View Full Version : "Ron Paul Is A Sick Racist" - Senator Exposes AIPAC Spin Machine Tactics

General of Darkness
12th December 2011, 05:45 PM


12th December 2011, 06:17 PM
Excellent overview.

1 It's an excellent overview of pertinent history.
2 It names names.
3 Fingers the NeoCons.
4 Tells you exactly what Ron Paul is up against.
5 Remember Ron Paul wrote articles on NeoCons, titled even


6 And most importantly, Ron Paul talks of freedom issues.
The same NeoCons built the police state, they are fingered
as point people, it is all the Jewish lobby.

7 If the speaker knows all that, everyone knows all that, just one
point after another, the presentation tells you they study this.

The NeoCons never went away, this is what Ron Paul is up against.

NeoCon leaders openly write, reality is what ever they say it is,
they are the press, Frum NRO, Kristol, Podhoretz, etc, very

" they support the left "

" demonize loyal Americans "

" curtailing peoples constitutional rights "

" FED " , " central banking " , " destroying the world economy "

@ 3:30 key , " if Ron Paul should lead "

There are no rules in their game friends.

That speaker just gave an overview of what we post here.

General of Darkness
12th December 2011, 08:12 PM

12th December 2011, 11:24 PM
Good stuff. Dankof is on Press TV regularly, always truthy. Search Press TV's YT Channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/PressTVGlobalNews) for "Dankof"

He's partner (? certainly regular guest) with Mark Glenn of The Ugly Truth blog (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/), they do regular podcasts together.

12th December 2011, 11:43 PM
Dankof Talks about how Pat Buchanan was attacked, but he leaves out or does not know about how Buchanan was cheated out of a primary victory in Iowa. this same thing happened to Ron Paul last time and will happen again unless people work to canvass the polls and record the outcome.

Jim Condit was there and saw it happen, he also had a runin with the top RP campaign people over this issue.

I give you JC's letter:

December 11, 2011 NA (Network America) e-wire

***** (To Subscribe to the Network America Ewire, go to votefraud.org -- go to right bottom of home page -- punch in your email, -- wait for confirmation email and respond to it -- then you are subscribed) *****

***** (Network America Ewire Archives from Jan 10, 2000 until now are found here:



RP Supporters: How to Verify the Vote in NH Primary 2012

***** If you want to go straight to the New Hampshire strategy, just scroll down to the
headline: NEW HAMPSHIRE. This first part is about the battle that has broken out on Daily Paul – and how to spread the word big time on Twitter for monitoring the vote for Ron Paul.

* * * * *

If you want to look only at the plan to verify the Ron Paul vote in the upcoming January 10, 2012 New Hampshire primary, scroll down until you see the ALL CAPS headline: HOW TO MONITOR THE VOTE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE PRIMARY 2012

What leads up to that is a report on the current fight on Daily Paul, and a lot on background for why the NH primary vote NEEDS to be monitored – for those who want to thoroughly understand what we are up against in this fight for an honest count. COMPUTER VOTE FRAUD, AND VOTE FRAUD, is a lead weapon of the enemies of our country who “make war by way of deception.”


First of all, let me thank the people who uploaded one of my articles on monitoring the vote to the well read website, “Daily Paul” at dailypaul.com – you can search “Ivers” and get the article and comments. –

My page covering more than you want to know, but everything you need to know as an RP supporter to help VERIFY the count, is:



The future of the world is at stake – and, as usual, the Neo-Con and RHINO trolls emerged in some of the comments in response to my article on Daily Paul to urge sincere Ron Paul supporters to quit worrying about the vote count as “everything is covered.” (And maybe some of the comment makers are not trolls, but just plain political neophytes or political morons.

We do not have time for the newbies and neophytes to take 20 years to wake up to what is going on – to wake up to the VICIOUS election war tactics which our opponents use against us.

All the “just relax” comment-ers said that RP supporters were WATCHING the vote at the local caucuses in 2008. HEY! That’s only ONE part of the necessary process! The local monitors MUST ascertain the real vote count at their location – and then report it to a central RP friendly website which will throw up the real count for all the world to see – to CHECK and BALANCE the long history of crass and pre-meditated dishonesty practiced by the Iowa State GOP in both the Iowa Straw Poll and Iowa Caucus (more on that coming soon).

And such dishonesty surfaces BIG TIME when there is a real populist, constitutionalist candidate in the running like Congressman Ron Paul.

