View Full Version : Astrologer predicts major financial DOOOM after 2012 Olympics in London

22nd December 2011, 12:22 AM
I've been meaning to write about this lady Anita Sands Hernandez. A couple of years ago Henry Makow had posted an article by her on his site (but now I can't find it ???) with a link to one of her pages.

She writes about the usual doom and gloom that we're all used to, but in a very chatty conversational zany way that can be a nice change, albeit in small doses (due to sloppy editing, misspellings, and repeating herself in places. But not too bad for a 66-year-old broad!). Here's a link (http://www.luckinlove.com/conspirindex.htm) to one of her conspiracy pages to get a good idea of how she writes.

She wrote a new article recently about the world economy falling off a cliff next year. I don't know about you, but I'm getting mighty tired of these predictions; however, unlike others say like Celente she has a different refreshing view that is interesting to contemplate.



Have you ever known someone who was going to give a big party and started
to pull every cent they had out of the bank to do it? They scrimped, they saved,
they piled up cash 'cause they were gonna give a blow-out soiree.

I have a theory. It's this. The British Bankers are giving a little party. It's called
the 2012 LONDON OLYMPICS. They're currently rebuilding their slums,
the only empty land they can grab, well, it's not EMPTY but nobody of
importance lives there. They're cleaning up their turf, their city -- for this very big,
POSH BRAWL July 27th to August 12th, 2012. SEE "HOW TO CLEAR A SLUM (http://www.luckinlove.com/slumclear.htm) IN TWENTY MINUTES"

You English Bohemians who are in the fashion, jewelry, party industry should be really excited about this. The Oligarchs (and remember, planetary banking is actually centered on LONDON so the joint should be NAMED OLIGARCHVILLE,) --will be hosting their FELLOW SUPER RICH from other POSH SPOTS on the planet, snooty noses high and proud. Come SUMMER 2012, you'll see the signs: tickets to the GAMES will be more costly than those at the usual Olympic Games. Prices will stay low as these Oligarchs need contractors and builders to finish the OLYMPIC VILLAGE at low salary rates. For the next two years, they will make the big money but artists, fashion mavens and Party Planners will make a mint that summer. So Brits? Start your party planning, balloon blowing, neon light/lantern lighting biz or posh frock fashion store (http://www.masterjules.net/dresses.htm) now. Florists will make a killing out of that single summer. Flower growers, too, so get those greenhouses up and get those TUBEROSE bulbs imported from Mexico by the ton! It's the elegantes' fave bloom! Designers, jewelers start now churning out the goods. Remember how those Chinese L.E.D Light shows set a precedent? Well, LIGHTING DESIGNERS who have mastered the L.E.D experience will clean up. British Folkdancers, start rehearsing your jigs. StarPower is training FORTUNE TELLERS free, for the big parties

Readhttp://www.masterjules.net/astroindex.htm, which is a dozen classes on astrology, palmistry, tarot and astro-dice, all the techniques we use at parties to read the guests. Our classrooms are totally Free by the way.

But why I'm writing now, is, I'm foretelling your future. (There's a reason my email addie is astrology at earthlink.net ...) I'm foretelling the excitement you will be having out there in Summer 2012 for ARTISTS! YES! CALLING ALL ARTISTS, all Designers, Jewelers, Fashionable boys & gals, food prep, caterers, waiters, singers, rock bands, corny waltz orchestras, anyone who ever aspired to do that summer frock shop START right NOW as all those above things will be HOT. NEW NAME designer party dresses will be going like hotcakes. CAVEAT: August 13th, 2012, it's over & the marketplace will surge into inflation: UTILITIES, food, rents, interest rates. The second that happens, the planet will plummet into DEEPER RECESSION. As soon as the Brit Banksters have exploited ten thousand workers (or more) at bottom dollar, as they tear down Brownfield slums and as soon as they've bought glass, steel, bricks, cement, marble at RECESSION prices & built a Utopian Paradise, -- beyond ANY OLYMPIC CITY, a mega inflation tsunami will be allowed to start rolling its way over you. And to see what that looks like Rent "THINGS TO COME" a 1936 Brit flick, a Korda movie of HG WELLS novel, you won't believe your eyes. Very metaphoric of what's ahead for us here in foggy England. After the party's over. So make your money while you can.

MEANWHILE, scrimp and work hard, get the funding from relatives, write your PROSPECTUS (http://www.masterjules.net/prospectus.htm)now, get that POSH shop up. For cues on how to do that the BAZAAR FOLKLORICO SEMINAR is full of fast funding ideas for MERCHANTS. You will find that one in three who reads your prospectus/ deal memo will invest. Your business can make more than stocks, bonds for them. Take the full free web seminar on GUERILLA CAPITALISM (http://www.masterjules.net/guerillacapitalism.htm)[this is a good page] and go. See ARTISANRY & FASHION BUSINESS,http://www.masterjules.net/frugartisan.htm

You probably think, how does she know. Well YOU KNOW! Because you have certainly known someone who was going to give a big party and started to pull every cent they had out of the bank to do it? They scrimped, they saved, they piled up cash 'cause they were gonna give a blow-out soiree.

