View Full Version : White House unleashes new terrorism propaganda campaign.

11th December 2011, 06:04 AM
Terrorsts are not born terrorist but made into terrorist by the action of other.......if you use missiles, tanks, jet planes ,and so on, you are in a war.......but.......if all that your have to fight are rifles and a few explosives you are then a terrorist. ............. however......you can be the BIGGEST nation in the world and still be a terrorist.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

White House unleashes new terrorism propaganda campaign.

Yesterday the White House revealed a new plan to fight what they allege is the threat of homegrown terrorism; a threat which I have been pointing out has been artificially hyped up for some time now.

The Obama administration continues to promulgate the fake threat of terrorism in order to justify their increasing erosion of civil liberties and massive expenditures on so-called counterterrorism efforts.

The program is aimed at even further integrating local and federal authorities, just as the fusion centers do across the nation, along with improving the ability for officers to “recognize violent extremism,” according to ABC News.

However, I think we all know by now this means teaching them to be paranoid, to ignore all facts that show the threat of terrorism is incredibly low, and to be suspicious of their fellow citizens.

This new program isn’t just integrating local law enforcement with federal agencies as the fusion centers have been doing, it is also increasing “coordination between local partners – including schools and community groups,” representing a new front in fear mongering.

Through so-called “community outreach” programs, the federal government fosters a pervasive sense of paranoia and fear which allows for wildly un-American and incredibly dangerous legislation like S.1867 to pass with such astounding margins.

The Obama administration’s new plan has already drawn criticism from Senators Susan Collins and Joe Lieberman who questioned the omission of radical Islam from the new document.

The 24-page report released yesterday draws parallels between domestic extremism and “gang violence” and “sexual offenses” while a recent Department of Defense letter called the Fort Hood shooting “workplace violence.”

“We also continue to be disappointed by the administration’s refusal to identify violent Islamist extremism as our enemy,” the statement from Collins and Lieberman said. “To understand this threat and counter it, we must not shy away from making the sharp distinction between the peaceful religion followed by millions of law-abiding Americans and a twisted corruption of that religion used to justify violence.”

This also follows the trend I have been observing for some time of shifting the alleged threat away from Muslim extremists and towards regular Americans.

This latest report from the Obama administration is clearly pushing the narrative that the real threat is average American citizens and not foreign radical militants, a move which is undoubtedly related to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

As I recently covered, countless Americans could easily be rounded up and, at best, treated as Civilian Internees, although it is much more likely that anyone determined to be a “belligerent” (even if it is only ideological) will be treated as an Enemy Prisoner of War.

The report, entitled “Strategic Implementation Plan for Empowering Local Partners to Prevent Violent Extremism in the United States,” claims, “Protecting our nation’s communities from violent extremist recruitment and radicalization is a top national security priority. It is an effort that requires creativity, diligence and commitment to our fundamental rights and principles.”

The part about “commitment to our fundamental rights and principles” is outright laughable seeing as the Obama administration has trampled all over our fundamental rights and principles with glee.

“Just as we engage and raise awareness to prevent gang violence, sexual offenses, school shootings and other acts of violence, so too must we ensure that our communities are empowered to recognize threats of violent extremism and understand the range of government and nongovernment resources that can help keep their families, friends and neighbors safe,” the report said.

This is the type of fear mongering that drives people to live in a constantly paranoid state in which they’re perpetually trying to “recognize threats of violent extremism” when there are none to be found.

But of course that is exactly what the federal government wants, as without creating a culture of fear, there is no justification for the steady erosion of our most essential rights and liberties.

While Collins and Lieberman criticized the Obama administration’s perceived failure to identify radical Islam as a dangerous factor, they did laud the White House for making progress in what Fox News calls “counter[ing] propaganda and coordinat[ing] with local communities.”

Exactly what they mean by propaganda is unclear, but in reality the only propaganda that needs to be countered is that which is disseminated by the U.S. government.

Lieberman and Collins, who are the chairman and ranking Republican on the Senate’s Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, respectively, cited 33 cases of homegrown terror plots since 2009 which have resulted in the deaths of 14 Americans.

