View Full Version : Man gives his $1 million home to the US govt to help pay down countries debt

14th December 2011, 03:56 PM
nothing says patriotard (or I really hate my family) quite like this

Florida man wills $1 million house to Uncle Sam

By NBCMiami.com

A South Florida man has willed his historic house worth $1 million to the U.S. government to help eliminate the country's growing debt.

The Miami Herald reports that Uncle Sam put the Coral Gables house up for auction Saturday. The winning bid was $1.175 million.

The house belonged to James H. Davidson Jr. who lived there from his teenage years until he died last December at 87. He also left $1 million to the government.

Read more at NBCMiami.com

The Herald reports Davidson had nieces and nephews who live in the area.

Barbara Perez was high bidder on the 1929 Spanish style home. Officials say 700 people toured the home last week and 15 registered to participate in the auction.

The government will auction off the contents on the home in January.


midnight rambler
14th December 2011, 03:57 PM
It's the thought that counts. lol It sets a fine example for others to emulate.

14th December 2011, 03:59 PM
There went 10 + million or so, that is what the study probably will cost studying what to do with it. Then it will sell it at maybe 1/10 the value.

Twisted Titan
14th December 2011, 04:34 PM
The merchants of War,Strife,Misery and Death thank Mr. Davidson for his contribution.

Effing Idiot of a Order and Magnitude not seen in my lifetime

14th December 2011, 04:39 PM

mick silver
14th December 2011, 04:57 PM
you just cant fix a Idiot , i dont care how hard you try . it just cant be done

14th December 2011, 04:57 PM
It's the thought that counts. lol It sets a fine example for others to emulate.

I was watching a NBC or CBS thing a few weeks back that profiled an guy in his 80's that spends his days collecting aluminum cans and give the recycling money to .gov to pay of the national debt.

14th December 2011, 05:00 PM
That guy's brainwashing went a little too deep, imo.

14th December 2011, 05:13 PM
He donated $1 million towards the national debt.

Does he know how many millions are in a Trillion? Does he know how many Trillions we are in debt? He may as well of sent in a zinc penny.

14th December 2011, 05:18 PM
That guy's brainwashing went a little too deep, imo.

Many people in their 80s seem to be beyond help in the brainwashing dept.........

14th December 2011, 05:28 PM
Many people in their 80s seem to be beyond help in the brainwashing dept......... Not so much as that, than the world that they grew up and lived in , has made a seismic shift for the worse. Hell, this is not my country that I grew up in and had values that everyone understood. When morality got dumped in the name of progress.

We all lost.

It has gone to hell in a hand basket!

14th December 2011, 09:00 PM

I'da give'em 2 GIM Freedom rounds with the Egyptian EYE on them for that rat shack.

po boy
14th December 2011, 09:06 PM

I'da give'em 2 GIM Freedom rounds with the Egyptian EYE on them for that rat shack.

Corrected title should read, man dumps dilapidated over taxed shithole as thank to US .gov.

14th December 2011, 09:07 PM
I'd burn it down before I would give it to the government.

14th December 2011, 09:14 PM

I'da give'em 2 GIM Freedom rounds with the Egyptian EYE on them for that rat shack.

Why, do you need another dungeon to perform your secret occultic rituals in? :)

14th December 2011, 09:16 PM
Why, do you need another dungeon to perform your secret occultic rituals in? :)

3 GIM Freedom rounds, and a black velvet Jesus painting is my final offer.


14th December 2011, 09:38 PM
"Mr Davidson we salute you, your generous donation has allowed us to run the government for nearly 9 whole seconds (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20027782-503544.html), if you use the actual budget including unfunded liabilities we are talking milliseconds. You are indeed a true patriot your service will not be forgotten."

- US Congress

14th December 2011, 09:42 PM
the money probably wont even "pay down the debt". it will probably be seen to them as an additional appropriation that they can dole out and spend as they see fit

14th December 2011, 10:33 PM
So the guy works his whole life for a $1 million dollar home...gives it to the government.

The gov just pissed it away in about 1 minute.

Great job.

Joe King
14th December 2011, 10:46 PM
"Mr Davidson we salute you, your generous donation has allowed us to run the government for nearly 9 whole seconds (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20027782-503544.html), if you use the actual budget including unfunded liabilities we are talking milliseconds. You are indeed a true patriot your service will not be forgotten."

- US CongressI got a good laugh outta that, thanks. :D
...and I think that it brings up a good way to visualize the govs spending.

It's like going downtown to watch the parade but instead of floats, they're million dollar houses.
Constantly rolling by. One every 9 seconds 24/7, on their way to the incinerator that is .gov waste.

Most people today can imagine a million dollar house, as well as 9 seconds because it fits within the attention span of the average American Idol aficionado.

But y'know, it's all so huge and over whelming, the sheer size and scope of it all, that it's no wonder a lot of people want to avoid talking about it.
ie it'd be easy to feel hopeless about it all if you can't really see the bigger picture.

14th December 2011, 11:37 PM
Should have turned it into a homeless shelter and helped the people fucked over by the government.

Instead he is contributer to the cause and not the solution.

14th December 2011, 11:41 PM
I got a good laugh outta that, thanks. :D
...and I think that it brings up a good way to visualize the govs spending.

It's like going downtown to watch the parade but instead of floats, they're million dollar houses.
Constantly rolling by. One every 9 seconds 24/7, on their way to the incinerator that is .gov waste.

Most people today can imagine a million dollar house, as well as 9 seconds because it fits within the attention span of the average American Idol aficionado.

But y'know, it's all so huge and over whelming, the sheer size and scope of it all, that it's no wonder a lot of people want to avoid talking about it.
ie it'd be easy to feel hopeless about it all if you can't really see the bigger picture.


15th December 2011, 12:10 AM
There's one born every 9 seconds... ;D

15th December 2011, 05:38 AM
There's one born every 9 seconds... ;D

Well the problem with most idiots born is that they don't tend to leave million dollar properties. Maybe acting in a youtube chimpout video, will be their foremost legacy...

Anyway the chances of his disinherited relatives, having recourse legally in this case must be zero. No court would ever for instance deem a man insane, if he wanted to leave his entire fortune to the government...

15th December 2011, 06:23 AM
If I ever got wind that a relative ever crafted a will such as this, I'd have them committed in mental institution.

This ain't stupid, this is mental..