View Full Version : A second look at nuclear power.

19th December 2011, 01:21 PM
This video causes a second look at nuclear power and at the technical direction we're headed...

LFTR in 5 minutes; video is 2 hours long.

Uploaded by gordonmcdowell on Oct 4, 2011
DVD: http://ThoriumRemix.com/dvd/ ...the perfect gift for anyone unwilling to watch a THORIUM video on YouTube. Please consider ordering multiple and passing them around. (Check out prices. See how quantity impacts shipping.)

http://ThoriumRemix.com/act/ - Thorium is readily available & can be turned into energy without generating transuranic wastes. Thorium's capacity as nuclear fuel was discovered during WW II, but ignored because it was unsuitable for making bombs. A liquid-fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR) is the optimal approach for harvesting energy from Thorium, and has the potential to solve today's energy/climate crisis. LFTR is a type of Thorium Molten Salt Reactor (Th-MSR). This video summarizes over 6 hours worth of thorium talks given by Kirk Sorensen and other thorium technologists.

THORIUM REMIX 2011 starts with a 5 minute TL;WL summary, to hold you over until you find your Ritalin.

To learn more about the Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor visit: http://energyfromthorium.com/

See http://THORIUMREMIX.com/ for full list of multimedia source material.

Key YouTube video components:

Kirk Sorensen @ TEDxYYC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2vzotsvvkw

Kirk Sorensen @ Protospace - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVSmf_qmkbg

Kirk Sorensen @ MRU - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3rL08J7fDA

Kirk Sorensen @ TEAC3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-uxvSVIGtU

Kirk Sorensen @ Dr. Kiki Science Hour #84 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEpnpyd-jbw

After Fukushima: The Fear Factor - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVQ0NvEcyqw

Robert Hargraves @ TEAC3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOoBTufkEog

Alexander Cannara @ TEAC3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUVq81kBKyk

James Kennedy @ TEAC3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?

19th December 2011, 02:23 PM
Downloading it now

midnight rambler
19th December 2011, 02:27 PM
It can't be weaponized so forget that. Everything developed has to first and foremost have a use in war, everything else is secondary.

19th December 2011, 03:04 PM
No one is saying that light water reactors or it's byproducts are going away. The world is diversifying it's energy portfolio. The new world gets the latest and the old world gets yester-years tech. New tech is electrical based high energy weaponry.

19th December 2011, 03:53 PM
He made an interesting comment about people fighting power transmission lines- it's happening locally right now. The fight is big and has put the project on hold.

19th December 2011, 03:53 PM
Someday I believe these generation reactors will come into use. There are too many plus sides to them. As said above , the current reactors (not all) have the capability of producing material that can be used in weapons.

Thorium is abundant and reactors that are powered can produce fuel (non weapon). Unlike uranium reactors which uranium is becoming in short supply or so as I understand it.

What are we going to do? Burn that clean coal, that the ads harp about but still does not exist? Or burn natural gas, that over all would be dumb, to waste the hydrocarbons that can be put to better use? Plus one day we may run out of or at least the very easy gas that can be had?

Thorium reactor waste IMHO is much more desirable than the shit that current reactors produce with a half life longer than human civilization has existed so far on earth!

No one takes the long view, no one sees past their noses. Everything is done for the here and now, and not tomorrow..


19th December 2011, 03:56 PM
He made an interesting comment about people fighting power transmission lines- it's happening locally right now. The fight is big and has put the project on hold.

That is one of the biggest weak links the nation has at the moment. The infrastructure is mostly old and overloaded or on the edge. That is another thing that is being ignored so to speak related to my last post in this thread.

How can new power plants come on line, when the overhead wires can not carry the load, because they are maxed out already?

19th December 2011, 07:08 PM
GRAVITY is more abundant.

Cost of fuel $0.0 and you could have one in your backyard.




19th December 2011, 07:16 PM
For now calling that snake oil! Same as perpetual motion.

19th December 2011, 07:26 PM
For now calling that snake oil! Same as perpetual motion.

People beliieve that there is no perpetual motion, yet they witness it every day... how long will it be until the earth stops spinning?

Is Hidro+ a Perpetual Motion Machine?
No because the perpetual motion and conservation of energy refers to thermodynamic principles (1st, 2nd and 3rd laws); but not fluid mechanics and dynamics, flow of physics, Archimedes Principles and Newtown's Laws (1st and 2nd Laws of Physics).

Now to put the above explanation into relevant equations and technically referred to as Energy and Mass Balance: * In energy conversion: Ei = Eo - ZL; where Ei= energy input on continuous basis, such as coal, gas, biomass as heat energy, wave and wind as mechanical energy.; Eo= Energy output in electrical energy; ZL=zigma Losses due to energy conversion and frictions, and ambience conditions.

* In perpetual motion: Ei = Eo + DE; where Ei=a one-time-only energy input, such as movements of filaments due to heat and pressure variants from ambience conditions, and/or mechanical energy.; Eo= energy output in electrical energy; DE= delta energy gained due to whatever (which we concur with you as invalid!).

