View Full Version : Kubrick's Odyssey - Secrets Hidden in the Films of Stanley Kubrick

18th December 2011, 08:47 PM
Decided to go on a Kubrick movie watching theme, and came across this documentary.

I've never heard about this one before, but holy fuck if there aren't some pretty unbelievable coincidences going on tied in with the US military from Dr Strange Love, the cold war with Russia, the Apollo moon landing, the shining, and Eyes wide shut. Kinda blowing my mind a bit right now with the Shining, the Kids sweater, and Room 237.

In a nutshell, he made a deal with the US military, ends up faking some of the moon landing footage, from that touches the inner circle, then exposes it through his movies. Was reading some scenes of eyes wide shut were shot at one of the Rothschild mansions. Crazy stuff.

"Kubrick's Odyssey - Secrets Hidden in the Films of Stanley Kubrick (2011)
This documentary explains in detail what filming techniques Kubrick
used to fake the Apollo 11 moon landing. The second part shows how
Kubrick used his movie 'The Shining' to reveal to the world the dark
secret to the world about mission A11. They probably did land on the
moon, but the films and pictures we have been shown - without doubt -
have all been manufactured by the great director and artist of 2001 -
A Space Odyssey. The evidence shown in this film is simply irrefutable.
However, with his movie 'Eyes Wide Shut' Kubrick had gone too far and
that's why he had to be silenced forever. Under the masonic moon..."

You may wish to check out Kubrick - a Life in Pictures as a primer:

18th December 2011, 09:44 PM
as an aside, the life in pictures is a necessary pre requisite to watching hidden secrets so you can understand why Kubrick made so few films as he would spend weeks shooting a single scene.

This guy was the ultimate perfectionist, so nothing you are seeing is thrown together. It is all methodically, and painstakingly thought out.

In The Shining the kid is playing with trucks on a carpet that resembles the NASA launch pad. He connects a cargo truck to pull the "cargo" (rocket) to it's location on the launch pad, the kid stands up wearing a sweater with the Apollo 11 rocket across the front of his sweater, the "launches" after a ball comes out of nowhere saying "come and play".

He rises up, "launches Apollo 11", and proceeds to room 237 which was changed from 217 in the book. Why change the room #? The moon is on average 237 miles from earth. Turns out the hotel is symbolic for America.

On the key to the room "Room no 237" is focused on. "Room no" spells two words "Moon Room". The same hypothetical room where he would shoot the Apollo room footage allegedly faked for the public during the cold war space race.

Coincidence? Why change the room #? Again, nothing down to the smallest detail is by chance in his movies.

Interesting if anything.

18th December 2011, 10:12 PM
JOBOO, you are on to something big, he may have even been
put on ice for his last movie, he was a deep insider of the NWO

EYES WIDE SHUT, one of the creepiest movies out there.

There is lots of analysis, or was, online about this.

The title itself is Masonic and their entire MO is in the movie.

A lot of what is discussed on these forums is in the movie.
The analysis online is mind boggling, people that know the
Masons in detail.

Some details of Kubrick's life are revealing if true.
Like living in Asia, being gay maybe, he was given
a heart attack possibly right after his movie.

18th December 2011, 10:29 PM
In The Shining, Kubrick changed things from the book that made no sense at all to change. If he changed it, he did it for a reason.

Little things like the color of the VW car from red to yellow, but then he shows the red VW crashed on the side of the road by the hotel driving by in the yellow VW signifying Kubrick "wrecked" Stephen Kings original adaptation.

He used two twin girls instead of one for the previous caretakers daughters.
Jack is the new caretaker. Why do this? The previous Apollo mission 10 was code name Gemeni...twins.

Then in the final scene Jack (Kubrick) is holding a secret note in his hand, and a member of the hotel (i.e. America's) secret society inner circle is trying to get Jack (Kubrick) to put his arm down to silence him.

Again, this is all in the first documentary. Shame it wasn't a lot longer.



19th December 2011, 01:30 AM
Very good, Kubrick made a deal with the devil, and did his best to expose it.

19th December 2011, 03:48 AM
Serpo posted this youtube vid yesterday.




He lost me, and I don't remember if it was in vid one or two.

The guy starts talking that "PedoBear" was a creation of the illuminati. And how our earthly overlords referred to Kubrick as a bear. I thought it was a creation from 4-chan.

The guy starts off strong, but finishes very thin.

19th December 2011, 08:06 AM
I wonder why he's pushing down on Nicholsons arm in that picture....

