View Full Version : Look up in the sky, Thursday or Friday

13th December 2011, 07:16 PM
This comet may be visible in the daytime.



13th December 2011, 07:21 PM
Kool, if there are no clouds, supposed to rain here (need much)

14th December 2011, 10:43 AM
Here she comes! Sounds like sunset tomorrow it can be seen, if you block out the sun.



15th December 2011, 04:53 PM
Might be an impact?
Anyone look up at the left side of the sun?

17th December 2011, 08:39 AM
'Phew!'? Much different MSM tone than with comets 'grazing' earth at over 100,000km last month. Seems AP is more concerned about comets hitting the sun than the earth. ;D

Phew! Comet has a brush with fiery death (http://www.thestar.com/news/world/article/1103496--phew-comet-has-a-brush-with-fiery-death?bn=1)

Dec 16 2011 The Associated Press

WASHINGTON—A small comet survived what astronomers figured would be a sure death when it danced uncomfortably close to the ['sun's corona].

Comet Lovejoy, which was only discovered a couple of weeks ago, was supposed to melt Thursday night when it came close to where temperatures hit several million degrees. Astronomers had tracked 2,000 other sun-grazing comets make the same suicidal trip. None had ever survived.

But astronomers watching live with NASA telescopes first saw the sun's corona wiggle as Lovejoy went close to the sun. They were then shocked when a bright spot emerged on the sun's other side. Lovejoy lived.

"I was delighted when I saw it go into the sun and I was astounded when I saw something re-emerge," said U.S. Navy solar researcher Karl Battams.

Lovejoy didn't exactly come out of its hellish adventure unscathed. Only 10 per cent of the comet — which was probably millions of tons — survived the encounter, said W. Dean Pesnell, project scientist for NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, which tracked Lovejoy's death-defying plunge.

And the comet lost something pretty important: its tail.

"It looks like the tail broke off and is stuck" in the sun's magnetic field, Pesnell said.

Comets circle the sun and sometimes get too close. Lovejoy came within 121,000 kilometres of the sun's surface, Battams said... [childish ice cube and barbecue denial follows]

17th December 2011, 09:02 AM
Lovejoy Lives!!!!!

Pretty amazing anything could get that close to the sun and survive.


17th December 2011, 10:07 AM
it came close to where temperatures hit several million degrees. Astronomers had tracked 2,000 other sun-grazing comets make the same suicidal trip. None had ever survived

That has to be one hard rock now...like a diamond in the sky.

18th December 2011, 11:22 AM
Great shots. And Yes. And while going that fast too.

Imagine being a planet in that bright tail that seemed almost as wide as the sun.
That could make the hair on the back of one's neck stand up.

Speaking in general about MSM coverage; Sad seeing the snowball comet mainstream authority meme being the only one the majority can think of when trying to understand and explain. One can see some movement to realize the now measured reality of pound for pound, 10 to the power of 37 times stronger Electromagnetic forces com into play (not just temperature and gravity explanations for everything). The tendency is to attach the new information to the old theory by attempting to translate things into a gravity mindset.
And the tendency is also continuing to avoid and reject ANY mention (other than derisive denial) of what is dismissed as previously rejected theory that actually is grounded in all forces.

By the end of the video I was laughing about all this. The 'frozen snowball' from the '2 million degrees hot' corona also 'frozen' in the magnetic field lines. Even a kid can see this is a strange (insane) theory. Ironically, the insanity probably keeps the teachers teaching too. Its as if the whole middle class scientific establishment (or what is broadcasted of it) is becoming a meme unto itself as it drifts away from truth and reality towards corruption and vice.

Same as it ever was I guess.

And those dumbed out fake reality TV science shows? More than not so good science, tortureous brain cracking smack. The IQ 75 guy who also does not care to learn can watch these and continue to feel smart enough to not bother learning anything.