Well, translate that passion into this theory. The British Bankers are giving a little party. It's called the 2012 LONDON OLYMPICS. They're currently rebuilding their slums, the only empty land they can grab, well, it's not EMPTY but nobody of importance lives there. They're cleaning up their turf, their city -- for this very big, POSH BRAWL July 27th to August 12th, 2012.

As Hollywood Stargazer to the Stars, I know first hand how rich people think.
They're nothing if not practical. When you're a Captain of Industry and crunch
numbers for a living, smart and logical, time is money. You never have the Rolls pulled around to go into town unless you have THREE good REASONS. When you have three reasons, only then is it practical to have the driver gas up the buggy.
THE OLYMPICS are the single biggest 14-day business event that exists. Why else would the global elite (read 'BRIT BANKERS') pull all the money in tarnation out of every corner of the Empire? Why else are they now finished CLEARING THE WORST SLUMS that exist in any big city on Planet Earth and are building the OLYMPIC VILLAGE.



1) GET RID OF THE RIFF RAFF, Muslims, l0 languages spoken in those slums.
Who needs these people? NOT BRIT OLIGARCHS!

2.) CLEAR the BLIGHT, the eyesore Dickensian hovels, the shacks, the germs,
the disease sources. These slum dwellers are pond scum. The fact that there is history there, Roman graveyards, Medieval Nunneries..matters naught!

3.) REBUILD SLUMS OF LONDON from scratch. Like NERO burning the
slums of Rome, every inch of the city cleared to the bone, sanded down, polished, Then the new buildings are built. THE HOUSING for the athletes has to be built sumptuously to be used later as CONDOS drawing HIGH RENT, probably THOUSANDS of pounds for each 2 room condo so nothing can look sketchy! No smell of jock straps here!

4.) CREATE ULTRA POSH shopping MALLS which are to generate huge revenues.
Harrods was getting tiresome after that fat Muslim bought it. We'll show him MALLS!
We'll suck in shoppers from Hong Kong, Beverly Hills, New York, Dubai,
Houston, Paris, oh boy will we ever.

5) THE GAMES. Hey, there's nothing too shabby about the Olympics.
The event itself is also a reason to do all this. Guaranteed pay back But above all...

6.) WE GET TO SHINE! We oligarchs will use the occasion to GIVE HUGE private PARTIES for the NOVEAU oligarchs. The thing about being US, you see, is we can't shine really, unless we can shine DOWN. Give us some noveau riche outcrowd Arab, Malaysian, some hick American so that we can parade our bijoux,
invite the maharajahs drooling into our ancient, massive Tudor manors. So you see, that was our three reasons to pull out the Rolls.
My wife's jewels are better than your wife's (so I am better than you!)
Look, I'm a psychic. This one HIT ME! When I am hit by a lightning bolt cognition
I know it's the real deal. Lightning bolts are a real phenomena. I am so electric
that if I ever have a negative thought at the same time I turn on a light, I blow the
lightbulb. A BOLT hit me when this thought came to me. I was watching a
Brad Pitt-narrated documentary E squared or E2 on the rebuilding of the slums of London.

ZAP! It came to me.

Trust me. The OLIGARCHS are going to give some very amusing parties Summer of 2012.

Just subscribe to W, Vanity Fair, Vogue, The Tattler earlier that year so you can
see your tax dollars at work. I mean that most literally as all the money sucked out of America by the Federal Reserve goes straight to the British Bankers. And oh boy,
have they been sucking lately! So cut out the photos of the Uberwealthy popping corks and oogling beautiful women in incredible frocks and massive pounds of jewels and give those photos to your roofless, foodless children.
Mommy? What is that? It's called CLOTHING, dear

You don't believe me? Go see. Right now, they're clearing Brownfields, the slums of East london. you VIDEO DOCUMENTARY (http://www.masterjules.net/docu.htm) makers, visit this amazing area NOW. This is CALCUTTA PLUS only the inhabitants can tell you in ENGLISH what's going on. The wost slums and most violent so you should tour it with a wolf pack crew all armed with mace and do so before it's gone. It is what you call extremely unscenic but vetty folklorico. And hugely PATHETIC. Also you can buy stock footage of the area, too. Take your DIGITAL VIDEO (http://www.masterjules.net/digvid.htm)camera and you are going to get a fantastic documentary that you can sell to CABLE TV and post all over the INTERNET and sell as DVD's. "THE REASON EARTH CRASHED" MOVIE.

Then, of course, attend the OLYMPICS for the tag of your movie. Shots of the summer dresses on Oligarch wives. Plan to work as a waiter at some posh catering outfit so you can get shots of the family jewels that are so rarely on view during the daytime. Yessir, the British Bankers are cleaning up the town where they all live for a party. They will expell everyone from the slums, so catch that exodus too! CHINA did it in 08. All these families complained lustily . Did them no good. Someone shoulda shot THAT movie.

Now, realize that ECONOMIC life on our planet will be built around this single project for the next three years. SALARIES have to stay super low, so inflation can't be implemente just yet. The OLIGARCHS plan to hire a few thousand Londoners to scrape the land clean, get rid of the blight. These slaves will drain the marshy, filthy rivers, 1000 years of bodies, bones, lot of archeological treasures there. Londoners used to make a living divepicking. These are the tributaries of the Thames, not the Thames itself. And then, they will create a green space with parks along the canals, golden roads, exquisite, mature trees, all landscaped, flowers, bushes, everything palatial, modern, beautiful and UTOPIAN. Trust me, they're going to teach architecture to the world.

