View Full Version : Scrapped!

19th December 2011, 08:55 AM
The Canadian Long-gun registry is dead. We have a long way to go for total firearm freedom; but it is a start.



19th December 2011, 10:51 AM
Way to go keep up the fight!

Joe King
19th December 2011, 11:31 AM
Congrats to our northern neighbors on their step forward. :)

19th December 2011, 12:04 PM
Good deal you now have much more firearms freedom than California.

Now hopefully someday you will be like Texas or Idaho.

19th December 2011, 12:06 PM
Thanks Steyr. Is this official?

EDIT - It's not scrapped yet. It's shelved until holidays are over. A lot can chance between now and then.

19th December 2011, 12:25 PM
Thanks Steyr. Is this official?

EDIT - It's not scrapped yet. It's shelved until holidays are over. A lot can chance between now and then.

It needs to go through the [Conservative-controlled] Senate and it needs Royal ascent. Maybe a stop by the Supreme Court too

19th December 2011, 12:26 PM
Do you still have the equivalent of our 4473? If so, you only THINK the registry is dead... as do most in the US.

19th December 2011, 12:29 PM
Do you still have the equivalent of our 4473? If so, you only THINK the registry is dead... as do most in the US.

You will have to explain a bit more. What is a 4473?

19th December 2011, 12:45 PM
When I can go buy a long gun with cash, without any other paperwork being filled out, then I know it's scrapped.

19th December 2011, 01:09 PM
When I can go buy a long gun with cash, without any other paperwork being filled out, then I know it's scrapped.

Don't worry, Awoke, it will happen soon enough. I hope I do not eat my words in the future; but I'm sure it's gone.

19th December 2011, 01:10 PM
Any thing is possible if ones lifetime is long enough!

19th December 2011, 01:20 PM
You will have to explain a bit more. What is a 4473?

The 4473 is the form we fill out to get permission to buy a gun from a dealer. It records all your personal information and the type, model and SN of the gun among other things. Then the dealer calls in to ask if you are OK to buy the gun. They promise to disregard all that information after the sale is complete, but you know exactly how that goes.


19th December 2011, 01:55 PM
i do notice a trend - that the states with the biggest Jew populations have the strictest gun laws (Calif. Chicago/Illinois, New York) ... with the exception of Florida - i have the impression that they have more gun freedom than the other 3 ... and they have mucho de Jews.

in any case, Congratulations Canada !

19th December 2011, 03:57 PM
The laws for guns are only for those who are willing to give up their freedom.......those who believe in liberty and freedom will always have gun because the poleticians only listen to those holding one...............but of course if I were to own a fiream, it or they, would not be in my property.

19th December 2011, 05:55 PM
i do notice a trend - that the states with the biggest Jew populations have the strictest gun laws (Calif. Chicago/Illinois, New York) ... with the exception of Florida - i have the impression that they have more gun freedom than the other 3 ... and they have mucho de Jews.

in any case, Congratulations Canada !

i posted a chart once on gim1 (long since lost it), that those states with highest jew populations have the most draconian firearms laws. it was really creepy, it stood out at you. wished i had saved it.

20th December 2011, 06:18 AM
I still have a hard time believing it.

Looking hard for the fine print....

20th December 2011, 06:39 AM
The 4473 is the form we fill out to get permission to buy a gun from a dealer. It records all your personal information and the type, model and SN of the gun among other things. Then the dealer calls in to ask if you are OK to buy the gun. They promise to disregard all that information after the sale is complete, but you know exactly how that goes.


I never bought a firearm prior to the registry. Since we need to show your PAL when buying ammo. It should be the same with purchasing a firearm too. All the seller needs to see is the license.

Look at our prohibited list.....


20th December 2011, 07:47 AM
I still have a hard time believing it.

Looking hard for the fine print....

It still hasn't happened yet.

20th December 2011, 09:07 AM
I know it hasnt "passed" yet, but i think it is as good as passed.

I'm sure after they pass it they will go through a gun cataloge and re-classify anything that looks "dangerous" or something like that.

Joe King
20th December 2011, 09:19 AM
I know it hasnt "passed" yet, but i think it is as good as passed.

I'm sure after they pass it they will go through a gun cataloge and re-classify anything that looks "dangerous" or something like that.
Here's a couple pics out of their guide book on guns.

Bad gun


Good gun


Can you see the subtle differences?

The second one is much more friendly looking.

20th December 2011, 10:19 AM
Canada has weird laws. We can't own and AK, but we can own an ACR.

20th December 2011, 10:25 AM
The Cdn firearms laws are nothing short of bizarre. It is the RCMP who determines what is allowed or not. They determine what is restricted or not.

A restricted firearm is the scary firearm, and must be registered. Although the long-gun registration is good-as-gone, these will continue to be. Examples are:




Ironically, these will soon not have to be registered and will be able to buy very easily




I personally legally own the shotgun.

20th December 2011, 12:17 PM

I personally legally own the shotgun.

Did you buy a Dominion arms Grizzly?
8.5" Barrel or 12" Barrel?

I want to get the 12" barrel that takes box magazines.

20th December 2011, 12:46 PM
Canada has weird laws. We can't own and AK, but we can own an ACR.

And you can have Chinese M14 clones that cost $400 and are better than the Springfield Armory M1A. Lucky bastards.

20th December 2011, 01:15 PM
We can buy a Norinco SKS for $189 at Canadaammo.com

20th December 2011, 01:53 PM
Did you buy a Dominion arms Grizzly?
8.5" Barrel or 12" Barrel?

I want to get the 12" barrel that takes box magazines.

Dlask Arms -- it's the 8.5" You do pay a premium for the short barrel.