I also wonder what is that in/on Jacks hand? A band aid? A love letter? An extra-small condom?

19th December 2011, 08:49 AM
The Shining is my all time favorite move and Kubrick is my favorite director.

Thanks for the links.

Darren Aronofski would be a close second (Pi, Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain). Michel Gondry is awesome as well (Science of Sleep).

19th December 2011, 09:53 AM
Very good, Kubrick made a deal with the devil, and did his best to expose it.

From the front stage projection movie effects he did in 2001 (he was considered the master at it) I think he did make some kind of deal. Further analysis essentially proves it by detecting the screen effects, and structure, where there should be dark sky.

It seems a lot of the Apollo moon landing footage could have been faked to psyche out the Russians during the cold war. They landed on the moon, but not all of what was presented appears to be real.

19th December 2011, 10:12 AM
kubrick did all sorts of weird "moving objects" stuff in his films as well. if you watch the shining and pause it a lot, stuff moves. they'l be a vase sitting in one spot, the scene will switch for a second, and then when it comes back the vase will be gone or moved 4 inches. it's all over the movie and it's obviously intentional. the cans in the storeroom are a perfect example. there's no cans in one shot, then the next shot, there's a row of calumet baking powder there. paper magically appears in jacks typewritter. paintings that move in dick hallroam's apartment. posters on the walls of danny's room. change on the counter i the payphone scene. there's lots of changing people's clothes as well. it's creepy as fuck.

19th December 2011, 12:30 PM
The Shining IS a really creepy movie, and is still a great one after all these years. To me it's a lot like Rosemary's Baby in creepiness. *shudder*

As for the faked photos of the Apollo moon landing, Jay Weidner wrote an interesting article called, "How Stanley Kubrick faked the Apollo Moon Landings: Alchemical Kubrick II (http://www.sacredmysteries.com/public/263.cfm)" (a good read for those of you who, like me, are too impatient to watch YouTube videos.)

I don't know much about photography, but found the information about the Scotchlite reflective material and the possibility that it was used to fake the moon landing photographs very intriguing:
"This was a screen material that was made up of hundreds of thousands of glass beads each about 25mm wide. These beads were highly reflective. The Scotchlite screen would be placed at the back of the soundstage."
While I was googling around looking for the URL to this article, I came across a posting about it on the Reality Sandwich site (http://www.realitysandwich.com/kubrick_apollo).

When I find interesting articles, I usually scan the comments to see if like-minded people have posted some related information I can pursue to learn more.

There were some good ones here, but this one (http://www.realitysandwich.com/kubrick_apollo#comment-26434) caught my eye:
Next up on Reality Sandwich:

Did the Holocaust actually happen? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust_denial)

Any takers?

You want to see their evidence? And their explanations? At least hear their arguments, right?

It was all fun and games, until we discovered that ideas are consequential.

"Why so serious," Lion? Because ideas, even imagined ideas, for entertainment purposes, can kill. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heath_Ledger#Autopsy_and_toxicological_analysis)[::)]

I'm not one for censorship, but I am one for persuasive argument.

By the way, it was Arthur C Clark who set Monolith dimensions to 1:4:9, or, 2.25:1. 2.35:1 is a common movie theater widescreen. (Read an article on aspect ratios in film (http://www.widescreen.org/aspect_ratios.shtml).) Plans were to shoot Cinerama, but Douglas Trumbull recommended a shift to Super Panavision 70 instead for technical reasons. When it was first released, it was released at 2.21:1, which is typical for 70mm film.

You people say you're on a spiritual quest, but you lie to yourselves whenever you can; You hunger for food, but you eat candy.

I have said it before, and I will say it again: You cannot enchant reality. Reality is either enchanting, or it is not. There is the possibility that you could see real enchantment in the world, but you decide to surround yourselves with illusions instead. If you wrapped yourselves in beauty, that would be one thing, but when you try to convince yourselves it's real, you spoil everything.

In your efforts to be amazed, you preclude yourself from authentic amazement. Until you open yourself to the really real, as the best of science and reason can reveal itself to us, you cannot see true divinity-- only shadows of it.

This isn't "Lion being mean," this is a simple fact of existence. That you refuse to look, breaks my heart.

I was leaning more towards the skeptical side when I was reading the Weidner article, but if someone goes through all the trouble of trying (but I must say, failing) to link it with Holocaust Denial, well then I'm more inclined to believe it than not. ;)

19th December 2011, 01:55 PM
JOBOO, you are on to something big, he may have even been
put on ice for his last movie, he was a deep insider of the NWO

EYES WIDE SHUT, one of the creepiest movies out there.

