View Full Version : 40 Signs That America Is Rotting From The Inside Out

Shorty Harris
8th December 2011, 09:00 AM
40 Signs That America Is Rotting From The Inside Out

http://endoftheamericandream.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Lady-Gaga-Performing-In-2010-300x225.jpg (http://www.amazon.com/?_encoding=UTF8&tag=shatteparadi-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957)It would be easy to know how to defend America if enemy forces were invading our shores. But how do you defend a nation that is rotting from the inside out? How do you eradicate the internal decay that is eating away at the heart and soul of this nation a little bit more every single day? Just like we saw happen with the Roman Empire, the internal rot that is eating its way to the surface threatens to bring us down as a nation. Greed, corruption, gluttony, lust and pride have become national pastimes. We are addicted to debt, food, entertainment and pleasure. We have been taught to hate those that look different from us or that believe different things than we do. Society is literally coming apart at the seams and the federal government is increasingly implementing "Big Brother" security measures in an attempt to maintain control and keep us "safe". We have far more people in prison than any other nation on the planet and yet things just keep getting worse and worse. So how can we fix America? How do we rescue a nation that is rotting from the inside?
It is absolutely crucial that we acknowledge just how bad things have gotten. Simply getting the right political party into power will not save America. Neither will implementing a new political system or a new economic system. America's problems are deeper than that. The very core of America is deeply sick, and once we admit that, then perhaps we will start focusing on some real solutions.
The following are 40 signs that America is rotting from the inside out....
#1 A secret panel of government officials can now put American citizens on a "kill list". A recent Reuters article (http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/44794516/ns/today-today_news/t/secret-panel-can-put-americans-kill-list/#.To31I3JLMwM) explained that no law established this secret panel and that there are no laws which govern it....
There is no public record of the operations or decisions of the panel, which is a subset of the White House's National Security Council, several current and former officials said. Neither is there any law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it is supposed to operate.
#2 It is on record that the federal government facilitated the sale of thousands upon thousands of very powerful guns to Mexican drug cartels. The Mexican government was never told about this operation. U.S. border agents have been shot with these guns, and these guns have been involved in dozens of murders already in Mexico. Mexican drug cartels will continue to kill people with these guns for many years to come. The Obama administration is working incredibly hard to cover up this scandal (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/fast-and-furious-22-shocking-facts-about-the-scandal-that-could-bring-down-the-obama-administration) and the mainstream media is mostly ignoring the story.
#3 The other day, CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson shared with radio show host Laura Ingraham that Obama administration officials have yelled at her and cussed at her for aggressively investigating Operation Fast and Furious. This must have created a lot of waves, because now CBS News has now put her on lockdown and has made her unavailable for interviews (http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/cbs-news-silencing-fast-and-furious-reporter-due-white-house-pressure_595068.html).
#4 A host of other recent examples show that if you are associated with the mainstream media in any way and you make a "politically incorrect" comment, you will be given the boot so fast that it will make your head swim. For example, Hank Williams Jr. was recently booted off Monday Night Football (http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/7066449/espn-hank-williams-jr-theme-song-return-monday-night-football) simply because he compared Barack Obama to Hitler.
#5 At the current protests in New York City, police are beating people with clubs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpOMlDVaXzc&feature=player_embedded) and shooting pepper spray (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moD2JnGTToA&feature=related) in their faces. As the economic crisis gets even worse and protests spread and become more intense in future years, will all of America soon look like this?
#6 The United States has the highest incarceration rate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incarceration_in_the_United_States) in the world and the largest total prison population (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/23/world/americas/23iht-23prison.12253738.html) on the entire globe.
#7 The other day, a group of thieves stole a 50 foot long bridge (http://www.ellwoodcityledger.com/news/local_news/bold-thieves-steal-bridge-in-north-beaver/article_4a5ae43e-20df-5b6f-a732-9b33716e2b3b.html) in Pennsylvania. Yes, you read that correctly. They stole the entire bridge.
#8 Criminals seem willing to steal just about anything that is not bolted down these days. For example, a group of thieves has stolen more than 1,000 pigs (http://newsfeed.time.com/2011/09/25/pig-thefts-a-byproduct-of-spiking-pork-prices/) from farms in Minnesota and Iowa in recent months.
#9 Class warfare is certainly rising to a new level in this nation. Recently, Roseanne Barr said that it would be a good idea for some bankers to "go to the reeducation camps (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/10/01/roseanne_barr_behead_bankers_rich_who_wont_give_up _wealth.html)".
#10 Michael Moore is warning (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/09/22/michael_moore_threatens_the_rich_lets_deal_with_it _nonviolently_now.html) that the economic riots that we are starting to see around the country could potentially become violent in the future....
"The smart rich know they can only build the gate so high. And, and, sooner or later history proves that people when they’ve had enough aren’t going to take it anymore. And much better to deal with it nonviolently now, through the political system, than what could possibly happen in the future, which nobody wants to see"
#11 Have we become a socialist nation? At this point, nearly half (http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2011/10/05/nearly-half-of-households-receive-some-government-benefit/) of all Americans live in a household that receives some form of government benefits.
#12 From the time George Washington became president until January 1993, the United States government accumulated a national debt of $4.16 trillion. Since Barack Obama entered the White House, more than $4.2 trillion (http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/obama-has-now-increased-debt-more-all-presidents-george-washington-through-george-hw) has been added to the national debt.
#13 Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke recently warned Congress not to cut "too much (http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/story/2011-10-04/bernanke-economy-congress/50654170/1)" from the federal budget right now.
