View Full Version : TFMR Podcast #8 - Mike Krieger

10th December 2011, 07:25 PM

Earlier this week, I was able to track down Mike Krieger. If you're a frequent visitor to ZeroHedge, I'm sure you've read his stuff and become a fan.

Let me just say this: Mike seems like a really good dude, which you'll no doubt discover by listening to this podcast. The guy walked away from a bigtime, Wall St job because he could see this trainwreck approaching and he felt that he had to do something to help as many folks as possible to prepare. Sound familiar?

Currently, Mike authors opinion columns once per week. He makes these available free of charge to anyone who would like to be included on the distribution list. He's not selling anything. He doesn't have a newsletter or subscription service. He's simply trying to help in any way he can. If you'd like to be included on his list, simply drop him an email at michael@kamlp.com and explain to him who you are and why you'd like to be on the list.

I think you'll enjoy this podcast. TF
Mike Krieger

Mike graduated from Duke University in 2000 with a double major in Economics and Spanish. Upon graduation he joined Lehman Brothers’ Equity Research Department where he worked on the oil team. In 2005 he resigned from Lehman Brothers to join Sanford C. Bernstein as the Commodities Trading Desk Analyst. In this role he wrote commentary and advised investors on various companies in the commodities sector including oil producers, oil services, refining, metals and mining and utilities. Within a couple of years he started writing his own personal “macro” emails where he would comment on a broader range of topics that no one else covered at Bernstein such as foreign exchange and precious metals. These macro emails became extraordinarily popular with clients and he soon found himself traveling all around North American and Europe advising some of the decision makers at many of the largest hedge funds, mutual funds and pension funds on the planet. In January 2010 he became tired of this role and resigned from Bernstein and struck out on his own to form Krieger Asset Management (a family office) and also to write and educate people across the country on what is happening and how to protect against it. Last December, finally sickened by NYC and the culture, he moved his operations to Boulder, CO where he currently resides. His primary goal at the moment is two-fold. Protect his assets and those of my family and spread the word so that as many people in the U.S. can get as financially and mentally prepared as possible so that, together, we can rebuild a better society after it all goes down.
Podcast Episodes

TFMR Podcast #8 - Mike Krieger
Friday, December 9, 2011

10th December 2011, 11:42 PM
Excellent interview. Thanks for sharing.