There is lots of analysis, or was, online about this.

The title itself is Masonic and their entire MO is in the movie.

A lot of what is discussed on these forums is in the movie.
The analysis online is mind boggling, people that know the
Masons in detail.

Some details of Kubrick's life are revealing if true.
Like living in Asia, being gay maybe, he was given
a heart attack possibly right after his movie.


19th December 2011, 01:59 PM

19th December 2011, 02:30 PM
When Danny is playing alone in the corridor, with his toy cars and trucks, in the overhead shot, the little vehicles are set up on the orange and brown pattern, as the ball roles to him down the center brown path in the carpet's sextagon pattern. However, in Danny's close-up, when the ball is in front of him, all the little toy vehicles are now set up (still the same way) on the opposite side of the carpet's distinct pattern, as he also faces the opposite way. This mistake has absolutely nothing to do with the ghosts of The Outlook moving the ball.




19th December 2011, 02:40 PM
That's what imtalking about, only it's my contention that none of it is a movie mistake. The shining has literally dozens of these things. If you google around you can find sites with pages of pictures detailing all of the weird shit kubrick did in that film.

19th December 2011, 02:47 PM
That's what imtalking about, only it's my contention that none of it is a movie mistake. The shining has literally dozens of these things. If you google around you can find sites with pages of pictures detailing all of the weird shit kubrick did in that film.

I concur.

And even if he did make a mistake, it was on purpose.

Lol. Kubrick is the quintessential director. Other directors may allow mistakes in their films, but if something is in a Kubrick film, you can rest assured he meant for it to be there.

19th December 2011, 05:11 PM
The guy starts talking that "PedoBear" was a creation of the illuminati. And how our earthly overlords referred to Kubrick as a bear. I thought it was a creation from 4-chan.

The guy starts off strong, but finishes very thin.

I referred to Asia above and Kubrick being gay,
I have no clue personally, but some online have
reported he lived in Asia for easy access to boys.
Those are just internet posts, how do we know.

The NeoCons were caught doing honey traps, Sibel Edmonds
reports and testimony, they totally got away with it.

Alot of the Pedo scandals are honey traps using kids.
Like Dutroux scandal, Franklin coverup, etc,

Wayne Madsen has some articles on this as well,
the diplomatic core in Asia specifically.

Eyes Wide Shut , has this in the movie as well.

Everyone on GSUS should watch the movie and
do some searches online for all the specific Masonic
references. Also in the movie, the Masons at the top are the
intelligence agencies, the inner circle, most that work for them
have no clue. The outer circle that does " good " shields the inner.
Applies to Masons and CIA.

19th December 2011, 05:49 PM
I referred to Asia above and Kubrick being gay,
I have no clue personally, but some online have
reported he lived in Asia for easy access to boys.
Those are just internet posts, how do we know.

The NeoCons were caught doing honey traps, Sibel Edmonds
reports and testimony, they totally got away with it.

Alot of the Pedo scandals are honey traps using kids.
Like Dutroux scandal, Franklin coverup, etc,

Wayne Madsen has some articles on this as well,
the diplomatic core in Asia specifically.

Eyes Wide Shut , has this in the movie as well.

Everyone on GSUS should watch the movie and
do some searches online for all the specific Masonic
references. Also in the movie, the Masons at the top are the
intelligence agencies, the inner circle, most that work for them
have no clue. The outer circle that does " good " shields the inner.
Applies to Masons and CIA.

I agree that everyone should watch Eyes Wide Shut, but I don't have any reason to believe Kubrick was gay.

19th December 2011, 06:01 PM
I agree that everyone should watch Eyes Wide Shut

We should have a GSUS screening, some people in the audience may be exposed.


19th December 2011, 07:57 PM
We should have a GSUS screening, some people in the audience may be exposed.


The whole movie for free.


Depending on what add ons you have, downloadable too.

Another vid about "We Live" and what the underlying of the movie was.
I have to admit, someone posted this over at the deuce.

Well worth the time to watch the three vids.



Hatha Sunahara
2nd January 2012, 02:09 AM
I just watched Kubrick's Odyssey, and a few more loose ends got tied in for me. I have tried to watch The Shining many times, but never made it through the entire movie because it didn't make sense to me. A lot of it, mostly the symbolism went completely over my head. I had no idea it was about the work Kubrick was doing faking the moon landings.

