View Full Version : Iowa Govenor: Ron Paul and his supporters set to 'harm' first-in-the-nation caucuses

midnight rambler
20th December 2011, 08:25 AM
Ya'll need to keep praying for Ron Paul and a few miracles, and quit the stinkin' thinkin'.


General of Darkness
20th December 2011, 08:33 AM
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win"

20th December 2011, 08:39 AM
The first paragraph says it all.

Conservatives and Republican elites in the state are divided over who to support for the GOP nomination, but they almost uniformly express concern over the prospect that Ron Paul (http://www.politico.com/tag/ronpaul) and his army of activist supporters may capture the state’s 2012 nominating contest — an outcome many fear would do irreparable harm to the future role of the first-in-the-nation caucuses.

Yes, they express concern that Ron will put an end to the bloated government game. Notice that they call Ron Paul supporters "Activists".

Why are the other nominee's supporters being called "an Army of Activists"? I don't remember Clinton, Bush or Obama having their supporters labelled as Activists.

This is so transparent it would be laughable, except for the sad fact that this kind of programming actually works on the sheep.

20th December 2011, 08:45 AM
Paul is really becoming a problem for the republican party...and I love it!

I think people will accept corrupt politicians as long as they meet the zionist republican criteria?
This is all they're worried about?

a lot of states that want to be number one [in the nominating process] will simply point to his winning and say, ‘Iowa’s irrelevant,”

GOP elites in Iowa are worried about the ramifications of a Ron Paul victory there. | AP Photo

SIOUX CITY, IOWA –The alarms are sounding in Iowa.

Conservatives and Republican elites in the state are divided over who to support for the GOP nomination, but they almost uniformly express concern over the prospect that Ron Paul and his army of activist supporters may capture the state’s 2012 nominating contest — an outcome many fear would do irreparable harm to the future role of the first-in-the-nation caucuses.

In spin rooms, bar rooms and online forums, the what-to-do-about-Paul conversation has become pervasive as polls show him at or near the top here just weeks before the January 3rd vote.

Paul poses an existential threat to the state’s cherished kick-off status, say these Republicans, because he has little chance to win the GOP nomination and would offer the best evidence yet that the caucuses reward candidates who are unrepresentative of the broader party.

“It would make the caucuses mostly irrelevant if not entirely irrelevant,” said Becky Beach, a longtime Iowa Republican who helped Presidents Bush 41 and Bush 43 here. “It would have a very damaging effect because I don’t think he could be elected president and both Iowa and national Republicans wouldn’t think he represents the will of voters.”

What especially worries Iowa Republican regulars is the possibility that Paul could win here on January 3rd with the help of Democrats and independents who change their registration to support the libertarian-leaning Texas congressman but then don’t support the GOP nominee next November.

“I don’t think any candidate perverting the process in that fashion helps [the caucuses] in any way,” said Iowa House Speaker Kraig Paulsen, adding that he didn’t know if that’s necessarily how Paul would win.

While there’s no evidence of an organized effort, public polling shows that Paul’s lead is built in large part with the support of non-Republicans – and few party veterans think such voters would stick with the GOP in November.

“They’ll all go back and vote for Obama,” predicted Beach.

The most troubling eventuality that Iowa Republicans are bracing for is that Paul wins the caucuses only to lose the nomination and run as a third-party candidate in November — all but ensuring President Obama is re-elected.

“If we empower somebody who turns around and elects Obama, then that’s a major problem for the caucuses,” said Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa).

Leading Republicans, looking to put the best possible frame on a Paul victory, are already testing out a message for what they’ll say if the 76-year-old Texas congressman is triumphant.

The short version: Ignore him.

“People are going to look at who comes in second and who comes in third,” said Gov. Terry Branstad. “If [Mitt] Romney comes in a strong second, it definitely helps him going into New Hampshire and the other states.”

The Paul rise comes at a moment when many Iowa GOP elites are already angst-ridden about their beloved quadrennial franchise. The fretting began four years ago when long-shot Mike Huckabee cruised to an easy caucus win, only to lose the nomination to John McCain, who finished fourth in Iowa after ignoring the state for much of 2007.

The concern has only grown in this election cycle. Romney has kept the state at arms-length for much of this year; Michele Bachmann won the Ames Straw Poll only to quickly recede to single-digits in state and national polls, raising questions about the future relevance of what is a fundraising bonanza for the state party.

Further, the decline in the number of candidate events here — and the prominent role debates and cable TV have played in this year’s election — have sparked difficult questions about whether Iowa’s retail-heavy traditions are a thing of the past.