IF such a “monitor the vote” effort is not announced in advance, and PUBLICLY, then once the crooked Big Media announces rigged results on Caucus or Primary night – which they often do – to the exact percentage -- BEFORE the voting starts (see “A House Without Doors”) – then any protests from the Ron Paul camp will be treated as sour grapes.

The monitoring effort has be set up LOUDLY in advance so that the Iowa GOP, or the NH GOP, and their for-the-moment allies in the Big Media are AFRAID to rig the vote, for fear of being exposed before all the world.

By the way, I am locked out of Daily Paul, so I can’t do anything myself to post there.-- Maybe it’s because I was inactive for almost four years, since 2008. In any case, I’ve appealed for help from the webmaster’s team a few days ago, but no response yet. So anybody that can post my webpage about monitoring the vote for Ron Paul in Iowa and New Hampshire on Daily Paul or on any other website for Ron Paul Supporters, please do so.


– You can also go to Twitter, log in, search for Ron Paul, and then in the upper right hand corner hit “view all.” Then will pop up in the main box all the Ron Paul groups, such as RonPaul_2012 or RonPaul – then you can use what they call a hashtag, which is the # sign at the beginning of the group’s twitter name at the beginning of your Tweet.

You can make up your own – or -- here’s a sample tweet one could cut and paste and use:

#RonPaul_2012 – Don’t let them steal the Iowa Caucus from Ron Paul – go to www.votefraud.org/Iowa2012.htm for how to watch the vote.

(That’s 128 characters, 140 characters are allowed in a tweet. – In another tweet, you could substitute NH Primary for Iowa Caucus)

Hope to have a video up for Iowa and New Hampshire soon.


New Hampshire is the OTHER major contest – other than Iowa – where Ron Paul supporters could monitor the count.

New Hampshire is not as straightforward as Iowa.

A little background is essential to fully understand the danger of being election-cheated which Ron Paul faces in the upcoming New Hampshire Primary to be held on January 10, 2012, one month from the time this is being written.


When Pat Buchanan ran against Bob Dole in 1996, fully 50% of the ballots were counted by hand, in public view, at the local precinct – the way it should be. The results were posted IN PUBLIC at the local polling place BEFORE the ballots left the precinct – as it should be.

It was pretty dangerous in 1996 to have the 50% of hand-counted towns vote one way, and then 50% of the secret-computer-counted towns come out another way.

Buchanan won the New Hampshire Primary in 1996.
But I think he would have “lost” if he were running under today’s conditions – where fully 80% of the New Hampshire votes are now counted in secret on easily rigged computers (unless the Buchanan campaign had verified the vote under the unique New Hampshire law that allows such verification, which I am about to explain how to do for the benefit of sincere Ron Paul

One more telling story about why New Hampshire was a dangerous state back in the 90s (dangerous to the evil Fed-Related Ruling Elite manhandling our country at elections and elsewhere).

In 1998, New Hampshire was still the ONLY state that had 50% of their state ballots counted in public by hand at the both the primary election and the November election.

All the other 49 states, since 1988, have had 99% or 100% of their ballots “counted” by easily rigged, secret computer counts, run by four election mega-companies, in tandem (conspiracy?) with the six major Big Media corporations (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, and AP wire) – this is explained in other essays in this series at www.votefraud.org/Iowa2012.htm --

As we have stated elsewhere on the above mentioned web page, when the Ruling Elite tries to defeat a pro-American, constitutionalist candidate, as was Bob Smith (or Ron Paul), -- they falsify pre-election polls shamelessly for MONTHS before the election, as they are now doing in the Iowa Caucus for Newt and Romney, and against Ron Paul – and as they did for Dole and Forbes in 1996, and against Buchanan in the pre-Iowa Caucus days that year.

Next –

They falsify the exit polls, which are TOTAL shams anyway (see the book “Votescam: The Stealing of America” by the late Collier Brothers, or this Network America ewire:

Or this votefraud.org webpage, with an astounding picture on it which we snapped at the New Hampshire primary, 1996.)


And finally, they adjust the secret computer count – when they can get away with it – to make their phony polls and their phony exit polls “come true.”

So, in 1998 November election, in all the 49 computer-“counted” states the creature of the 5 Big TV Networks and AP wire, Voter News Service, got EVERY one of their exit polls right, and “accurately predicted” the final “results” in every case in every one of those 49 computerized states.