The guy who did the movie thinks that NASA really did go to the moon. If they really did go to the moon, why would they hire Kubrick to fake it? Did they use alien technology to get there? Also, the astronauts would have had to have been in on this deception, and I always thought the astronauts were straight up guys--good boy scouts, and not evil masons, and maybe one of them would have spoken out about the Nasa moon landing footage being fake. But none of the astronauts ever said anything about the footage being fake. So, should my faith in the virtue of astronauts now be dissolved? Were they complicit in pulling the wool over the public's eyes? Did they really go to the moon, or was it all just a hoax to psych out the Soviet Union? And the American public?

There is a reference in Kubrick's Odyssey to a web site www.sacredmysteries.com I have gone there, and it looks interesting,and I think I will be studying what they have to say there. Very interesting film.


2nd January 2012, 08:18 AM
I kept listening to the following interviews and I think the fourth one where they start talking about Saturn and time are really interesting. The thought that time was constructed and set up by the satanists to inslave and suck the energy out of the unaware is a new point of view and perspective for me. It makes sense to me too. SOB's

2nd January 2012, 06:19 PM
This is the song from the Odyssey movie.



I guess I need to watch the "Shining" all the way through. I never had. The Odyssey movie was pretty damn good.

28th April 2012, 06:13 PM
I missed this thread when I started a new thread on this topic earlier,
Thread: MP3- Jay Weidner on Kubrick, Apollo, clues in his movies (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?60762-MP3-Jay-Weidner-on-Kubrick-Apollo-clues-in-his-movies)

Here's the OP:

New Red Ice Radio podcast, non-members (like me) only get the 1st hour free, 2nd hour is members only. I remain agnostic on the Apollo moon landings- but found this hour very interesting. Recall Stanley Kubrick (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Kubrick#Death) died in 1999 at age 70 "of a heart attack in his sleep" while "Eyes Wide Shut", a thinly veiled illuminati culture expose, was in post-production.

Jay Weidner - Hour 1 - Kubrick's Odyssey: How Stanley Faked the Moon Landings (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2012/04/RIR-120426.php)
April 26, 2012

Jay Weidner is an author, filmmaker and hermetic scholar, considered to be a "modern-day Indiana Jones" for his ongoing worldwide quests to find clues to mankind's spiritual destiny. He returns to Red Ice to talk about his film, Kubrick's Odyssey. Jay presents compelling evidence of how Stanley Kubrick directed the Apollo moon landings. He reveals that the film, 2001: A Space Odyssey was not only a retelling of Arthur C. Clarke and Kubrick's novel, but also a research and development project that assisted Kubrick in the creation of the Apollo moon footage. Weidner also tells how Kubrick's film, The Shining is the story of Kubrick's personal travails as he secretly worked on the Apollo footage for NASA.
http://www.redicecreations.com/img/radiodownloadbutton.png (http://rediceradio.net/radio/2012/RIR-120426-jweidner-hr1.mp3)

28th April 2012, 06:55 PM
You know, there's a mockumentary out about the Kubrick/moon landing connection:







The whole Kubrick/Moon Landing thing is just a hoax. Total mindfuck disinfo to throw off people in the truth movement. It really is confusing. Maybe they did it to throw off the connections people make with the other Kubrick films regarding the Illuminati? I don't know.

28th April 2012, 10:06 PM
I had a thread on GIM1 about that "Did a Funny Thing Happen on the Way to the Moon?" documentary by Apollo-skeptic Bart Sibrel. Is that the "mockumentary" above?

That Weidner/Red Ice Radio podcast I posted above also mentioned a FOX TV special, "Did We Really Land on the Moon?" - I recall it being from 2001 but I think they say late 90s (maybe FOX re-aired it?), but they'd seen blockbuster ratings for it. I haven't watched, will later, but here it is:







28th April 2012, 11:03 PM
Thanks for the bump! I just discovered part II of the documentary is on TPB.

Beyond the Infinite - Kubrick's Odyssey II

Haven't seen it yet, dl'ing now...

29th April 2012, 04:36 AM
You know, there's a mockumentary out about the Kubrick/moon landing connection:


The whole Kubrick/Moon Landing thing is just a hoax. Total mindfuck disinfo to throw off people in the truth movement. It really is confusing. Maybe they did it to throw off the connections people make with the other Kubrick films regarding the Illuminati? I don't know.

Read the credits @ 4:15 of the last segment. You'll have to pause it.

29th April 2012, 01:12 PM
The guy who did the movie thinks that NASA really did go to the moon.

