View Full Version : Long Live Russia ! Putin Wins !

5th December 2011, 10:51 PM

From my friend Cosssack.


Putin’s United Russia Wins Elections 52% second comes Communist Party 20% , Zhirinovsky’s Liberal Democratic Party of Russia came third with 14%... WOW! ...zio-west will whine like hell ....

linked article



Of course CIA MI6 does not sleep …..

Those 300 people throwing smoke grenades in Moscow are part of Color Revolution Movement paid for by USA and UK… there are approximately 7 000 CIA MI6 operatives across Russia, we know them ..their bosses who are in Washington DC and London recent organized the Arab Spring , although they failed in Iran China and Russia… they will try to do it Russia again, they will fail.

Do you remember USA staged Orange revolution in Ukraine … etc ..etc .. some useful links r below:
COLOR REVOLUTIONS AND GEOPOLITICS. Template Revolutions: Marketing U.S. Regime Change in Eastern Europe (2008).. a must share it with Kremlin, Putin , Medvedev, Russian, Chinese, Syrian, Iranian and South American People
http://colorrevoluti...rketing-us.html (http://colorrevolutionsandgeopolitics.blogspot.com/2011/07/template-revolutions-marketing-us.html)
American Corners Colour Revolutions and the US overthrow of Sovereign States like Ukraine Yugoslavia Belarus Venezuela Libya…BBC CNN the rest MSM are in it!
https://indymedia.or.../05/370608.html (https://indymedia.org.uk/en/2007/05/370608.html)
http://www.venezuela....php?artno=2035 (http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/articles.php?artno=2035)
'American Corners' , Colour Revolutions and the american overthrow of Sovereign States
Article show show US overthrows sovereign states by the cynical misuse of gandhian non-violence tactics, the support of internal opposition movements etc. These tactics have been used against Yugoslavia, Ukraine, and are now being used against Venezuela and Zimbabwe
Belarus Strikes Head of US Color Revolution Snake.US-funded propagandist & agent of sedition Ales Bialiatski gets 4 years in prison in Belarus…
by Tony Cartalucci
Friday, November 25, 2011
http://landdestroyer...f-us-color.html (http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/11/belarus-strikes-head-of-us-color.html)

Colour-Coded Revolutions and the Origins of World War III
Part 2
http://www.globalres...xt=va&aid=15767 (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=15767)

Democracy Manipulator Color Revolutions ( like the one in Ukraine) and Notorious CIA fronts!
http://bbs.chinadail...goto=nextoldset (http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/redirect.php?gid=2&fid=5&tid=549479&goto=nextoldset)

The what so called color revolutions are the "soft coup" that skillfully manipulate elections and democratic procedures to attain regime change in former USSR states in central Asia. This kind of "revolution" significantly use bright and eyes-catching emblems for the action. Georgia had its "rose revolution", Ukraine had its "Orange revolution" and Kyrgiztan had "Yellow/ Lemon /Tulip revolution".

The main connection and similarity are... all color revolutions candidate held pro-west policy compared to their opponents in elections, that propose close relationship with Russia. They also enjoy US support, some of which are notorious CIA front. Some of them and the background:

1. US Aid : A US funded "civil organization" that teach various political parties in the world on propaganda, news report, topic making, mass rally and people's revolt.

2. IRI (International Republican Institute): lead by John McCain, a republican presidential candidate. One of the most significant operation it ever completed was to throw Haitian president Aristide by force and actively promote and support pro-US Iraqi assembly candidate.

3. NDI (National Democratic Insitute for International affairs): led by former secretary of state Medeleine Albright. The most significant operation is cooperate with NED to support Chavez opponents in Venezuelan election. The financiers of the operation: Chevron, Exxon, Texaco and Enron (it's all about oil).

4. NED (National Endowment for Democracy): led by Vin Weber, former Senate member and currently member of hawkish neo-cons. He is a founder of "Empower America" with simple political views, that America has to own absolute supremacy in military hardware to "solve" dispute. It leads other organizations as International Republican Institute、National Democratic Institute for International Affairs、Center for Private Enterprise and American Center for Labor Solidarity. All have connection to various worldwide NGO's. Their operations stretched from Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, China etc etc. In 1980, they even interfere with France election, financing ultra-right National Inter-university Union, using them to attack leftist. One of the NED leader Allen Weinstein stated "A lot of what we [NED] do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA". Current president Bush suggest to double government budget for NED in its 2004 speech.

5. Freedom House: led by former CIA director James Woolsey, a neo-cons... so don't need too much introduction.

6. At last... Open society: led by George Soros. He set up several organizations to finance liberal academics, reporter, college students and organize rally, seminar etc etc. He spent around 2.5 to 3 millions in these 3 countries. His background of a persecuted Jew made him have much care for this eastern Europe region.

(American) Center for Media and Democracy accuse them of being "DEMOCRACY MANIPULATOR" organization seeking to influence political outcomes or process of another country by overt and covert means.

American congressmen Ron Paul accused these organizations, their action won't be allowed in US soil, but they actively operate outside there.

The what so called "democracy preachers" are just propaganda machine financed by former intelligence officers or bloodthirsty supremacist in Washington. Only Open Society that is rather free from Washington interference, but it serve the same agenda, to spread pro-US message using nasty, crafty means.

So much for US style democracy

5th December 2011, 11:01 PM
EXCELLENT ARTICLES, Must Reading, we cover these issues here regularly,
George Soros, NED, all the " revolutions " , it is all here, a whole network and
same M.O.

BOMBSHELL: US Caught Meddling in Russian Elections!

Sunday, December 4, 2011 http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/12/bombshell-us-caught-meddling-in-russian.html

Putin compares US funded NGOs to Judas the betrayer.

by Tony Cartalucci

December 4, 2011 - What would Americans say if they found their polling stations and certain political parties entirely infiltrated by Chinese money, Chinese observers, and Chinese-backed candidates promoting China's interests in an AMERICAN election? The answer ranges from incarceration, to trials featuring charges ranging from fraud, to sedition and even treason with sentences ranging from decades to life in prison, perhaps even death, as well as possible military action for what could easily be considered an act of war (http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/07/ron-paul-on-orwellian-democratization.html).

Indeed, the attempted subversion of a foreign nation and/or meddling in its elections are acts of war, an act of war the United States government through its various "Non-Governmental Organizations" (NGOs) have been committing on and off for decades around the globe. In fact, the very "Arab Spring" is a geopolitical conflagration tipped off by this vast network of Western backed NGOs (http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/11/how-to-start-wall-street-backed.html).

more ...

US Meddling in Russia: In Their Own Words

Sunday, December 4, 2011


by Tony Cartalucci

December 5, 2011 - Before reading the following "interests" the United States government with US tax money, is pursing within the sovereign Russian Federation, it may be instructive to know just who constitutes the National Endowment for Democracy, the umbrella organization that funds a literal army of global sedition. (NED's funding for Russian NGOs is listed last).

For a full description of NEDs Board of Directors, their affiliations and guiding ideologies of which they've articulated in signed documents available freely on the Internet from their official think-tank websites, please read: NED & Freedom House are run by Warmongering Imperialists (http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/11/ned-freedom-house-are-run-by.html).

more ...

6th December 2011, 07:05 AM
Putin is a part of the NWO and can DIAF as far as I'm concerned. I'm a little surprised to see you posting Pro-Putin propaganda Magnes.

Here are facts about Herr Putin (Shalom!). I'm sure this info will be scrubbed from the net some day. I've posted the source links to this several times.

Putin grew up with a rabbi (Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic), who is now "Chief Rabbi of Russia Rabbi Berel Lazar" - a close, personal friend of Mr. Nathaniel Rothschild.

Putin <3's Israel

When Mr. Sharon came to Russia he had many long meetings with Mr. Putin. Every time he came out of such meetings, he said, as Mr. Olmert and Mr. Netanyahu have, that we have a close friend of Israel in the Kremlin.

The Russian mafia is the Jewish mafia.

Russians need to wake the fuck up and realize they are in the same boat as the Americans.

6th December 2011, 07:23 AM
All that shit by you.jpg

Oh really? Then why does Russia support the anti-Zionist alliance headed by nations like Iran and China? Why is Russia supporting Iran with military and infrastructure technology?