It really was a spectacular event!
I was always under the belief that anything will burn if given enough heat...is it possible the sun is not as hot as they say/think it is?

18th December 2011, 11:43 AM
Think the comet was cold and large enough, and also moving fast enough, that the sun did not totally fry it. Sort of the way water dances on a hot frying pan.

19th December 2011, 11:25 PM
COMET LOVEJOY IN THE MORNING: Noted astronomer John Bortle urges observers (especially in the southern hemisphere) to "begin searching for Comet Lovejoy's bright tail projecting up out of the morning twilight beginning at dawn. The tails of some of the major sungrazing comets have been extraordinarily bright. Comet Lovejoy's apparition has been so bizarre up to this point that it is difficult to anticipate just what might happen next ... [including] the exact sort of tail it might unfurl in the morning sky."

This just in! The ghostly tail of Comet Lovejoy was sighted this morning, Dec. 20th, shining through the twilight glow of dawn over Australia. Peter Sayers sends this picture from Devonport, Tasmania:

"I was surprised to be able to see Comet Lovejoy in our Tasmanian summer early morning twilight with the waning Moon," says Sayers. "The comet's tail was just barely naked eye and perhaps a degree long."

The visibility of the tail could improve in the days ahead as the comet moves away from the sun and the background sky darkens accordingly. Early rising sky watchers should be alert for this rare apparition. [finder chart]

19th December 2011, 11:45 PM
Video or it didn't happen.

20th December 2011, 02:31 AM
That has to be one hard rock now...like a diamond in the sky.

No, it is still an ice cube. ;D

20th December 2011, 03:07 AM
COMET LOVEJOY.....ya gotta love the name............

Scientists mystified how Comet Lovejoy survived 2 million degree K temperature pass through Sun’s corona
Posted on December 19, 2011
December 19, 2011 – SPACE – A small comet survived what astronomers figured would be a sure death when it danced uncomfortably close to the broiling Sun. Comet Lovejoy, which was only discovered a couple of weeks ago, was supposed to melt Thursday night when it came close to where temperatures hit several million degrees. Astronomers had tracked 2,000 other sun-grazing comets make the same suicidal trip. None had ever survived. But astronomers watching live with NASA telescopes first saw the Sun’s corona wiggle as Lovejoy went close to the Sun. They were then shocked when a bright spot emerged on the Sun’s other side. Lovejoy lived. “I was delighted when I saw it go into the Sun and I was astounded when I saw something re-emerge,” said U.S. Navy solar researcher Karl Battams. Lovejoy didn’t exactly come out of its hellish adventure unscathed. Only 10 per cent of the comet — which was probably millions of tons — survived the encounter, said W. Dean Pesnell, project scientist for NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, which tracked Lovejoy’s death-defying plunge. And the comet lost something pretty important: its tail. “It looks like the tail broke off and is stuck” in the Sun’s magnetic field, Pesnell said. Comets circle the Sun and sometimes get too close. Lovejoy came within 121,000 kilometers of the Sun’s surface, Battams said. For a small object often described as a dirty snowball comprised of ice and dust, that brush with the Sun should have been fatal. Astronomers say it probably didn’t melt completely because the comet was larger than they thought. The frozen comet was evaporating as it made the trip toward the Sun, “just like you’re sweating on a hot day,” Pesnell said. “It’s like an ice cube going by a barbecue grill,” he said. Pesnell said the comet, although only discovered at the end of November by an Australian observer, probably is related to a comet that came by Earth on the way to the Sun in 1106. As Comet Lovejoy makes its big circle through the solar system, it will be another 800 or 900 years before it nears the Sun again, astronomers say. –CBC
Unraveling an enigma: Not only did Comet Lovejoy survive it’s swish through the Sun’s corona where temperatures can reach as high as 2,000,000 K- it appeared to have also possessed a force that caused the Sun’s massive corona to move- indicating physical matter may not be interacting so much with corporeal matter as we may be witnessing instead a quantum interaction model between two energies – Sun and comet. The nature of some comets has long been theorized by some scientists as representing more than just debris or mere stray chunks of ice streaking through the solar system. Some comets may carry an electromagnetic force which appears capable of igniting a plasma reaction from the Sun, particularly by elevating the proton density count in the Sun’s solar winds as was certainly the case with the ill-fated Comet Lovejoy. –The Extinction Protocol

So 10 % of the comet survived getting fried by the sun. Feisty little bloke.