#14 According to one recent report, the EPA wants to hire 230,000 more bureaucrats (http://dailycaller.com/2011/09/26/epa-regulations-would-require-230000-new-employees-21-billion/) that will help enforce all of the new greenhouse gas regulations that the EPA plans to implement.
#15 There are more than 3 million reports (http://www.childhelp.org/pages/statistics) of child abuse in the United States every single year.
#16 Horrifying brawls involving groups of young people are breaking out all over the nation. For example, check out this disturbing footage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXvCiSRKCpg&feature=player_embedded) of a brawl that recently broke out during a football game in California.
#17 All over the nation, little children are being publicly arrested by police in their own classrooms (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/18-signs-that-life-in-u-s-public-schools-is-now-essentially-equivalent-to-life-in-u-s-prisons) and are being marched out of their schools in handcuffs.
#18 In some areas of the country, law enforcement officials are now using "extraction devices (http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/big-brother-2-0-10-new-ways-that-the-government-will-be-spying-on-you-and-controlling-your-behavior)" to download data from the cellphones of motorists that they pull over.
#19 In the United States today, it is estimated that one out of every four (http://www.d2l.org/site/c.4dICIJOkGcISE/b.6143427/k.38C5/Child_Sexual_Abuse_Statistics.htm) girls is sexually abused before they become adults.
#20 Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson recently declared (http://abcnews.go.com/Health/AlzheimersCommunity/pat-robertson-alzheimers-makes-divorce/story?id=14526660) that it if your spouse develops Alzheimer's disease, it is okay to divorce them.
#21 The United States has the highest divorce rate (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/peo_div_rat-people-divorce-rate) on the globe by a wide margin.
#22 Children in the United States are three times more likely (http://www.businessinsider.com/depressing-facts-about-healthcare-system-2011-6#american-kids-are-three-times-as-likely-to-be-prescribed-antidepressants-than-kids-in-europe-9) to be prescribed antidepressants as children in Europe are.
#23 Former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld recently stated that "extremism in Christianity (http://www.metro.co.uk/news/world/877087-donald-rumsfeld-warns-of-religious-extremist-threat#ixzz1ZWhlAQLC)" is a significant danger to the United States.
#24 More pornography is created in the United States than anywhere else on the entire globe. 89 percent (http://techcrunch.com/2007/05/12/internet-pornography-stats/) is made in the U.S.A. and only 11 percent is made in the rest of the world.
#25 Vanderbilt University has ruled that five on-campus Christian groups have violated Vanderbilt's non-discrimination policy (http://www.onenewsnow.com/Education/Default.aspx?id=1445834) because they will not allow people that do not believe in Christianity to become leaders in the groups.
#26 Globally, the United States is tied with the U.K. for the most hours of television watched per person (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/med_tel_vie-media-television-viewing) each week.
#27 According to NationMaster.com (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/hea_obe-health-obesity), the United States has the highest percentage of obese people in the world.
#28 The federal government recently sued a company down in Texas for firing a 600 pound worker (http://www.chron.com/business/article/Feds-sue-company-for-firing-600-pound-worker-2191655.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+houstonchronicle%2Ftopheadlin es+%28chron.com+-+Top+Stories%29&utm_content=Google+Reader).
#29 Are American students getting dumber? This year, the average score on the verbal portion of the SAT was the lowest ever recorded (http://www.thenewamerican.com/culture/education/9008-sat-scores-hit-rock-bottom).
#30 The United States has more people on pharmaceutical drugs (http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/50-u-s-health-care-statistics-that-will-absolutely-astonish-you) than any other country on the planet.
#31 The percentage of women taking antidepressants in America is higher (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=the-medicated-americans) than in any other country in the world.
#32 One out of every four teen girls in the United States now has an STD (http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2008-03-11-std_n.htm).
#33 Law enforcement officials estimate that about 600,000 Americans and about 65,000 Canadians are trading dirty child pictures online (http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2009/feb/09020610.html).
#34 There are more reported rapes (http://www.criminaljusticeuniversity.net/blog/2009/10-facts-about-crime-in-the-u-s/) in the United States each year than anywhere else in the world.
#35 Totalitarian police states used to be ridiculed in this country, but now that has all changed. In fact, the "If You See Something, Say Something (http://www.dhs.gov/files/reportincidents/see-something-say-something.shtm)" campaign looks like it could have been pulled right out of an East German security handbook.
#36 According to a shocking FBI document obtained by Oath Keepers, the FBI definition of "suspicious activity" now includes making "extreme religious statements (http://oathkeepers.org/oath/wp-content/uploads/ColoradoFBISurplusStore.pdf)" and believing in "radical theology (http://oathkeepers.org/oath/wp-content/uploads/ColoradoFBISurplusStore.pdf)".
#37 It is estimated that 500,000 babies (http://www.d2l.org/site/c.4dICIJOkGcISE/b.6250779/k.4BB6/How_Prevalent_is_Child_Sexual_Abuse.htm) that will be born this year will be sexually abused before they turn 18.
#38 In airports all over the country, the federal government is forcing large numbers of women and children to endure very offensive "enhanced pat-downs" during which their private parts are touched (http://www.infowars.com/another-day-another-child-molested-by-tsa/) before they are allowed to get on to their flights.
#39 It was bad enough when the TSA was just abusing our families at the airports. Now, TSA "VIPR teams" are conducting approximately 8,000 "unannounced security screenings" (http://motherjones.com/mojo/2011/06/tsa-swarms-8000-bus-stations-public-transit-systems-yearly) a year at subway stations, bus terminals, ports and highway rest stops.
#40 Since 1973, approximately 50 million babies (http://www.bpnews.net/bpnews.asp?id=32127) have been slaughtered in the United States before they were even born.
Some of the examples above may seem unrelated at first glance, but they really are not. The truth is that all of those examples illustrate the deep decay that has taken hold in this nation.
Sadly, hundreds more examples could easily be listed. This country is deeply sick, and "tweaking" a couple of things or electing the right politician is not going to cure us.
America is dying and time is running out.
So what do all of you think? Do you believe that America is rotting from the inside out?