In light of the information that is brought forth and in light of what he believes what is going on, he himself may have just said we went to the moon to cover his own butt. You'll notice he doesn't talk very much about it and only briefly lists a few reasons why he thinks we did. Evidence presented that we did? none given.

29th April 2012, 01:36 PM
Thanks for the bump! I just discovered part II of the documentary is on TPB.

Beyond the Infinite - Kubrick's Odyssey II

Haven't seen it yet, dl'ing now...

Part 2 is not anywhere as good as part one. Part two is a detailed explaination of the symbolism of 2001 the space odyssey. I do agree with just about everything he says about it but even he overlooks the big picture. Kubrick was clearly versed in gnostism and the kabbalah. He masterfully expressed these ideas in this movie. However as Jesus said to the lawyers:
Luke 11:52 Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.

The key of knowledge is God's word which sheds the true light on everything in this documentary as well as everything else in life.

For example, he talks about the tree of life (the four parts of the movie) , starting with the earth > the moon > the sun > ultimate being

Everyone born starts out on earth, when you recieve Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you become part of the church which is associated with the moon, you become part of Christ and Christ in you (pictured by the sun) and when you die you'll eventually get a glorified body making you an "ultimate" being, per se.

Of course we MUST have the evolution injection, for without evolution, the great deception (coming) upon this world will introduce aliens as your saviours and progenators and they will be presented as "more evolved" Thus evolution teaching is a long term plan by satan to impliment this idea for the last days before the coming Anti-Chirst.

What about Kubrick's (hidden) forecast of 911? It did happen in 2001 and yet this was strangley passed over in the documentary. If time permited I could give dozens of exmaples of things he missed.

Everything in gnostism and the kabbalah is a cheap imitation and rip off of a Bible truth. Satan is the god of this world and setup an imitation of what God has wroth. Kubrick, clearly understood the dark side (which today's world leaders embrace) and expressed the ideas from this dark side but the KEY TO KNOWLEDGE is the Bible and anyone seeking real truth will find it there.

The Bible sheds light on EVERYTHING!

23rd March 2014, 12:21 AM
I agree that everyone should watch Eyes Wide Shut, but I don't have any reason to believe Kubrick was gay.

He was joosh, wun'ee (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_kubrick#Death)?!

Jews more than twice as likely to be gay, as likely to be lesbian (http://akinokure.blogspot.com/2012/07/jews-more-than-twice-as-likely-to-be.html)
haha, I was just revisiting this thread, always a good time for a bump.

25th March 2014, 01:38 AM
JOBOO, you are on to something big,


23rd October 2016, 10:39 PM
2 part review pod from the Themes & Memes guys; 1 hr each.

Eyes Wide Shut Movie Review Part 1, Themes & Memes Ep32
Published: Monday, 04 July 2016 16:59

In our 32nd episode of Themes & Memes, we take a look at the conspiracy-cult-classic 'Eyes Wide Shut', by Stanley Kubrick. Neither the high praise or ongoing deconstruction of this film within conspiracy culture are unwarranted, as the film blends edgy social critique with a highly esoteric storyline; using sexual tension to reveal the existence of a powerful and arcane secret order. We start by outlining the exoteric journey of protagonist Dr Bill Harford, before discussing the esoteric initiation that both him and the willing audience are manoeuvred through via symbolism and suggestion. Be sure to stay tuned, as in our next episode we continue our analysis of both the film and its director; looking at occult philosophy and ritual with eyes wide open.

Topics discussed include: Eyes Wide Shut, Stanley Kubrick, Significance in Conspiracy Culture, Attention to Detail, Multiple Layers of Meaning, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, New York Elite, Flirtation, Marital Problems, Affairs, Fantasy, Masks, Somerton Elite Mansion, Paganism, Wicca, Occult Rituals, Sex Magick, Naked Supermodels!, Magic Circle, Ritual Drama, Dream States, High Society, Social Critique, Wannabe Culture, Lack of Sophistication, Western Religion, Traditionalism vs Sexual Liberalism, Heathenism, Human Condition, Monogamy, Sexual Tension, NLP, Suggestion, Inciting Conflict, Provocation, Masonic Symbolism, Yachin & Boaz, Solomon's Temple, Goddess Disrobing, The Willing Fool, Initiatory Ritual, Eyes Wide Shut=In The Dark, Esoteric Process, Revelation of The Method, Black & White, Dark & Light, Male & Female, Masonic Chessboard, Opposing Principals, Set Design, Lighting, Rothschild Party, Free Will, Exoteric vs Esoteric Storylines, Lack of Understanding, Celebrity Culture, Voyeurism, Titillation, Moral Judgement, Hypocrisy of The Audience, Mind Control, Connection to Regenerative Impulses, Initiation into Occult Philosophy & Culture, Eyes Wide Open.