20th December 2011, 03:43 AM
Better video here: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/sunearth/news/track-comet.html

Lots of detail on the tail. The tail is sputters around as it is broken into bands by areas of differentialy charged solar wind, or 'trapped in the magnetic field lines' as is usually explained.

It really was a spectacular event!
I was always under the belief that anything will burn if given enough heat...is it possible the sun is not as hot as they say/think it is?
Thanks for making me take a refresher on solar temperature theory.
What I remembered applied to an electrical gradient zone. But past that it does get that hot all agree!

As for that zone, temperature measure of random motion does not really apply.


Positive ions in the photospheric plasma do not experience external electrostatic forces when they are within the photosphere. Only diffusion motion (response to a concentration gradient) and random thermal (Brownian) movement occurs. Temperature is simply the measurement of the violence of those random movements. The photosphere is where the Sun’s low ~5800 K surface temperature is measured....

As these positive ions accelerate down the steep potential energy drop, they exchange the high (electrical) potential energy they had in the photosphere into kinetic energy – they gain extremely high outward radial velocity and lose side-to-side random motion. Thus they become "de-thermalized." This is because in this region of high radial acceleration, the movement of these ions becomes extremely organized (parallel). Their temperature, which is just a measure of their random motion, drops to a minimum.

When these rapidly traveling +ions pass beyond the reach of the intense outwardly directed E-field force that has been accelerating them, they have reached the bottom of the hill [see energy charts in OP]] and are moving much faster than when they were at the top. Because of their high kinetic energy, any collisions they have at this point with other ions or neutral atoms are violent. This creates high-amplitude random motions, thereby "re-thermalizing" all ions and atoms in this region to a much higher temperature. The sparkling x-ray emissions that have been observed here in the lower corona are undoubtedly due to these collisions.

Ions [in the re-thermalizing region] are reported to be at temperatures of one to two million K.
However when wondering why it did not melt away altogether, think of the snowball theory melting away.

Chapter 4 - Electric Comets (http://www.thunderbolts.info/thunderblogs/archives/special_edition/100116_se_teu1.htm)

By all appearances comet nuclei appear to be complex, cratered rocks a few kilometers in diameter. All that seems to distinguish them from those other space mountains—asteroids—is their eccentric orbits and accompanying displays in the heavens.

20th December 2011, 05:32 AM
I can't imaging scientists not being able to explain something! Don't they know everything?

These guys just make shit up as they go along. Non-stop. I had a thread about this on GIM that went into detail on their "Dark Matter' Theory, which of course is all based on math, but the numbers didn't work because they needed a "Constant" added to the formula. Then they re-worked calculations from other aspects, and their formula didn't work, so the kept chaning the "Constant".
By they end, they were saying basically "We have it all figured out! The formula needs and inconsistant constant to work, but it all makes sense!" Surreal. Anytime they start into their bullshit I just remind myself that these people still can't explain gravity.

Anyhow, I wish the pics were showing up. I am really curious to see these pictures.

20th December 2011, 05:46 AM
Here is the youtubed video: :)

[Edit: I expact that black dot at 0:25 is camera or processing effect as it seemed to fixed with the image frame.]

20th December 2011, 09:36 AM
Here is the youtubed video: :)


What was that little black dot about 0:25 hovering above the sun?

Amazing vid you can almost see dark matter being eaten by the Sun...

like an Indian Lovejoy walking across hot coals.