For this reason, they're pulling all their money out of every part of the Empire. We are their empire, sonny, look it up. They already did the drain actually, the subtle way bankers do things. They pulled the hidden strings that make things work. They gave us a real estate boom. They inflated housing prices. Then why weren't we suspicious, They suddenly had the Federal Reserve LOWER the INTEREST RATES to zilch just while the Stock market was thriving. Every head turned. The baited hook in plain sight. It was a frigging MACY's sale. NO INTEREST? All those house flippers who bought at 200k, now with a house worth 400k made us drool. Clear weather in the ECONOMY? ALL SIGNS vital and clear? Everything looked ripe, rich and sweet so now EVERY IDIOT MORTGAGE BROKER started hauling in fish who didn't have a clue. And every idiot citizen bought a severely over-priced property. Then they upped interest rates forcing homeowners to pour money into their bank. Then just as corporations fell and jobless flooded the street. l0,000 people a day were losing their home as house payments doubled. The bank gets the HOUSES and it gets to KEEP your down payment and everything you put into that house and they get to resell the house as soon as they can get prices back up. And then they take all that money and use it for their fancy. Which is, to EVICT every ethnic from London's slums and rebuild the slums as the most spectacular beyond-BEVERLY HILLS community ever known.

The oligarchs are really on top of this money thing when they're motivated -- only, very weird things get them wired. The biggie is: the after-Olympics fetes and balls are a DIVINE place to wear their good jewelry.
They get off making other oligarchs pea green jealous! They know that everyone important will be there -- [I]Except YOU! Ironic, no? It's your money created by years of hard work that's giving the party and it's one that you will never attend. Just THEM..
Oh, my dear, that tiara is lovely! Is it a Biddle & Banks?

SO IMAGINE THIS FUTURE LANDSCAPE: The oligarch won't dare inflate our currency just yet. They need very cheap workers now in the SLUMS OF LONDON. Until JULY 2012. So they can't make money with inflation. But they will force you to buy all your food, creating laws that make it prosecuteable to store rain water, grow your own vegies or fruits. (HR875 in Congress now (http://www.masterjules.net/lauro.htm).) They can tax you ruthlessly, sales taxes, licenses, fees but inflating currency is not convenient for them just as they need PHAROAH's LEGIONS to build the NEW CHEOPS CITY at bottom dollar salaries. That.OZYMANDIAS of a CITY will make Earth an OZYMENDIAS WORLD.

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains: round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Percy Bysshe Shelley

See, the SUPER RICH a.) don't read SHELLEY and B.) are really excited about the London Olympics. They know they'll be hosting the oligarchs of the planet. I'm betting tickets will be wayyy more costly than those at the usual Games. Party Planners will make a mint that summer. So go to London, start your party store. Florists will make a killing that single summer. Flower growers, too. The Chinese L.E.D Light shows will clean up. British Folkdancers, start rehearsing your jigs. Ladies do that summer frock shop now as name designer party dresses will be going like hotcakes. CAVEAT: August 13th, 2012, the planet will plummet into recession. As soon as the Brit Banksters exploited ten thousand workers (or more) at bottom dollar, to tear down Brownfield slums and as soon as they've bought glass, steel, bricks, cement, marble at wholesale prices & built a Utopian Paradise, -- beyond ANY OLYMPIC CITY, a mega inflation tsunami will be allowed to start rolling its way over you. And to see what that looks like Rent "THINGS TO COME" a 1936 movie of HG WELLS novel, you won't believe your eyes.

At that point, all money, all stocks will lose their value. You can have forty thousand in stocks but that will buy you dinner out at a two star cafe. Inflation can do that. Remember that Americans could go to Germany in the 20s, with 200$ and buy a 3 story home!

What happens during inflationary periods is that all bonds and trusts vaporize in value. My grandpa lived thru the big inflation in GERMANY. (http://www.masterjules.net/inflation.htm) The phenomenon is like having your house flood. One minute the water's around your ankles, the next around your knees. Only it's prices that are flooding you. Say you have a bank account of l00 thousand pounds. IN a few weeks, that will buy DINNER OUT. My grandpa's friends travelled to the USA to work in OPERA, after touring America for a while they came back with extra dollars. Compared to German currency this was a fortune. TWO HUNDRED AMERICAN DOLLARs would buy a four bdroom HOUSE in GERMANY.

So BOTTOM LINE, how does this financial change manifest for YOU, JOE SIX PACK? You can no longer buy food, rent an apartment, pay licensing fees. The only thing of use after summer 2012 will be food producing land. People who can't pay ten bucks for an orange will starve in the street. They will be coming over the fence so get a pair of rotts, unneutered, a gun and a LOT of bullets. So day after Olympics closes, close shop, buy a food producing farm in Sussex.

