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16th December 2011, 07:37 PM

The English Department at Rutgers University says it responded swiftly and “with severity and directness” after finding out that a graduate student sent an email to a group of students inviting them to a whites-only screening of the film “Song of the South.”

Carolyn Williams, professor and chair of the department, denied allegations contained in a letter to the editor of the student newspaper that department officials had refused to publicly acknowledge “the racist, discriminatory nature of the email.”


So If I invite a bunch of GSUS'ers to a party and say its only for whites I'd be in big trouble, bullshit.

“The Department of English, like the rest of Rutgers University, finds bias acts unacceptable,” she said.

The controversy over the email was first reported this week by The Daily Targum, the student newspaper. The email was sent Sept. 28 by a
""""white graduate student in the English Department to a group of students enrolled with her in a class titled "Post-Bellum/Pre-Harlem.”"""""
The student invited the group, reportedly also white, to watch a screening of the 1946 Walt Disney movie “Song of the South,” which some modern-day observers say is racist and stereotypical in its portrayal of blacks just after the Civil War.

More at the link,

Political correctness is just ridiculous, I beleive in free speech so If this gal wanted to have a party with all whites , what the hell? So every other race is free to do what they want except caucasians?

16th December 2011, 07:47 PM
Zap, when I graduated college, back in '96. They had a separate graduation ceremony for black folks. A black only graduation, no whites allowed.

More blacks graduated from my college that year than white folks.

Being white, and a minority, I felt pissed on at that time. There's definitely a double standard, and it's not right. Of course, say anything and you are shamed into silence and labelled a racist.

16th December 2011, 07:57 PM
You know I had black , Mexican, Oriental friends in high school, and we never had this.....My best friend was 1/2 Japanese from the time I was 4 til 16, I don't know what to say? Political correctness? Damn it , so all these other groups of people can say , If your white your racist? come on...

My foreman, lol, I laugh cause I say foreman, and I have known him since he was a little guy 8 or 10 ! he's 32 and Mexican..( he's driving my trucks) and When he leaves the shop I tell him don't drive like a mexican ! he laughs and says you mean you want me to drive like a wetback , I say yes, drive 45 mph real low in the seat, lol we don't do the racist thing here , he'll tell me jesus you sound like a freakin oakie.

16th December 2011, 09:25 PM
God damn you half-Japanese girls
Do it to me every time
Oh, the redhead said you shred the cello
And I'm jello, baby
You won't talk, won't look, won't think of me
I'm the epitome of Public Enemy
Why you wanna go and do me like that?
Come on down to the street and dance with me

17th December 2011, 04:02 AM
God damn you half-Japanese girls
Do it to me every time
Oh, the redhead said you shred the cello
And I'm jello, baby
You won't talk, won't look, won't think of me
I'm the epitome of Public Enemy
Why you wanna go and do me like that?
Come on down to the street and dance with me

For those that want to know what song this was from.



17th December 2011, 05:06 AM
“Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than individuals . By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called “diversity” actually perpetuate racism. Their obsession with racial group identity is inherently racists . we should understand that racism will endure until we stop thinking in terms of groups and begin thinking in terms of individual liberty.”

- Ron Paul