View Full Version : Pharmaceutical Company Raises Drug Price from $10 to $1,500 Per Dose.

18th December 2011, 10:03 AM
Time to go head hunting.......if this is "freedom" I'll then stick with Cuba where they give this for free...to me freedom in this country is only for those who can give money to the poleticians.

Pharmaceutical Company Raises Drug Price from $10 to $1,500 Per Dose.

Mike Barrett
Activist Post

Over 500,000 babies are born prematurely in the United States each year.

Unfortunately, with premature birth comes comes an increased risk for health consequences. As a “solution” for these premature births, KV pharmaceutical company offers a drug known as Makena, which is meant to reduce the risk for premature births.

But good luck using it if you’re interested, as the company recently raised the price from $10 to $1,500 per dose.

Pharmaceutical Companies Are in it For the Money

As many people are well aware, pharmaceutical companies care very little about your health. The KV pharmaceutical company now expects to make a whopping $30,000 over the course of a pregnancy with their drug Makena – a price most people would agree is completely ridiculous for such a ‘good cause’.

Once this change was picked up and made public by the mainstream media, however, the company made a move to lower the price from $1,500 to $690 per dose. Unfortunately, this price is still irrational, especially when compared to how high it is from the initial $10.

But KV didn’t simply raise the price of their drug. At an attempt to wipe out all other competition, the company took 17P (17-Hydroxyprogesterone), a hormone which forms the active ingredient in the drug which has been used by compounding pharmacies for years, and patented it. They then sent letters to compounding pharmacies telling them to stop selling their versions of the drug or face consequences from the FDA.

KV, while questioning the quality of compounded drugs, were selling two unapproved drugs. In addition, the company admits to making false claims and sending out completely inaccurate quarterly reports.

This is only one example of how pharmaceutical companies are not in the game for enhancing your health, but rather are only focused on increasing profits. Fortunately for the drug companies, with every drug comes nasty side effects -- leading only to a need for more drugs to treat those side-effects. In fact, the average drug label contains an astonishing 70 negative side-effects.

It is easy to see how any “customer” of the drug industry can get wrapped in the vicious cycle of drug-induced health complications.


18th December 2011, 10:23 AM
Ponce, you posted the exact same story in March of this year.


They eventually dropped the 1500 in half. Nice deal, eh?

I wouldn't use that site if it is posting 9 month old stories as fresh things.

18th December 2011, 10:24 AM
It was a very bad move for that company, and they have backed down on the price. They shot themselves in their collective feet.

The Worst CEOs of 2011: Part 2

CEOs who seem hell-bent on destroying shareholder equity and sacking your hopes and dreams.


2. Greg Divis, KV Pharmaceutical
If you were compelled enough to write a book about various ways to destroy a company's image in the public eye, then I'd point you to Greg Divis, CEO of KV Pharmaceutical.
Earlier this year, if you were a shareholder in KV Pharmaceutical, you may have actually thought Greg Divis looked like a candidate for CEO of the year. The stock rallied more than 1,000% on FDA approval of Makena, an injectable form of the hormone progesterone used to prevent pre-term birth. But shortly after obtaining FDA approval, this titanic stock hit an iceberg of astronomical proportions.
The company priced its newly approved drug at a jaw-dropping $1,500 per treatment. This was unheard of, considering that doctors had previously used compounding pharmacies prior to Makena to achieve the same result for $20 or less. If that wasn't enough of a slap in the face, KV threatened to sic its lawyers on any doctors who continued to use the cheaper versions for treatment, claiming that Makena's orphan drug status made it the exclusive therapy. To make a long story short, KV ticked off everyone, from expecting mothers to advocacy organizations to even Congress. The debacle resulted in the FDA ruling against KV's Makena exclusivity and the company dropping the price of Makena dramatically.
So finally, after putting millions into developing Makena, it now appears KV may not be able to sell it at a high enough price to make a positive return on investment. To top that off, most of the world now sees KV as a heartless company. Good job, Mr. Divis!



18th December 2011, 11:12 AM
Thanks Osoab but they have this as a "new" story........last March? hell man to me that's like......fifty years ago, I am glad to remember two days ago, I already forgotten what I ate yesterday.

18th December 2011, 11:13 AM
Thanks Osoab but they have this as a "new" story........last March? hell man to me that's like......fifty years ago, I am glad to remember two days ago, I already forgotten what I ate yesterday.

Just doing my best to help the old and feeble minded. ;D

18th December 2011, 11:22 AM
Thanks Osoab but they have this as a "new" story........last March? hell man to me that's like......fifty years ago, I am glad to remember two days ago, I already forgotten what I ate yesterday.
Sure your critters will help you!

18th December 2011, 11:25 AM
i heard the other day that there's some new scorpion sting antidote that costs $1,500 per dose in the u.s., but it's $100 if you go to mexico for the same thing.

18th December 2011, 12:30 PM
I can assue you, God has already produced the approiate herbs and nutrition for which THIS CRAP is NOT necessary. You have to be a decieved (evolutionist thinking) individual to think that MAN can produce somethhig BETTER than what God already has.