You can put money into cheap stocks now, hoping that GM or CHRYSLER will come back to life. But banking under the rose bushes with the plan of getting together enough cash by AUGUST 2012 to buy a farm is the best idea. LINE up a lot of senior landowners now, 20 acres, who might want to sell a year down the line. YOUR BEST BET is to buy small farms acreage with aquifers and start planting to orchard. Put an immigrant low cost work on the property with a drip emitter system. He and his wife collect all green manure in the vicinity for a 100 foot long compost pile. Read the GARDEN ARCHIVE. (http://www.masterjules.net/gindex.htm)

Meanwhile, QUIT all insane libido-spending, explain to the children why everybody is going to scrimp a little, --no SCRIMP A LOT. To buy food producing land. The smart person will put cash aside safely and build toward the DOWN PAYMENT MONEY to buy that land, doing so now. You can flip land, too. An acre with no orchard costs you $5,000 one gas tank from the city. With orchard, $50,000 is its value. So use Pablo on each piece of land, flip and buy larger pieces of Acreage. In the city, run a business pretty much on the books, Pay those taxes, do a lot of deductions if you must but maintain that credit rating as in you'll need it to buy a farm with a home on it, or to build a home on one of your farmland acrs.

Do not hold on to stocks, trusts or anything with DOLLAR BILLS IN IT after JULY 2012. START EARNING DOUBLE down, as a family, right now. That means send kids out to work so that at regular intervals, now through JULY 2012 you can BUY FOOD PRODUCING pieces of land, one ACRE minimum. Two acres if you want goats, milk cheese. Gardening is much easier than people imagine. A single woman, age 60 can handle the whole installation. Even putting in sapling trees. By the way, an Orchard should have nuts of all kinds as meat will be scarse. (NUTBURGERS totally feel the same as meat in a diet.)

This cognition I had about the mind of the oligarch and how the BRIT BANKERS feel about the OLYMPICS really makes me see things clearly. Signed, Just your ordinary, Hollywood Cassandra

Anita Sands Hernandez astrology at earth link net


Twisted Titan
22nd December 2011, 03:46 AM
Ahh...Horsefeathers I say.

I remember the big fear mongering buildup ( gonna sell all their T Bills) after the chinese olympics.

The olympics is a non event and the merchants of paranoia are grabbing at straws

I wonder what the new doom date after 2012 will be?

22nd December 2011, 06:42 AM
Ahh...Horsefeathers I say.

I remember the big fear mongering buildup ( gonna sell all their T Bills) after the chinese olympics.

The olympics is a non event and the merchants of paranoia are grabbing at straws

I wonder what the new doom date after 2012 will be?

I agree, doom is always 6 or 8 months away.
In reality, doom has been here for years. We, our society, has been in decline spiritually, morally, and financially for a long time. They are controlling the collapse to their benefit, as the great transfer of wealth continues on the road to tyranny.
Fear is your biggest enemy and the wild card is world war.

22nd December 2011, 07:01 AM
This strikes me as Alex jones level "awareness." lots of hype designed to sell stuff or get one's name out there.

22nd December 2011, 09:54 PM
This strikes me as Alex jones level "awareness." lots of hype designed to sell stuff or get one's name out there.

She does advertise a few of her services, but they're pretty low-fee.

IMO a lot of her writings seem to be come from a genuine desire to share DOOOM! information.

I cut her a break as she is an impecunious old lady (her broken-down car has tags from 2002, poor thing) who has had a hard life ever since her parents basically dumped her and her sister on the mean streets of L.A. as teenagers to fend for themselves, after they got divorced and immediately hooked up with other partners and left California.

23rd December 2011, 12:25 AM
I stopped reading at "Astrologer"... but felt the need to reply to the thread anyway! ;D

23rd December 2011, 01:24 AM
Thanks for the post, she's got a feeling, a theory, and gives a date.

August 13th, 2012, the planet will plummet into recession.

London is definitely the oligarch capital, and 2012 is the year we're looking for. Every year doom seems to be predicted in the fall, so all these fake-out predictions tell us that doom probably will happen in the fall, perhaps peaking in december? So it seems reasonable: it starts in summer time in london, effects are felt globally in fall, and by december it's really serious stuff. Worse than we've seen.

23rd December 2011, 08:36 AM
I stopped reading at "Astrologer"... but felt the need to reply to the thread anyway! ;D
interesting that of all the rabbis studying the scriptures, NONE of them had a clue as to the birth of the messiah ....but the gentile wise men (astrologers) knew exactly when and where he was born....just somthing to think about.

23rd December 2011, 08:44 AM
There is a difference between the "astrologers" (astronomers) of old and the scheister tarot card readers of today. This witch is a tool of the evil ones. Consider her as useful as CNN or CBS.

23rd December 2011, 08:48 AM
My astrological prediction:

[[Enter general forecast here that will happen no matter what.]]

Yeah I'm a profit, or prophet I mean. Click the following link to pay me money (http://www.paypal.com). Have a nice day.

23rd December 2011, 09:30 AM
@ spec, i was NOT reffering to the astro -charlatans but rather the wise men of old ..... the scriptures SPECIFICALLY mention the effect/influence of star groups .....in job.

23rd December 2011, 09:42 AM
Agricultural land away from Zombies is not a bad insurance to have no matter when the collapse comes!

23rd December 2011, 09:55 AM
@ spec, i was NOT reffering to the astro -charlatans but rather the wise men of old ..... the scriptures SPECIFICALLY mention the effect/influence of star groups .....in job.