Paul officials note that they’ve embraced the Iowa way. And even establishment Republicans like Branstad concede that the congressman has done it “the old-fashioned way” and enjoys the best organization of any of the candidates.

“Dr. Paul is hands down the most authentic, principled candidate in the race, and we have run the best, most comprehensive campaign,” said Paul campaign chairman Jesse Benton. “Iowans will help further cement their national status by choosing Dr. Paul and proving that sincerity, seriousness, consistency and hard grassroots campaigning wins in Iowa, not glitzy, media-anointed, establishment front-runners.”

But many Iowa Republicans, convinced that Paul’s views are well out of the party mainstream, believe that rewarding such an effort in the short-term would risk the very process itself in elections to come.

Listen “My biggest fear is that the Republican Party nationally and a lot of states that want to be number one [in the nominating process] will simply point to his winning and say, ‘Iowa’s irrelevant,” said Andy Cable, GOP co-chair in Hardin County.

Jeff Lamberti, a Des Moines attorney and former Iowa Senate President, emphasized what he said was the difference between the 2008 and 2012 dark horses.

“Everybody has the perception that there’s absolutely no way [Paul] can win the nomination, whereas a Mike Huckabee coming out of nowhere at the end to pull out a victory here – he was a serious contender,” said Lamberti. “That’s the distinction that has the potential to do real damage to Iowa.”

With his left-of-Obama foreign policy views, libertarian outlook on social issues and paper trail of controversial statements, a Paul victory could represent a potentially devastating blow to the tradition of Republicans starting their White House campaigns in Iowa.

“Mortal,” said Doug Gross, a leading Republican lawyer and Branstad adviser, when asked how severe the wound of a Paul win would be.

“I think a Paul win would be devastating for the state of Iowa and the caucus process,” added Sam Clovis, an influential talk radio host in Northwest Iowa who endorsed Rick Santorum Monday.

Clovis and other Republicans expressed hope that Paul’s debate performance last week would wake up traditional activists, who’ve seen his conservative TV ads and aren’t aware of how far the libertarian is from the party base on some core issues. Paul’s isolationist foreign policy views came to the fore at the Sioux City forum.

“What has me concerned is that on Main Street Iowa people are coming up to me and saying, ‘What do you think about Dr. Paul?’” said Cable. “These are folks who have to be informed. They have to get past the 30 and 60 second ads. If you ask Iowans if they’re for legalizing marijuana or legalizing heroin, they’d say no. But Dr. Paul has said on many occasions that that’s ok. But people don’t all know that.”

So far, Paul has been largely ignored by his Republican rivals. But as he increasingly appears to be a serious contender here two weeks out, that’s changing.

Rick Perry is now hitting his fellow Texan over earmarks and Bachmann and Newt Gingrich have begun targeting his foreign policy views. And their in-state surrogates have begun testing another line of attack — that Paul and his backers have “hijacked” the caucuses.

“To see the process hijacked would be a concern for those who consider the honor we have of being first in the nation,” said conservative activist Tamara Scott, a Bachmann state co-chair.

20th December 2011, 08:47 AM
I admit that I don't understand a lot about American Politics, so someone please let me know what the big deal is about Iowa?

20th December 2011, 09:01 AM
I admit that I don't understand a lot about American Politics, so someone please let me know what the big deal is about Iowa?

Generally speaking, whoever ends up winning the primary is the person who won in Iowa.

20th December 2011, 09:07 AM
Iowa must be a wonderful place? I've rarely, if ever, met anyone that's left that state.
Do we have any Iowans here at GSUS? Has anyone vacationed in or visited Iowa?

20th December 2011, 09:08 AM
ok, so whats it gonna be ?...they cant scandalize him hes too clean...so is it car accident? plane crash?...untimely heart attack?

General of Darkness
20th December 2011, 09:10 AM
ok, so whats it gonna be ?...they cant scandalize him hes too clean...so is it car accident? plane crash?...untimely heart attack?

Choked on gefiltafish?

20th December 2011, 09:11 AM
ok, so whats it gonna be ?...they cant scandalize him hes too clean...so is it car accident? plane crash?...untimely heart attack?

Drug overdose...so they can say, "see, that's why he was for legalizing dope"

20th December 2011, 09:15 AM
Well my friends, we had know it was coming if he ever picked up steam, let alone poised to win. Of course they'll do whatever it takes to prevent it, they've got an anti-establishment candidate who is destroying their long held power base and the populace is waking up and seeing them for what they are, they are now in panic mode. It's only gonna get rougher and tougher from here on out, that's if Ron Paul keeps on catching on.