Russia is the very center of resistance to the New World Order. Putin is the one who brought the Russian economy back on top virtually over night after the Jewish oligarchs ruined it in the early 90's. He brought it from a third-world to a first-world country in less than a decade. What else does he have to do?

They have rejected the IMF and the world bank.

They have recognized the government of Hamas.

They have firmly supported the gov't of Syria.

Russian has absolutely condemned American involvement in Iran and Iraq.

Russia has accused America as being at the center of the drug trade in the East.

Russia has supported all of those states and govt's who are opposed to an American-dominated NWO.

Putin also supports a Russian NATIONALISM, the one sociolpolitical/economic movement that scares the regime more than anything.

He's the one who has to DEAL with this Jewish oligarchy that's been created by the WEST.

So how is Putin no good? How is he a worse choice than any of the other options? He's in one of the worst positions anyone could be in. What would you do if you were in that position? JW

6th December 2011, 07:51 AM
Putin has been employed for the Jews fleeing an Israel flooded by Islam to the Caucasus Mountains.

He's a regular modern day Noah.

6th December 2011, 07:54 AM
Putin has been employed for the Jews fleeing an Israel flooded by Islam to the Caucasus Mountains.

He's a regular modern day Noah.

Why haven't you been banned yet?

General of Darkness
6th December 2011, 07:58 AM
why haven't you been banned yet?


6th December 2011, 08:08 AM
Russians need to wake the fuck up and realize they are in the same boat as the Americans.




Exactly. Right you are DMac.

6th December 2011, 08:10 AM
Why haven't you been banned yet?

And for who, Exactly are you a sockpuppet of anyways?

Noah died 350 years after the Flood, at the age of 950, the last of the immensely long-lived antediluvian (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antediluvian) Patriarchs. The maximum human lifespan, as depicted by the Bible, diminishes rapidly thereafter, from as much as 900 years to the 120 years of Moses

6th December 2011, 08:24 AM
Oh really? Then why does Russia support the anti-Zionist alliance headed by nations like Iran and China? Why is Russia supporting Iran with military and infrastructure technology?

Russia is the very center of resistance to the New World Order. Putin is the one who brought the Russian economy back on top virtually over night after the Jewish oligarchs ruined it in the early 90's. He brought it from a third-world to a first-world country in less than a decade. What else does he have to do?

They have rejected the IMF and the world bank.

They have recognized the government of Hamas.

They have firmly supported the gov't of Syria.

Russian has absolutely condemned American involvement in Iran and Iraq.

Russia has accused America as being at the center of the drug trade in the East.

Russia has supported all of those states and govt's who are opposed to an American-dominated NWO.

Putin also supports a Russian NATIONALISM, the one sociolpolitical/economic movement that scares the regime more than anything.

He's the one who has to DEAL with this Jewish oligarchy that's been created by the WEST.

So how is Putin no good? How is he a worse choice than any of the other options? He's in one of the worst positions anyone could be in. What would you do if you were in that position? JW

All the world's a stage!

Putin's early life has him connected to Chabad-Lubavich. The SoS itself, who is the leader of the Jewish rabbis in Russia. Why haven't they been kicked out?

Putin is friendly to Israel. Who did 911? Thanks for spilling the beans Vlad (Shalom!).

Putin was put in power by Yelstin. Yelstin was hard core Kosher Nostra owned. Putin, being FSB, ok maybe he stabbed them in the back. And lived to talk about it. (eye roll)

Putin supports a New World Order. He is the personification of the other side leading into the next great war.

Believing in Putin is like believing in Hitler. You're gonna be real pissed 30 years from now when it's discovered he was on the side of the elite the entire time, playing his role in bringing about the next great war and subsequent NWO.

He is the epitome of controlled opposition.

Also, I do not believe China and Iran are faces of the true opposition to Rothschild hegemony.

Why didn't Iran build Thorium reactors? They have had a MAD ability via biological warfare for almost 15 years.

China is playing ball and has been playing ball for decades.

6th December 2011, 08:25 AM
Well afaic, not one nation is operating as a sovereign nation, without the explicit direction of the luciferian cultists. I am of the belief that there is not one nation untouched.

Why did the wall fall? Why did the Iron Curtain fall? All these things so suddenly and without revolution. It's all a setup.
Putin is a "zio-tool" (Read: BLT Puppet) just like the rest. All this talk about "Anti-zionist alliance with China and Iran" is meaningless IMO.

All the heads of all these countries are all likely brothers in the same cult, and would probably suck each other off between molesting children in the name of satan, when they have their meetings.

I don't think for one second that there is one country that is operating outside of the approval of the luciferians. Everything is scripted. Everything. Just my $0.02.

6th December 2011, 08:28 AM

Statement by IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde at the Conclusion of her Visit to Russia
Press Release No. 11/403
November 8, 2011

Ms. Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), made the following statement today in Moscow:

“I would like to express my profound appreciation to the Russian authorities for welcoming me during my visit to Moscow over these last few days. Russia and the IMF enjoy an excellent partnership and I am very pleased that we had the opportunity to discuss how we can strengthen our relationship even further in the period ahead.

“I had the privilege of meeting President Dmitry Medvedev, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, Acting Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, and their colleagues.

“We discussed the serious challenges currently facing the global economy-- especially the euro area—and the implications for emerging Europe. In particular, we discussed how these global developments affect Russia's economic prospects and policy priorities.

“Since the onset of the global financial crisis, Russia has taken a number of actions to strengthen its economic defenses. Now it needs to take further steps to guard against potential vulnerabilities. A key priority is to strengthen the budget while oil prices are high. Other steps include a continued focus on low inflation, strengthening banking supervision, and improving the investment climate.

“Dealing with current and future risks effectively will enable Russia to move forward to the future it needs: of higher, more sustainable growth that creates enough jobs and benefits the whole population.

“We discussed the important role that Russia is playing in the global economy and, as a participant in major global economic fora. Russia is a leading member of the G20 and of the IMF, where it is one of our top ten shareholders.

“Finally, I was invited to speak at the State University of the Ministry of Finance in Moscow, where I met with a broad group of academics, think tank representatives, and students. I particularly appreciated the opportunity to meet with some of Russia's wonderful young people.

“My thanks again to the Russian authorities and people for their gracious hospitality.”

Yeah they kicked out the IMF - LOL!

The rise of oil to $150/bb was a backdoor bailout for Russia.

6th December 2011, 08:41 AM
Everything is scripted. Everything. Just my $0.02.

Scriptured, my $0.03

6th December 2011, 10:05 AM
Why haven't you been banned yet?

156 posts?.............hey Jr, go and sit in the corner and bang your head against the wall as punishment......upssssssss I forgot, the do that anyway.

6th December 2011, 10:30 AM
Oh really? Then why does Russia support the anti-Zionist alliance headed by nations like Iran and China? Why is Russia supporting Iran with military and infrastructure technology?

Russia is the very center of resistance to the New World Order. Putin is the one who brought the Russian economy back on top virtually over night after the Jewish oligarchs ruined it in the early 90's. He brought it from a third-world to a first-world country in less than a decade. What else does he have to do?

They have rejected the IMF and the world bank.

They have recognized the government of Hamas.

They have firmly supported the gov't of Syria.

Russian has absolutely condemned American involvement in Iran and Iraq.

Russia has accused America as being at the center of the drug trade in the East.

Russia has supported all of those states and govt's who are opposed to an American-dominated NWO.

Putin also supports a Russian NATIONALISM, the one sociolpolitical/economic movement that scares the regime more than anything.

He's the one who has to DEAL with this Jewish oligarchy that's been created by the WEST.

So how is Putin no good? How is he a worse choice than any of the other options? He's in one of the worst positions anyone could be in. What would you do if you were in that position? JW

You are not clever enough to see controlled opposition are you?

6th December 2011, 11:25 AM
What was Perestroika (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perestroika)?

"Perestroika (Russian: перестройка [pʲɪrʲɪˈstrojkə] ( listen))[1] (literally: Restructuring) was a political movement within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union during 1980s, widely associated with the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Its literal meaning is "restructuring", referring to the restructuring of the Soviet political and economic system.
Perestroika is often argued to be a cause of the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the revolutions of 1989 in Eastern Europe, and the end of the Cold War."

