View Full Version : Scotland N. Atlantic Hurricane 165mph Winds? - Gulf Stream Broke - Ice Age Beginning?

General of Darkness
9th December 2011, 07:11 AM
Interesting video.


9th December 2011, 07:39 AM
Interesting video.

I am not saying there isn't anything to this video, however so far I haven't seen anything that would indicate the gulfstream is broken. Summer was a bit cooler than usual in Sweden this year, but spring and autumn was a bit warmer than usual. Still not many nights with frost in the south of Sweden... Is there any data suggesting that the gulf stream is broken apart from this man saying it is? A severe autumn storm in North East Atlantic is not evidence... They happen quite regularly, and most likely due to the gulf stream...

9th December 2011, 07:41 AM

9th December 2011, 07:50 AM

Yes it was the worst storm in 15 years, but the storm that happened 15 years ago was with the Gulf Stream intact, anything apart from the storm suggesting that the gulf stream is broken? Most likely the difference between the warm waters of the gulf stream, and the cold air of the arctics is the engine of this storm like the last great storm...

General of Darkness
9th December 2011, 07:53 AM
I am not saying there isn't anything to this video, however so far I haven't seen anything that would indicate the gulfstream is broken. Summer was a bit cooler than usual in Sweden this year, but spring and autumn was a bit warmer than usual. Still not many nights with frost in the south of Sweden... Is there any data suggesting that the gulf stream is broken apart from this man saying it is? A severe autumn storm in North East Atlantic is not evidence... They happen quite regularly, and most likely due to the gulf stream...

Neuro, I agree, that's why I said it was interesting. I wonder if we start breaking record cold numbers this winter and Australia has a mild summer or record heat. I wonder if it's time to buy some land to farm. Dunno, just very interesting times.

9th December 2011, 08:00 AM
I've always found it interesting that it seems like the "experts" can't decide on what's going on, is the planet going to fry? or are we headed into the next ice age? It's been a tug of war of the two theories for as long as I remember.

9th December 2011, 08:12 AM
I've always found it interesting that it seems like the "experts" can't decide on what's going on, is the planet going to fry? or are we headed into the next ice age? It's been a tug of war of the two theories for as long as I remember. Hard for anyone to say what is really happening. Because there is nothing that they/we have to reference against. The worlds climate is doing/changing in ways that man with the tools to try and understand what is happening in recorded history has not seen before.

This is new territory, and as for what the weather did in the past they can only use, best guesses from what is found, of what went on.

9th December 2011, 08:39 AM
Neuro, I agree, that's why I said it was interesting. I wonder if we start breaking record cold numbers this winter and Australia has a mild summer or record heat. I wonder if it's time to buy some land to farm. Dunno, just very interesting times.
We may very well see colder times ahead, sun is slowing down, possibly even the gulf oil spill has an effect on the gulf stream, but to take one hard autumn storm and from that extrapolate that the gulf stream is broken is far fetched. Scandinavia would have weather similar to Northern Canada if it wasn't for the gulf stream. Right now it is around 35F in the part of Sweden I am from. Northern Canada is much colder...

9th December 2011, 09:38 AM
And here I am complaining about my 20 degree weather......I am lucky in that I have heating fuel and all the wood that I need, but still........BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ........baby is cold outside......I need a three women blanket.........NO, at my age better make it five.

By the way, we are going to have flip-flops with the weather.....cold, hot, cold, hot, cold, hot, for a while........but I don't know yet the duration of each cycle.