View Full Version : Gingrich huge foreign policy flaw

10th December 2011, 09:14 AM
While Ron Paul is out there telling how he supports Israel's soveriegn rights as per Bibi's own quote, Shitbag newt shoots his mouth off saying the Palestinians are an invented people.
"I'm all about the money" Newt Gingrich, is about to go supernova.

midnight rambler
10th December 2011, 10:16 AM
I'm of the opinion that as Newt becomes more anxious in anticipation of "I've got the nomination" we'll hear plenty more over the top bs until it hits a crescendo - just in time for Iowa.

Hatha Sunahara
10th December 2011, 07:58 PM
Gingrich is the kind of politician TPTB love. He keeps us divided with diversionary issues that allow TPTB to increase their power and wealth at our expense.

He's what's wrong with American politicians. I wonder how much Israel is paying him to deny the existence of the Palestinians? I'm sure he wouldn't say something like that for free!

I really don't understand why any of them, other than Ron Paul, want to be President. Is it because they have no self-respect? Or do they have such low esteem for our intelligence? Or is it just for the money and privileges? Would you trust somebody who would do anything for money and power?

What's going to happen to our politicians when the whole system collapses? And the media owned by TPTB? Will there be a special place for them in hell? I hope so.


midnight rambler
10th December 2011, 08:07 PM
I wonder how much Israel is paying him to deny the existence of the Palestinians?Some would have others believe that ('Palestinians') haven't been inhabitants of that land for centuries, and that another tribe from somewhere else has first dibs.

11th December 2011, 04:39 AM
Odd that Palestinians would be considered to be invented. I have several U.S. Govt Printing Office Style Manuals from the '30s and '40s and they list Palestinian as a nationality. This nationality has been removed from more recent Style Manuals. Destruction of a nationality is termed genocide.

If Newt is a historian he must not go back further than 30 years.

midnight rambler
11th December 2011, 05:27 AM
Odd that Palestinians would be considered to be invented. I have several U.S. Govt Printing Office Style Manuals from the '30s and '40s and they list Palestinian as a nationality. This nationality has been removed from more recent Style Manuals. Destruction of a nationality is termed genocide.

If Newt is a historian he must not go back further than 30 years.

Check my sig, Newt has apparently been getting tutored by Henry as well.

11th December 2011, 05:50 AM
Palani? I have a 1948 issue of "National Geographic" that has a insert of the Middle East and it shows the name of Palestine instead of .............uffffffffffffffff............you know what.

Rambler? interesting that I have saying that for a long time and here it is......it looks like I am not as great as I thought that I was hahahahahahah.

First post of the day (still dark here)..........good morning to one and all.

11th December 2011, 06:01 AM
Palani? I have a 1948 issue of "National Geographic" that has a insert of the Middle East and it shows the name of Palestine instead of .............uffffffffffffffff............you know what.

I could take you to a law library that has an entire section devoted to the laws of Palestine prior to WWI (phase II).

11th December 2011, 10:42 AM
Big breaking news! ;D

I've been reporting since 2007 the local MSM has never mentioned Ron Paul in both Republican leadership runs.

I guess I can thank Newt for mentioning Ron Paul's name in the local MSM (and Reuters) for the first time! Perhaps they feel they'd better mention his name once or twice in case he wins Iowa.

http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Republican+debate+Gingrich+fights+rivals+Saturday+ Iowa+Republican+debate/5844113/story.html#ixzz1gFk51itw

U.S. Representatives Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul criticized Gingrich as a hypocrite who profited from his contacts and wound up taking taxpayer money when Freddie Mac was bailed out by the federal government.

“When you’re taking money to influence the outcome of legislation, that’s the epitome of establishment,” Bachmann said....

Gingrich was also pressed about his comment on Friday in an interview with the Jewish Channel in which he said Palestinians were an “invented” people.

“That’s just stirring up trouble,” Paul said. “This is how we get into so many messes. I think it just fails us on a little bit of diplomacy.”

In related news:

Gingrich sharply criticized the Obama administration's approach to Middle East diplomacy, saying it is "so out of touch with reality that it would be like taking your child to the zoo and explaining that a lion was a bunny rabbit."

Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Gingrich+calls+Palestinians+invented+people/5838639/story.html#ixzz1gFm98Zfu