20th December 2011, 12:59 PM
Anytime they start into their bullshit I just remind myself that these people still can't explain gravity.

Wiki is improving. Its nice to see pages like this improved now to fairly enough introduce an alternative theory.


Mechanical explanations of gravitation (or kinetic theories of gravitation) are attempts to explain the action of gravity by aid of basic mechanical processes, such as pressure forces caused by pushes [and shadows], and without the use of any action at a distance. These theories were developed from the 16th until the 19th century in connection with the aether. However, such models are no longer regarded as viable theories within the mainstream scientific community and the standard model to describe gravitation without the use of actions at a distance is now general relativity. Modern quantum gravity theories also attempt to describe gravity by more fundamental processes such as particle fields, but they are not based on classical mechanics.

20th December 2011, 01:03 PM
Exactly. They still can't explain it.

Joe King
20th December 2011, 01:16 PM
Exactly. They still can't explain it.If it's a big enough ice cube, it'll survive.
ie it strill takes time for heat to transfer.

Joe King
20th December 2011, 01:27 PM
I'll explain this too:
Abrahamic minded to minded self re-enforcing insanity.Are you saying that it would not matter how big it was?
That a sliver of ice and a larger chunk of ice will absorb an equal amount of heat at the same distance from a heat source, as well as time duration?

Whatever you think, it takes time for heat transferance to occur. It does not happen instantly.

20th December 2011, 01:32 PM
Hey I'm not talking about anything to do with the OP, or the comet or the video or anything.
I'm just saying that the scientific community has a habit of making shit up in general, coming up with all these bizzare theories about quantum mechanics and dark matter and anti matter, but they still can't explain gravity.

I still haven't seen any photos or videos about the comet. None of them are showing here. Can't wait to see them though!

20th December 2011, 02:04 PM
Bigger could be better for corona effects.

But if we are talking corona, tails and exploding comet nucleus, more important than size is electrical capacitance and potential difference between it and the space around it.

Check out this comet that flared up quickly when it was millions of miles away from the sun (~2 AU), and moving away from sun! With enough awareness, cognitive dissonance can be reduced with better science rather than a mind melt trying to adsorb MSM occulting snowballs.


During its 2007 return, Holmes unexpectedly brightened from a magnitude of about 17 to about 2.8 in a period of only 42 hours, making it visible to the naked eye. This represents a change of brightness by a factor of about half a million and is the largest known outburst by a comet. The outburst took place from October 23 to 24, 2007....

17P/Holmes is a periodic comet in an inclined and elliptical orbit between Mars and Jupiter. The comet was closest to the sun on May 4, 2007.

While large telescopes had already shown fine-scale cometary details, naked-eye observers saw Holmes as merely star-like until October 26. After that date, 17P/Holmes began to appear more comet-like to naked-eye observers. This is because during the comet's outburst, its orbit took it to near opposition with respect to Earth, and since comet tails point away from the Sun [actually only one of the two types of tails comets can have point away from the sun -keehah], Earth observers were looking nearly straight down along the tail of 17/P Holmes, making the comet appear as a bright sphere.

Based on orbital computations and luminosity before the 2007 outburst, the comet's nucleus was estimated at 3.4 km.

The comet did not only become brighter, it also swelled in size, as its coma expanded. In late October 2007 the coma's apparent diameter increased from 3.3 arcminutes to over 13 arcminutes, about half the diameter that the Moon subtends in the sky. At a distance of around 2 AU, this means that the true diameter of the coma had swelled to over 1 million km, or about 70% of the diameter of the Sun. By comparison, the Moon is 380,000 km from Earth. Therefore, during the 2007 outburst of Comet Holmes the coma was a sphere wider than the diameter of the Moon's orbit around Earth. On 2007 November, the coma had dispersed to a volume larger than the sun, briefly giving it the largest extended atmosphere in the solar system. The cause of the outburst is not definitely known.