I know. And the story of mankind IS written in the stars. Unfortunately, the new age cults use the truths of old and twist them to hide ancient lies.

23rd December 2011, 10:09 AM
One thing that I've learned over the years is that one of the tactics of the bad guys is to float stories like this. They want people to live in constant fear, always wondering when the other shoe will drop. Of course, one of these days the other shoe really will drop, and there lies the rub.


23rd December 2011, 11:00 AM
interesting that of all the rabbis studying the scriptures, NONE of them had a clue....but the gentile wise men (astrologers) knew exactly when and where he was born....just somthing to think about.

Yep. The Magi knew their shit.

I used to scoff at astrology, and perhaps I still do, but the Cosmos is a wild fuckin' place.

23rd December 2011, 12:04 PM
There is a difference between the "astrologers" (astronomers) of old and the scheister tarot card readers of today. This witch is a tool of the evil ones. Consider her as useful as CNN or CBS.

Yes, a lot of the New Age sites are probably being funded/started by nefarious entities. But so far I don't get the sense that they're behind Anita. And I seriously doubt that CNN or CBS would promote the kinds of ideas she does, like guerrilla capitalism and joining with friends and other like-minded people in creating land trusts.

Personally I'm happy to see other women writing about these topics, because there's very few of them that I know of. Besides Anita, I only know of Jennifer Lake (http://jenniferlake.wordpress.com/), Jane Burgermeister, Sibel Edmond, and http://letteradicorsa.wordpress.com/, the new blog of someone who used to write a lot more critical stuff when she was the Hedonistic Pleasureseeker (http://hedonisticpleasureseeker.wordpress.com). (Right before she took it off the Internet, she did write half-jokingly about having a "minder.")

Astrologer Michael Lutin, who used to do a column for Vanity Fair magazine (I know, I know, but just wait) wrote a column back in 2006 which I wish I had read and heeded:

Special Alert: Horoscope U.S.A. (http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/2006/12/lutin200612)

A planetary configuration not seen since 1776 is coming our way, heralding chaos, revolution, and rebirth. Let the stars guide you through the coming storm.

All alone and more paranoid by the day, President George W. Bush is getting it from all sides, and despite his bravado, which some people call a defensive, adolescent swagger, he can't trust anybody, not even his mother. (Especially not his mother.) His detractors blame him for the state the world is in. Extremists go one further and say the world is coming to an end. Most of us in this country just want gas prices to go down, the dollar to go up, and America to go back to the good old days.

Astrologers can tell you that that's not going to happen, but that, no matter what, we'll never go broke either. They can also explain George Bush's predicament by pointing out that he's a Cancer, and that in coming years Cancers are going to be challenged to expand their whole worldview. In fact, we can all gain perspective on what is happening politically, culturally, and socially in America by turning to the Zodiac, especially the signs of Cancer and Capricorn. For nations, like people, have horoscopes.

America was born on July 4, 1776, when the Founding Fathers decided it was time to separate from England and start a new life as an independent entity. That makes America a Cancer nation. Cancer is the sign of fertility, and America sees herself as the world's nurturing mother. But because of the hostile presence of Mars and Uranus in our solar 12th house, we're the kind of nurturer that can bomb the hell out of a country one day and send over sandwiches and coffee the next. That makes the rest of the world love us and hate us. We're like the rich relative everybody is jealous of but still visits for the holidays because there's always plenty of food. It is the sincere and conscious wish of every Cancer, including the U.S.A., to make sure that all those under its wing are safe—and if you mess with them, you must be ready to face the Special Forces.

Security and home are primal drives of this sign, sometimes to the point of clannishness or even xenophobia. America is and always has been about property, taxes, and land ownership. Conveniently, we forget that when the early settlers arrived they took one look around and said to the Indians, "What a gorgeous place you've got here! Get out!" Territory is everything, and if anyone tells you that the essence of the American Dream is just about liberty and freedom, don't kid yourself. It's about mortgage rates.

But are we, in the end, ruthless imperialists doomed to be brought down by our degenerate culture? That is the question Pluto's transit through the sign of Capricorn over the next 19 years will answer. It will challenge us as we have never been challenged before—until it will seem that the whole world is against us—but it will also reveal the secret of how we need to change.

The sign of Capricorn has always been strong in our Cancer nation's horoscope, and it's going to get a lot stronger. We were born with Pluto in Capricorn, and now, more than two centuries later, Pluto is coming back to the same place. The seeds that were sown back in the 1770s are sprouting at last. That's how Pluto works, over hundreds of years.

Though Pluto has recently been demoted by astronomers to a not-quite planet, try telling that to any Sadge [Sagittarian, born in late Nov.~Dec.] who's been to hell and back over the last 10 years, thanks to the passage of Pluto through Sagittarius. The power of the little dwarf is so profound and catastrophic that it doesn't matter if you call it a planet or not—it's a killer. But, oddly, it's also a healer. When Pluto moves into your sign, it threatens to devastate you emotionally and physically, letting you know along the way that you must stop whatever you are doing. However you were conducting business or your personal life, that's over. Finito. Kaput.

