View Full Version : Attorney General Holder Tied to OKC Bombers
General of Darkness
18th December 2011, 10:30 AM
I'm really not surprised.
Attorney General Holder Tied to OKC Bombers
December 16, 2011 admin By The Staff at AFP
Eric Holder, current attorney general of the United States, managed an FBI operation that provided explosives to Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols just prior to the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, according to official documents released during the ongoing investigation into government foreknowledge of the supposed terrorist attack.
According to the documentation provided in the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit brought against the Department of Justice by Salt Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue, the Oklahoma City bombing had aspects of being an FBI sting operation that went out of control. Holder had authorized the FBI to provide explosives to Nichols and McVeigh, then lost track of both the explosives and their targets.
McVeigh went on to detonate some of the explosives outside the federal building, an act that was designed to help anti-terrorism legislation pass Congress. But an additional case of explosives was unaccounted for.
After the bombing, when the FBI learned the location of the explosives, Holder reportedly sent emails to FBI agents ordering them to recover the explosives before they could be found by some other branch of the government. FBI agents failed to spot the additional, unexploded explosives during an initial search of Nichols’s home and offered to spare him the death penalty if he would help them recover them.
The case of explosives was, however, recovered by another law enforcement agency and was later determined to have the incriminating fingerprints of two FBI agents, as well as fingerprints of McVeigh and Nichols.
Shortly after the bombing, Kenneth Trentadue, a government informant, was murdered in his prison cell. His family has been pursuing legal action against the federal government ever since.
In 2001, in a bid to avoid a full release of documents, the Federal Bureau of Prisons paid a settlement of $1.1 million to several members of Trentadue’s family, but his brother refused to drop the investigation and filed a FOIA lawsuit for the missing documents. That suit has been ongoing in the Salt Lake City federal courthouse.
18th December 2011, 10:31 AM
Got a link?
General of Darkness
18th December 2011, 10:32 AM
Got a link?
Sorry about that.
18th December 2011, 10:36 AM
Twisted Titan
18th December 2011, 11:05 AM
Every wound that has been struck against Liberty has always been a self inflicted one it appears
Hatha Sunahara
18th December 2011, 11:11 AM
I don't believe anything I read about the OKC bombing that sounds like the version adopted by the mainstream media. My suspicion is that the Murrah building in OKC was blown up with a micro-nuke. Something in the order of the explosive that blew up the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, or the Marine Barracks in Beirut. It was a false flag operation designed to destroy the militia movement that was hyped as a threat to the government at the time. I am pretty sure that the FBI knew everything about it, and that it was a part of a larger political scheme for the government to seize power forbidden by the constitution. Eric Holder likely built his political career by keeping this FBI secret about OKC, and of other crimes where they corrupted their investigation for political purposes, such as in 911.
Eric Holder, as far as I am concerned is an enemy of the people, whom he probably considers to be enemies of the state. I am quite sure he is a participant in many criminal enterprises of the shadow government, considering his position in the power hierarchy. They should rename the Department of Justice to The Department of Political Legal Administration. It has nothing to do with justice.
18th December 2011, 11:13 AM
Ruby Ridge and Waco documents were held there, correct?
Twisted Titan
18th December 2011, 11:27 AM
Every wound that has been struck against Liberty has always been a self inflicted one it appears
18th December 2011, 01:58 PM
WHOA dude, thanks for the history lesson, but JESUS.
surprising - yet not surprising.
i thought the alleged connections of McVeigh to "Iraqi Intelligence", and the fact that the ATF offices in the OKC Fed building were empty - as if they had prior warning - were indicators of a much darker dirtier plot than just "Homegrown Terrorist".
based on the history of the decade, and some illuminating interviews i had with the US gov. for computer graphics work in the mid-90's, i have to say - i think the groundwork for the War of Terror/ Police State that unfolded after 9-11 - the groundwork was started in the mid-90's.
and so the US had a major false flag attack on April 19 - was it 1995 ?
wasn't that also the date of the attack on the Koresh compound ?
since they're trying to build the "homegrown terrorist upset about the Koresh incident" story-line, it makes sense that they chose April 19.
General of Darkness
18th December 2011, 02:14 PM
OKC served two purposes
1 - Scare the shit out of militias that were growing
2 - Test run for 9/11 to see how stupid the sheep are.
So how does someone have clearance to walk around an FBI building planting bombs? Answer, they DON'T, it's A FACT THAT THIS WAS AN Inside job, false flag.