* In Hidro+: Ei + EProd = Eo - ZL; where: Ei= electrical energy input on continuous basis; EProd=energy gained due to deep water pressure energy conversion including bouyancy at 1010kg/m3 and deep water pressure at 1bar (100kPa) per meter of water depth; Eo= energy output including gravity and potential energy of freefall object and terminal velocity; ZL=zigma losses due to conversion and frictions, etc.

19th December 2011, 07:38 PM
People beliieve that there is no perpetual motion, yet they witness it every day... how long will it be until the earth stops spinning?

Is Hidro+ a Perpetual Motion Machine?
No because the perpetual motion and conservation of energy refers to thermodynamic principles (1st, 2nd and 3rd laws); but not fluid mechanics and dynamics, flow of physics, Archimedes Principles and Newtown's Laws (1st and 2nd Laws of Physics).

Now to put the above explanation into relevant equations and technically referred to as Energy and Mass Balance: * In energy conversion: Ei = Eo - ZL; where Ei= energy input on continuous basis, such as coal, gas, biomass as heat energy, wave and wind as mechanical energy.; Eo= Energy output in electrical energy; ZL=zigma Losses due to energy conversion and frictions, and ambience conditions.

* In perpetual motion: Ei = Eo + DE; where Ei=a one-time-only energy input, such as movements of filaments due to heat and pressure variants from ambience conditions, and/or mechanical energy.; Eo= energy output in electrical energy; DE= delta energy gained due to whatever (which we concur with you as invalid!).

* In Hidro+: Ei + EProd = Eo - ZL; where: Ei= electrical energy input on continuous basis; EProd=energy gained due to deep water pressure energy conversion including bouyancy at 1010kg/m3 and deep water pressure at 1bar (100kPa) per meter of water depth; Eo= energy output including gravity and potential energy of freefall object and terminal velocity; ZL=zigma losses due to conversion and frictions, etc. But the earth is slowing , just as the moon is getting farther away from us. The day is longer than in the past so far as science can tell.

For now I just will not buy it about that machine, and the whole perpetual motion does work debate. If it did work that kind of news would spread like wildfire. And not regulated to the conspiracy boards as the technology is being held back by the ptb.

So my Texas style I will have to see it to believe it and after a test or two on my part!

19th December 2011, 08:09 PM

Current Project Status

Anika Pharmaceutical, Queensland, Australia; 50kW co-generation plant.

* Power outputs will be a dedicated supply for the pharmaceutical facility and the waste-air applied for process-cooling.

* This project has been granted concurrence permits from the Gold Coast City Council, as the Local Government Authority.

Tasmania, Australia; Utility scale power generation with 1000MW (1GWe) capacity.

* This project will be the first and largest renewable energy project of its kind in the world, supplying 24/7 power for 1.25million homes, abating 26.6millions of green house gas emissions annually, being similar to removing some 12million cars off the road.

* Once completed, power outputs of up to 650MW in capacity will be supplied to Victorian grids via the Bass Strait link, with the balance being supplied to North and North East Tasmanian grids.

* This project has received concurrence permits for stage-one, being 100MW capacity from the State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA Tas) under the State's Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment (DRIWE).
Click to view EPA Tas Letter of Assessment Advice.

* The Local Government Authorities' consent, before LaTrobe Shire Council, is being progressed. The deployment of these developments, along with the co-generation project in Queensland, are pending the Australian Federal Government's concurrence for the project's renewable energy certifications. We look forward to the ratification of these projects following the passing of the Australian Carbon-Tax legislation in November, 2011.

Artas Steel Co, Jakarta, Indonesia; Total generation capacity of 10MW with stage-one 1MWe as co-generation plant.

* Project is underway and being deployed with completion, commissioning and commercial operation expected February/March 2012. The waste air will be used for the mill ventilation systems.

* This project will receive carbon reduction units (CRU) under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM); with the CRU expected to yield 19Euro/MWhr.

George City Council, South Africa; 1MW generating capacity.

* This project has received the Council's approvals and will be constructed at the Council's complex. The Local power generation consulting engineers, BDE-Consult, have been engaged as principle project engineers and management by the Local power-company developing this project.

Proposed listing on the ASX-Perth for the Hidro+ Hydrodynamic Power Technology exclusive global-license.
Currently progressing. When the ASX-listing is formalized, this entity will be: "an integrated multi-disciplined renewable power company", with the key-principles:
* Operating globally as the technology provider; and for the provisions of high level technical expert advisory services on all aspects of effective power generation, transmission, distribution, operations, maintenance and management.
* Delivering best practice technology transfers, industry and manufacturing sharing on commercially-shared outcomes, based on corporate social responsibility precedence; and
* Achieving nett-outcomes on sustainable developments and humanitarian endeavors.

Below are samples from the technical drawings of a Type A: 1MWe Hidro+ Hydrodynamic Power Plant. The drawings were conceptualized, designed and developed by James Kwok, Copyright © 2011. All rights are reserved.

Technical drawings for a Type A: 1MWe Hidro+ Hydrodynamic Power Plant. Click for a larger image.