When you come out of a Pluto transit, you are changed forever. In another state. But during the process you don't realize what's happening. Life can get pretty dark. With Pluto, you can't look ahead. You can't be impatient. Most of all, you shouldn't be afraid, because in the end there is nothing to fear. You just have to surrender to the mysterious process of complete and total transformation. This is about to happen to the United States as we deal with an opposition of Pluto in the sign of Capricorn to our Cancer sun. And while Cancers and Capricorns will be most strongly affected by this planetary motion, we will all be touched in business as well as in our personal lives, no matter what sign we were born under. Because of Pluto's slow motion through the heavens—it takes it nearly 250 years to go through the 12 signs of the Zodiac—it rules over mass movements and great political and social changes. So it might be useful to look at what happened the last time Pluto passed over the position it holds now and will hold for the next 20 years.

Sometime in the 1760s, pamphlets began to circulate in the colonies, exploring new ideologies and belief systems concerning individual liberty and personal freedom. Harmless enough. Just philosophers spouting rehashed versions of ancient Greek and Roman notions. But the Crown over in England looked upon such doings as seditious. Mother England, once the great protector, was beginning to be the great drag. She wanted payback for all the protection she'd provided. That was when the colonists, starting to exhibit the collective traits of a Cancer nation, came to resent their mother's hold on them. She was getting a little too bossy. And greedy.

Clearly, something was happening up in the heavens. Pluto was just about to leave the sign of Sagittarius and enter the sign of Capricorn. A transformation was taking place. And so, the United States of America was born.

Something similar is happening again, 230 years later, as Pluto is coming around to the same spot. This time, however, it's the American government that is putting the squeeze on the people. A Pluto-style transformation doesn't happen overnight, and events that seem at first random and explosive don't come out of nowhere. They have been brewing and simmering for years. While many people will probably be nervous wrecks during the two turbulent decades ahead, many old hippies will come joyfully out of retirement, thankful that the revolution they quit their jobs for 40 years ago may finally be happening.[::)] And their kids, born in the 60s and 70s, who grew up embarrassed by their hippie parents, may be shocked to see how right their parents were.

When Pluto goes direct in September of this year, the religious zeal, or madness, that has taken hold since it entered Sagittarius in 1994 will reach a crescendo, ushering in a period dominated by the sign of Capricorn. Our "dialogue" with radical Islam has only just begun. Over the next 19 years or so, America as a Cancer nation will have to deal with troubling confrontations and competition such as it has never known, as well as an internal political struggle, all of which will shake us to our very core.

Capricorn can be pictured as the mustache-twirling landlord in a black cloak pointing outside toward the blizzard while a poor pregnant wretch begs for mercy. Capricorn forces one to grow up, face life, recognize that it's a tough world. It lends you a dime and asks for a dollar in return. It can be the sign of an inspired leader or a controlling, dominating fascist. It can support your existence or threaten it completely. Either way, the presence of Capricorn always indicates big business. And what is America about if not that?

Capricorn represents supremacy and power. And if Capricorn is not the most humanitarian sign of the Zodiac, it always means stability. Capricorn supports organized society, not rabble-rousing anarchy. It is often perceived as uptight and reactionary, mainly because its function is to uphold existing law. It is not progressive or forward-thinking.

It clearly represents the deep streak of conservatism that has always existed in the United States but that seems to be ascendant at the moment. If Capricorn protects the status quo, how did it help sow the seeds of revolution in the original colonies? There's the problem. And the answer? It was not just the presence of Capricorn in America's horoscope, it was the presence of Pluto in that sign that sparked the fight for freedom.

If you think that things are tough now, and that privacy and other personal liberties are being infringed upon, just wait. During the next 19 years, things are going to get much tighter. Controls and laws will become more stringent. Pluto in Capricorn will demand conformity, born out of fear that different is dangerous. The more resistance to government protection, the more protection the government will try to provide. The words "patriot" and "treason" will lose their meaning, and in some cases they will become interchangeable. What is treason to one person will be patriotism to another—just as it was back in the 1760s and 70s. The country's mood will become darker and much more conservative. It's not going to be a matter of Democrat or Republican anymore, because the new ideologies will bleed across party lines.

Fortunately, something else will be going on at the same time. While Pluto is in Capricorn, Uranus will be leaving the sign of Pisces and reaching the end of the Zodiac, and sometime between 2009 and 2011 the dam is going to break. The last time this happened was at the end of the 1920s. When Uranus comes to the last degrees of Pisces, it will spell the end of an era. People will figure, "Aw, the hell with it. The end is coming anyway, so give me a double martini."

As we get closer to that time, people will put all their chips on the table. The stakes will get higher. (Incidentally, America began the war in Iraq when the sun was at the end of Pisces—a perfectly moronic time to start anything.) Metaphorically, culturally, and sometimes even literally, Uranus at the end of Pisces can seem like a torrential flood that comes out of nowhere. Everything that has piled up and been swept under the rug comes spilling out. To the apocalypse crowd, it will seem like the wrath of God, because lots of people are going to be headed toward self-indulgence, turning up the music and dancing, even hurrying the end, much as they did in America during the 1920s.

When Uranus hits the 29th degree of Pisces, before it pops into Aries, even the Pope could have a stroke over the upheaval the world will find itself in. Uranus in Pisces washes everything away—every hope, every prayer—and the only thing that saves you is the ability to surrender to the inevitable shift. Once Uranus hits Aries, however, a whole segment of the population is going to rise up. When the government becomes business and business becomes government, the people will fight back, and the ensuing struggle will lead to the eventual transformation and rebirth of America.

