View Full Version : Is Michele Bachmann a Compulsive Liar or Just Clueless?

17th December 2011, 11:27 AM
Is Michele Bachmann a Compulsive Liar or Just Clueless?
Posted: 12/16/11 02:53 PM ET

When people say factually inaccurate things, you can often tell whether they're deliberately mischaracterizing the truth or whether they just don't know what they're talking about. With Michele Bachmann, I really can't quite tell.

During a CNN-sponsored Republican debate a few weeks ago, Bachmann was predictably drumming up support for war with Iran, and claimed that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "said that if he has a nuclear weapon he will use it to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. He will use it against the United States of America." This could be sound justification for a war, except Bachmann's allegation is completely devoid of truth. As CNN's Truth Squad points out, Iranian leaders never threatened to nuke Israel or the United States, and they couldn't have because they deny pursuing nuclear weapons in the first place.

So how did Bachmann take being corrected? Rather than speak more carefully when she addressed the topic again, she decided to even exaggerate further (and frankly fall off the deep end) during last night's debate when she said:

"We know without a shadow of a doubt Iran will take a nuclear weapon, they will use it to wipe our ally Israel off the face of the map. And they've stated that they will use it against the United States of America."

So no longer is she only alleging that Iran said things they actually didn't, but now we know "without a shadow of doubt" that the attack will happen, unless we do something about it. That's the sort of lying that makes the Iraq war propaganda of Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld seem like honest straight-talk by comparison. Not content with that much, Bachmann (who, remarkably, sits on the House Intelligence Committee) sparred with Ron Paul over whether the IAEA said Iran was only months from being able to develop nuclear weapons and, sure enough, Bachmann turned out to be wrong.

midnight rambler
17th December 2011, 11:34 AM
Tough call, but I'm leaning toward pathological liar.

17th December 2011, 11:35 AM

Not to mention delusional, a Zionist whore, and batshit crazy.

mick silver
17th December 2011, 11:37 AM
jus who give a fuck what she got to say ... just one more ass hole that trying to get us all killed

17th December 2011, 11:51 AM
Can I vote both?

17th December 2011, 12:55 PM
Thanks to the lies and brainwashing of our MSM, when anyone (including the president) talks of regime change in ALL the countries around Israel and that this is 'a good and sensible thing to make the world a better place' is televised.

When one county's leader quotes a dead 'president' who said years ago there should be regime change in Israel, well then obviously "if he has a nuclear weapon he will use it to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. He will use it against the United States of America."

17th December 2011, 01:08 PM
I think "Whore of Satan" is a more fitting label.

Uncle Salty
17th December 2011, 01:26 PM
She is just doing as she is told to do. Simple as that. It's a great strategy by the war mongering zionists. Have a candidate with no chance of winning get the word out rather than the front runners. It puts the war into the consciousness of the public in a subtle way.

midnight rambler
17th December 2011, 01:32 PM
She is just doing as she is told to do. Simple as that. It's a great strategy by the war mongering zionists. Have a candidate with no chance of winning get the word out rather than the front runners. It puts the war into the consciousness of the public in a subtle way.

Good point, MicHELLe does a fine job lying about Iran and tying up Dr. Paul in an effort to make him look bad while the rest of the Zio-cocksuckers can be 'hands off'.

17th December 2011, 06:24 PM
Can I vote both?

talk about MAXIMIZING the meaning/ word count ratio !

you hit the nail on the head.

i was going to say something more wordy -

she is a compulsive liar, it goes with the job description. you figure out what people want to hear and you tell it to them. not unlike corporate America, definitely one of the pre-requisites for job success at a defense contractor like Northrop Grumman.

Clueless ? it depends on how much she consciously avoids information, facts, and people that contradict her unique brand of Zionist world-view.

my guess is, she has never visited the Gaza strip, and she has never gone through an Israeli checkpoint. (neither have i, except in my imagination - and from knowing a Palestinian friend.)

She lives in a carefully constructed world - gets her news from the Zio-stream media & surrounds herself with similar people.

My guess is, she has managed to convince herself that she is a Moral Person.

So, I would use the term DELUDED to describe her. That and the combination of her superficial beauty makes her Very, Very Ugly.

She is a Pretty, Plastic, Deluded Zio-Bitch - and she's Running for President !

how's this for a Christmas nightmare - Trump wins the nomination and picks her as his running mate. Then we have to watch his hair implants and her glazed Zio-smile for 6 months - AND THEN OBAMA WINS.

pretty nightmarish nightmare, huh ?

here's a better idea - Ron Paul picks ? as his running mate (Cynthia McKinney would be my choice - side-stepping the issue of elect-ability) AND WE NEVER HAVE TO SEE BACHMANN in a Republican debate again. Bachmann goes back to the Fox News Zio-Bat-cave and that's that.

17th December 2011, 11:38 PM
She's probably mind controlled. A Monarch or MK Ultra puppet.

18th December 2011, 04:39 AM
I'm going with Bat Shit Crazy.
(From a Minnesotans point of view.)

18th December 2011, 08:24 AM
Clueless? Dont be fooled. She is a former IRS Attorney.......

Although when you have been bathed in Marxism (As we all have) your entire life, this is what you get. Mix that with being in the 'upper/elite' political and social class and you get this narcissist attitude that they have been ordained to rule over the herd. Yet, if you can actually have a real debate with any of them and thwart them on the real issues, they devolve into ad hominem attacks and character assassination. Two tributes of a fool with no intellectual acumen. When the name calling starts, be sure someone is telling the TRUTH, and the other is trying to shut them up.

18th December 2011, 08:44 AM
Bachmann is from Waterloo, Iowa.

That itself is a prime indicator. Having worked there (but not extensively) I can tell you people from that area aren't normal.

Couple that with living in Minnesota with the Swedes and Norwegians and you have Fargo on steroids.