View Full Version : The Exchange Stabilization Fund is worse than the Fed.

18th December 2011, 07:20 AM



After months of work, the video series on the Treasury's Exchange Stabilization Fund is finally finished!

Why you should watch these five videos:

It is impossible to understand the world today without knowing what the ESF is and what it has been doing. Officially in charge of defending the dollar, the ESF is the government agency which controls the New York Fed, runs the CIA's black budget, and is the architect of the world's monetary system (IMF, World Bank, etc). ESF financing (through the OSS and then the CIA) built up the worldwide propaganda network which has so badly distorted history today (including erasing awareness of its existence from popular consciousness). It has been directly involved in virtually every major US fraud/scandal since its creation in 1934: the London gold pool, the Kennedy assassinations, Iran-Contra, CIA drug trafficking, HIV, and worse...

These five videos are the "answer" I have arrived at after three years of blogging on MarketSkeptics.com. They took me a month and a half to make (and months of research). You will not find the material covered anywhere else. So if you enjoyed them, please donate.

19th December 2011, 07:21 PM
Bump, found what I was looking for. 5 +++ Stars & worth everyone's time.

19th December 2011, 07:47 PM
b-b-b-but everyone said ending the fed would solve all our problems!

19th December 2011, 07:50 PM
Maybe that's why we're 'allowed' to hear that message (End the Fed)?

More Misdirection??

19th December 2011, 07:57 PM
Maybe that's why we're 'allowed' to hear that message (End the Fed)?

More Misdirection??

that's the problem with knowledge...you ever really know at best half the truth, and then as time passes, that truth (or knowledge) becomes old and outdated. I've run into so many people that love knowledge. They drool as they talk about their love of knowledge and talk about their vast wealth of knowledge as if they're so great and yet ultimately at best we can know only half of it. It's especially dangerous in conspiracy/politics. I wonder how many spies have been set up by being given only half knowledge. this episode of star trek next generation called "The defector" pretty much sums of how knowledge can be used against us.

General of Darkness
19th December 2011, 08:34 PM
Fucking propaganda. The Treasury stole the power of the Federal Reserve. Well hells bells, the people in the office of the Treasury come from the Federal Reserve. Pure bullshit BigJon, you know it and most people in the know, know it.

19th December 2011, 10:08 PM
Fucking propaganda. The Treasury stole the power of the Federal Reserve. Well hells bells, the people in the office of the Treasury come from the Federal Reserve. Pure bullshit BigJon, you know it and most people in the know, know it.

Shoot the messenger, will you?

Why do you say this?

Do you have proof, that it is bullshit? Since you are "in the know" please let us "in on it".

17th January 2012, 07:19 PM
that's the problem with knowledge...you ever really know at best half the truth, and then as time passes, that truth (or knowledge) becomes old and outdated. I've run into so many people that love knowledge. They drool as they talk about their love of knowledge and talk about their vast wealth of knowledge as if they're so great and yet ultimately at best we can know only half of it. It's especially dangerous in conspiracy/politics. I wonder how many spies have been set up by being given only half knowledge. this episode of star trek next generation called "The defector" pretty much sums of how knowledge can be used against us.

Finally watched "The Defector" as mentioned, and you're spot on!

Hatha Sunahara
18th January 2012, 03:05 PM
http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by General of Darkness http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?p=497002#post497002)
Fucking propaganda. The Treasury stole the power of the Federal Reserve. Well hells bells, the people in the office of the Treasury come from the Federal Reserve. Pure bullshit BigJon, you know it and most people in the know, know it.
Shoot the messenger, will you?

Why do you say this?

Do you have proof, that it is bullshit? Since you are "in the know" please let us "in on it".

GoD isn't bullshitting anybody. He's absolutely right.

The Big Banks own the Fed. The Fed is private. The big banks also supply the 'candidates' for the government's cabinet post called Secretary of The Treasury. Think--who did Rubin, Paulson, and Geithner work for prior to being appointed Secretary of the Treasury? The fact is, for all practical purposes, the Big Banks, the Fed and the Treasury are all parts of the same thing--the The National Financial Fraud. The Big Banks set up the Fed 100 years ago for the sole purpose of lending to and enslaving the US government, and the American people, collectively. And in order to insure that the government had the funds to pay interest on it's debt to the Fed, they had the government pass a National Income Tax in the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution that was never properly adopted, and is interpreted by the courts to be the law of the land. You can see the corrupting characters of the bankers in G Edward Griffin's book The Creature From Jekyll Island. They corrupted the congress to pass the Federal Reserve Act, virtually with no debate--that means everybody was bought out--or nearly everybody. Just as it is today. Then they corrupted the Presidents by funding their campaigns in exchange for appointing their (the bankers's) choice for the Cabinet. So, the Secretary of the Treasury should be considered the Banker appointed manager of the Public arm of the National Financial Fraud. Three players here: Big Banks, Fed, and Treasury. Everything they do benefits the big banks. The people have no say about it.