midnight rambler
8th December 2011, 09:47 AM

Shorty Harris
8th December 2011, 10:16 AM
Oh shit, sorry bout that..


General of Darkness
8th December 2011, 11:10 AM
The problem with Amerikwa is the amount of jews, crypto-jews, blacks, mestizos and muds. Get rid of them, entitlements for white trash and this could be fixed in 2 years. Make me President and in 6 months this place would be running on all cylinders. Grant you, I'd be suicided within 30 days of taking office.

Twisted Titan
8th December 2011, 11:44 AM
#24 More pornography is created in the United States than anywhere else on the entire globe. 89 percent is made in the U.S.A. and only 11 percent is made in the rest of the world.

And who runs the smut and porn industry?

Its the Arabs I know.

8th December 2011, 12:27 PM
And who runs the smut and porn industry?
Its the Arabs I know.

Why does everything you say have to be antisemitic?

8th December 2011, 12:39 PM
Was looking at world debt... Libya was the lowest.


Twisted Titan
8th December 2011, 01:41 PM
Why does everything you say have to be antisemitic?

Look over that list and see how much DOSENT have the finger print of zionist on it

I have a hard time dealing with the fact that the austerities that me and my endure is because these parasites can't learn to fricken be satisfied with the fact they virtually control everything.

They get off on the untold misery,strife and death the have brought to the life of BILLONS.

So excuse me if I have a verbal ax to grind against the pox of humanity.

8th December 2011, 01:46 PM
40 ? let me count the ways...
1. jews
3. niggers
you get the idea here...

8th December 2011, 03:29 PM
The problem with Amerikwa is the amount of jews, crypto-jews, blacks, mestizos and muds. Get rid of them, entitlements for white trash and this could be fixed in 2 years. Make me President and in 6 months this place would be running on all cylinders. Grant you, I'd be suicided within 30 days of taking office.

what about the native americans (indians) gonna throw them out too? lol

all these immigrants got some nerve wanting to live on land the white man stole from the natives...lmao

8th December 2011, 03:44 PM
what about the native americans (indians) gonna throw them out too? lol

all these immigrants got some nerve wanting to live on land the white man stole from the natives...lmao

Same thing in Australia ,everyone moans about this or that immigrant,and yet its land taken from the Aboriginal originally.

