View Full Version : Applying For Statehood
18th December 2011, 03:56 PM
Adask commented on one of his programs this past week about how territories initially applied for statehood. In Iowa I believe they had to have 6,000 people sign a petition to get statehood started. The U.S. congress has dictatorial control of territories but not of states.
As the U.S. has re-established territorial control (in the form and style of "this state", a federal overlay) perhaps the method to regain statehood status is to recognize the existence of this extra-constitutional territorial control and again petition congress for the re-establishment of constitutional states. How hard would it be to get 6,000 signatures on a petition? Also might be interesting to see what they would have to say for themselves, either deny the existence of their territorial control or back off the 400 some powers that congress delegated the executive branch that only exists under congressional territorial control.
Just a thought. How much trouble do you suppose you would get in over signing such a petition? I expect you would have to do so as a U.S. citizen but with the intent to converting to state citizenship (not dual citizenship).
18th December 2011, 05:13 PM
I've been thinking a lot on this statehood thing. It's clear that the australian political and administrative layers have moved away from the constituted federation (of Australia). Having discovered this occured in the US which is also a federation and the more obviousness of the abandoned constitutional instrumentalities I can see the same case here.
People in the US are trying to repopulate the old government. I can't see why I couldn't do that here. Simply alert the Governor and we should be good to go. Ha.. famous last words... because the governor has abandoned the federated government as well... actually not quite right as he is the government and he alone. If he chooses to take advice from people who are not part of the federation but are foreign to it i.e. the elected body then I guess that's his choice although the constitution does bind him... it's messy and a cloudy subject.
18th December 2011, 06:07 PM
it's messy and a cloudy subject.
Australia uses postal codes to identify federal zones just like the U.S. uses zip codes for the same purpose. Anyone in either a postal code or zip code is in a jurisdiction separate from that of his existing state. The affair is indeed extremely cloudly but you could turn the tables on the bureaucrats by using their own techniques against them.
Forget the existing state. Its' politicians are part of the scam they are putting on. Form your own republic "within the exterior boundaries" of the existing state. I had a few minutes so drafted up a sample petition (using U.S. law)
Petition for the establishment of Republic of Iowa State
Whereas Congress has been given the power by Article 4 Section 3 paragraph (1) to permit new States to be formed where jurisdiction of existing States does not extend;
And whereas, Congress has been granted absolute control of territories attached to the municipal government of the District of Columbia by Article 4 Section 3 paragraph (2);
And whereas said territories include those federal zones within the exterior boundaries of the several States that form the Union and separate from the jurisdiction thereof;
And whereas the People that occupy those federal zones within the exterior boundaries of the several States desire peace and freedom from absolute Congressional oversight and do possess the will to direct their own destiny;
Wherefore, We the People within the federal zone within the exterior boundary of the State of Iowa do hereby petition Congress for the right to form their own State, using territory within the exterior boundary of The State of Iowa presently identified as federal territory, abandoned, separate and unique from the land claimed by said existing constitutional State.
By our signatures we do approve this petition to be delivered to Congress when 10,000 names have been collected.
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