Audio player & mp3 link at: http://www.tmpodcast.com/podcast/34-eyes-wide-shut-movie-review-part-1-themes-memes-ep32

Same for pt 2: http://www.tmpodcast.com/podcast/35-eyes-wide-shut-movie-review-part-2-themes-memes-ep33

Twisted Titan
24th October 2016, 02:06 AM

just look at the interview....neil is lying his ass off.

he remains vauge on purpose because he knows he wont be able to keep recalling what he said

24th October 2016, 02:38 AM
yes Stanley CUBE (RICK) interesting name.

10th May 2017, 09:48 PM
1st hour of Rense tonight,

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=https://archive.org/download/Rense.20170510/Rense.20170510.1of3.mp3) Download (https://archive.org/download/Rense.20170510/Rense.20170510.1of3.mp3) Hour 1 - Jay Weidner (http://www.sacredmysteries.com/) - State Of Affairs Kubrick's Films - Part 1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaS9KkCmjP4&t=12s)

24th October 2017, 06:50 AM
Sean SGT Report,
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/w7H-pxcWL5g/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLDpNVlQ6FaqxE0waUniGcViFq20gQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7H-pxcWL5g) 8:12
STANLEY KUBRICK TOLD US THE TRUTH (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7H-pxcWL5g)

9 hours ago

24th October 2017, 12:54 PM

Eyes Wide Shut is a 1999 erotic drama film directed, produced, and co-written by Stanley Kubrick. Based on Arthur Schnitzler's 1926 novella Traumnovelle (Dream Story), the story is transferred from early 20th century Vienna to 1990s New York City. The film follows the sexually charged adventures of Dr. Bill Harford, who is shocked when his wife, Alice, reveals that she had contemplated having an affair a year earlier. He embarks on a night-long adventure, during which he infiltrates a massive masked orgy of an unnamed secret society.

Kubrick obtained the filming rights for Dream Story in the 1960s, considering it a perfect text for a film adaptation about sexual relations.

Arthur Schnitzler's 1926 novella Dream Story is set around Vienna shortly after the turn of the century. The main characters are a couple named Fridolin and Albertina; their home is a typical suburban middle-class home, not the film's posh urban apartment. Schnitzler himself, like the protagonist of this novel, lived in Vienna, was Jewish, and a medical doctor, though Schnitzler eventually abandoned medicine for writing.

While Fridolin and Albertina, the protagonist couple of Dream Story, are sometimes implied to be Jewish, there is nothing in the novella which justifies this assumption, and neither Fridolin nor Albertina are typical Jewish names; whereas Nachtigall (Nightingale) is overtly identified as Jewish. Kubrick (himself of Jewish descent) frequently removed references to the Jewishness of characters in the novels he adapted.[9] In the case of Eyes Wide Shut, Frederic Raphael (who is also Jewish) wanted to keep the Jewish background of the protagonists, but Kubrick insisted that they should be "vanilla" Americans, without any details that would arouse any presumptions.

The director added that Bill should be a "Harrison Ford-ish goy" (though Ford's mother was Jewish), and created the surname of Harford as an allusion to the actor.[10] This is reflected in the way the film's Bill Harford is taunted by college students when going home in the morning. In the film, Bill is taunted with homophobic slurs. In the novella, these boys are recognized to be members of an anti-Semitic college fraternity.[9][11] Kubrick's co-screenwriter, Frederic Raphael, in an introduction to a Penguin Classics edition of Dream Story, writes "Fridolin is not declared to be a Jew, but his feelings of cowardice, for failing to challenge his aggressor, echo the uneasiness of Austrian Jews in the face of Gentile provocation.

old steel
24th October 2017, 08:20 PM
Exactly how do Jews with a population of a mere what, 12 million?

How have they managed to control the world with 7+ billion for so long and they keep pulling it off with their murder, rape and robbery over the herd?

The Zionists, that's how!

24th October 2017, 09:42 PM
The Zionists ARE Satan! They always have been!
Exactly how do Jews with a population of a mere what, 12 million?

How have they managed to control the world with 7+ billion for so long and they keep pulling it off with their murder, rape and robbery over the herd?

The Zionists, that's how!