8th December 2011, 03:44 PM
what about the native americans (indians) gonna throw them out too? lol

all these immigrants got some nerve wanting to live on land the white man stole from the natives...lmao

Good point. How easily we forget, sometimes.

8th December 2011, 04:04 PM
native american= someone who was born here and has no other aligience to any other nation.

8th December 2011, 04:26 PM
native american= someone who was born here and has no other aligience to any other nation.

word twister...

you know full well that is not the group i was referring to.

or are you unable to read in parentheses?

8th December 2011, 05:09 PM
People tend to get confused between what is moral and what is strategic and jumble their arguments.

The Solutreans (Europeans) were here before the Asian interlopers arrived. http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?56410-Kennewick-Man-and-the-Solutreans&highlight=solutreans

The Indians were constantly involved in power and territory stuggles with other tribes. MORALITY HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

All of a sudden when White Man gains territory, it's all about morality.

Is it strategic for us to allow millions of third world immigrants on our land?

8th December 2011, 05:10 PM
word twister...

you know full well that is not the group i was referring to.

or are you unable to read in parentheses?
i refer you to hoarders post.

8th December 2011, 05:25 PM
I'd throw the trouble makers out of this country and keep the indians. Cowboys and indians get along pretty well when they're both sober and they sure as hell ain't like a bunch of Jews.

8th December 2011, 05:39 PM
People tend to get confused between what is moral and what is strategic and jumble their arguments.

The Solutreans (Europeans) were here before the Asian interlopers arrived. http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?56410-Kennewick-Man-and-the-Solutreans&highlight=solutreans

The Indians were constantly involved in power and territory stuggles with other tribes. MORALITY HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

All of a sudden when White Man gains territory, it's all about morality.

Is it strategic for us to allow millions of third world immigrants on our land?

so was it a moral or strategic issue to give the indians blankets infected with small pox and hunt them like animals with dogs (spaniard's method)?

po boy
8th December 2011, 05:43 PM
I'd throw the trouble makers out of this country and keep the indians. Cowboys and indians get along pretty well when they're both sober and they sure as hell ain't like a bunch of Jews.

They both seem to have respect for the land and for animals.

8th December 2011, 06:01 PM
They both seem to have respect for the land and for animals.

...some do...not all.

i have seen indians wearing waders, using pitchforks to literally shovel the walleye out of the river during the spring run.
they said they were fishing, i said they were destroying the fish population. they said they had the right (given to them by the white man). i said it didn't make it right.

the old indian forefathers are probably spinning in their graves to see how far their people have fallen and what has become of their once bountiful land.

8th December 2011, 06:17 PM
so was it a moral or strategic issue to give the indians blankets infected with small pox and hunt them like animals with dogs (spaniard's method)?It was just as strategic as the Indians who killed each other for food...cannabilism that is. That's another tidbit they don't teach you in publick skoolz. It doesn't have any "white guilt" value so they keep it secret and make Whites look evil.

8th December 2011, 06:24 PM
It was just as strategic as the Indians who killed each other for food...cannabilism that is. That's another tidbit they don't teach you in publick skoolz. It doesn't have any "white guilt" value so they keep it secret and make Whites look evil.


or just as strategic as the europeans that drove the buffalo population to near extinction just for their hides, leaving the meat to rot where it lay?

8th December 2011, 06:33 PM
It was just as strategic as the Indians who killed each other for food...cannabilism that is. That's another tidbit they don't teach you in publick skoolz. It doesn't have any "white guilt" value so they keep it secret and make Whites look evil.


from the link:

Setting the Record Straight About Native Peoples: American Indian Cannibals

Q: Were Native Americans cannibals?
A: Not for the most part, no, but there were some groups who were. The Aztecs were notorious for ritual cannibalism (warriors would eat a strip of flesh from enemies they had slain in combat). Some people dispute this, but the Aztecs' own written and oral histories seem to support it as the truth. The Karankawa tribe of southeast Texas was also said to practice ritual cannibalism on defeated enemies. There were a few Amazonian tribes who practiced funerary cannibalism (family and friends would eat part of a dead tribal member's body as a religious ceremony at the funeral). Finally, the Carib people of South America were said to kill and eat prisoners of war, though it's been pointed out that the Spaniards who made this claim were lining their own pockets by doing so (Queen Isabella had forbidden her subjects from selling Africans, or Indians, as slaves unless they were cannibals).