In the ONE state that had half the ballots counted HONESTLY, and in the open, by hand – New Hampshire, Voter News Service and its 6 dishonest and treasonous Big Media owners ALL predicted early in the evening that their exit polls showed that incumbent Senator Bob Smith had LOST the election.

BUT THE MEDIA CROOKS MISCALCULATED. As the HAND COUNTED precincts trickled in late in the evening – incumbent Senator Bob Smith, a great American and great constitutionalist, PULLED AHEAD AND WON!!!!

Senator Bob Smith said then that it was like going to Hell early in the evening (when all the crooked Big TV Networks projected him to lose) and then like going to Heaven when he pulled ahead and won. – Well, Sen. Smith was too close to the action to understand what was going on. The Votescam Crime Syndicate had just failed to rig the computerized half of New Hampshire enough to offset the paper-ballot counted half of New Hampshire. Had they realized how popular he was, the would have rigged the computerized half even more, and Sen. Smith would have stayed in “election hell” that night.

We’re all in for a lot of “hell”, and not just “election hell”, -- if the Votescam Crime Syndicate is not stopped, arrested, prosecuted, and removed from the ability to harm and cheat and exploit the public.

Now here’s a quiz:

Q. Why was Voter News Service and 5 of its 6 owners, (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and FOX) able to “accurately” predict all the Governor and Senate races in the 49 computer counted states at the general election of 1998?

A. Because the Big 5 TV Networks and AP are working with the 4 mega-computer election companies (Diebold, ES &S, Sequoia, and Hart) -- and the latter group can rig the computer-counted elections to make the bogus exit polls “come true.”

The treasonous 5 Big TV Networks ALL got the 49 computer-“counted” states right for another
reason: despite their totally bogus on-air “competition” to call the “winners and losers” – these 5 Big TV Networks are all getting the exact same exit poll “information” at the exact same time, from the exact same company, namely Voter News Service, or VNS, -- now renamed National Election Pool, or NEP, as of 2003, -- (google National Election Pool on Wikipedia for proof of this, and who the owners of VNS and NEP were, and are).

Next question in our pop quiz:

Q. Why did Voter News Service and its 5 big TV Owners, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and FOX, -- all issue and ANNOUNCE ON AIR exit polls that failed to project the winner in New Hampshire?

A. Their allies at the computer-rigging
mega-companies didn’t rig the computer-“counted”
half of New Hampshire enough in 1998. Incumbent Senator Bob Smith was so popular that as the hand counted half of New Hampshire trickled in, Smith got so many votes that it outran the computer rigging that had been done in the computerized half of the state.

REMEMBER, all five networks got EVERY RACE in the
49 computer counted states “right” in their exit polls on election night 1998 – and in the one state, NH, that was counted 50% by a hand count of ballots at the local polling place – all five TV networks got it WRONG! ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, AND FOX all got NH wrong in 1998 in the case of Sen. Bob Smith’s re-election.

The Votescam cabal could FIX the secret-count, easily rigged computer states, but they could NOT fix the state that was at least 50% counted HONESTLY and in the OPEN. For the perceptive, I rest my case.


The Secretary of State in New Hampshire has been and is Bob Gardner. I assert that Gardner is a sinister character. It is HE who has switched New Hampshire now to being an 80% computer counted state.

The Braveheart of Ron Paul supporters, Walter Reddy of Connecticut, was in New Hampshire for the whole bogus recount after the New Hampshire Primary in 2008. Gardner had the equivalent of the keystone cops picking up the ballots from the 238 or voting locations around the state. And the boxes were kept OFF LIMITS to the public at re-count central until they had been “pre-checked”
in private by Gardner’s sinister forces.

The intrepid Bev Harris of BlackBoxVoting.org – who is the “star” of the important HBO documentary, “Hacking Democracy” (which all should see, it might be in parts on Youtube, and the DVD is available to buy in many places), -- also cried foul about the way the 2008 NH “recount” was handled – and Bev was ALSO on the scene in New Hampshire at that time.

As you recall, with no visible support in New Hampshire, and deeply, deeply in debt, NeoCon Manchurian candidate John McCain “won” the New Hampshire Primary, and Ron Paul “dismally” lost the by-then 80% computerized state.

I talked to a number of people in New Hampshire on the day of the primary. Three candidates had signs and lots of visible supporters: Barry Obama, Hillary Clinton, -- and Ron Paul. McCain had almost no signs, and next to ZERO physical supporters in evidence.

