View Full Version : National Organization for Marriage takes aim at Ron Paul

18th December 2011, 06:22 PM
I kinda gotta chuckle but....I'm curious as to others views on this. Myself IDGAF, freedom is for everyone, not just when it suits ya. I did though find it odd that the SPLC chimed in.


The National Organization for Marriage (NOM), a group dedicated to fighting same sex marriage and preventing same sex couples from adopting children, has put Texas Rep. Ron Paul in its crosshairs.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Thursday became the latest Republican presidential candidate to sign the group’s pledge. But Paul has ignored it, along with similar pledges.
“We commend Newt Gingrich for signing NOM’s presidential marriage pledge, committing himself to play a leadership role as president to preserve marriage as the union of one man and one woman,” said Brian Brown, NOM’s president. “Mr. Gingrich joins all the other major candidates who have made a similar commitment, save for one — Ron Paul. Now we will embark on an intensive communications program to inform Iowa voters who will stand with them to preserve marriage, and who has abandoned them on marriage.”
http://gold-silver.us/forum/newthread.php?do=postthread&f=9 (http://ad.doubleclick.net/click%3Bh%3Dv8/3be2/f/1cd/%2a/x%3B250687288%3B0-0%3B1%3B60309382%3B4307-300/250%3B45668630/45686048/1%3B%3B%7Esscs%3D%3fhttp://adclick.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=L&ai=B9wvUJo7uTs-ZFIK1sQfPxK3gBeyLooACAAAAEAEgmpWEAjgAWPzIprUkYMmGr 4fco5QRsgEQd3d3LnJhd3N0b3J5LmNvbboBCjMwMHgyNTBfYXP IAQnaAV9odHRwOi8vd3d3LnJhd3N0b3J5LmNvbS9ycy8yMDExL zEyLzE4L25hdGlvbmFsLW9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1mb3ItbWFycml hZ2UtdGFrZXMtYWltLWF0LXJvbi1wYXVsL-ABBJgCiCfAAgLgAgDqAhpSU19WM19TVE9SWV9FTUJFRERFRF8z MDBfMvgCgdIekAOkA5gD8AGoAwHgBAGgBhY&num=0&sig=AOD64_2K329jE7ac8N_TgHW0C4qXMnPRTw&client=ca-pub-5155643920455169&adurl=http%3a%2f%2frn.com) http://ad.doubleclick.net/ad/resn.281629/;alias=cwad1211a;sz=300x250;ord=289735804? (http://adclick.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=L&ai=B9wvUJo7uTs-ZFIK1sQfPxK3gBeyLooACAAAAEAEgmpWEAjgAWPzIprUkYMmGr 4fco5QRsgEQd3d3LnJhd3N0b3J5LmNvbboBCjMwMHgyNTBfYXP IAQnaAV9odHRwOi8vd3d3LnJhd3N0b3J5LmNvbS9ycy8yMDExL zEyLzE4L25hdGlvbmFsLW9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1mb3ItbWFycml hZ2UtdGFrZXMtYWltLWF0LXJvbi1wYXVsL-ABBJgCiCfAAgLgAgDqAhpSU19WM19TVE9SWV9FTUJFRERFRF8z MDBfMvgCgdIekAOkA5gD8AGoAwHgBAGgBhY&num=0&sig=AOD64_2K329jE7ac8N_TgHW0C4qXMnPRTw&client=ca-pub-5155643920455169&adurl=http://ad.doubleclick.net/jump/resn.281629/;alias=cwad1211a;sz=300x250;ord=289735804?)

Republican candidates Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney have also signed the pledge, vowing to support a federal marriage amendment defining marriage as one man and one woman.
They also vowed to protect the Defense of Marriage Act in court, appoint conservative judges and a conservative attorney general, create a presidential commission to investigate harassment of same sex marriage opponents and put same sex marriage up to a vote in D.C.
“Many of Ron Paul’s supporters in Iowa believe that he is on their side when it comes to preserving traditional marriage, but he isn’t,” Brown said. “While Paul says he personally believes in traditional marriage, he has refused to sign our pledge and, worse, has said that marriage is strictly a private affair and that government has no role in regulating marriage. This is a dangerous position with profound consequences for society.”
Paul has said he supports the Defense of Marriage Act (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/03/07/congressman-ron-paul-says-he-supports-defense-of-marriage-act/) and believes that marriage is between one man and one woman. But the libertarian-leaning candidate opposes a federal marriage amendment, because it would interfere with a state’s right to define marriage for itself. Ideally, he would like to see government get out of marriage altogether.
“NOM is not going to endorse a candidate in Iowa, but we will be making it clear through online ads, telephone calls and other actions that Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann stand with Iowans on defending traditional marriage, and Ron Paul does not,” Brown concluded.
In 2010, the Southern Poverty Law Center included NOM in its list of anti-gay groups (http://splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2010/winter/the-hard-liners). That same year, the LGBT rights organizations Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and the Courage Campaign launched a website targeting the group, called “NOM Exposed.”
“NOM has become the leading anti-equality force in this country seemingly overnight,” Fred Sainz, vice president of communications for HRC, said in 2010 (http://www.advocate.com/News/Daily_News/2010/09/28/HRC_Courage_Campaign_Expose_NOM/). “They’ve thrived on voters knowing nothing about them or who fuels them.”
Paul has also refused to sign a pledge by the Family Leader, an Iowa-based Christian conservative group. Gingrich signed the marriage pledge (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/12/12/gingrich-signs-pledge-forbidding-adultery/) last week.