None of the other 1200 Native American cultures engaged in culturally sanctioned cannibalism at the time of European contact. That doesn't mean cannibalism never happened--there were certainly stories in the American Indian oral history about cannibalistic incidents (a hunting party trapped in a snowstorm who fell to eating each other, a war chief who taunted captives by striking them in the face with their leader's heart and then taking a bite out of it.) Such incidents also occurred in American and European history under similar starving-in-the-wilderness and war-atrocity circumstances (a company of Crusaders, for example, bragged of having grilled and eaten a Saracen; a Jamestown settler was executed for cannibalizing his wife during a famine). Cannibalism should not be considered part of American Indian culture on this account any more than it would be considered part of European or American culture--it was culturally unacceptable behavior. The Sioux considered cannibalism a sin, the Cree considered it a mental illness, the Algonquin and Ojibwe considered it a sign of possession by an evil spirit. In almost all cases, American Indian cannibals--just like European or American cannibals--were put to death as soon as they were discovered.

Q: But weren't they cannibals before that--in ancient times, before European contact?
A: Most of them definitely were not. It's been suggested that the pre-Iroquois Mohawk and the ancient Anasazi may have practiced group cannibalism. This is possible, though it has not been proven. The Mohawk were called "man-eaters" by their Algonquian enemies on account of this belief about their lurid past. Some Mohawks think it was probably true, others that you shouldn't give too much credence to slurs people's enemies cast at their ancestors. The claim about the ancient Anasazi came more recently, when anthropologists found a burial site with skeletons whose flesh had apparently been hacked off the bones after their death. Personally, I'm not too impressed by that evidence. Even if those bodies were cut up for cannibalistic purposes, we're talking about one anomalous site with only seven bodies in it. Of the hundreds of ancient Indian burial sites exhumed by archaeologists--including dozens of Anasazi ones--this was the only one with this strange appearance. For all we know it was the work of some Anasazi psychopath. We can't assume ancient Anasazi culture included cannibalism from this one unusual case any more than we could say American culture includes cannibalism because of Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer.

8th December 2011, 06:41 PM
I'm part Cherokee and an Indian artifact collector. I realize not all Indians were cannibals. Texas had a lot of cannibals; Tonkawa, Coahuiltecans, Atakapan and Carancahua were notorious man eaters. Apache and Caddo to a lesser extent.

Did public schools teach you that Cortez was served a meal of human flesh by Indians?

8th December 2011, 06:48 PM
I'm part Cherokee and an Indian artifact collector. I realize not all Indians were cannibals. Texas had a lot of cannibals; Tonkawa, Coahuiltecans, Atakapan and Carancahua were notorious man eaters. Apache and Caddo to a lesser extent.

Did public schools teach you that Cortez was served a meal of human flesh by Indians?

no, but we both know that the public schools don't cover all the bases, and even the ones it does cover are covered poorly.

8th December 2011, 06:59 PM
no, but we both know that the public schools don't cover all the bases, and even the ones it does cover are covered poorly.Cases of Whites being cannibals, being mean or just plain evil are covered quite thoroughly. It's about social engineering value. It's about proportion.
This argument began with the notion that it's "fair" that Whites should allow third worlders to invade their countries because they "stole" America from the Indians. I have proven that Whites were here first. Public schools did not teach you that, along with many other vital facts that explain the relationship between Whites and Indians.

Indians were not hunter-gathers, they were hunter-gatherer-raiders and took great pride in the latter. "Fairness" is a modern idea that the media and banking elite use to explain their agendas.

8th December 2011, 07:12 PM
Cases of Whites being cannibals, being mean or just plain evil are covered quite thoroughly. It's about social engineering value. It's about proportion.
This argument began with the notion that it's "fair" that Whites should allow third worlders to invade their countries because they "stole" America from the Indians. I have proven that Whites were here first. Public schools did not teach you that, along with many other vital facts that explain the relationship between Whites and Indians.

Indians were not hunter-gathers, they were hunter-gatherer-raiders and took great pride in the latter. "Fairness" is a modern idea that the media and banking elite use to explain their agendas.

you post some youtube videos and call it proof? that's funny! you'll have to do better than that!

ETA- ...shit, 30 minutes later and i'm still laughing...YOUTUBE...the ultimate source for proof! lmao

po boy
8th December 2011, 07:17 PM
Hunter gather and raiders, some could say that is what the US is doing in Iraq.

8th December 2011, 07:51 PM
you post some youtube videos and call it proof? that's funny! you'll have to do better than that!

ETA- ...shit, 30 minutes later and i'm still laughing...YOUTUBE...the ultimate source for proof! lmaoWhat proof do you want? The talking heads on the boob tube are silent for now. This has been around awhile. Look up Penon Woman. Look up Clovis Artifacts. Solutreans were here first.