Pluto in Capricorn is going to change America from the inside out, threaten our very existence, challenge our economy, and divide the country politically. The government is going to be so paranoid during those years that it doesn't really matter who gets in in 2008.

Pluto in Capricorn means the ascendance into overt power of corporations in relation to the government. But that situation will change when Pluto enters Aquarius, at the end of the 2020s.

Uranus in Aries is going to be the 1960s all over again. The greatest time of upheaval will be between 2015 and 2019, when the square of Uranus in Aries to Pluto in Capricorn will create the seeds of revolution everywhere. Forces of repression are going to clamp down even harder on those who want to speak their minds. [I guess we'll see, but it sure seems like we're heading that way.]

Then, in the years 2023–25, the final stages of the Pluto return and the Capricorn effect will reach a climax. Some astrologers believe that an empire lasts no longer than one Pluto cycle, and by 2025 this cycle will be played out. And no matter how you look at it, the U.S.A. is an empire.

Just as the British Empire began enduring sunsets after the fledgling colonies won their independence, our turn may be coming. The Pluto return of 2025 will demand a redefinition of the United States and create the ultimate identity crisis. We will have to put ourselves on the line, as we did in the 1770s.

The period of turbulence that lies before us all in America is not God's wrath or the work of radical Muslims, and it has nothing to do with the hole in the ozone layer. It is a necessary and inevitable step in the evolution of this country that will result in a reworking of the Constitution in the last half of the 2020s.

This political, social, cultural, and economic change will mark the rebirth of the United States as a more global nation—a member of the world, if not the leader of the world. This is a threatening challenge to the notions of land ownership, security, wealth, and supremacy our Cancer nation has enjoyed for more than two centuries. The dollar will not likely go back to its post–W.W. II strength. Other countries will reject our exploitation and demand instead our cooperation. Luckily for us, the horoscope of the U.S.A. is strongly influenced by Venus and Jupiter, so we'll never go totally broke or hungry. We will, however, have to play ball with the rest of planet Earth as we never have before. From now on it's cooperate, or else. [Oh great.]

No one is really to blame. We've brought ourselves to this crisis, through a combination of individual freedom and economic gain, as well as a blind, isolating grandiosity. America is a fabulous place to live: you can come here, think up something you want to do, and be successful at it. But we've gotten fat and we've gotten lazy. So don't blame George Bush or Bill Clinton or any of the elected officials in Washington. A country gets the leaders it deserves, and when we're ready to rise from the ashes of a fallen empire, we will find the leaders to help us do so. It will happen, but not in 2008. We have to go through the Pluto transit first.

23rd December 2011, 12:11 PM
Thanks for the post, she's got a feeling, a theory, and gives a date.

London is definitely the oligarch capital, and 2012 is the year we're looking for. Every year doom seems to be predicted in the fall, so all these fake-out predictions tell us that doom probably will happen in the fall, perhaps peaking in december? So it seems reasonable: it starts in summer time in london, effects are felt globally in fall, and by december it's really serious stuff. Worse than we've seen.

Yes, and you can be sure that "They get off making other oligarchs pea green jealous! They know that everyone important will be there -- Except YOU! Ironic, no? It's your money created by years of hard work that's giving the party and it's one that you will never attend. Just THEM.."

23rd December 2011, 12:22 PM
Here's a post by the Hedonistic Pleasureseeker from 2008 that I found by sheer luck and the blessings of the google gods:

Fight Club

Source: The Hedonistic Pleasureseeker (http://hedonisticpleasureseeker.wordpress.com/2008/10/04/fight-club/).

Letter from Michael Moore: (http://www.zmag.org/znet/viewArticle/19006)
The richest 400 Americans — that’s right, just four hundred people — own MORE than the bottom 150 million Americans combined. 400 rich Americans have got more stashed away than half the entire country! Their combined net worth is $1.6 trillion. During the eight years of the Bush Administration, their wealth has increased by nearly $700 billion — the same amount that they are now demanding we give to them for the “bailout.” Why don’t they just spend the money they made under Bush to bail themselves out? They’d still have nearly a trillion dollars left over to spread amongst themselves!
Michael Moore is right on target with his message below about what it would REALLY take to fix the economy. Unfortunately he’s missing the point.

The point of the bailout is not to rescue the U.S. economy. The point is to “make the economy scream” and take the whole world down with it, starting with us uppity Americans. The overarching objective of this takedown by the Overclass is to create a global underclass so desperate that it will beg for any slavery imposed upon it, all for the sake of a warm meal and a safe place to sleep.

So. Are you ready to fight for your freedoms or what? I’m not suggesting anyone join a militia because the Revolution will NOT be organized (http://therevolutionwillnotbeorganized.org/) and we are outgunned and surrounded in any case. Anyone calling for armed revolt should be given a wide berth because he’s full of shit: Any organized rebellion will be co-opted and shut down so fast you might as well not even bother!