19th December 2011, 06:38 AM
Eric Holder, current attorney general of the United States, managed an FBI operation that provided explosives to Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols just prior to the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, according to official documents released during the ongoing investigation into government foreknowledge of the supposed terrorist attack.
According to the documentation provided in the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit brought against the Department of Justice by Salt Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue, the Oklahoma City bombing had aspects of being an FBI sting operation that went out of control. Holder had authorized the FBI to provide explosives to Nichols and McVeigh, then lost track of both the explosives and their targets. McVeigh went on to detonate some of the explosives outside the federal building, an act that was designed to help anti-terrorism legislation pass Congress. But an additional case of explosives was unaccounted for.
After the bombing, when the FBI learned the location of the explosives, Holder reportedly sent emails to FBI agents ordering them to recover the explosives before they could be found by some other branch of the government. FBI agents failed to spot the additional, unexploded explosives during an initial search of Nichols’s home and offered to spare him the death penalty if he would help them recover them.
The case of explosives was, however, recovered by another law enforcement agency and was later determined to have the incriminating fingerprints of two FBI agents, as well as fingerprints of McVeigh and Nichols.
Shortly after the bombing, Kenneth Trentadue, a government informant, was murdered in his prison cell. His family has been pursuing legal action against the federal government ever since.
In 2001, in a bid to avoid a full release of documents, the Federal Bureau of Prisons paid a settlement of $1.1 million to several members of Trentadue’s family, but his brother refused to drop the investigation and filed a FOIA lawsuit for the missing documents. That suit has been ongoing in the Salt Lake City federal courthouse.
Link has already been removed. You have to view it in a webcache.
19th December 2011, 07:23 AM
Oh, my God. That is one of the most sickening things I've read recently.
Thank you, Ares for your post.
If any Windows Op/Sys users do not know how to save that cached page to your Hard Drive or Thumbdrive, it is:
1) a right mouse click,
2) drop down menu appears,
3) select "SAVE PAGE AS" function.
4) new window opens, OFFERING save name of "SEARCH" and webpage as the format.
5) Change the name from Search to anything you want to call it,
6) Click SAVE.
It will go into your download folder if you are a WIN7 user.
Hope this helps someone who wants to cache this on their own machine.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but, somehow, I am with this news. Never liked Holder, but this is disgusting, despicable, and one of the most egregious examples of pusillanimous putrifaction I've ever heard tell, even on the corrupt "governmental level."
Have no use for what passes for an attorney this day and age, and even less so for the govt versions. Now, I have even more reason to abhor them generally and specifically.
19th December 2011, 07:32 AM
Oh, my God. That is one of the most sickening things I've read recently.
Thank you, Ares for your post.
If any Windows Op/Sys users do not know how to save that cached page to your Hard Drive or Thumbdrive, it is:
1) a right mouse click,
2) drop down menu appears,
3) select "SAVE PAGE AS" function.
4) new window opens, OFFERING save name of "SEARCH" and webpage as the format.
5) Change the name from Search to anything you want to call it,
6) Click SAVE.
It will go into your download folder if you are a WIN7 user.
Hope this helps someone who wants to cache this on their own machine.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but, somehow, I am with this news. Never liked Holder, but this is disgusting, despicable, and one of the most egregious examples of pusillanimous putrifaction I've ever heard tell, even on the corrupt "governmental level."
Have no use for what passes for an attorney this day and age, and even less so for the govt versions. Now, I have even more reason to abhor them generally and specifically.
Looking into this more. LOOK AT THIS!!!