8th December 2011, 07:52 PM
Hunter gather and raiders, some could say that is what the US is doing in Iraq.The US is doing Israel's bidding in Iraq. It has no strategic value to the US.

Twisted Titan
8th December 2011, 08:06 PM
They both seem to have respect for the land and for animals.

Your words have iron in them.


po boy
8th December 2011, 08:10 PM
One of my favorites how'd ya know!

8th December 2011, 08:12 PM
What proof do you want? The talking heads on the boob tube are silent for now. This has been around awhile. Look up Penon Woman. Look up Clovis Artifacts. Solutreans were here first.

hey, you're the one who said you PROVED the whites were here first. posting a few vids does not constitute proof. especially from youtube.

and i never asked you for proof. you present a handful of videos as proof, then get offended when the validity of your statement is scrutinized?

shit, now i'm laughing again! thanks a lot! lmao

carbon dating has been shown to not be as accurate as they initially thought. read below...


The theory of carbon dating is interesting, but there are inherent problems with the presumptions upon which it is based.

Used to estimate the age of ancient artifacts and human and animal remains, radiocarbon dating is regarded by many as one of the miracles of modern science. Some, however, have serious doubts about the credibility of this technique.
Radiocarbon dating works by comparing the amount of normal carbon that is found in a sample with the amount of radioactive carbon. Both carbon and radioactive carbon are found in every living organism. While carbon is quite prevalent in these organisms, radioactive carbon is present only in tiny amounts. Some contend that the relative ratios of carbon and radioactive carbon that are found on the earth have remained constant over time and that, using known rates of decay; we can estimate age on the basis of changes in this ratio in a particular artifact or remains.

Radioactive carbon is absorbed by living organisms throughout their entire life. When the organism dies that absorption stops and the radioactive carbon begins to break down. Because this break down occurs at a known rate it is theoretically possible to compare the amount of regular carbon and the amount of radioactive carbon and estimate just how long an organism has been dead.

Although the theory of radiocarbon dating is interesting, there are several inherent problems with the process. The first of these problems is the fact that the original ratio of carbon and radioactive carbon is unknown. The second problem is that the possibility of contamination of the sample over time is quite high. The older the sample the higher the probability of contamination, in fact! What this means is that using carbon dating to date very old samples is really quite impractical given our current level of knowledge and technological capabilities.

While carbon dating continues to be considered by many as a viable way of obtaining authoritative dates for a wide range of artifacts and remains, there is much room for error in the process. Even the use of accelerator mass spectrometry to analyze the relative levels of carbon and radioactive carbon has resulted in flawed determinations. It is not uncommon for different laboratories to determine quite different ages for the same artifact! While some of this deviation could possibly be explained by contamination or erred methodology in the labs themselves, it is apparent that the problems with carbon dating are much more complex than that.

Very simply put, too many things are unknown to allow the carbon dating process to be as accurate as many proclaim it to be. Factors as diverse as changes in the earth's magnetic field and changes in the amount of carbon available to organisms in times past could translate into perceivable differences in the carbon ratios in artifacts and remains from ancient times. Even changes in the atmosphere itself could impact this carbon ratio. We know that changes such as these have occurred over time. They are still occurring today in fact.

The fact that carbon and radioactive carbon are independently formed means that their ratios to one another could have changed substantially from ancient times to today. To base our knowledge on the age of the earth and its various constituents on information gleaned from a technique that depends on carbon and radioactive carbon ratios is very simply unrealistic.

8th December 2011, 08:27 PM
hey, you're the one who said you PROVED the whites were here first. posting a few vids does not constitute proof. especially from youtube.What is your definition of proof?
Carbon dating doesn't have to be 100% dead on accurate, it only needs to show comparison between Asiatic natives and European natives.
The tribes and social engineers have much to lose in this. Indian "victim status" relies on White guilt. The Paiutes claimed the European skeleton of Kennewick man as their ancestor and would not allow further research. Kennewick man was found with Clovis artifacts, the same kind found with Solutreans in France.
The government and tribes are trying to marginalize this beyond recognition. Do the research and you'll see. They take European skulls with distinct European features and say " well there is variation within each group". Don't fall for the BS.

8th December 2011, 09:18 PM
What is your definition of proof?
Carbon dating doesn't have to be 100% dead on accurate, it only needs to show comparison between Asiatic natives and European natives.
The tribes and social engineers have much to lose in this. Indian "victim status" relies on White guilt. The Paiutes claimed the European skeleton of Kennewick man as their ancestor and would not allow further research. Kennewick man was found with Clovis artifacts, the same kind found with Solutreans in France.
The government and tribes are trying to marginalize this beyond recognition. Do the research and you'll see. They take European skulls with distinct European features and say " well there is variation within each group". Don't fall for the BS.

don't worry, i won't fall for your BS...lol

8th December 2011, 09:34 PM
don't worry, i won't fall for your BS...lolSuit yourself.