As far as the GOP and the media are concerned and all their consternation and cries against RP, I also think it works in our favor too, so it's not all bad. The American public has no doubt been slow to wake up, wise up and see that the status quo has only harmed them rather than helped them and anyone they take so much time to ignore, laugh at, dismiss and ridicule must surely have merit.

20th December 2011, 09:17 AM
Iowa must be a wonderful place? I've rarely, if ever, met anyone that's left that state.
Do we have any Iowans here at GSUS? Has anyone vacationed in or visited Iowa?

I used to go up there when I worked on the river and though I never really got to venture far, the folks I met there were all very friendly and easy goin'.

20th December 2011, 09:18 AM
LOL... their usual charade of legitimizing the "democratic" process is falling apart. Normally the media establishment has full control of the "front-runner" from the beginning of caucuses right through to the election itself, maintaining the illusion that the process reflects the "will of the voters". Every one of the media-created front runners this time around has been crushed, indicating that peoples' attitudes are changing. Without the power to manipulate the process smoothly, the fraud is forced into the light. The only defense, it seems, is to redefine the terms. "Iowa doesn't matter, it doesn't count!"

Funny, it counted before... I guess it sucks when your system of control breaks under the weight of its own corruption.

20th December 2011, 09:41 AM
Ron Paul on CNN, 12/20. The good, the bad and the smear begins, again.


Joe King
20th December 2011, 09:43 AM
I liked this line out of the article.

“What has me concerned is that on Main Street Iowa people are coming up to me and saying, ‘What do you think about Dr. Paul?’” said Cable.

Haha. What he's "concerned" about is that people might actually be showin' signs of thinking for themselves.

20th December 2011, 09:57 AM
Ron Paul on CNN, 12/20. The good, the bad and the smear begins, again.


I think that was a positive interview...however, Paul might want to look into getting a personal food taster.

20th December 2011, 09:58 AM
ok, so whats it gonna be ?...they cant scandalize him hes too clean...so is it car accident? plane crash?...untimely heart attack?

It will be death by a thousand cuts: character assassination, inuendo, insinuation and guilt by association, the usual lowly despiccable tactics of the ziomedia.

My Administrator comes by, asks about the GOP campaign and that "nut" Paul leading in Iowa. I took the bait and forcefully told him that he needed to take his fucking head out of his ass, and do a little reading and thinking for a change, and stop parroting the anti-Paul meme from the MSM. And I told him that he is a stupid ignorant fucking moron for hemming and hawing about those evil Iranians and how "we" have to "take them out." I gave him a brief primer on 2000 years of history and the total non-aggressiveness of the Iranian nation in contradistinction to the neverending invasions and meddling of the western powers. Then I informed him about Israel's 300 illegal nuclear weapons in total violation of international law, all while Iran is a signer and in compliance with the International Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. I told him that I have young children and they don't deserve to die becuase ignorant moron drones like him cheer on while Israel goads the US into a totally illegal and unnecessary war with Iran, Russia and China that will go nuclear. Then, I told him to get the hell out of my office!

20th December 2011, 10:03 AM
He's gonna have to get out ahead of the racist newsletter story, yes again, just like in 07.

20th December 2011, 10:08 AM
It will be death by a thousand cuts: character assassination, inuendo, insinuation and guilt by association, the usual lowly despiccable tactics of the ziomedia.

My Administrator comes by, asks about the GOP campaign and that "nut" Paul leading in Iowa. I took the bait and forcefully told him that he needed to take his fucking head out of his ass, and do a little reading and thinking for a change, and stop parroting the anti-Paul meme from the MSM. And I told him that he is a stupid ignorant fucking moron for hemming and hawing about those evil Iranians and how "we" have to "take them out." I gave him a brief primer on 2000 years of history and the total non-aggressiveness of the Iranian nation in contradistinction to the neverending invasions and meddling of the western powers. Then I informed him about Israel's 300 illegal nuclear weapons in total violation of international law, all while Iran is a signer and in compliance with the International Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. I told him that I have young children and they don't deserve to die becuase ignorant moron drones like him cheer on while Israel goads the US into a totally illegal and unnecessary war with Iran, Russia and China that will go nuclear. Then, I told him to get the hell out of my office!

And what did he say?


po boy
20th December 2011, 10:08 AM
Could you imagine what damage would be done by Paul being linked to this site.

It's all da joos, holohoax, chimpouts, chewbacca threads.

20th December 2011, 10:09 AM
It will be death by a thousand cuts: character assassination, inuendo, insinuation and guilt by association, the usual lowly despiccable tactics of the ziomedia.