Kenneth was apprehended on June 10, 1995, nearly two months after the Oklahoma City bombing, while crossing the border from Mexico into California, when police officers ran his driver's license and discovered that he was wanted for violating his parole.[1] On August 18, Trentadue was transferred to the Department of Justice's Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City. According to prison records, three days later, at 3:02 a.m., the morning of August 21, 1995, Kenneth was found in his cell suspended from a noose made out of his bed sheets, dead.[2]
Oklahoma County District Attorney Bob Macy and federal officials determined that Trentadue had committed suicide by hanging himself. Officials tried to obtain the permission of Trentadue's family to cremate the body at the government's expense--an unprecedented move--but the family declined, since they found the claims of suicide suspicious. The government then performed an autopsy on Trentadue, but did not notify the family.[3]
When the family received the body from the prison authorities, it was covered in wounds, cuts, and bruises, leading the family to believe Trentadue had been tortured and beaten before his death. Trentadue had sustained three heavy blows to the head, and his throat had been cut; prison authorities claimed the wounds were self-inflicted.[2] The day after Trentadue's death, Kevin Rowland, the chief examiner of the Oklahoma state medical examiner filed a complaint with the FBI reporting irregularities in the investigation of Trentadue's death: the coroner was at first not permitted into the cell where Trentadue had died, and the cell itself was washed out before any investigation could be performed.[3] The complaint went on to state that, although the exact cause of death could not be determined, the claim that Trentadue had committed suicide was not consistent with the medical examiner's findings, and Trentadue appeared to have been tortured.[4] The FBI paperwork from the agent who received the medical examiner's call reads "murder" and "believes that foul play is suspect[ed] in this matter."[1]
A Board of Inquiry was convened by the Bureau of Prisons. The attorney in charge of the investigation was ordered to treat his findings as "attorney work product", a legal distinction that would protect information uncovered in his investigation from any potential lawsuit or Freedom of Information Act inquiries.[1]
[edit] Connection to the Oklahoma City bombing
Kenneth's brother Jesse began gathering information on his brother's death, still with no knowledge of a possible connection to the Oklahoma City bombing case. After being contacted by David Hammer, a convicted murderer who had struck up a friendship with Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh on death row, and had read about the Trentadue case in the newspapers, Jesse and others ultimately came to believe that Kenneth had been mistakenly identified by authorities as an accomplice in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. It is supposed that Trentadue was interrogated to make him talk, and died during the interrogation.[3] After being shown a picture of Kenneth Trentadue, Timothy McVeigh is reported to have said, "Now I know why Trentadue was killed, because they thought he was Richard Guthrie."[2]
It is contended that Trentadue was mistaken for Richard Lee Guthrie Jr., a member of the Aryan Republican Army, members of which were thought to have associated with McVeigh, and were the subject of FBI investigation. The two men shared a strong physical resemblance – they were the same height, weight, and build, both had thick mustaches, and both had dragon tattoos on their left arm.[2] Both are thought to have resembled the description of "John Doe 2", the never-apprehended possible third conspirator in the bombing along with McVeigh and Terry Nichols. Less than one year after Trentadue's death, Guthrie would also be found dead in his prison cell, the day before he was scheduled to give a television interview.[2] His death was ruled a suicide by hanging.[5]
In 1999, Alden Gillis Baker – an inmate who had been imprisoned in Oklahoma City's Federal Transfer Center at the same time as Trentadue – came forward to volunteer to testify that he had witnessed Trentadue's murder. According to FBI documentation, the authenticity of which is vigorously disputed by the Department of Justice, Baker was even sharing a cell with Trentadue on the night of his death. In December 1999, Baker reported to a lawyer that he feared for his life. In August 2000, he was found dead in his cell, a suicide by hanging.[2]
19th December 2011, 07:56 AM
So Holders involvement in OKC bombing explains the promotion to attorney general. Anyone that looks at pictures or video of the damage to the building should be able to tell that a homemade truck bomb did not cause the damage. Then there were the reports that FBI removed unexploded explosive devices from the building. This confirms those reports were true.
19th December 2011, 08:12 AM
So Holders involvement in OKC bombing explains the promotion to attorney general. Anyone that looks at pictures or video of the damage to the building should be able to tell that a homemade truck bomb did not cause the damage. Then there were the reports that FBI removed unexploded explosive devices from the building. This confirms those reports were true.
Yep, the FOIA proves it. Yet this traitorous son of a whore is in a position of power to declare ANYONE a terrorist at his discretion with this new bill Oshitbag signed....
Did you notice the number of people who wound up being a suicide who were involved with the OKC bombing. Pure coincidence I'm sure. *sarcasm*
General of Darkness
19th December 2011, 08:17 AM
Repost Ares, but this thread has some good info also.
Maybe a mod could merge the two.
19th December 2011, 08:35 AM
I have always said it was an inside job. There was a radioshow on KPFA that I used to listen to online called "Gun and Butter'. They used to have all their shows available for download as an MP3, so I stockpiled them.
Then they started to try to charge money for the shows and I stopped. Since then my computer has crashed a number of times, HDD swapouts, etc, but there is a chance I have this one show somewhere that discusses the OCB and lays out a tonne of evidence pointing towards the fact that it was an inside job.
It was really well done. It wasn;t the host Bonnie doing the presentation, it was just an audio speech that was recorded from some anti-NWO seminar or meeting. I'll see if I can find it.
19th December 2011, 01:55 PM
They should be merged! There's a lot of great things in both threads.
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