8th December 2011, 09:44 PM
Suit yourself.

suit this....


The claim to the oldest human archaeological site known in the Americas belongs to the Pedra Furada human remains and hearths, a site that precedes the Clovis culture and the other sites already mentioned by 19,000 to 30,000 years, but this discovery has become an issue of contention between North American archaeologists and their South American and European counterparts.[6][7][8] In American archaeology most dates older than 10,000 are controversial. They are under intense scrutiny and may change as new dating technologies are developed and existing ones refined.

9th December 2011, 07:08 AM
suit this....

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clovis_cultureThere are plenty of deniers, most of which are Indians and Jewish social engineers, as in the case of wiki.

9th December 2011, 08:15 AM
There are plenty of deniers, most of which are Indians and Jewish social engineers, as in the case of wiki.

there are other sources besides wiki...dydd

you have any proof of that, or just more youtube videos?

is that how you would classify any views presented that are contrary to your own? YOU are the one that stated you had "PROVED" the white man was here first. the so-called proof is very thin, actually not proof at all, merely a theory...
like many other theories....you can holler all you want about it, you have yet to provide any real PROOF to back up your claims.

until you do, you are just another theorist, like the rest of us...don't claim opinion as fact, you make yourself look less intelligent.

and for the record, watching a few videos, being half indian and an artifacts collector does not make you an authority on the topic...

9th December 2011, 08:25 AM
hoarder, he wasnt around when rmacdonald went into detail about kennewick man. hes ("free"spirit)obviously swallowed the public school propaganda hook line and sinker....the info is out there for anyone with the courage to forsake sentiment in favor of fact.

9th December 2011, 08:31 AM
you have any proof of that, or just more youtube videos?What is your definition of proof? Do you have to be told by the same ex-spurts that lied to you about the Federal Reserve and the Middle East wars?

9th December 2011, 08:42 AM
hoarder, he wasnt around when rmacdonald went into detail about kennewick man. hes ("free"spirit)obviously swallowed the public school propaganda hook line and sinker....the info is out there for anyone with the courage to forsake sentiment in favor of fact.

keep fishing, jdr...

and i haven't swallowed anything, especially the opinions here trying to be passed off as fact.
if you have some concrete evidence to back up these claims being made then offer it, otherwise troll someone else.

the definition of proof is: evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true.

the material provided does not meet that criteria...

9th December 2011, 08:48 AM
i haven't swallowed anything, especially the opinions here trying to be passed off as fact. How do you differentiate between fact and opinion?

the definition of proof is: evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true.

the material provided does not meet that criteria...There is evidence to establish both sides (Bering Straight and Europe)as true. What evidence do you have to prove the Asians were here FIRST?

9th December 2011, 09:04 AM
How do you differentiate between fact and opinion?There is evidence to establish both sides (Bering Straight and Europe)as true. What evidence do you have to prove the Asians were here FIRST?

the burden of proof is on you, not me...you are the one that began claiming you had "PROVED" the whites were here first, and the material you submitted to back up your claim was weak at best...

that being said, you are correct in that there is evidence to establish both sides of the argument. but there is not enough "PROOF" to confirm either.

so what is happening here is, you made a statement you can't back up, or prove, and when you get called on it, you try to shift the burden of proof to me, because you can't prove your viewpoint.

you said you have "proved" the white man was here first. you have not. you can say that the evidence makes it "possible" that the whites were here first, but further research is clearly required.

9th December 2011, 09:23 AM
the burden of proof is on you, not me...you are the one that began claiming you had "PROVED" the whites were here first, and the material you submitted to back up your claim was weak at best...What specifically is "weak" about it?

that being said, you are correct in that there is evidence to establish both sides of the argument. but there is not enough "PROOF" to confirm either. But you just stated that proof=evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true.

so what is happening here is, you made a statement you can't back up, or prove, and when you get called on it, you try to shift the burden of proof to me, because you can't prove your viewpoint.

you said you have "proved" the white man was here first. you have not. you can say that the evidence makes it "possible" that the whites were here first, but further research is clearly required.I don't need to prove HOW europeans got here, it really doesn't matter since there are many possibilities. What matters is that they got here and did so before the Asians got here. I have already submitted enough proof on this thread and the other one http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?56410-Kennewick-Man-and-the-Solutreans&highlight=solutreans to establish that. If you disagree with anything SPECIFIC. let me know and I will address it. Merely repeating that i have not submitted enough "proof" is not going to resolve anything.