"Perestroika allowed more independent actions from the various ministries and introduced some market-like reforms. The intention of perestroika, however, was not to end the command economy but rather to make socialism work more efficiently to better meet the needs of Soviet consumers.[3] The process of implementing perestroika arguably exacerbated already existing political, social and economic tensions within the Soviet Union and no doubt helped to further nationalism in the constituent republics. Perestroika and resistance to it are often cited as major catalysts leading to the breakup of the Soviet Union."

The Perestroika Deception (http://philologos.org/guide/books/golitsyn.anatoliy.1.htm)

"...The democracies of the United States and Western Europe are facing a dangerous situation and are vulnerable because their governments, the Vatican, the elite, the media, the industrialists, the financiers, the trade unions and, most important, the general public are blind to the dangers of the strategy of 'perestroika' ... The democracies could perish unless they are informed about the aggressive design of 'perestroika' against them." (pg. XIX)

"...I could not imagine that American policymakers, and particularly the conservatives in both the Republican and Democratic parties, despite their long experience with Communist treachery, would not be able to grasp the new manoeuvres of the Communist strategists and would rush to commit the West to helping 'perestroika' which is so contrary to their interests.

"It has been sad to observe the jubilation of American and West European conservatives who have been cheering 'perestroika' without realising that it is intended to bring about their own political and physical demise. Liberal support for 'perestroika' is understandable, but conservative support came as a surprise to me."

Seeing as how Socialism has engulfed the world, and Socialism is a tool of the Communist, I would say that 'Perestroika' was just that - A DECEPTION.

Putin is a tool for the Globalist, and the USSR is still the biggest enemy we have. Who heads the UN Military council?

6th December 2011, 11:30 AM
Tell you what, Putin is not a pussy cat and wont take any crap from the US.....as far as I am concern he is more presidential than any that we have had sinse JFK........and the same goes for Chinas president.

6th December 2011, 12:00 PM
156 posts?.............hey Jr, go and sit in the corner and bang your head against the wall

Post counts don't mean shit.

6th December 2011, 01:05 PM
OK Awoke, OK.........I know who you are......don't loose it here.....you are at the wrong place.

6th December 2011, 02:08 PM
Tell you what, Putin is not a pussy cat and wont take any crap from the US.....as far as I am concern he is more presidential than any that we have had sinse JFK........and the same goes for Chinas president.


6th December 2011, 02:13 PM

Hey, where did that come from? :)

6th December 2011, 05:13 PM

Horn is one of the biggest trolls here if you haven't figured it out yet.

Putin did great things, he is a Russian Nationalist.

I strongly disagree with my good friend DMac on here.

Panoptimist has some great threads on here, look that them.

The kind of threads that drives Jews mad to hatred.

Panoptimist, the trolls are taking this opportunity to create problems for you.

Horn is one of the biggest trolls here and one of the dirtiest players.

My Avatar , Egyptian Minuteman Eye ! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?43731-My-Avatar-Egyptian-Minuteman-Eye-%21)

6th December 2011, 05:22 PM
Panoptist, the trolls are taking this opportunity to create problems for you.

Horn is one of the biggest trolls here and one of the dirtiest players.

You've lost your good sense, this guy comes from nowhere, and for no reason asks why I haven't been banned, then offers no explaination whatsoever.

And you defend him.

Your actions are like a Zionist's wetdream.

6th December 2011, 05:23 PM
Putin is a part of the NWO and can DIAF as far as I'm concerned. I'm a little surprised to see you posting Pro-Putin propaganda Magnes.

You are wrong on this friend, I been following what is happening in
Russia closely, always, the NeoCons/Oligarchs robbed Russia,
Putin went to war against them, even kicked out NGO's
working to cause problems, Kissenger went to Russia and made
demands in 2007, when he left the bombers went back up, more than
15 years later since the last time, a message was being sent, Putin
and the pipelines totally check mated ZOG , they are closer to Europe
now, economically and otherwise, Putin is playing long term chess and
strategies, most Oligarchs fled Russia for fear of arrest, those that stayed
got offers they cannot refuse, Putin does business with who he has to,
war has been waged against Russia by proxy, Chechens, Georgia, heroin,
the Russians put up with lots of garbage " the west " would never put up
with, Russia has pro Russian programs for families as well, everything
Putin does bugs the shit out of the Jews.

Nobody is perfect, but Putin is the closest thing.

Right now they are stopping attacks on Syria and Iran, and they will get
it propaganda wise from " the west " .

The Chechen wars and attacks were all Oligarch and NeoCon proxy wars.

These are key stories to understand and I have been following them since the
wars in Serbia.

And I was proved right recently, I never ever bought the supposed divisions,
Mevdev, Putin, it was all a game.

DMac is one of the best posters here on NeoCons and other issues too.

Just wanted to highlight a few things, they are not minor, but major.

DMac, you didn't prove anything against Putin other than he has to work with
people even when they attack Russia through proxy. What I posted goes counter
to the programs ZOG has, he has opposed them and made it happen, especially
on the pipelines to Europe.

Russia is the only country that opposes ZOG as much as it can.

Long Live Russia and the Russian people !

6th December 2011, 05:25 PM
You've lost your good sense, this guy comes from nowhere, and for no reason asks why I haven't been banned, then offers no explaination whatsoever.

And you defend him.

Your actions are like a Zionist's wetdream.

You demonized me on here as a Nazi twice, then pulled your knife on me
twice, told me it was for me, then pulled the bats out, you were not banned,
you are a Jew troll, you are actually trolling key western history regularly
with your buddies, you are pro occult troll, you are skyvike on here trolling my
gim round thread, you designed the masonic gim round,


You should of been banned but were not.

Jews like you hate Putin.

6th December 2011, 05:39 PM
You are not clever enough to see controlled opposition are you?

You want to talk about who is clever, read some of his recent threads
and get back to me.

If anyone here thinks they are not significant and important to understanding
Jews and what they did to Europeans, they are clueless or maybe just trolls like Horn.

We don't have to all agree on issues, above I take on my good friend DMac.

I don't call him an idiot.

156 posts?.............hey Jr, go and sit in the corner and bang
your head against the wall as punishment......upssssssss I forgot, the do that anyway.

Panoptimist put up a lot of original needed material, reminds me of old school gim.

Way to welcome a Russian Nationalist with great threads.

He is right about Horn too .

6th December 2011, 06:08 PM

Commies protesting Putin, LOL !

Time.com Jews promoting their kind in Russia.

Thousands Protest Against Putin in Moscow


" Also Monday, more than 400 Communist supporters gathered to express their indignation over the election, which some called the dirtiest in modern Russian history. The Communist Party finished second with about 20 percent of the vote. "Even compared to the 2007 elections, violations by the authorities and the government bodies that actually control the work of all election organizations at all levels, from local to central, were so obvious and so brazen," said Yevgeny Dorovin, a member of the party's central committee. "

6th December 2011, 06:19 PM

Commies protesting Putin, LOL !

Time.com Jews promoting their kind in Russia.

Thousands Protest Against Putin in Moscow


" Also Monday, more than 400 Communist supporters gathered to express their indignation over the election, which some called the dirtiest in modern Russian history. The Communist Party finished second with about 20 percent of the vote. "Even compared to the 2007 elections, violations by the authorities and the government bodies that actually control the work of all election organizations at all levels, from local to central, were so obvious and so brazen," said Yevgeny Dorovin, a member of the party's central committee. "

Didn't he work for the Communist KGB?

6th December 2011, 06:21 PM

Not one of you addressed my posts, especially post 2,
post 1, Cosssack is a very good Russian Nationalist with
great command of the issues and a student of the NeoCons
and Oligarchs, great JewDar, more on the ball than any of us.

Pravda has some very good posters on Russia Vs Jews,
especially on the pipelines that the Russians were very
successful at checkmating "western" policies, some of which
involved waging war on Russia, like the Chechens, Georgians,
the "colored revolutions", all the Jew stooges Soros and NGO's
put in place have been dealt with. Post 2 goes into detail
on this, all the NGO's that Russia neutered for the most part.

6th December 2011, 06:24 PM
Didn't he work for the Communist KGB?

Not getting a fair shake on Blood Diamonds trade.

Why is Russia selling diamonds to Guinea?