Now, let’s see. McCain cannot raise money, has nobody putting his signs in their yards or appearing in public to hold his signs – but he wins the computer “count.” (The evil Votescam Syndicate controlling election computers and the 5 Big TV Networks – can overrule the people as we move closer to a Soviet Amerika.)

Ron Paul raises a ton of money – including the largest single fund raising day yet achieved in American history – raises the money in small amounts (average donation $59 as I recall) from small internet contributions, -- 6.2 million dollars on December 17, 2007, three weeks before the 2008 New Hampshire primary, -- his signs are every in New Hampshire in yards and in the hands of visible physical supporters on election day, -- and he “loses” in the published computer “result.”

In some of the few places that could be checked, proof surfaced that the local Republican hacks were told to suppress Ron Paul’s votes. In two different towns Ron Paul was given ZERO votes, but in each town one or more families came forth to protest that their entire family had voted for Ron Paul. So the local Republican hacks sheepishly added back in the undeniable votes. How many RP supporters were not paying attention after the voted in these or other towns is unknown. Most Americans, totally unaware of the energy our country’s enemies put into stealing elections, naively think they’ve done their job in total after they’ve cast their vote.


I’m working from memory here, but as I recall, there were about 238 voting stations or polling places in New Hampshire, and I think about 140 of these were computerized towns. But the 140 or so that were computerized were “counting” 80% of the ballots. (These numbers will have to be checked and updated for the 2012 primaries.)

In any case, Ron Paul supporters in New Hampshire will have to go to all the computer counted towns IN ADVANCE and invoke the law which allows each polling place to have designated people in that town to pull out the ballots RIGHT AFTER the polls close on primary night, -- and count them by hand IN PUBLIC -- with Ron Paul supporters watching at close range, -- which is the only meaningful way to witness a ballot count.

If the city fathers REFUSE to let such an immediate hand count to take place to double-check the computer count – then that will tell you all you need to know. If they do allow the hand count check on the computers, as they can by NH law, and should, then great – they are doing their job to run an honest, constitutional election.

In the hand counted towns, Ron Paul supporters must ALSO be there to witness the hand count AT CLOSE RANGE.

With thousands of Ron Paul supporters in New Hampshire, surely 238 teams of two can be found to be at each of the 238 or so polling places on primary night 2012, hopefully with video cameras.

THEN, as in Iowa, the RP monitors must call the results into a central RP friendly center that will post the REAL COUNTS immediately on the internet for all the world to see.

If this is not done, then the NH computers will publish a “great victory” for Romney, or Gingrich
-- as will all the computerized states after that, in which there is no way to check the computer count (that’s what I and a few others have been crying in the wilderness about since 1979, and a lot more joined us during the Bush-Gore orchestrated “debacle” of year 2000).

New Hampshire, at least in 2008, had a unique law that allowed the city fathers in each town to pull the actual ballots out of the computer-machines right at the time the polls closed, so that the computer programming could be DOUBLE-CHECKED.


I will be pleasantly shocked if the current Ron Paul top paid staff in New Hampshire is any different from the saboteurs running NH for Ron Paul in 2008.

Ron Paul’s chief of staff at his Washington office in 2008, an honest man, and an honest Ron Paul supporter, Tom Lizardo, told about 150 of us on a Thursday Night conference call of the National Ron Paul Meetup Conference Call (now the weekly call continues at www.AUnetwork.TV ) circa April 2008, that he (Lizardo) was in New Hampshire for the 2008 Primary. And that after the results were in, he told the entire NH staff that they should voluntarily resign because they did such a horrible job. And he was right. None of these brassy operatives resigned, though. They had more sabotage to accomplished until the 2008 Ron Paul Presidential Campaign was driven into a ditch for sure.

The Ron Paul meetups in NH warned their people away from helping to verify the vote. They again smeared me as “anti-semitic” because I had publicly opposed many Israeli policies, and the organized Jewish Lobby’s influence in the USA. But

But, of course, neither I nor any of the Vote in Sunshine people were talking about anything other than how to verify the vote for Ron Paul. The NH RP staff could have taken our sound ideas, and just put it out themselves. None of us with the “Vote in Sunshine” effort were looking for pay, position, or notoriety. We just wanted to verify the TRUE vote for the sake of Ron Paul – and, dare I say it? – for the nation, AND for the children (and we really meant it).

BUT, national RP campaign manager Lew Moore (placed in the Ron Paul camp by the Koch brothers, two billionaires pretending to be Libertarians who are actually vicious, warmongering Neo-Cons) and his merry band of saboteurs were totally opposed to verifying the vote for Ron Paul in New Hampshire, or anywhere else.

