gun control treaties (http://watchmannoyes.com/second-amendment/bill-introduced-to-block-un-gun-control-treaties/)

Posted on December 5, 2011 (http://watchmannoyes.com/second-amendment/bill-introduced-to-block-un-gun-control-treaties/) by Watchman Noyes (http://watchmannoyes.com/author/kanmaster/)
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by Joel McDurmon on Dec 3, 2011
Gun Owners of America reports (http://gunowners.org/a12022011.htm),
http://watchmannoyes.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/UNgun-200x200.jpg (http://watchmannoyes.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/UNgun-200x200.jpg)Representative Joe Walsh (R-IL) has drafted a bill that would block U.S. funding to the United Nations if it seeks to implement gun control measures affecting U.S. citizens.
Despite victories by gun owners in elections and legislative battles throughout the country in recent years, on the international front gun control is moving quickly.
Most significantly, in 2012 the UN plans to release a final draft of the Arms Trade Treaty—a treaty that will have severe consequences for American gun owners.
Meetings are held behind close doors, but from information gathered by GOA we believe that the ATT will, at the very least, require gun owner registration and microstamping of ammunition.
The ATT will define manufacturing so broadly that any gun owner who adds an accessory such as a scope or changes a stock on a firearm would be required to obtain a manufacturing license.
It would also likely include a ban on many semi-automatic firearms (like the Clinton gun ban) and demand the mandatory destruction of surplus ammo and confiscated firearms.
President Obama, not surprisingly, welcomes the treaty. He knows that he is unlikely to get such radical proposals through the Congress, so the UN provides him a backdoor way to enact gun control.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is also on board and began pushing for the treaty as soon as she was confirmed in her position. “The United States is prepared to work hard for a strong international standard in this area,” she said.
Since treaties must be ratified by the Senate, GOA is working continually to buck up weak-kneed Senators who might be pressured to ratify the treaty.
But the House, which controls the nations’ purse strings, can also play a role in killing the ATT (or any other anti-gun treaty, for that matter).
Rep. Joe Walsh’s legislation will cut U.S. funding to the UN if the international body imposes any restrictions on Americans’ gun rights.
It is very important for Americans to support every effort to block such back-door attacks on our Constitutional rights. Since leftists and internationalists like Obama, Clinton, and the UN cannot succeed through standard legislation, they attempt these secret, subversive schemes.
You can help fight back by contacting your Congressman via GOA (http://capwiz.com/gunowners/issues/alert/?alertid=57792501).

5th December 2011, 12:00 AM
Time for some target practice...


5th December 2011, 12:31 AM
Time to buy more ammo.......the power of the gun is the power of the people and without their guns they will be only slavesl.

5th December 2011, 12:38 AM
Time to secure your stash now so at least you can die with dignity.

5th December 2011, 04:05 AM
Not only do we have to get the UN out of the US, we have to somehow de-liberalize NYC, the host city of all of the parasitic organizations (UN, Wall Street...). Solving the central banking question would accomplish this.

5th December 2011, 05:20 AM
Time to buy more ammo.......the power of the gun is the power of the people and without their guns they will be only slavesl.

The gun is civilization (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?55097-The-gun-is-Civilization)