View Full Version : Shit bag O'Rielly says, "It's a 3 way race but Paul won't get the nomination"

General of Darkness
5th December 2011, 05:11 PM
I've got my fingers crossed that the Amerikwans don't allow the media to make their opinions for them.

One thing that's nice is that is that Brit Hume is blasting Newt and basically saying that he's got a TON of baggage that people have forgotten but will come to light.

po boy
5th December 2011, 05:13 PM
The people that believe Mr. "we'll do it live" will vote for who ever get's the nomination.

5th December 2011, 05:27 PM
I've got my fingers crossed that the Amerikwans don't allow the media to make their opinions for them.

One thing that's nice is that is that Brit Hume is blasting Newt and basically saying that he's got a TON of baggage that people have forgotten but will come to light.

Are you shitting me? You have your fingers crossed? Where else do the sheep get the news that is the precursor to their completely false, semi-coherent thoughts?

Biggest opinion for many folks is if they are going to watch Iron Chef or Pawn Stars tonight.

5th December 2011, 05:52 PM
The people that believe Mr. "we'll do it live" will vote for who ever get's the nomination.

I like calling him "mr falafel". Google "bill o'reilly" and "falafel" if you don't get it.

5th December 2011, 05:54 PM
Freedom, liberty, awake-ism, etc has made a lot of ground in the past 4 years, it's harder to suppress and people are more open to things when they perceive their paradigm is dissolving in front of them. All we have is hope...because if Ron Paul doesn't win the hurt is gonna be a whole lot worse. Ya gotta have hope.

Yeah, there are those that are totally connected/disconnected and we can't do anything for them cause they're zombies, write'm off. But the others that are starting to lift the veil. well, they are our friends.

big country
5th December 2011, 06:06 PM
I was talking to a guy at work about Ron Paul. I said I really liked him and they guy said he "liked everything about him and all of his politics" and that he was the only candidate that would actually change something but that he was "unelectable". I said, what does that mean? He said it meant that people wouldn't vote for him, even if they liked his politics, because he would shake it up too much. He then said he was going to vote for Gingrich. I asked him what he liked about Newt and he said "nothing really...He's a political insider...been in washington too long.. But he can beat Obama probably because he won't rock the boat" . I asked him why he would vote for someone he didn't really like, when there was a candidate that he did like and he said he didn't want to "waste his vote". I told him that Ron Paul would be "electable" if people that liked him voted for him instead being worried about their vote and then I walked away and let him think about it.

We'll revisit the conversation in a few weeks after he mulls that one over in his mush...

po boy
5th December 2011, 06:23 PM
BC, you may tell him that without Paul supporters Barry will win again just as last time as Paul advocates will not compromise by picking evil.

5th December 2011, 06:38 PM
One BIG thing Ron Paul has in his favor.........

If the choice is between Mittens, Newt and Paul - - Clearly Paul is the most likeable!

Likeability is a huge factor in how people vote.

5th December 2011, 10:40 PM
I was talking to a guy at work about Ron Paul. I said I really liked him and they guy said he "liked everything about him and all of his politics" and that he was the only candidate that would actually change something but that he was "unelectable". I said, what does that mean? He said it meant that people wouldn't vote for him, even if they liked his politics, because he would shake it up too much. He then said he was going to vote for Gingrich. I asked him what he liked about Newt and he said "nothing really...He's a political insider...been in washington too long.. But he can beat Obama probably because he won't rock the boat" . I asked him why he would vote for someone he didn't really like, when there was a candidate that he did like and he said he didn't want to "waste his vote". I told him that Ron Paul would be "electable" if people that liked him voted for him instead being worried about their vote and then I walked away and let him think about it.

We'll revisit the conversation in a few weeks after he mulls that one over in his mush...
But at some point you have to ask yourself, who would you rather have, Obama or Gingrich? think about that one

5th December 2011, 10:49 PM
One BIG thing Ron Paul has in his favor.........

If the choice is between Mittens, Newt and Paul - - Clearly Paul is the most likeable!

Likeability is a huge factor in how people vote.

But, but, but, Mitt has better hair than either of the other two.

6th December 2011, 06:04 AM
I was talking to a guy at work about Ron Paul. I said I really liked him and they guy said he "liked everything about him and all of his politics" and that he was the only candidate that would actually change something but that he was "unelectable". I said, what does that mean? He said it meant that people wouldn't vote for him, even if they liked his politics, because he would shake it up too much. He then said he was going to vote for Gingrich. I asked him what he liked about Newt and he said "nothing really...He's a political insider...been in washington too long.. But he can beat Obama probably because he won't rock the boat" . I asked him why he would vote for someone he didn't really like, when there was a candidate that he did like and he said he didn't want to "waste his vote". I told him that Ron Paul would be "electable" if people that liked him voted for him instead being worried about their vote and then I walked away and let him think about it.

We'll revisit the conversation in a few weeks after he mulls that one over in his mush...

Sounds like a conversation I had with my boss. Pretty frustrating. I would rather see Obama continue to destroy Amerika on a fast pace than see a Gingrich slip the NWO agenda in the back door. I prefer open combatants than spies. Spies are to be executed because they don't wear the enemy uniform. Enemy combatants are identifiable targets on the battlefield.

6th December 2011, 06:11 AM
O'Reilly secretly wishes Paul will take a third party stance & hand Obama the win.

Is better for his complaint ratings that the opposite party remain in the White House.

Half Sense
6th December 2011, 11:20 AM
When you vote for the lesser of 2 evils, YOU ARE VOTING FOR EVIL, and that's exactly what you get.

6th December 2011, 11:52 AM
But at some point you have to ask yourself, who would you rather have, Obama or Gingrich? think about that one

I think if Ron Paul doesn't become president, WWIII will be a fact within the next 4 years. I don't think his policies will save the US from an economic collapse, it is too late for that IMO, but he is the only candidate that has policies congruent with avoiding the greatest war ever. Obama, The Newt and Mittens are all going to pull the trigger at some point, the only difference is when...

Joe King
6th December 2011, 11:54 AM
O'Reilly secretly wishes Paul will take a third party stance & hand Obama the win.

Is better for his complaint ratings that the opposite party remain in the White House.The same would likely apply if RP got elected. The doofus would likely be one of the biggest detractors of RP as POTUS.

10th December 2011, 07:51 AM
More on the shitbag.





10th December 2011, 09:09 AM
What a fvcktard, spends 10 minutes blabbering lies about a 5 second ordeal.

midnight rambler
10th December 2011, 10:06 AM
"There oughtabe a law against that."

Yeah, that's the problem Bill - there aren't enough laws in this country protecting the traitors and (domestic) enemies.

po boy
10th December 2011, 10:13 AM
I like calling him "mr falafel". Google "bill o'reilly" and "falafel" if you don't get it.

What an ass, now I'll have to call him Mr. Loofa from now on or maybe Bill O'Loofa.

10th December 2011, 10:25 AM
AMazing....there oughtta be alaw.... for WHAT? Asking a question?

Oryeley is part of the nazi oppression.

The cop did not want any part.... LOL. There was NO assault. And the "detective" calls this assault. Wow. Get arrested for asking a question of a TV bigmouth. Oryely is a liar.

10th December 2011, 10:54 AM
So Bill...I guess then there should also be a law against the likes of you and your ilk?