John Helmer atBusiness Insider has noticed some very odd sales of Russian diamonds to Guinea (http://www.businessinsider.com/russia-diamond-exports-2010-7), and asks why does a country that generally doesn’t have enough money to buy a whole heap of shiny rocks, suddenly want to buy $50 million of them


6th December 2011, 06:40 PM
OK Awoke, OK.........I know who you are......don't loose it here.....you are at the wrong place.

All I am saying Ponce is that just because he has a low post count, that doesn't indicate his level of awareness.

You have a million posts here and at GIM. If you joined a new forum and started talking about politics, and someone said "Whoa Junior, 10 posts? STFU", how would that make you feel?

Pan's lower-than-our's post count doesn't mean he does or does not know what he's talking about. I personally have liked and appreciated most of the stuff I read from him so far, but I was surprised to see that he buys into the "Russian VS Jew" paradigm.

6th December 2011, 06:40 PM
OK girls, time to bring your nails back in.........kissi, kissi and make ok.

And yes, Putin was the HEAD of the KGB.......how can anyone in his country go against him?......a la Hoover FBI style.

6th December 2011, 06:51 PM

Commies protesting Putin, LOL !

Time.com Jews promoting their kind in Russia.

Thousands Protest Against Putin in Moscow


" Also Monday, more than 400 Communist supporters gathered to express their indignation over the election, which some called the dirtiest in modern Russian history. The Communist Party finished second with about 20 percent of the vote. "Even compared to the 2007 elections, violations by the authorities and the government bodies that actually control the work of all election organizations at all levels, from local to central, were so obvious and so brazen," said Yevgeny Dorovin, a member of the party's central committee. "

Dmitry Rogozin is a Nationalist, I'm not too sure about Putin. I just read an article in the Moscow times criticizing Putin for working with Rogozin.

You would think that Putin would be more careful after having been bitten by Rogozin’s brand of nationalism. But United Russia is facing its worst crisis ever with ratings dropping below 40 percent in June, according to a Levada poll, and the Kremlin — out of desperation, it would seem — has little choice other than to co-opt Rogozin and exploit his nationalist rhetoric.

Rogozin, who is itching to get back into Russian politics despite his public comments to the contrary at Rodina’s convention on Wednesday, has also agreed to serve Putin and United Russia — at least for the time being. In exchange, Rogozin may be offered a deputy speaker position in the next Duma, particularly since 19.8 percent of Russians said they would like to see Rogozin back in parliament, according to an August Levada poll. If so, Putin, who usually avoids placing charismatic and ambitious politicians in prominent public roles, would need to keep Rogozin on a short leash to avoid being burned again — particularly if Rogozin has his eyes set on running in the 2018 presidential race.

In a sign of how much Putin has embraced Rogozin, the Kremlin invited him to deliver a speech earlier this month at the Yaroslavl Global Policy Forum, where he did not mince his words. Rogozin argued that the West had infected Russia with multiculturalism and “excessive tolerance” toward minorities. As a result, non-Russians have been given too much preferential treatment, while Russians have become part of the “social and ethnic discriminated majority.”

Curiously, at the same conference President Dmitry Medvedev warned against the danger of rising nationalism in the country.

Rogozin’s thesis that a tiny North Caucasus minority can discriminate against or humiliate ethnic Russians who make up 80 percent of the population is, of course, ridiculous. If Rogozin were really interested in defending Russians, he should focus on those people who humiliate and discriminate against Russians the most — the Russian bureaucrats who regularly extort money from them at will.

One of Rogozin’s supporters during the show — Valery Solovei, a professor from the Moscow State Institute for International Relations, the country’s main incubator for career diplomats and political analysts — expanded on Rogozin’s thesis: “Our young men are being murdered … Our young girls are being raped. Our cultural norms are neglected and scorned insolently and cynically. Our major cities have been crippled by ethnic criminality.”

Putin and the United Russia leadership are playing with fire by courting Rogozin and his dangerous brand of nationalism and xenophobia. This may, indeed, be the only measure available to boost United Russia’s ratings, but in a country that is so divided along ethnic lines, stirring up Russian nationalism and anti-Caucasus sentiment can only lead to a rise in extremism and violence against ethnic minorities, particularly as Russia enters its second wave of the economic crisis.

The only thing worse than scoundrels who use false patriotism for political gain are those who use xenophobia and racism for the same purposes

Read more: http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/article/putin-playing-with-fire-by-courting-rogozin/444203.html#ixzz1foUsncsL
The Moscow Times

6th December 2011, 07:42 PM
The more I investigate, the "Putin" is a nationalist---- doesn't hold water.

Valery Solovei, a professor from the Moscow State Institute for International Relations.

Supporters of Russian nationalism recognize, he continues, “the need for radical changes” in both their theory and practice, “but the very process of these changes has not been completed and that in turn means that Russian nationalism still has not been transformed into a new quality.”

While this process is likely to be prolonged, Solovey says, “the democratic and human rights trend in Russian nationalism” are becoming “more evident.” And “it is coming to be understood that Russian nationalism is objectively being transformed into an important part of civil society, for it arose independently of the state and in a certain sense in opposition to it.”

Over the next few years, he suggests, the problem may even get worse: President Dmitry Medvedev has called for increasing the financing of the North Caucasus republics. But according to Solovey, “this is connected with the approaching Olympic Games [in Sochi, games that are set to become] the most expensive in the history of the Olympic movement.”

Medvedev is also talking a great deal about “the creation of some kind of common non-ethnic Russian identity,” Solovey’s interlocutor points out, to which the Moscow historian responds that “just as someone who is ill talks all the time about health and an alcoholic about vodka, so too he who speaks about the need to form an identity has serious problems with that.”

“There is no all-Russian identity,” Solovey argues; the level of civic self-consciousness is extremely low.” Society is “atomized and people are not allowed to unite” because “every form of civic unification is persecuted” by the powers that be. Indeed today, the only thing that unites the population of the Russian Federation is May 9.

But getting there is going to be hard given the nature of the powers that be, people who Solovey suggests are more interested in “destruction” than in “creation” and who are capable of “sowing only chaos.” And he adds that “even in the 1990s, the country was led better than know and the effectiveness of administration was higher” because there was less corruption.

The current powers that be, he says, are “totally hostile to everything Russian, to everything national.” Indeed, “the main opponent” of the regime is “the Russian people which objectively needs freedom and democracy.” Those in power feel that and consequently strive to prevent Russians from organizing.

And these powers know they can get away with almost anything as far as the West is concerned, and consequently “the Russian elite intends to hold onto power in Russia to the last – to the last ethnic Russian. If it has to use force, it will use it without a shred of conscience and without any restriction.”


6th December 2011, 07:45 PM
OK girls, time to bring your nails back in.........kissi, kissi and make ok.

And yes, Putin was the HEAD of the KGB.......how can anyone in his country go against him?......a la Hoover FBI style.

I don't think he was the head of the KGB.

6th December 2011, 07:50 PM
"Russian VS Jew" paradigm.

What's that , a paradigm ? That Jews hate Russians and the Orthodox
and mass murdered them for that reason, the Khazars hate the Russians
more than anyone always at war against them going back, always terrorists,
real Russians know who the Jews are for these reasons.

Jews hate the Orthodox more than anyone else second only to the Greeks
who are also Orthodox leaders.

Panoptimist has a key writer on here who predicted the future of Russians
precisely because he knew what the Jew was, the greatest hater of Russians
and the Orthodox, Dovtoievsky was a prophet and told the future, and it did
take place.

Crimes of the Bolsheviks, by Isabella Fanfani (ed.) | Darkmoon (http://www.darkmoon.me/2011/crimes-of-the-bolsheviks-edited-by-isabella-fanfani/)

Jews on here hate Putin for those reasons as well.
Putin has already delivered for Russia, I don't believe
in dogmas, or false hero worship, and never in the past
did I believe I would be cheering on someone like Putin.

I have often posted about the Oligarchs/NeoCons and their crimes against Russia.
They never stopped robbing and murdering Russians even when fleeing and losing power.
Seems we need to get back to some of these basic stories, UK and Israel harbor these terrorist.