The debilitating influence of such hostile plants in the Ron Paul campaigns is that they persuade even good men to take the wrong side on the vote verifying issue. An Iraqi veteran, Jim Forsythe, who I feel sure is a good man, fought against us as we begged someone in New Hampshire to do SOMETHING to ensure a fair count for Ron Paul and everybody else.

Forsythe was big in the meetup world, and bought Lew Moore’s lie that the campaign had a “secret plan” for primary day in New Hampshire.

One of Forsythe’s email communications was so bad and misdirected on this issue, that I had to “take him to the woodshed” and “sit him down for an after school session” on Daily Paul. Here’s the link to that:


Of course, when the 2008 NH Primary day came, there was no secret plan, and the RP paid staff told all the sincere and trusting volunteers to go to the campaign party at the 7 PM closing time of the polls, instead of digging in to witness at the
240 or so local polling places to the witness the count in the hand-counted towns, and to demand that the city fathers open the machines in the computer counted towns (if that hadn’t been secured in advance, as it should be), so that there could be a double check of the computer results (?) with an in-the-open hand count.

Thus Lew Moore, and the top RP paid staff did what the enemies of our country in the Obama camp and the Big Media camp could not do – mislead sincere Ron Paul supporters and drive their efforts into a ditch, while running block for the RHINOS and NEOCONS in the Republican Party and the NeoCons and traitors in the Big Media.

One more thing, the BraveHeart of Ron Paul supporters, Walter Reddy, was with Rand Paul himself in the NH Ron Paul for President HQ in New Hampshire on the morning of primary day.

Walter explained the situation to Rand Paul, who then asked the paid staff there to do what Walter said and send monitors to as many of the 240 or so polling places as possible. The dishonest top paid staff say they would. When Rand Paul left to start greeting people at various polling places, the paid staff ignored what he said, and did nothing.

Brassy operatives, NOT Ron Paul supporters - placed in the Ron Paul camp by Koch brothers money and influence, whom the Pauls did not see through then, and I’m not sure they see through this sinister faction now.

Internal opposition and sabotage from people pretending to be friends – is the hardest type of opposition to detect and handle.

What will happen this year in New Hampshire? Will anything be done? If the RP Paid staff in New Hampshire stonewalls a vote verification effort again – can RP supporters mount an independent effort? I don’t know. But I have explained here what needs to be done.

Again, if I can help, I’m available for
conference calls to help organize an independent effort of vote verification, should the RP Paid staff again insist on doing nothing. There’s still time as this is written, 30 days before the primary. (513-741-2095)

to monitor and verify the vote count.

To see just how illegal secret computer counts are, see the youtube video, “South Carolina, Super Tuesday, and Ron Paul”, which includes the TWO Supreme Court decisions which make such secret counts ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Yet that’s what 49 states and 80% of New Hampshire is doing on General Election day. And almost as many states, and 80% of NH – do the same during the Presidential primary season.

My page covering more than you want to know, but everything you need to know as a RP supporter -- to help VERIFY the count, is:


“Those who cast the votes decide nothing; those who COUNT the votes decide everything.” Josef Stalin, Communist Dictator, Khazar, and Mass Murderer

End of this Network America Ewire

Jim Condit Jr.

Network America

PO Box 11339
Cincinnati, Ohio

13th December 2011, 12:43 AM
posted this Pat Buchanan interview thread recently,
Thread: Pat Buchanan on Truth Jihad Radio (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?55531-Pat-Buchanan-on-Truth-Jihad-Radio)

next is unrelated, new Ugly Truth podcast, journalist is with Press TV,

TUT Podcast Dec 12, 2011 (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2011/12/12/tut-podcast-dec-12-2011/)

America and Israel–The largest state sponsors of terrorism in the world, and according to the 2-headed beast Iran must be bombed into oblivion in order to stamp out terror.

We are joined once again by Iranian journalist Kourosh Ziabari to discuss the ongoing terrorism campaign against his country by American, British and Israeli forces and what this all means viz a viz an upcoming attack on Iran.

Download here (http://theuglytruth.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/tut12dec2011ziabarifin.mp3)

13th December 2011, 05:50 AM
the USS Liberty attack on Israel ?!

28th February 2012, 08:19 AM
This was a good find by the General.

28th February 2012, 08:38 AM
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK


mick silver
28th February 2012, 09:10 AM
more need to watch and learn .... back uppppppp