If the big banks, or their corporate friends find themselves in trouble overseas, they call in the CIA and the State Department who use the resources of the government to enforce policy that favors the big banks. It seems however that there is some controversy about how to pay for these secret government black ops. Many people believe (from evidence) that the CIA funds its secret ops for the bankers by controlling the markets for illegal drugs all over the world--like they are global kingpins in the drug trade. But that's not enough. You need a slush fund. So you set up something for the purpose of intervening into markets that could turn against the interests of the bankster cabal. So you set up the Exchange Stabilization fund, that is secret, has lots of money that can be used for any purpose the cabal desires.

The only thing GoD need to get right is that the Treasury has no integrity as a Public institution. It didn't steal the power of the Fed, at least not yet. If the Treasury starts lending money to itself, then it has stolen the power of the Fed. But it is all an illusion because of what is described above. The Fed, the Treasury, and the Big Banks are all the same thing behind three different masks.

Here, the financial operations of the BigBank/Big Government coalition are tied together. I'd like to see someone tie together the big bank/big media connection. If nobody else does it, I'll do it myself. Eventually we will all be able to see really clearly how TPTB have gained control over everything, and we will be able to identify the various tentacles, understanding how they are all part of the same cabal. Once 10% of us see this and agree that it isn't bullshit, the cabal is finished.


18th January 2012, 03:58 PM
I've ran into this before. It does sound plausible on the first run. But then on second run it is most likely what General and Hatha said: propaganda to divert attention from the " Banking Families >> JP Morgan + Rothschilds + Bank of Italy (BoA) + Whatever >> FED >> US Government " chain.

18th January 2012, 07:15 PM
GoD isn't bullshitting anybody. He's absolutely right.

The Big Banks own the Fed. The Fed is private. The big banks also supply the 'candidates' for the government's cabinet post called Secretary of The Treasury. Think--who did Rubin, Paulson, and Geithner work for prior to being appointed Secretary of the Treasury? The fact is, for all practical purposes, the Big Banks, the Fed and the Treasury are all parts of the same thing--the The National Financial Fraud. The Big Banks set up the Fed 100 years ago for the sole purpose of lending to and enslaving the US government, and the American people, collectively. And in order to insure that the government had the funds to pay interest on it's debt to the Fed, they had the government pass a National Income Tax in the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution that was never properly adopted, and is interpreted by the courts to be the law of the land. You can see the corrupting characters of the bankers in G Edward Griffin's book The Creature From Jekyll Island. They corrupted the congress to pass the Federal Reserve Act, virtually with no debate--that means everybody was bought out--or nearly everybody. Just as it is today. Then they corrupted the Presidents by funding their campaigns in exchange for appointing their (the bankers's) choice for the Cabinet. So, the Secretary of the Treasury should be considered the Banker appointed manager of the Public arm of the National Financial Fraud. Three players here: Big Banks, Fed, and Treasury. Everything they do benefits the big banks. The people have no say about it.

If the big banks, or their corporate friends find themselves in trouble overseas, they call in the CIA and the State Department who use the resources of the government to enforce policy that favors the big banks. It seems however that there is some controversy about how to pay for these secret government black ops. Many people believe (from evidence) that the CIA funds its secret ops for the bankers by controlling the markets for illegal drugs all over the world--like they are global kingpins in the drug trade. But that's not enough. You need a slush fund. So you set up something for the purpose of intervening into markets that could turn against the interests of the bankster cabal. So you set up the Exchange Stabilization fund, that is secret, has lots of money that can be used for any purpose the cabal desires.

The only thing GoD need to get right is that the Treasury has no integrity as a Public institution. It didn't steal the power of the Fed, at least not yet. If the Treasury starts lending money to itself, then it has stolen the power of the Fed. But it is all an illusion because of what is described above. The Fed, the Treasury, and the Big Banks are all the same thing behind three different masks.

Here, the financial operations of the BigBank/Big Government coalition are tied together. I'd like to see someone tie together the big bank/big media connection. If nobody else does it, I'll do it myself. Eventually we will all be able to see really clearly how TPTB have gained control over everything, and we will be able to identify the various tentacles, understanding how they are all part of the same cabal. Once 10% of us see this and agree that it isn't bullshit, the cabal is finished.


Thanks for stepping into the breach and doing what I tried to get GoD to do.

General of Darkness
18th January 2012, 07:51 PM
Thanks for stepping into the breach and doing what I tried to get GoD to do.

Sorry BJ, I totally missed your reply originally. My apologies, but I also thought you knew this stuff, and in my defense and was being semi sarcastic towards you.

18th January 2012, 08:22 PM


Twisted Titan
19th January 2012, 03:15 AM
I was spellbound listening to depth of corruption that has occured and I know the none alive can quantify to magnituted of this evil.as it exist now