6th December 2011, 08:16 PM
All of you Putin/Russia bashers clearly don't know anything about the history of Russia, Orthodoxy, or the East in general. You prove that. Horn, in response to your question at the bottom of page two, I've been wondering the same thing about you. You talk about me not recognizing controlled opposition, but then you blatantly quote masonic sources and documents, and advertise masons and their propaganda in your threads and signature.

Half of you I see making posts about "The Vatican," "Catholics," "Christians," etc., but I can almost guarantee none of you have read the early Church fathers and ancient Christian philosophers, much less their followers. I'm sure most of you haven't actually studied the Bible, the Church, the Tradition, or the history of Christianity in general, much less the occult sciences/theologies and their origin. Simply quoting the Bible doesn't count.

I'm quite certain most of you are ignorant of the Orthodox Tradition, and why it's all but impossible to get to the Truth of it in terms of its History (God is always here). I don't hold Putin up to be some sort of savior, but as far as modern leaders go, he's doing one of the best jobs of fighting the regime. What, you think someone is going to get very far staging a military opposition to the regime off the bat? This change takes time and skillful maneuvering. You've got to deal with the situation you've got. You think he's gonna start some modern day pogrom or something? That's just stupid and ridiculous. Really, I don't understand what you people want.

Sounds like you're just here to put down any sort of progress for the sake of putting it down. I still stand by what history has proven, that he has fought the regime since day one of his election as president, is a Russian NATIONALIST, and opposes the Jewish oligarchy of the West. So he shook some Jew's hand. So he knew a Jew, went to school with a Jew. Newsflash: So have all of you. They just didn't take your picture and post it all over the media. Opposition to the regime is dead in the West. The Jewish-led occult regime has been eating Russia from the inside out since at least the time of Peter the Great. So? It's not that I don't recognize controlled opposition, but I can't see in this context how the Putin/Medvedev team's policies and moves are comparable to the type of Mossad-controlled opposition that is/were the protests in the Middle East, or how the Jewish agenda is working the Wall St. protests.

Your argument is that the Russia/China alliance is designed to give reason for beginning the third world war? None of you have said anything of substance as far as that goes -- just the typical Russia bashing and Putin bashing.

Shit, half of you endorse Ron Paul -- talk about controlled opposition. I remember I started a thread about that on the old website and no one posted in it. What has Ron Paul really done? What does he really propose? More of the same, that's what. He's a Federal Reserve lackey and he's proud of it. We'll see what he really does when he's voted in, but I can tell you that if it happens we'll only see more of the same. Social nationalism does not equal communism.
One is natural, the other is a perversion. They have nothing in common. Capitalism and communism are virtually one in the same.

So tell, me, again, what has Putin done to support the regime besides shake some Jew's hand because he had to. "Rome wasn't built in a day." The breath that saves us will come from the East. Maybe if enough people are able to extricate themselves from the Western media's propaganda noose, they'll start seeing the signs and getting the message.

The United States is nothing but a masonic home base for the Jewish oligarchy. It has always been a mutt country. The constitution is a masonic doctrine and has nothing to do with individual "liberty" (a masonic concept) and "freedom." Constitutions as we understand them are masonic in origin. The anti-federalists were driven out of government or just shot. There never has been and never will be a nationalistic U.S. It was never made with the necessary ingredients for that. It was always about breaking down the whole in the interest of "the individual" in order to keep people divided. It's reaching its climax now. What do a German Protestant, an Irish Catholic, a Jap, a Chinese, a Caribbean black, an African black, a Latin American, a queer, a tranny, and an atheist have in common? They all shop at Target. Sorry, that's not enough to unite a people on any substantial basis.

6th December 2011, 08:24 PM
Ponce, as you're not entirely with it, I grant you forgiveness.

6th December 2011, 08:39 PM
Why haven't you been banned yet?

This is GSUS, not GIM2!

6th December 2011, 08:43 PM
Thank you father and I shall not do it anymore......... your forgiveness has inspire me to be a better (Cuban) man......uffffffff that would be like teaching a cat how to swim hahahahahahahahahah..........but.......I did see the video of one who was run over by a car and was once again a cat by excercissing in a swimming pool.

po boy
6th December 2011, 08:51 PM
Oh man rp a federal reserve lackey okay and controlled opposition.

The catholic church covers for homos and pedophiles,killed thousands of people throughout history,practices and endorses unjust weight and balances, is a 501c3, and on and on....

Here's some more for Pan on the church.

6th December 2011, 08:52 PM
This is GSUS, not GIM2!

Ps. Thought you'd dig that avatar, its just for you.



6th December 2011, 09:47 PM
I've been wondering the same thing about you. You talk about me not recognizing controlled opposition, but then you blatantly quote masonic sources and documents, and advertise masons and their propaganda in your threads and signature.

I've never said anything about you not recognizing controlled opposition, and have no idea about masonic quotes, or signatures you are speaking of.

I have no idea who you are, or how in such a short period of time you've become a respected forum contributor.

Thomas Paine was a deist.

The United States is nothing but a masonic home base for the Jewish oligarchy. It has always been a mutt country. The constitution is a masonic doctrine and has nothing to do with individual "liberty" (a masonic concept) and "freedom." Constitutions as we understand them are masonic in origin. The anti-federalists were driven out of government or just shot. There never has been and never will be a nationalistic U.S. It was never made with the necessary ingredients for that. It was always about breaking down the whole in the interest of "the individual" in order to keep people divided.

I can pretty much see where your loyalty lies, and can only be proud & grateful that my ancestors made it away & across the Atlantic, and formed one of the best deals IMO, between the people and their Government that ever existed.

Even though it has been trampled, it still remains.

6th December 2011, 10:04 PM
And again for the 3rd time now, the Magnes quandry and continuous steam trolling stems from a thread where he called most of the forum membership "shit".

While trying to defend Nazi's from being labeled as part of the occult. Pretty sad defense post as well.

http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by MAGNES http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?p=475609#post475609)
Gaillo banned me for 3 days, truth is all these people are shit.

http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?55291-New-Book-Claims-Gen.-Patton-Was-Assassinated-(Patton-Said-quot-We-Fought-The-wrong-ppl)&p=475609&viewfull=1#post475609 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?55291-New-Book-Claims-Gen.-Patton-Was-Assassinated-%28Patton-Said-quot-We-Fought-The-wrong-ppl%29&p=475609&viewfull=1#post475609)

6th December 2011, 10:10 PM
I have reading all the threads all over again and I have found 3 Zionist "Jews"......the main reason that I did my search is that I found a different kind of movement that we didn't have before and it so happen that the movement is being directed by this three individuals......... to you three, don't try to FUCK this site with your bullshit or I'll bring you to light.

By a "movement" I mean that they try to lead the conversation to where they will point towards the Christians or Muslims but at the same time nothing about or against the Zionist "Jews" or the state of Israel........"those" people talk in a certain way that is very hard for them to hide because it is their nature to talk that way.....I do visit a couple of "Jewish" site and never post anything but only to learn more about them......they can run but they cannot hide.

6th December 2011, 10:13 PM
Basically it's safe to say any political entity/structure today is inherently poisoned due to the banking system infiltrating everything into one incestuous trans-gender family orgy.

In other words don't pick any favorites, as the disease travels freely from host to host.

6th December 2011, 10:22 PM
I just want to say, Ponce, -- and I know my opinion is meaningless -- that you're awesome.
Basically it's safe to say any political entity/structure today is inherently poisoned due to the banking system infiltrating everything into one incestuous trans-gender family orgy.

In other words don't pick any favorites, as the disease travels freely from host to host.

Alas, we must forever surrender ourselves to the slow death that the usura bringeth.

6th December 2011, 10:24 PM
Oh man rp a federal reserve lackey okay and controlled opposition.

The catholic church covers for homos and pedophiles,killed thousands of people throughout history,practices and endorses unjust weight and balances, is a 501c3, and on and on....

Here's some more for Pan on the church.

The Catholic church is a Judeo-Masonic front. It's clearly evident you really have no idea what you're talking about. I adjust my reading of your posts accordingly. Did you even READ my post? You know what, forget it.

6th December 2011, 10:29 PM
I've never said anything about you not recognizing controlled opposition, and have no idea about masonic quotes, or signatures you are speaking of.

I have no idea who you are, or how in such a short period of time you've become a respected forum contributor.

Thomas Paine was a deist.