Hidro+ Super-Prime-Mover

Recent collaborative work conducted with an overseas shipping company has yielded blue-prints for the development of the Hidro+ Hydrodynamic Power Technology Super-Prime-Mover [HSPM] with 135,000BHP power capacity for retrofit into existing large container ships, as a standard feature for newly constructed ships, or in the interim as a stand-alone HSPM Tow-Ship to tow existing larger container ships on Trans-Atlantic or extreme long-range distances (whilst the ship's existing engine is used for manoeuvring at harbor and port).

A single operational HSPM that is equipped with an expander turbo-generator and linear electric generator machines to produce power for prime-propulsion, refrigeration and lighting, is expected to be capable of abating about 175million tons per year of carbon emissions.

Pre-Commercial Hidro+ Hydrodynamic Power Plant

In December 2010 James Kwok completed and commissioned a pre-commercial Hidro+ Hydrodynamic Power Plant with a 20kW capacity. This plant is the first-stage of its designed capacity, consisting of a 7m water tower with hydrostatic pressure harnessed via rack and pinion gears that power a flywheel to rotate a generator to produce electricity.

Located at Stapylton East in Queensland, Australia, the performance of this plant has been verified by independent engineers and Dr Rajinder Malik PhD, fluid mechanics expert previously with the University of Sydney. A technology validation is being undertaken by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

19th December 2011, 08:16 PM
Just did a web search and any info on that company is as thin as hens teeth.

Just saying!

21st December 2011, 02:57 PM
Fukushima - Total Cost

Uploaded by wepollock on Dec 21, 2011
Arnie Gundersen of Fairwinds Associates (a leading nuclear expert) and Warren Pollock ( http://www.wepollock.com )redefine the Fukushima nuclear incidents (meltdowns and explosions) in terms of human and total cost. Its easy to look at the details of a highly complex speciality, but it has been hard to quantify the cost and risk of nuclear power up to now! We talk about the rate of failure of nuclear being so high that were that rate applied to aviation there would be no air travel. Nuclear is different in that you have no choice in trading risk for travel, or in this case risk for energy. During 9-11 human value in the western world was quantified in an actuarial model which put each person at a value of $1.8 million dollars. Gundersen explains that up to 1 Million people will be damaged by this incident which puts the total damage well into the trillions of dollars. The full cost of nuclear power has to consider human cost and costs of contamination to the environment. We clarify some important issues regarding radiation and particulate matter.

20th January 2012, 06:14 AM
Looking over some old bookmarked pages last night and finally sat down with a left handed cigarette and watched all 2 hours. No ritalin needed.
Interesting for sure, some of the technical stuff made my head hurt but pretty interesting indeed. I didn't like some of what this guy was pushing but I really know little about radiation other than that it scares me. He come across like it no big deal. Guess I would have to do more research.

Anyways bump for anyone that hasn't watched it.

Hatha Sunahara
20th January 2012, 11:11 AM
I read recently that conventional nuclear power could be produced at 1/10th its cost, by simply allowing all the nuclear fuel in a reactor to completely 'burn'. Instead, we refuel our reactors when only 10% of the energy is extracted. Jimmy Carter signed a law requiring this be done so nukes wouldn't be price competitive. I wish I had the link--i'll look for it and post it.


Hatha Sunahara
20th January 2012, 12:10 PM
Here is the link I had in mind in my post above:


I got this link from whatreallyhappened.com on Jan 17, 2012.

Nuclear power technology has been royally effed by the politicians looking after the interests of the elite. We adopt sub-optimal (stupid) technologies so as not to disturb the status quo. This may be another reason the status quo is close to self destructing.


20th January 2012, 02:20 PM
i remember a few years ago, Toshiba was selling a small-scale nuclear reactor. i don't remember if it was uranium or thorium. in the 200 kW range.

Hatha Sunahara
24th January 2012, 04:18 PM
I've had a few days to digest information from the link I posted above to the Jim Stone website. I reread that story with a more critical eye, and I noticed a few things. He cites his information as a story from an engineer who worked for GE and designed the Fukushima Nuclear Plant, but does not reveal the engineer's name. He also fails to assign a name to the process that could be repeated for 20 cycles until the fuel is completely spent. Makes research necessary to authenticate this information a bit more difficult. So, I am shifting my view, and I consider this link to lead to a disinformation site, with an obscure agenda.

Has anyone heard of this technology that burns fissionable fuel to nothing? This is the first I've heard of it, so I'm a bit skeptical.


Hatha Sunahara
25th January 2012, 03:59 PM
Here's the link to the Toshiba Video on their 10MW Thorium reactors:




Hatha Sunahara
29th January 2012, 04:28 PM
I've done a little research about nuclear reactor technology, and found out a little more about Jim Stone--whose site I posted a link to above.

Here's a Henry Makow piece about sabotage at Fukushima Daiichi. He cites a piece by Jim Stone in this article. Fascinating.


And here's the link directly to Jim Stone's piece:


And the technology Jim Stone referred to that burns the fuel down to nothing is the Liquid Metal cooled Fast Breeder Reactor. Or, in this case, the LFTR Thorium reactor.


24th October 2012, 11:40 PM
India is building a thorium fueled nuclear power plant...