View Full Version : “Vote in Sunshine” led by Jim Condit

10th December 2011, 05:26 AM
December 10, 2011 NA (Network America) e-wire

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To RP Supporters: Drew Ivers Still Head of RP Iowa – Will He Monitor the Vote?

An article that has made the rounds on the internet yesterday, confirms that Drew Ivers is still Ron Paul’s Iowa Campaign Chairman.

Here is one place to find it, -- Ivers is quoted in the last paragraph:



Last time in late 2007, amidst some abuse, I spoke up near the end of a conference call for the Iowa Caucus effort. The call was hosted by Drew Ivers, also the Iowa Campaign Manager for Ron Paul then.

As I spoke up and introduced myself by name, one on the call groaned, another issued an epithet of disgust. Why was my name known at all among Iowa Ron Paul people?

Because I was the lead voice in the “Vote in Sunshine” effort to get the vote monitored at the Iowa Straw Poll and the Iowa Caucus. This was offensive to certain alleged Ron Paul activists and paid staff, and the higher one got in the paid staff, the worse it got.

Some group in 2007 had set up all the Ron Paul meetups in Iowa to be “closed” (in a political
campaign?) so it was very hard to make contact with anyone in grassroots in Iowa. Those working under the paid staff as volunteers – naturally didn’t want to offend the paid staff, so they allowed themselves to be warned away from us, undoubtedly confused.

The excuse was whispered that Condit (me) was “anti-Semitic ”, because I had published numerous articles on the internet against the malevolent power of the organized Jewish lobby in the USA, such as AIPAC and the ADL, and related organizations. (If you don’t these groups are harmful to the USA, then you’re not paying

BUT – this was irrelevant, because I was not asking for any position or influence or notoriety in the Ron Paul Campaign.

All that I and the others in the “Vote in Sunshine” effort were doing – was trying to make sure the Ron Paul campaign knew what happened to Buchanan in the Iowa Caucus 1996, and make sure they knew what to do to stop it from happening to Ron Paul in 2008, i.e., monitor the vote in as many local caucuses as possible, hopefully in all
99 Iowa Counties – just as we had monitored the vote for Buchanan in Dubuque County in 1996 – where we caught the election rigging explained in “A House Without Doors”, online.

We thought we would pass on the information to the paid staff, and disappear. We had no idea about the AGGRESSIVE opposition we would receive from the likes of the paid staff, from the local level to the national level, including Drew Ivers in the Iowa Campaign. (I’ve been in politics since 1972, when I got my feet wet at the age of 19.
Many of these paid staff may have been following orders from saboteur Lew Moore, National RP campaign manager, but most, like Ivers seemed to be against any monitoring of the vote on their own steam.

As I say, if some of these guys weren’t plants to slow down and thereby destroy the Ron Paul campaign as far as possible, they sure did a good imitation of same.


Back to the call. I had met Drew Ivers when he was running the Pat Buchanan Iowa Straw Poll campaign back in the 1999 – and, after noting that, basically asked if we could schedule a 15 minute conference call with him to talk about monitoring the vote in 2008, in light of what had happened to Pat Buchanan in 1996.

On the call, Mr. Ivers was cordial, and agreed to the conference call on the following day (as I recall).

A few of us dialed in and stated the case for monitoring the vote to protect Ron Paul’s totals, and how to do it. After about 15 minutes, Ivers’
tone changed and he basically said (paraphrase):
“Look, I have a campaign to run here, get me 2000 more people to come attend the Caucus and we’ll talk.” Shortly after this point, he terminated the call.

This was the old line of the RP paid staff, in
effect: “Ron Paul supporters are too dumb to vote for Ron Paul at a local Caucus, and then also witness the vote count, and then call it into RP headquarters. And we’re too busy to ask of us to announce a public a website where we will tally the votes INDEPENDENTLY of the Iowa State Republican Party.” (My words, or course, but this was the jist of it.)

So, there is no question that Drew Ivers has been aware of how to monitor the vote in the Iowa Caucus since December 2007. SO – what is his excuse for not monitoring the vote in 2012? If he is organizing a quiet monitoring, -- then why is it quiet?

IT MUST BE A PRE-ANNOUNCED, IN PUBLIC, effort – so that the Iowa State GOP and the Big TV Networks and their creature National Election Pool (NEP) will realize that they can not manipulate the vote against Ron Paul, because of the INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION of the Ron Paul Campaign.

If the Ron Paul Campaign itself it not doing this, then maybe a group of sincere grassroots reporters still can.

All the Network America ewires about how to do this, plus more info, is up at www.votefraud.org/Iowa2012.htm

Jim Condit Jr.
Network America

PO Box 11339
Cincinnati, Ohio