I can pretty much see where your loyalty lies, and can only be proud & grateful that my ancestors made it away & across the Atlantic, and formed one of the best deals IMO, between the people and their Government that ever existed.

Even though it has been trampled, it still remains.

Thomas Paine was a high-ranking member of the Masonic organization, as was Ben Franklin the illuminated. You apparently have done no research into the origins of constitutions, revolutions, or this country in general. Your ancestors? Please. Let's not turn this into an ancestral pissing contest...I can hold my own in that regard. I think a good place for you to get started when it comes to this country and the constitution is simply reading the anti-federalist arguments. The constitution was put in place for one purpose and one purpose only. To keep the power in the hands of the few. Washington was a mason, Jefferson was a mason...all the guys that signed the damned thing were masons. Oh yeah, it's a masonic document. The electoral process in this country is simply put in place to justify the maintenance of power in the hands of the same elite few. The formation of this country was nothing but a social/political/economic experiment. So far it's worked out pretty well for those guys.

6th December 2011, 10:51 PM
''When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature''s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.''


''My own mind is my own church.''
Thomas Paine


I could quote these guys all day long, for what they were escaping from, and even hold them in higher regard.

Freedom from the chains of state operated religion was the objective (at that time), so yeah all were on the table.

The Masonic Occult of which you speak are the ones who ran with it even after it failed miserably,
and was then turned into the occult it is has been. The past history of it is mostly a shaded and "on the run" religion as well.

Christianity also had its time in the "occult" category before becoming widly accepted, and that's really the only difference.

We should be free to discuss things of this nature here on the internet, and in the U.S. without judgement.

A plotting and pilgrimaging religion that seeks to convert & hold masses through judgement of men (and by men) could be recognized all that much easier due to it.

6th December 2011, 11:21 PM
Uffffffffffffffff the way that Pano is posting he will pass my 10,000 post in about six months.......I"d better stop eating and sleeping so that I can stay as number uno hahahahahahahah.

Anyway........nite nite.

6th December 2011, 11:54 PM

I could quote these guys all day long, for what they were escaping from, and even hold them in higher regard.

Freedom from the chains of state operated religion was the objective (at that time), so yeah all were on the table.

The Masonic Occult of which you speak are the ones who ran with it even after it failed miserably,
and was then turned into the occult it is has been. The past history of it is mostly a shaded and &quot;on the run&quot; religion as well.

Christianity also had its time in the &quot;occult&quot; category before becoming widly accepted, and that's really the only difference.

We should be free to discuss things of this nature here on the internet, and in the U.S. without judgement.

A plotting and pilgrimaging religion that seeks to convert & hold masses through judgement of men (and by men) could be recognized all that much easier due to it.

Certain Veins of Monotheism? Occult.

Atheist? Occult.

Pagan? Occult.

Mystic? Occult.

Polytheist? Occult.

Gnostic? Occult.

on and on and on...

Religion is not inherently bad, that itself has been pushed on you, and you seem to be lapping it up. God exists. I would post a small library of digitized books for you read on all of these subjects you obviously don't know much about, but I can see that would be pointless. You obviously don't read or study a thing. So then what's the point of talking about it?

Oh, and that "plotting and pilgrimaging [sic] religion"? I wouldn't be so quick to assume that you're capable of spotting it.

6th December 2011, 11:59 PM
Uffffffffffffffff the way that Pano is posting he will pass my 10,000 post in about six months.......I"d better stop eating and sleeping so that I can stay as number uno hahahahahahahah.

Anyway........nite nite.

Don't be so indecisive, Ponce. It's not a becoming trait.

7th December 2011, 04:57 AM
Let me take this opportunity to remind everyone that it was the Khazar talmudists that financed Columbus and they "jews" were the "first" to land North America. (Besides the vikings)

Also let me say Magnes, that when I said the Russia VS jew paradigm, I am referring to the total infiltration of Russia by the khazars, which you are well aware of. The infiltration was/is so vast that when I look at ANY Russian, I automatically assume there is a 90% chance they are khazarian. Putin included.

AFAIC (And this is my own speculation based on what I have discovered over the years) there is nothing untouched. No Nation operates autonomously. They are all working in a grand luciferian ochestration, and even the supposed "enemies" are just playing a part. Only the absolute top echelons know any of this for sure.

This conspiracy is not engineered by human minds.

7th December 2011, 06:07 AM
Uffffffffffffffff the way that Pano is posting he will pass my 10,000 post in about six months.......I"d better stop eating and sleeping so that I can stay as number uno hahahahahahahah.

Anyway........nite nite.

Don't count him out, there could be a pre-requesite position held for him in Israel as a fully funded and State supported Rabbi.

po boy
7th December 2011, 06:24 AM
I have reading all the threads all over again and I have found 3 Zionist "Jews"......the main reason that I did my search is that I found a different kind of movement that we didn't have before and it so happen that the movement is being directed by this three individuals......... to you three, don't try to FUCK this site with your bullshit or I'll bring you to light.

By a "movement" I mean that they try to lead the conversation to where they will point towards the Christians or Muslims but at the same time nothing about or against the Zionist "Jews" or the state of Israel........"those" people talk in a certain way that is very hard for them to hide because it is their nature to talk that way.....I do visit a couple of "Jewish" site and never post anything but only to learn more about them......they can run but they cannot hide.

Well please tell us.

Might as well out this guy while your at it.http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/12/ron-paul-zionist/249532/

7th December 2011, 07:01 AM
it doesnt matter to me if a jew or non jew runs russia, the cold hard fact is ; they follow to the LETTER the teachings of mordechai levi-aka carl marx. untill they overthrow levis' tyranny and hatred they're still wrong.

7th December 2011, 08:11 AM
it doesnt matter to me if a jew or non jew runs russia, the cold hard fact is ; they follow to the LETTER the teachings of mordechai levi-aka carl marx. untill they overthrow levis' tyranny and hatred they're still wrong.

The exact same thing could be said of the United States.

7th December 2011, 08:11 AM
Don't count him out, there could be a pre-requesite position held for him in Israel as a fully funded and State supported Rabbi.

Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment.

7th December 2011, 08:16 AM
Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment.


7th December 2011, 08:24 AM


po boy
7th December 2011, 08:26 AM
The exact same thing could be said of the United States.

True the 10 planks are being practiced here as well. So which of them don't you practice?

7th December 2011, 08:56 AM
Simon says, Don't forget your saw!



Joe King
7th December 2011, 09:45 AM
I think a good place for you to get started when it comes to this country and the constitution is simply reading the anti-federalist arguments. The constitution was put in place for one purpose and one purpose only. To keep the power in the hands of the few. Washington was a mason, Jefferson was a mason...all the guys that signed the damned thing were masons.
Oh yeah, it's a masonic document. The electoral process in this country is simply put in place to justify the maintenance of power in the hands of the same elite few. The formation of this country was nothing but a social/political/economic experiment. So far it's worked out pretty well for those guys.
I think you've got your Constitutions and Declarations of Independances confused. lol

Thomas Jefferson did not "sign" the Constitution. he wan't even present at the convention.
In fact, the Federalists didn't care for Jefferson. he allowed the Alien and Sedition Act to to lapse, lowered taxes, cut military spending, made plans to get rid of the public debt, believed that Federal power was strictly limited and further believed that the People hold an inherant Right to govern themselves.

How does any of that qualify him as a Federalist?

Oh, and who was it that won the election again? :D

7th December 2011, 11:02 AM
I think you've got your Constitutions and Declarations of Independances confused. lol

Thomas Jefferson did not &quot;sign&quot; the Constitution. he wan't even present at the convention.
In fact, the Federalists didn't care for Jefferson. he allowed the Alien and Sedition Act to to lapse, lowered taxes, cut military spending, made plans to get rid of the public debt, believed that Federal power was strictly limited and further believed that the People hold an inherant Right to govern themselves.

How does any of that qualify him as a Federalist?

Oh, and who was it that won the election again? :D

I didn't mix anything up. I named the constitution as a masonic document, and named two of the most prominent founding figures as masons (though Washington was the first to sign it). The point in this context was to illustrate that this country, from its inception, was not about "the people." Jefferson's ideas on liberty and political/social freedom vacillated. As with many of them, later in life he began to regret some the ideas that he once promoted and stood for. He does say some interesting things about the federal government in some of his later letters, I'll give you that. But the fact remains. He helped found and build this monstrosity. He was not a strong anti-Federalist as some argue, though he certainly exhibited some of those thoughts later in his life. The Declaration of Independence was the necessary prerequisite for the federal constitution.