Better to be the sand in the Command and Control gearbox, because this revolt will be unlike any other. It will be spiritual and practical, and only physical in self-defense. It will focus on the small things such as reconciling with our families, finding work and a warm meal and a safe place to sleep without submitting ourselves to the Control Grid:

a. It will be about saying no to (or messing with (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mindfuck) our) “Preferred Status” or the chipped card that gets us through the modern day equivalent of the bread lines (airport security, checkpoints, welfare, unemployment).

b. It will be about contributing to our local communities while avoiding contact with (or messing with) government entities to the greatest extent possible.

c. It will be about maintaining our dignity when it’s easier and more profitable to grovel.

d. It will be about making the lives of the people who work in Command and Control a pointless, living hell because there is too much sand in the gearbox.

e. It will be about the oppressors’ inability to break our spirits.

Every battle is the epic Last Battle, won or lost at the soul level.

Speaking of people being full of shit, please don’t fall for the tired old Marxist “kill the bourgeoisie” line of thinking this time, the way so many betrayed huddled masses fell before. Look at the big picture:The politicians had guns to their heads, while the bank employees and the corporatist stooges only work there. They pull a paycheck like you and me. They are not to blame for this mess. Their roles have been heavily compartmentalized and most of them didn’t even see the big picture until it was too late.

Rather, this plan to take down America was hatched above their pay grades by The Overclass, people so rich that you’ve never heard of them. The Overclass is a small cabal of inbred plutocrats who promised the bourgiousie higher than average salaries, safety, good schools for their children, maybe even a post-Apocalypse apartment in the Underground City and membership in the Winners Circle if they’d go along to get along . . . OR ELSE. You see, most people don’t know about the “or else” part. It was an Offer Most Couldn’t Refuse. It’s like the Mafia, this price for being an Illuminist insider: They do you one favor and then they own you

(Don’t fall for the media driven “revolution” against the financial elites. It will set up a false us v.s. them dichotomy between people who are fundamentally on the same side.)

The plutocrats invented both capitalism and communism, two paths to the New Feudalism whereby a small elite rule the peasants in a supposedly “classless society.” Only the labels are different: In the U.S. everyone thinks they’re “middle class,” while in Russia everyone is a “member of the proletariat.” To the Overclass it doesn’t matter what you call yourselves, because THEY call you “the serfs.” And if you are financing their lifestyles while they give you little or nothing in return, guess what: A serf is what you are.

The Overclass financed Karl Marx and today still foment “revolution” when it suits its purposes.Communist revolutions and civil wars eliminate the Uppity Bourgiousie that challenges the Overclass. This is why we need to cast a jaundiced eye at the media as it ratchets up the Class War, because the media will be pointing at all the wrong people.

Think of it this way:
If he draws a paycheck or a salary, he’s not of the Overclass.

If he’s in the media, he’s not the guy you want to lynch.

Unless the media is naming the (anonymous for a reason) owners of the central banks, i.e., the Federal Reserve and their major shareholders, or their European equivalents, it’s not naming the Real Enemy.

Unless the media is talking about fiat money v.s. commodity based currencies, it’s not talking about the real economic problem.

Unless the media is talking about the Rothschild Formula (http://web.archive.org/web/20090106210535/http://www.softsphereconsulting.com/gselzler/Blog/RothschildFormula.aspx), any discussions of systemic and global socioeconomic problems are pointless.
The Overclass fullys intends to betray the politicians and the banking class by feeding them to angry Masses once we finally revolt. It’s a part of the Formula: The masses will get their pound of flesh, and the Overclass will be freed of its obligations because the minions will be in jail, exiled or dead. I can hear the conversations now:

Minion: After all I’ve done for you?
Plutocrat: Such a pity.
Minion: Please! My family!
Plutocrat: I’m sorry. My hands are tied.

There is one silver lining: The Overclass is outnumbered, and in their racism and elitism they underestimate the masses’ ability to overcome oppression.Consequently their last ditch efforts to impose World Revolution and Global Governance before they die of old age WILL fail. Thanks to the Internet we’re on to the scam, and barring a mass killoff of the human species by nuclear or germ warfare We the People will prevail.

The demise of the Global Overclass, unfortunately, is at least a decade away and we’re in for a world of hurt in the near future.

Are you ready for ten years of Fight Club? Here’s how to win:

A. FREE YOUR MIND FIRST. At the most fundamental level the Overclass needs Slaves more than the Slaves need an Overclass. The Overclass is a bunch of parasites. They’re useless as tits on a bull without us. In their terror of a slave revolt the Overclass has set up a system (feudalism) whereby slaves rely on them for food and shelter. They use all the tools at their disposal to keep us in line: Violence, bribery, extortion, propaganda and poisons.

B. Once you understand how much the parasites NEED you for your labor, your tax money, your extra kidney, etc., increase your bargaining position relative to them. I mean this both individually and collectively: The symbiosis between master/slave is not helpful to either the master OR the slave. Reduce your level of codependence with your parasites so that you may walk away from any bargaining table with minimum disruption.

Here’s what I’m doing to extricate my own bad self from slavery: I am learning from the decentralization, self-sufficiency and survivalist movements how to live on practically no money so I can pay back my financial overlords, who own a jail called “VISA”. I suggest you do the same, otherwise just find a way to enjoy your slavery because you’re never getting off this Prison Planet alive. Ready to fight?


23rd December 2011, 03:54 PM
excellent post lapis, ESPECIALLY the words in red!