General of Darkness
18th December 2011, 06:43 PM
People that want more guberment and are stupid will see this pledge as something in their interest. Fucking sheep.

18th December 2011, 07:06 PM
it would be very odd to see SPLC saying anything good about Ron Paul.

18th December 2011, 07:25 PM
Ron Paul has been married longer than any other candidate.

The National Organization for Marriage is full of sh@!t.

18th December 2011, 07:52 PM
NOM will lose it's federal grant money if RP gets in.. this is most likely their only reason.

Veni, vidi...evigilavi!
18th December 2011, 08:16 PM
Ron Paul has been married longer than any other candidate.
The National Organization for Marriage is full of sh@!t.

In fact in earlier versions of webster's dictionary, if you looked up the definition of marriage, one of the examples stated: please research the couple of Mr. Ron & Mrs. Carolyn Paul for absolute definition in this matter.

midnight rambler
18th December 2011, 08:53 PM
NOM will lose it's federal grant money if RP gets in.. this is most likely their only reason.

This 'same sex marriage' bullshit is TOTALLY about entitlements 'cause it has EVERYTHING to do with the state 'recognizing' two sex deviants in a wholly unnatural arrangement. If a couple of fudgepackers or a couple of carpetmunchers wanna shack up then they should knock themselves out - just leave me the fuck out of it, I don't wanna know anything about it.

18th December 2011, 09:22 PM
This 'same sex marriage' bullshit is TOTALLY about entitlements 'cause it has EVERYTHING to do with the state 'recognizing' two sex deviants in a wholly unnatural arrangement. If a couple of fudgepackers or a couple of carpetmunchers wanna shack up then they should knock themselves out - just leave me the fuck out of it, I don't wanna know anything about it.

Dead on, I remember my grandparents talking about "the ladies 2 doors over" there was gossip and that's all there was. Gays in the closet was fine with me too, I don't care just don't touch me and we can live in the same neighborhood. Now they stress gays in the schools which pisses me the fvck off! I read somewhere that it is being programmed in little kids cartoons which I have no doubt. I saw once some show with fags in costumes and it was a given. Cant remember what that show was called though. At least Beevis and Butthead liked chicks.

Joe King
18th December 2011, 11:20 PM
NOM will lose it's federal grant money if RP gets in.. this is most likely their only reason.Which is why they're taking an "anyone but Ron Paul" approach.

“NOM is not going to endorse a candidate in Iowa, but we will be making it clear through online ads, telephone calls and other actions that Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann stand with Iowans on defending traditional marriage, and Ron Paul does not,” - Brian Brown, NOM’s president

Expect to see more "anyone but RP" campaigning. lol

18th December 2011, 11:21 PM
It's really very strange for me to read about these people signing this pledge. I would expect them to sign a pledge that would allow beastiality or pedophilia or human sacrifice, but I wouldn't expect to see them sign a pledge to protect the moral sanctity of marriage between a Man and a Woman.

Either way, Ron has it right: The government should just stay out of marriage completely.

Joe King
18th December 2011, 11:29 PM
It's really very strange for me to read about these people signing this pledge. I would expect them to sign a pledge that would allow beastiality or pedophilia or human sacrifice, but I wouldn't expect to see them sign a pledge to protect the moral sanctity of marriage between a Man and a Woman.

Either way, Ron has it right: The government should just stay out of marriage completely.What's strange about a politician wanting to look like they're claiming the moral high ground? lol

midnight rambler
19th December 2011, 03:58 AM
“NOM is not going to endorse a candidate in Iowa, but we will be making it clear through online ads, telephone calls and other actions that Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann stand with Iowans on defending traditional marriage, and Ron Paul does not,” - Brian Brown, NOM’s president

These people have some very serious issues, which is their own business of course - except when they start interfering with other folks and imposing their nonsense on them. imo, people such as this Mr. Brown should eat shit and die.