In a letter to James Madison dated November 18, 1788, Thomas Jefferson praised the Federalist Papers "as being, in my opinion, the best commentary on the principles of government, which ever was written." It's there. You just have to look.

Joe King
7th December 2011, 11:17 AM
I didn't mix anything up. I named the constitution as a masonic document, and named two of the most prominent founding figures as masons (though Washington was the first to sign it). The point in this context was to illustrate that this country, from its inception, was not about "the people." Jefferson's ideas on liberty and political/social freedom vacillated. As with many of them, later in life he began to regret some the ideas that he once promoted and stood for. He does say some interesting things about the federal government in some of his later letters, I'll give you that. But the fact remains. He helped found and build this monstrosity. He was not a strong anti-Federalist as some argue, though he certainly exhibited some of those thoughts later in his life. The Declaration of Independence was the necessary prerequisite for the federal constitution.

It's there. You just have to look.So apparently you'd prefer to be a British subject, huh? lol
IMHO, the only thing missing is the fed govs strict adherence to its limitations as intended.
ie if what they wanted is what they wrote, why waste the next 200+ years attempting to subvert it? Why not just write it the way they wanted it to begin with?

Oh, and who'd you say won again? lol

7th December 2011, 11:46 AM
Just because Panoptimist points out the masonic ties in relation to the founding documents doesn't mean he wishes to be a subject of the British Empire.

po boy
7th December 2011, 11:51 AM
Just because Panoptimist points out the masonic ties in relation to the founding documents doesn't mean he wishes to be a subject of the British Empire.

I'd bet he's packing his bags to get out of this masonic shithole of a country and heading for freedom in russia.

Joe King
7th December 2011, 11:54 AM
Just because Panoptimist points out the masonic ties in relation to the founding documents doesn't mean he wishes to be a subject of the British Empire.He's basicly saying the DOI shouldn't have happened if it was the "necessary prerequisite for the federal constitution" and that the federal Constitution was a bad thing.

So if you don't declare your independance from Britian, you'd obviously stay a British subject, now wouldn't you?

Oh, and who'd they say won again?

7th December 2011, 12:02 PM
Say what you want. I am just saying that he never claimed to want to be subject to the british empire.
He also never claimed to want to be subject to the United State of America, so far in this thread.

How do you know that he hasn't declared his independance from Britain and the USA already? Have you asked him?

7th December 2011, 12:09 PM
Long Live The Queen, and Paledonia!!!

Last seen mincing amongst the bad vats, jeroboams, and spinnies of mudering herbs., during such royal processions.


Joe King
7th December 2011, 12:14 PM
Say what you want. I am just saying that he never claimed to want to be subject to the british empire.
He also never claimed to want to be subject to the United State of America, so far in this thread.

How do you know that he hasn't declared his independance from Britain and the USA already? Have you asked him?

The point is that had the DOI never been drafted and accepted by the colonists, they'd have never stopped being colonists. As such, we'd be colonists today, assuming a DOI had never been written during the the years prior.
ie the context Pan used stated that the DOI was a bad document as in his opinion it was a prerequisite for an even bigger bad document known as the Constitution.

If British subjects try to declare their own personal independance in a real and meaningful way, they'd end up in jail.

7th December 2011, 12:16 PM
If British subjects try to declare their own personal independance in a real and meaningful way, they'd end up in jail.

...or dead.

Joe King
7th December 2011, 12:23 PM
...or dead.So therefore the DOI was in fact a good thing, now wasn't it?

7th December 2011, 12:39 PM
So therefore the DOI was in fact a good thing, now wasn't it?

Did somebody check it for the eye of horus?

7th December 2011, 12:43 PM
Don't reel me into taking a stance on it.

It's all work of men. I am a creation of God.

Joe King
7th December 2011, 12:51 PM
Don't reel me into taking a stance on it.

It's all work of men. I am a creation of God.

Hey, it's all good. As long as you maintain your agreement to keep being a slave to the former, they'll let you think whatever you want about the latter.

7th December 2011, 01:14 PM
When the time comes, the PTB will find that they have no jurisdiction over me. Until my hand is forced I live my life in an unassuming fashion.

Joe King
7th December 2011, 01:17 PM
When the time comes, the PTB will find that they have no jurisdiction over me. Until my hand is forced I live my life in an unassuming fashion.

That time will never come as long as you stay in compliance with all their forms and documents of the appropiate shape and color.

7th December 2011, 01:54 PM
That time will never come as long as you stay in compliance with all their forms and documents of the appropiate shape and color.

What were the DOI and the Constitution, if not "forms and documents of the appropiate [sic] shape and color"? What were the AOC? Why were they completely thrown out and not even considered for revision? Why was the Constitution basically written in secret by a small group of elite men?

What is the historical definition of a Nation in a sociopolitical context?

Joe King
7th December 2011, 02:10 PM
What were the DOI and the Constitution, if not "forms and documents of the appropiate [sic] shape and color"?They weren't at the time they were written. The former was considered an act of war by the PTB at the time and the latter was adopted by the PTB only after it was written.

What were the AOC? Why were they completely thrown out and not even considered for revision?The newly freed colonies chose to adopt it and use it to replace the AOC. Which was in fact their Right to do.

Why was the Constitution basically written in secret by a small group of elite men?Because it wasn't penned as an official gov document. You and I could do the same again today if we penned something in private that the peoples represenatives ended up supporting.

What is the historical definition of a Nation in a sociopolitical context?That the people are generally in agreement when it comes to their political systems.

7th December 2011, 04:15 PM
What is the historical definition of a Nation in a sociopolitical context?

Putin's answer.


7th December 2011, 08:18 PM
Putin's answer.


404 Putin Not Found.

Joe King
7th December 2011, 08:37 PM
Pukin's answer.

Who?? http://www.rocksaltjournals.com/forum/mods/smileys/images/scratch.gif

General of Darkness
7th December 2011, 09:09 PM
I didn't really want to post in this thread, but I don't trust Putin, he's a communist fuck too the core. He let the jews rob Russia blind. Look up Russian jewish billionaires and they came about during his watch and that kike Gorbachev loves him. Connect the fucking dots.

7th December 2011, 09:26 PM
I didn't really want to post in this thread, but I don't trust Putin, he's a communist fuck too the core. He let the jews rob Russia blind. Look up Russian jewish billionaires and they came about during his watch and that kike Gorbachev loves him. Connect the fucking dots.

The Oligarchs robbed Russia blind during Clinton and Yeltsin.

Putin actually put some of them in jail and the UK and Israel are protecting

Some are being used to create huge problems in Russia, it's true not all
of them have been arrested, some big ones have been neutered, some got
to keep what they took as long as they cooperate. Those that mess with
Russia's politics get it.

On GIM I was one of the top posters on NeoCons and Oligarchs.
That is what I was known for, not posting history or occult stuff.

I been hearing arguments like this for a long time.

Time has proved many skeptics wrong, Putin is one of their number one enemies.
Above I gave an overview of some issues in my response to DMac,
all of it you can find online, Russia has done a lot of thing right, they are Jewwise.

You won't understand what happened to Russia if you don't know
the Oligarch story, Jews controlled Russia to the end and robbed it
blind under Yeltsin, most of them fled with billions a piece, many are
wanted by the Russians, many of them are directly linked with terror
acts on Russia.

I keep plugging the antiwar Raimondo archives as key and important,
for these issues nothing beats them. The Jewsmedia always hated and
targeted antiwar.com and got them on FED/FBI watch lists.

Jews hate Putin, and Russia and Russians.

7th December 2011, 09:47 PM


Gorbachev shills for Soros/CIA political disruption gang and calls for annulment of Russian election. (http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp_world/view/1170001/1/.html) Libya and Syria operation taking shape for Russia.

Russia Bashing | Veterans Today (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/12/06/russia-bashing/)

Russia: Clinton playing politics - MJ Lee - POLITICO.com (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1211/69969.html)

Lavrov said that by criticizing the Russian election (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1111/69145.html), Clinton had shown “disrespect” to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which has been hosting a meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania.

