View Full Version : Iowa Caucus no longer matters

17th December 2011, 04:42 PM


17th December 2011, 06:31 PM
a compliment to Ron Paul this is.

his support is growing enough that Fox feels a need to try to cut him down a notch.

looks like Ron's star is on the rise - and Fox is as stupid and manipulative as we have observed in the past.

17th December 2011, 08:18 PM
I've noticed this on CNN also; "Iowa is just one in the many swing states needed"

I think every other primary there has ever been, the meme has been completely reversed to;

"Whoever takes Iowa, the party will rally around that and will be hard to move out of first, or the other candidates will need to rally sharply higher".

17th December 2011, 08:33 PM
I would faint if Ron Paul gets the GOP's endorsement, not going to happen.

Joe King
17th December 2011, 08:46 PM
If this keeps up, the whole campaign and election isn't going to matter.

What are they gonna do when he wins? Call for a "do-over"? lol

General of Darkness
17th December 2011, 08:46 PM
FOX gobbles jew loins, they are the biggest warmongers behind the neocons.

But people have to put things into perspective. People and groups always tend to work in their interests, and war sells, that's what's in it for FOX. Utopia or PEACE doesn't sell advertising.

17th December 2011, 08:51 PM
If this keeps up, the whole campaign and election isn't going to matter.

What are they gonna do when he wins? Call for a "do-over"? lol

Yep I beleive they will, hanging chads or something to that effect.

Celtic Rogue
18th December 2011, 05:14 AM
I hate to see people post things like he is unelectable, Its a wasted vote or he will never win.

With all of the media brain washing I thought at least here people wouldn't fall for those lines of bull shit.

I still believe that if the people get behind a candidate it would be really hard to rig an election result if there is a massive number of votes. Its really hard to judge Dr Pauls real place in the race. But look at his well attended rallies and money bombs... and the fact that he received more contributions from military personnel that all of the other republican candidates combined! Even more that obummer!


I for one am for Dr, Paul and I will never repeat that string of he is unelectable type lies. The more the MSM spouts out their lies... then they get us to repeat the BS... Job Done. I have noticed that if the MSM is touting a candidate... then I notice that they are not for me. It seems that I am always drawn to other than the medias golden child!

The only wasted vote is a vote placed for a candidate that you do not really believe in.

Forget the mind games the media plays on you.

If every Paul supporter would try and get just one other voter to vote for Dr, Paul... Just ONE. That would double the potential votes.... and get the MSM playing catch up.


18th December 2011, 05:36 AM
i never see people wearing Newt Gingrich sweatshirts.

18th December 2011, 07:16 AM
Iowa doesnt matter anymore, Bomb Iran, RP cant win, Bow to Israel, and gold isnt money......Did i cover all the bases for this election cycle?

18th December 2011, 07:55 AM
Chrissy Wallace is what doesn't matter, an irrelevant, self important hack. I look at it like this, if he's already saying this then they must be worried and if they're worried then I'm flat out tickled!

18th December 2011, 08:13 AM
If this keeps up, the whole campaign and election isn't going to matter.

What are they gonna do when he wins? Call for a "do-over"? lol
World War 3 (for Israel will be the spin, if not also most of he truth of it) will delay elections.
Not that its a done deal if Ron Paul is the clear leader nearer the election date, but a valid option for those who wish to continue the unconstitutional psychopathic occupation of America's political system destroying the country.

Hatha Sunahara
18th December 2011, 09:15 AM
Any victory for Ron Paul lays bare the underlying struggle between the Constitution and the Oligarchical Collectivism staring us in the face. It highlights the choice we have between living in a free country versus living in a fascist totalitarian dictatorship where we are all slaves. I seriously doubt that TPTB want people to have that choice. They may well see Ron Paul the way they saw Martin Luther King--as a threat to their legitimacy.


18th December 2011, 01:00 PM
The fact is, the One World Government has been in place for YEARS, I know some of you KNOW this but refuse to acknowledge it.

It is ONLY BY GOD'S GRACE and his unseen hand that everything has not collasped. There are still a bunch of God fearing, PRAYING and missionary supporting men and women around that God has been gracious and merciful to the USA for. Once that goes... EVERYTHING goes!

The BEST thing you can do for this country

1) Get saved, trust Jesus Christ as your Saviour (if you're not saved) EVERYTHING else will not matter, ALL your "prepping" will not mean SQUAT

2) If you're saved, pray, pray and pray, tell others about Jesus Christ and don't forget to read your Bible!