19th December 2011, 07:55 AM
Since the good Dr. Paul is getting serious traction by sticking to the truly important issues during his campaign, they are simply showing their desperation by using a wedge issue to try to break up his momentum.

I've never even heard of this "NOM". Sounds like a typical tool of the collectivists.

19th December 2011, 08:20 AM
What's strange about a politician wanting to look like they're claiming the moral high ground? lol

What is strange is that the moral high ground is constantly drummed as repressive and domineering, and typically shunned by the pricks we're talking about. Now they are all going to have to recover and back track when the gay-rights advocate groups start screaming out for attention like they always do.

Then they will all change their stance, and look stupid, and Ron Paul will say what he has always said: It's none of the government's business to manage marriages.

19th December 2011, 08:38 AM
Wouldn't Gingrich be more in favor of something like, one man THREE women!?

19th December 2011, 10:17 AM
Ron Pauls position is that he wants the federal government out of the marriage alltogether, he can't sign this pledge and remain honest. The organisation dishonestly trying to portray him as someone who doesn't support traditional marriage. I think this will backfire on them!

Joe King
19th December 2011, 10:29 AM
What is strange is that the moral high ground is constantly drummed as repressive and domineering, and typically shunned by the pricks we're talking about. Now they are all going to have to recover and back track when the gay-rights advocate groups start screaming out for attention like they always do.

Then they will all change their stance, and look stupid, and Ron Paul will say what he has always said: It's none of the government's business to manage marriages.
It may be shunned by them in their real life, but for as long as I can remember, politicians have been trying to appear as if they don't shun it. Perhaps it'd be better stated as, they like to appear as though they are on the moral high ground.

19th December 2011, 10:57 AM

Politicians pandering for votes? And lying out of their butt holes saying I stand for this or that so they can keep or get into office! All or them flip flopping on issues worse that a freshly beached fish, depending on how the poles report?

WoW imagine that !

Ron Paul has stuck to his stand on issues and has done none of the above. An honest man amongst a den of lying thief's.

19th December 2011, 12:03 PM
It may be shunned by them in their real life, but for as long as I can remember, politicians have been trying to appear as if they don't shun it. Perhaps it'd be better stated as, they like to appear as though they are on the moral high ground.

The Mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford, refused to go to the Gay Pride parade. Good for him. Politically, he handled it wrong. He said "We will be away on holidays during that time, which we do every year, and it's a holiday tradition".

He should have just said "I don't want to be there."

The fag activist groups were lamenting his refusal to attend for weeks. The Toronto Sun was running front page stories on him for weeks because he refused to attend. I don't care much for Rob Ford, because like all the others, he's a fat bastard put in place by TPTB to play a simple role, but I give him credit for at least refusing to attend.

However my point is, he is a MINORITY, for not jumping to please the Gay rights activists.

The former mayor, Mel Lastman (Jew) would attend the parades and allow himself to cut loose in frivolous celebration of gay pride. Lastman even weighed in on Ford, urging him to attend this year.

The politicians cater to the deviant on a regular basis. Rare is it when they don't.
If they are not pro-gay, pro-abortion, pro-gay adoption, pro-womens lib, pro-black favoritism, and anti-white male, then they are hammered on by the media to get them in check.

Joe King
19th December 2011, 02:27 PM
The Mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford, refused to go to the Gay Pride parade. Good for him. Politically, he handled it wrong. He said "We will be away on holidays during that time, which we do every year, and it's a holiday tradition".

He should have just said "I don't want to be there."

The fag activist groups were lamenting his refusal to attend for weeks. The Toronto Sun was running front page stories on him for weeks because he refused to attend. I don't care much for Rob Ford, because like all the others, he's a fat bastard put in place by TPTB to play a simple role, but I give him credit for at least refusing to attend.

However my point is, he is a MINORITY, for not jumping to please the Gay rights activists.

The former mayor, Mel Lastman (Jew) would attend the parades and allow himself to cut loose in frivolous celebration of gay pride. Lastman even weighed in on Ford, urging him to attend this year.

The politicians cater to the deviant on a regular basis. Rare is it when they don't.
If they are not pro-gay, pro-abortion, pro-gay adoption, pro-womens lib, pro-black favoritism, and anti-white male, then they are hammered on by the media to get them in check.
Maybe in Canada, but here I just remember most trying to side with the so-called "moral majority". Especially Repubs. They've long liked to wrap themselves in the flag and the Bible.