My Administrator comes by, asks about the GOP campaign and that "nut" Paul leading in Iowa. I took the bait and forcefully told him that he needed to take his fucking head out of his ass, and do a little reading and thinking for a change, and stop parroting the anti-Paul meme from the MSM. And I told him that he is a stupid ignorant fucking moron for hemming and hawing about those evil Iranians and how "we" have to "take them out." I gave him a brief primer on 2000 years of history and the total non-aggressiveness of the Iranian nation in contradistinction to the neverending invasions and meddling of the western powers. Then I informed him about Israel's 300 illegal nuclear weapons in total violation of international law, all while Iran is a signer and in compliance with the International Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. I told him that I have young children and they don't deserve to die becuase ignorant moron drones like him cheer on while Israel goads the US into a totally illegal and unnecessary war with Iran, Russia and China that will go nuclear. Then, I told him to get the hell out of my office!

Bravo Mr. Mamboni! Some people need a good kick in the balls!
See if you get invited to his cocktail parties again. lol

20th December 2011, 10:15 AM
Iowa must be a wonderful place? I've rarely, if ever, met anyone that's left that state.
Do we have any Iowans here at GSUS? Has anyone vacationed in or visited Iowa?

I believe palani and Libertarian Guard are both Hawkeyes.

Joe King
20th December 2011, 10:20 AM
I believe palani and Libertarian Guard are both Hawkeyes.Hawkeyes? I thought people from Iowa were O'Reillys.

20th December 2011, 10:21 AM
Hawkeyes? I thought people from Iowa were O'Reillys.


20th December 2011, 10:24 AM
And what did he say?


He gives me this shell-shocked vacant stare and says "Umm, I'll have to look into that." I responded: "Well do it soon; because in case you haven't noticed we're losing our freedoms and this country to the dictatorial assholes in Washington. And it may not touch you now but it sure as shit will tommorrow!"

20th December 2011, 10:27 AM
Generally speaking, whoever ends up winning the primary is the person who won in Iowa.

I believe there is trouble in the kitchen. This must have been unexpected and now the dirt shall fly giving RP more support.

20th December 2011, 10:31 AM
Could you imagine what damage would be done by Paul being linked to this site.

It's all da joos, holohoax, chimpouts, chewbacca threads.

Slander the forum. Great post po boy. What have you done for GSUS lately besides post tripe like this above?

20th December 2011, 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by po boy
Could you imagine what good would be done by Paul being linked to this site.

Real truth about da joos, holohoax, corruption and people that believe in liberty and freedom threads.

Edit: repaired statement

20th December 2011, 10:43 AM
"The last thing we need in this country is to have the people's choice become president. That would be a disaster."

Winston F Elite

20th December 2011, 10:47 AM
Iowa must be a wonderful place? I've rarely, if ever, met anyone that's left that state.
Do we have any Iowans here at GSUS? Has anyone vacationed in or visited Iowa?

i grew up there, but left post college.

Joe King
20th December 2011, 10:53 AM

You know, Walter.

po boy
20th December 2011, 10:54 AM
Slander the forum. Great post po boy. What have you done for GSUS lately besides post tripe like this above?

Would slander be making up stuff? Pointing out how media has been attacking Paul from every angle possible.

It is not so hard to see what could be done maybe it would be wise to think about uncomfortable topics and scenarios.

People keep consenting to be governed then complain about it now Dmac accuses me of slandering the forum.

Hell I didn't write those posts.

po boy
20th December 2011, 10:55 AM
Edit: repaired statement

That maybe but that isn't how it would be portrayed.

20th December 2011, 11:00 AM
Ron Paul on CNN, 12/20. The good, the bad and the smear begins, again.


I heard from a very reliable source (my neighbor's high school best friend's mom's hair dressers' ex-boyfriend's mechanic, who heard it from a very reliable source 27 years ago) that Ron Paul as a young boy pulled the wings off a fly and made it suffer. He also shot a rock with a slingshot at a sparrow and caused it distress. I'm just not sure we can have this man as president.

20th December 2011, 11:03 AM
You know, Walter.

Damn old folks and their 20 year old teevee programs.

20th December 2011, 11:05 AM
Damn old folks and their 20 year old teevee programs. Eha? Speak louder, hearing isn't like it was 40 years ago! B.C ! (before cable)

20th December 2011, 11:18 AM
Could you imagine what damage would be done by Paul being linked to this site.

It's all da joos, holohoax, chimpouts, chewbacca threads.

We don't advocate (non-defensive) violence.

20th December 2011, 11:21 AM
What I see here with Ron Paul is what I see once he becomes president and starts to clean house.......and by their votes the people wil make their choice.......with those in congress and others.

I can only wonder how the power to be will rig (try) the election.....I only trust paper vote.

po boy
20th December 2011, 11:22 AM
The world could use a lot less violence I agree.