However, they fail to point out that in the vast majority of these cases, the alleged terrorists dealt with the Federal Bureau of Investigations or other government agents the entire time.

A fantastic article in Mother Jones exposed just how the FBI goes about manufacturing these terrorists in order to justify the homeland security industry.

Martin Stolar, a lawyer who represented an individual caught up in a sting involving the Herald Square subway station in New York in 2004 told Mother Jones, “They’re creating crimes to solve crimes so they can claim a victory in the war on terror.”

At this point, this fact is irrefutable and with every supposed domestic terrorism case that grabs headlines, it becomes even clearer that the real terrorists work out of expensive offices in Washington and are engineering fake terror events on a regular basis in order to justify their treasonous activities.

With some of the most atrocious legislation coming our way in the near future, it can only be expected that this propaganda will continue to be pushed in order to justify stripping Americans of their most essential civil liberties.


11th December 2011, 08:15 AM
Or to put it another way, all cops begin law enforcement as plebes with a blank canvas. Once they are indoctrinated into the fraternity they begin to take on the air of self-importance endemic to their reason for being. In its advanced state, it takes on a life of its own that exists outside the very laws and policies they are supposed to follow. In the end, they feed each other's sense of urgency to be the most powerful force at our expense to fulfill the mandates of their masters, and they totally destroy their made for TV good guy status with the reality they are hated and dismissed as members of society for the narcissists they are.

24th December 2011, 11:29 PM
Meanwhile, 'behind the curtain':

Francis Boyle: US threat to nuke Iran is criminal (http://alethonews.wordpress.com/2011/12/24/francis-boyle-us-threat-to-nuke-iran-is-criminal/)
Press TV – December 24, 2011

A distinguished American expert on international law says the US government threatening Iran with nuclear war amounts to an internationally accepted criminal act.

Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois at Champaign, further noted that when Obama administration officials say “all options are on the table,” against Iran, they are, in fact, alluding to a nuclear war which is prohibited by international law.

Addressing the 18th conference on “Direct Democracy” in Feldkirch, Austria, on nuclear deterrence, Boyle added that the US government is threatening to attack Iran “under the completely bogus pretext” that it might have a nuclear weapon.

He added that as the sole global authority to monitor nuclear activities, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has already refuted charges against Iran as “simply not true.”

The legal expert stated that Article 2 of the UN Charter “prohibits both the threat and the use of force except in cases of legitimate self-defense” and the US wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, “do not qualify under that definition.”

The professor also said that nuclear weapons and “nuclear deterrence” have “never been legitimate instruments of state policy, but have always constituted instrumentalities of internationally lawless and criminal behavior.”

Boyle noted that the former US President George W. Bush’s doctrine of preventive warfare, which has not been officially repealed by Obama, was in fact, concocted by the Nazi lawyers for the Nazi defendants at Nuremberg and was rejected at that court.

“If we don’t act now, Obama and his people could very well set off a Third World War over Iran that has been already threatened publicly by (the former President George W.) Bush Jr.,” he asserted.

He added that the governments of all the nuclear weapons states – including the US, Russia, France, Britain, China, India, Pakistan, and North Korea – are “criminal” for threatening to exterminate humanity.

“If mass extermination of human beings is a crime, the threat to commit mass extermination is also a crime,” Boyle said.

The professor noted that the US today is engaged in “ongoing international criminal activity” for “planning, preparation, solicitation, and conspiracy to commit crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide.”

“The design, research, testing, production, manufacture, fabrication, transportation, deployment, installation, storing, stockpile, sale, purchase, and the threat to use nuclear weapons are criminal under well-recognized principles of international law,” Boyle added.

He concluded by saying that the leaders of NATO states which “go along with US nuclear policies are all accomplices as well.”

Twisted Titan
25th December 2011, 01:24 AM
They’re creating crimes to solve crimes so they can claim a victory in the war on terror.”

The best way to control the opposition is to lead it

25th December 2011, 06:34 AM
Meanwhile, 'behind the curtain':

Francis Boyle: US threat to nuke Iran is criminal (http://alethonews.wordpress.com/2011/12/24/francis-boyle-us-threat-to-nuke-iran-is-criminal/)
Press TV – December 24, 2011

A distinguished American expert on international law says the US government threatening Iran with nuclear war amounts to an internationally accepted criminal act.

Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois at Champaign, further noted that when Obama administration officials say “all options are on the table,” against Iran, they are, in fact, alluding to a nuclear war which is prohibited by international law.

Addressing the 18th conference on “Direct Democracy” in Feldkirch, Austria, on nuclear deterrence, Boyle added that the US government is threatening to attack Iran “under the completely bogus pretext” that it might have a nuclear weapon.

He added that as the sole global authority to monitor nuclear activities, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has already refuted charges against Iran as “simply not true.”

The legal expert stated that Article 2 of the UN Charter “prohibits both the threat and the use of force except in cases of legitimate self-defense” and the US wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, “do not qualify under that definition.”

The professor also said that nuclear weapons and “nuclear deterrence” have “never been legitimate instruments of state policy, but have always constituted instrumentalities of internationally lawless and criminal behavior.”

Boyle noted that the former US President George W. Bush’s doctrine of preventive warfare, which has not been officially repealed by Obama, was in fact, concocted by the Nazi lawyers for the Nazi defendants at Nuremberg and was rejected at that court.

“If we don’t act now, Obama and his people could very well set off a Third World War over Iran that has been already threatened publicly by (the former President George W.) Bush Jr.,” he asserted.

He added that the governments of all the nuclear weapons states – including the US, Russia, France, Britain, China, India, Pakistan, and North Korea – are “criminal” for threatening to exterminate humanity.

“If mass extermination of human beings is a crime, the threat to commit mass extermination is also a crime,” Boyle said.

The professor noted that the US today is engaged in “ongoing international criminal activity” for “planning, preparation, solicitation, and conspiracy to commit crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide.”

“The design, research, testing, production, manufacture, fabrication, transportation, deployment, installation, storing, stockpile, sale, purchase, and the threat to use nuclear weapons are criminal under well-recognized principles of international law,” Boyle added.

He concluded by saying that the leaders of NATO states which “go along with US nuclear policies are all accomplices as well.”

Why no mention of Israel's illegal nuclear weapons arsenal, in defiance of the International Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and International Atomic Energy Agency? Israel is a rogue nation which has committed war crimes against it's neighbors. Israel is the very epitomy of duplicitous, as it claims to be a democracy yet calls itself the "Jewish" state. If the latter applies, a non-Jew is a de facto second class citizen. Isreal is in fact an apartheid state similar to pre-1980 South Africa. Why do we allow such a dictatorial regime with history of unilateral and offensive violent acts to possess illegal nuclear weapons while we decry Iran, a nation that has not invaded or attacked another nation in over 2,000 years?

25th December 2011, 01:14 PM
Why no mention of Israel's....
You will have to wait for his memoirs if you want it all in one read.


Boyle has referred to Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip as "genocide", and the Gaza War as a "massacre", claiming that Israel's actions raise the element in the Genocide Convention "of murder, torture, and things of that nature", and urged the Obama Administration to force Israel to lift its blockade. In January 2009, Boyle wrote that "Israel’s genocidal policy against the Palestinians has been unremitting, extending from before the very foundation of the State of Israel in 1948... Zionism’s “final solution” to Israel’s much touted “demographic threat” allegedly posed by the very existence of the Palestinians has always been genocide." Following the Gaza War, he advised Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to file a declaration under Article 12, Paragraph 3 of the Rome Statute, requesting the prosecution of Israeli officials.

Boyle has referred to Israeli settlements as "clearly illegal and criminal", and stated that "all these so-called settlers are committing war crimes, except the children, who are obviously not old enough to formulate a criminal intent".

25th December 2011, 04:19 PM
They’re creating crimes to solve crimes so they can claim a victory in the war on terror.”

The best way to control the opposition is to lead it

Just like how the FBI will look for a poor lone islamic youth and tell him "we'll train you, we'll give you a target, we'll give you a bomb", then they arrest him and claim that they stopped a trained terrorist who had a bomb and was planning to hit target x. And the people cheer.