9th December 2011, 09:42 AM
What specifically is "weak" about it? But you just stated that proof=evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true.

I don't need to prove HOW europeans got here, it really doesn't matter since there are many possibilities. What matters is that they got here and did so before the Asians got here. I have already submitted enough proof on this thread and the other one http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?56410-Kennewick-Man-and-the-Solutreans&highlight=solutreans to establish that. If you disagree with anything SPECIFIC. let me know and I will address it. Merely repeating that i have not submitted enough "proof" is not going to resolve anything.

next you'll be telling me that you saw it on fox news, so it must be true...lol

here are the facts:

you said you proved the whites were here first.

you have not. at best you have submitted some evidence to indicate that this is possible.

when it is shown that your evidence does not constitute proof, you get upset and go to another thread where you proceed to post more of the same evidence hoping to bolster a weak position.

you then say i need to prove the whites weren't here first. a claim that cannot be proved any more readily than yours.

THE CONCRETE PROOF DOES NOT EXIST TO PROVE EITHER POINT. yet you continue to wave your flag.

and then you try to make me look like the bad guy because i have the nerve to call you on your bullshit? you are playing the same games the PTB use...

and i don't have the patience for it.

9th December 2011, 09:49 AM

9th December 2011, 09:52 AM
next you'll be telling me that you saw it on fox news, so it must be true...lol

here are the facts:

you said you proved the whites were here first.

you have not. at best you have submitted some evidence to indicate that this is possible.

when it is shown that your evidence does not constitute proof, you get upset and go to another thread where you proceed to post more of the same evidence hoping to bolster a weak position.

you then say i need to prove the whites weren't here first. a claim that cannot be proved any more readily than yours.

THE CONCRETE PROOF DOES NOT EXIST TO PROVE EITHER POINT. yet you continue to wave your flag.

and then you try to make me look like the bad guy because i have the nerve to call you on your bullshit? you are playing the same games the PTB use...

and i don't have the patience for it.I have submitted many links which you have apparently not read. If you disagree with something specific just say so. Repeatedly telling me I have not submitted "proof" is going nowhere.

9th December 2011, 09:59 AM
you have NO PROOF!

this all started when you said you "PROVED" the whites were here first. you did not. you posted some videos that support the idea.

stamping your feet and shouting BUT I HAVE PROOF! does not make it true.

9th December 2011, 10:03 AM
you have NO PROOF!

this all started when you said you "PROVED" the whites were here first. you did not. you posted some videos that support the idea.

stamping your feet and shouting BUT I HAVE PROOF! does not make it true.Then demonstrate why the support is not sufficient if you can.

9th December 2011, 11:11 AM
Then demonstrate why the support is not sufficient if you can.

it is imo, up to you as the presenter to demonstrate why the support is sufficient...

if you can...

9th December 2011, 11:13 AM
also, i did demonstrate that it was not sufficient by pointing out the method used to date such things is flawed, and the dates of that age are highly disputed.

9th December 2011, 02:44 PM
also, i did demonstrate that it was not sufficient by pointing out the method used to date such things is flawed, and the dates of that age are highly disputed.Those dates are disputed by interests that wish to uphold the false theory. Disputing something does not make it less true.
Clovis artifacts, which have been connected with Solutrean finds on both this continent and Europe, have been carbon dated in the same general range as Kennewick man and Penon Woman, 9,000 to 10,000 BC. They can "highly dispute" the carbon dating of those two finds, but how are they going to cover up the next find? If the tribes have nothing to hide, they should allow the ancient remains to be studied.

9th December 2011, 03:37 PM
also, i did demonstrate that it was not sufficient by pointing out the method used to date such things is flawed, and the dates of that age are highly disputed.
umm...so you arbitrarily CHOOSE to believe which side you want to believe regardless of even the solid evidence of kennewick man? ......wow, you really stand there in front of this board, REFUSE to read hoarders links and INSIST he has no proof???

9th December 2011, 03:51 PM
when the method is flawed, the results must be questioned. you have no idea what i have or haven't read, so go troll someone else.

the reason i have chose to not respond any further to hoarder is that i realize i will be just as unable to convince him as he is unable to convince me. if you choose to accept that what is presented as irrefutable facts, then go right ahead. you agree with what was presented, and accept it as truth. i remain unconvinced, as is my right. so piss off.

fwiw- hoarder is a good poster here, and i have no hard feelings towards him. he is entitled to accept whatever he wants as fact.