6th April 2012, 06:43 AM
NOW the long gun registry is dead.


Firearms owners from every part of Canada are celebrating and congratulating the Members of Parliament who voted to end the wasteful long gun registry.
How does this affect YOU as a trustworthy Canadian gun owner?

Registration forms for non-restricted long guns are no longer required.
New non-restricted long gun purchases will no longer be registered.
When selling or gifting a non-restricted long gun it is your responsibility to ensure that the individual you are dealing with has a valid firearms licence (PAL notPOL)
A sample form for selling or gifting a non-restricted long gun (that we suggest you may want to use – simply for your protection and convenience) can be downloaded from the Canadian Firearms Institute website. (www.cfi-icaf.ca (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001bKGoIXoq_SVRIYVbnva2V_TWwZfqDNKHYu8ET4 A5tu7QaJahMq1z21xrMb3Jqx_NKp6hg_nPOQ1DQ4gM8zGO0Y5Y PT_gzh0Eti4VwXVINSl1XODVFJIvYURSWbwLqCKEMB2sFvbtB9 1AO7jNR0fuRfRRnK14Z5zydPdBSvGOy8OIBHubTWjDKZU7LKFd 6GgHNV6Ep7LAJs_B_OjNY30wCdmr2igIcIYN1xsqUzRHxBHcPj rOYbUGq3b6KEt4WFgzsppziYZEwfGIz3widpuGyJfuNYl_U0Uh QY1UVm9e_QF3SOiELmxOQ266Y2FLkBakRdRy_1-mqGis0zKd00S0S2TuBgTkgFdADnCIPSd6vOpBacpIrPO0og==) )
You will still need a valid PAL (Possession & Acquisition License) or POL (Possession Only License) to own a gun. Be sure to check the expiry date and ensure that you renew it in plenty of time. (Link to forms (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001bKGoIXoq_SXoQizh1YWj1_LF2lEyNHqEE2DdIR wbcSmpNFI-WgItyCMLTJHroaxfiphPMf2evdlfFDiCnCfpSS6sfcxmoOmbc3 1EhDcKaZiRO1w03qu-2MtWK9VnekhsNF0iVjEoVMVnzBSDc70xPJk5cTqODa2nNjfktb eu_NBBX6712xefls4-PZ4S2n5BOmr01wQ7Bl3-8wQ2ORAEnbVhb3gzQjGEpPbpMFfgDINAR_uMBTJEXR8bOnQFVF fZ0muCrQsNHfnACwPVgze51_bc29wnMsj37Toa-5PnUO0bDjuBXxt0qkhi_fSExrSX4nGjfUzqVleNnaz8Rsitcw= =) – http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cfp-pcaf/fs-fd/renew-renouv-eng.htm)

NB: The issue of the destruction of data has been clouded by Quebec’s bid to prevent it from happening. We will keep you updated as more information becomes available.

The Canadian Firearms Institute will continue its mandate to save, support and celebrate Canadian firearms heritage, our sport and our respected traditions right across our nation. For more information on the Canadian Firearms Institute please visit www.cfi-icaf.ca (http://www.cfi-icaf.ca).



...Now to start lobbying for open carry.

6th April 2012, 06:53 AM
Fuck man, I am dancing in my seat at work! I can hardly contain myself! I am so excited man. Gun sales are going to SHOOT THROUGH THE ROOF for the next couple months man!!!!!!!! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!

People who have been on the fence about getting their licence will finally go get licenced, people who have been sitting on powder will go exchange it for firearms, new people are going to get introduced to the lifestyle of responsible firearms ownership, the market will flourish, and we will have more people dedicated to preserving our rights to firearms!!!


Official statement from the NWO pig site, Provincial police:

Elimination of the non-restricted firearm registry

Special Bulletin for Police No. 84

April 5, 2012

Implementation of Bill C-19, the Ending the Long-Gun Registry Act.

The Federal Government has changed the Criminal Code and the Firearms Act to eliminate the requirement to register non-restricted firearms effective April 5, 2012. Until further notice, due to a Court Order issued by the Quebec Superior Court, residents of Quebec are still required to register non-restricted firearms with the RCMP Canadian Firearms Program.

Beginning on April 5, 2012, business and individual owners of non-restricted firearms will no longer need to have their firearms registered with the Canadian Firearms Program (CFP). This does not impact registration requirements for restricted or prohibited firearms.

In addition, all information currently held by the registry for non-restricted firearms registered to individuals and businesses will be deleted and no longer available through CPIC via the Canadian Firearms Registry On-line (CFRO). Individual licensee data (name, address, DOB) and registration information on their restricted and prohibited firearms will continue to be available.

When reporting non-restricted protected firearms and non-restricted agency-owned firearms, continue to use the Public Agency Web Services (PWS), available from the CFP website (http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cfp-pcaf/index-eng.htm). Please note that the protected firearm report no longer requires the identification of the individual or business that owns the firearm. Detailed instructions to explain how to use PWS for protected and agency firearms reporting after C-19 are being sent directly to PWS users by email.

The requirements for businesses and individuals to have an RCMP-CFP issued firearms licence and to safely store all firearms remain. Police will be able to continue to check on the status of a licence on CFRO.
For more information, please contact the RCMP Canadian Firearms Program (http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cfp-pcaf/cont/index-eng.htm).


6th April 2012, 06:53 AM
Also Gun shows will start up again!!

6th April 2012, 10:07 PM
I knew that last thing waiting was Royal Ascent --- but once the Senate voted it out, I knew it was gone..... Thanks bud

General of Darkness
6th April 2012, 10:18 PM
Now all you have to do is kill Idol, Dancing with the Stars and The House Wifes of some fucking place and you're well on your way.