At the OSCE’s first plenary session Tuesday, Clinton said the United States had “serious concerns” about the recent Duma elections in Russia, calling them “neither free nor fair.”

She said independent political parties had been denied the right to register in Moscow, and that there had been reports of Election Day misconduct, including manipulation of voter lists and attempts to stuff ballot boxes.

“The Russian people, like people everywhere, deserve the right to have their voices heard and their votes counted. And that means they deserve fair, free, transparent elections and leaders who are accountable to them,” Clinton said.

7th December 2011, 09:57 PM
And again for the 3rd time now, the Magnes quandry and continuous steam trolling stems from a thread where he called most of the forum membership "shit".

While trying to defend Nazi's from being labeled as part of the occult. Pretty sad defense post as well.

Are you doing LSD or what ?

You call me a Nazi twice. Put words in my mouth,
that is pretty nasty and vile behavior on your part,
you attempt to demonize me just like the jews do,
then you pull out the knives and bats, telling me
openly they are for me. It's all there, No Ban.

You are the Mason troll, and most likely a Jew, the way you troll and post,
you designed the Masonic GIM round, and troll that thread,
you and Keehah, both of you becoming more blatant as time
goes on, you are an Occult poster on here trolling western history
and defending " I love lucifer " goldissima, and that Horn is where
we parted ways from friends to you being a blatant troll,
and it is all in the GIM Masonic avatar thread, it took a lot
of effort on your part to bring us here.

7th December 2011, 10:00 PM
Man oh man, you people sure know your poletic........me? nothing happens till it happens.......second guessing a poletician is like expecting to live after jumping from a plane without a parachut.

7th December 2011, 10:15 PM
I am sure people here are reading the headlines, you can't separate Syria, Lebanon and Iran in this conflict, major
Russian moves in the Med for this against the US moves,
even Turkey is getting in on it, they are a staging ground
against Syria and making statements against Iran.

Sea alert: Russian warships head for Syria — RT (http://rt.com/news/russian-aircraft-carrier-syria-363/)

Russia Delivers Radar Jammers to Iran - Defense News (http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=8053836)

Done deal: Russia supplies cruise missiles to Syria — RT (http://rt.com/politics/russia-syria-missiles-contract-crisis-865/)

Report: Russia Delivers Anti-Ship Missiles To Syria Regime (http://www.rferl.org/content/russia_delivers_anti-ship_missiles_to_syria_regime/24409268.html)

US envoy Susan Rice storms out after Russia and China veto UN resolution | Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2045442/US-envoy-Susan-Rice-storms-Russia-China-veto-UN-resolution.html)

» Russia Arms Syria With Missiles To Defend Against NATO Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! (http://www.infowars.com/russia-arms-syria-with-missiles-to-defend-against-nato-attack/)

» Russian Warships Enter Syrian Waters To Prevent NATO Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! (http://www.infowars.com/russian-warships-enter-syrian-waters-to-prevent-nato-attack/)

» Nuke carrier leads US strike force into Syrian waters Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! (http://www.infowars.com/nuke-carrier-leads-us-strike-force-into-syrian-waters/)

Now they are going to go after Putin and Russia, be more blatant about it.

Putin kicked out their agents and NGO's, took back stolen assets, they hate him already.

Putin Defies Jewry’s Schemes In Syria | Real Zionist News (http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=678)

IN YET A FURTHER DEFIANCE of Jewry’s designs on Syria, on December 1st 2011, Putin delivered (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4156051,00.html) to Syria the first of 72 Yakhont (http://warfare.ru/?linkid=1725&catid=312) supersonic anti-ship missiles designed to break any sea blockade imposed on Syria.
Putin also sent (http://www.debka.com/article/21519/) to Assad the first of the advanced Pantsir-1 (http://www.tanknutdave.com/component/content/article/621) anti-air missile that has the capacity (http://www.debka.com/article/21519/) to break a no-fly zone against most types of aircraft should one be imposed by the war mongering Jews and their puppets. (Talmudic Jew, Senator Joseph Lieberman, was the first to demand (http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/10/04/syrian_no_fly_zone_has_joe_mentum) a no-fly zone over Syria.)

7th December 2011, 10:16 PM
WTF is Panoptimist doing thanking you

Sarcasm on the internet doesn't work, does it? I'll keep that in mind next time. :p I was merely thanking him in a sarcastic manner for his subversion and mendacity.

My question still stands: Why hasn't he been banned yet?

7th December 2011, 10:34 PM
My question still stands:

I came to your support, I don't want him banned, and they won't
ban him, and that is okay, we don't want to make low standards for
bans. Personally I been sworn at a few times and nobody got banned,
I like pointing that out, lol , the leftists need all the help they can get,
they join here hiding who they really are, or like Wallew, he joined to
tell me how he really felt all these years, lol , he is an evangelical fundie
or something.

I try to be a uniter on here, Europeans should stick together and
drop their past differences, Putin has put Russia closer to Europe now,
makes them mad. The trolls on here work to divide us.

7th December 2011, 10:49 PM
I came to your support, I don't want him banned, and they won't
ban him, and that is okay, we don't want to make low standards for
bans. Personally I been sworn at a few times and nobody got banned,
I like pointing that out, lol , the leftists need all the help they can get,
they join here hiding who they really are, or like Wallew, he joined to
tell me how he really felt all these years, lol , he is an evangelical fundie
or something.

I try to be a uniter on here, Europeans should stick together and
drop their past differences, Putin has put Russia closer to Europe now,
makes them mad. The trolls on here work to divide us.

Ultimately, you're right. And I just finished reading Milton's Areopagitica too...:-X

7th December 2011, 10:49 PM

Russia Threatens to Kill NATO War in Afghanistan (http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-mainmenu-26/asia-mainmenu-33/10074-russia-threatens-to-kill-nato-war-in-afghanistan)

Written by Alex Newman Tuesday, 06 December 2011 10:43

Following the Pakistani government’s recent decision to shut down NATO supply lines into Afghanistan indefinitely (http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-mainmenu-26/asia-mainmenu-33/9944-pakistan-retaliates-against-nato-after-soldier-killings), Russian officials upped the ante by subtly threatening to close off northern routes for the occupation if the U.S.-led military alliance refuses to back down on a proposed missile defense system (http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-mainmenu-26/europe-mainmenu-35/2150-nato-supports-obamas-plan-for-missile-shield) in Europe. According to analysts, such a move by Russia at this point would either spark a new war or force a rapid withdrawal of supply-starved Western forces from the region.

Russian Ambassador to NATO Dmitri Rogozin was widely quoted (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204753404577066421106592452.html) last week as saying that if the military alliance refuses to offer a serious response to the Kremlin’s demands, "we have to address matters in relations in other areas." And the Russian government’s cooperation in the NATO occupation of Afghanistan could be one of those areas, he warned.

Supply routes through Pakistan for the Afghan war effort — which delivered about half of the alliance’s supplies — were completely sealed off late last month. The border closures came after NATO forces killed more than two dozen Pakistani military officers and soldiers (http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-mainmenu-26/asia-mainmenu-33/9944-pakistan-retaliates-against-nato-after-soldier-killings) in an attack inside Pakistan’s borders.

8th December 2011, 05:36 AM
I didn't really want to post in this thread, but I don't trust Putin, he's a communist fuck too the core. He let the jews rob Russia blind. Look up Russian jewish billionaires and they came about during his watch and that kike Gorbachev loves him. Connect the fucking dots.

The fact that Russia rebounded so fastly upwards is what leads me to only one conclusion, controlled opposition & Jownage.

Any independant nation would have been stuck for at least a 2 generations.

Now the fact that he is King, has oil, and nukes, gives him some flexibility if he so chooses.

If that were the case the Chechens would have been a far worse problem.

8th December 2011, 06:03 AM
we don't want to make low standards for

Who's this "we"?

Have you two guys swapped left-wing fig leaves in the past?

12th June 2013, 09:18 AM
Time has proved many skeptics wrong, Putin is one of their number one enemies.

Um...when exactly will Putin actually install his fancy missiles in Syria and send in the Ruskie Special Forces to face off with all the zio-evildoers? It's showtime and Putin is still dragging his feet. Syria ordered those missiles three years ago...lol.
