View Full Version : Fresh Chimpout.. ouch!

12th December 2011, 05:57 AM

12th December 2011, 06:57 AM
Looks like this happened in 2005 or so. Plus the black brick wall steals the beat guys phone that was on the floor.

Man Files Lawsuit Over Pizza Parlor Beating

AKRON, Ohio -- An Ohio man plans to file a $25,000 civil lawsuit after getting beaten in a pizza shop. Video
(http://www.thedenverchannel.com/video/4213611/index.html)http://www.thedenverchannel.com/sh/images/ibs_icon/mcgraw/video.gifMan Beats Pizza Parlor Customer (http://www.thedenverchannel.com/video/4213611/index.html)
Joseph Scarpino was on his cell phone when a woman cut in line in front of him. He commented about it on the phone and Presina Sims reacted with rage.
Security video shows Sims, infuriated by the comment, begin a long tirade at Scarpino. She swore at him, and even spat at a manager who tried to kick her out.Sims then called in her friend, Mark Jones, 35, to fight Scarpino.Jones came in and sucker punched Scarpino several times as other watched. Jones, who is 6 feet 4 inches and weighs 295 pounds, hit Scarpino at least seven times.Jones was sentenced to four years for felonious assault.Sims goes to trial March 16.


12th December 2011, 08:38 AM
Was gonna say...someone is going to jail over a mouthy bitch.

Never did get that slice of pizza. Pretty good trade off. Got to smell what a slice of pizza would have tasted like for 4 years in jail, and a lawsuit.

$25,000 is not enough. I would have done $100,000 minimum. That guy took serious hits to the head. Surprised he's was still standing after the first one. Buddy had technique...right square on the jaw every time.

12th December 2011, 09:01 AM
Don't BLAME the fucking black man........the white guys just stood around with their fingers up their ass and that's WHY I believe the the white people will loose any revolution that we might have in the US against other races.........you people talk about having your beautifull guns ready and plenty ammo to play with......those doesn't mean shit unless you use them.

I am so friking ANGRYYYYYYYYYYYYY......to me the pizza place represents the US and what happened there what will happen in the future, the black guy wasen't really even angry, he did what he wanted and left.

First post of the day.............good morning to one and all.

Sorry guys but I am really angry......what would have I done?......at least kicked him in the balls if nothing else....have I done it before?.........YES....in a fight between a 6'6" white guy against another 6' white guy.....the big guy dind't know what to say after I told him to pick a fight with someone his own size......oh yeah, I am only 5'8" and 160 lbs.

12th December 2011, 09:18 AM
the white guys just stood around with their fingers up their ass and that's WHY I believe the the white people will loose any revolution that we might have in the US against other races..

I was thinking the exact same thing. All those guys just standing around with their hands in their pockets. We have become so pussified. If things get bad enough and people start waking up, we might turn the tide around. Until then the psyche of white men has been destroyed by years and years of social engineering.

12th December 2011, 09:29 AM
Saw this over the weekend...


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgbvdFW5qoQ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgbvdFW5qoQ)

12th December 2011, 09:41 AM
I was expecting someone else to step in and clock the big black guy. Pussies all stood still. How do you stand there and watch an innocent guy get pummelled?

12th December 2011, 11:33 AM
Sims then called in her friend, Mark Jones, 35, to fight Scarpino.Jones came in and sucker punched Scarpino several times as other watched. Jones, who is 6 feet 4 inches and weighs 295 pounds, hit Scarpino at least seven times.Jones was sentenced to four years for felonious assault.Sims goes to trial March 16.

Imo, this video is just a brutal beating, not a fight. Jones should have gotten felony robbery as well, for taking the man's cell phone, and another 4 years added on.

The 25K lawsuit is against the woman, if you can even call her that...Amazing stupidity. It's hard to think about standing there and doing nothing, but honestly, that guy was 6'4", 295 pounds. People don't want to get involved, it's the sheep mentality, they don't know what to do. It takes action at a time like that, most folks sit in front of a computer all day, then a TV. The only action they know, is what they see on the media. It is sad, but it's reality. If I was there with a friend, I'd definitely step in because I know I've got someone I trust to back me up. It's hard though these days, when people don't want, or can't get involved. That guy has over a 100 pounds on me.

12th December 2011, 12:02 PM
I was expecting someone else to step in and clock the big black guy.


O0 Yo! Spectrism!

12th December 2011, 12:06 PM
that's WHY I believe the the white people will loose any revolution that we might have in the US against other races...


You paddled to the USA during the Revolution?


Silver Rocket Bitches!
12th December 2011, 12:33 PM
That's the problem when you have a civilized mentality vs. a thug mentality.

12th December 2011, 12:50 PM
Weight advantage? Don't play into his advantage. Use surprise and hit where weight does not matter. Kick in the groin, chop to neck (throat), gouge to eyes.... do not hit his head with bare hands.

In a pizza place there has to be a solid wood rolling pin.

po boy
12th December 2011, 12:57 PM
Weight advantage? Don't play into his advantage. Use surprise and hit where weight does not matter. Kick in the groin, chop to neck (throat), gouge to eyes.... do not hit his head with bare hands.

In a pizza place there has to be a solid wood rolling pin.

Childhood fight at bus stop hit a kid in the throat by accident very scary, thought he was going to choke to death. Very effective.

12th December 2011, 01:01 PM
Childhood fight at bus stop hit a kid in the throat by accident very scary, thought he was going to choke to death. Very effective.

Broke a guy's nose once, that's effective too. A 295 pound maniac, man give me a gun. In an ideal world we would have just shot the guy, and called it good. It was more than justified, imo.

12th December 2011, 01:17 PM
Weight advantage? Don't play into his advantage. Use surprise and hit where weight does not matter. Kick in the groin, chop to neck (throat), gouge to eyes.... do not hit his head with bare hands.

In a pizza place there has to be a solid wood rolling pin.

yes... should be easy... ::)
