View Full Version : Mexican Healthcare

27th December 2011, 05:44 AM
A guy I know was down in Cancun last year. While there a friend of his slipped in the shower (someone flushed and he turned too quickly to avoid being scalded), fell and got a gash in his head that required stitches. He got in a cab and asked to be taken to a hospital. The cabby asked "Private, public or free?"

The guy asked to be taken to the private hospital. In the waiting room they inspected his gash and pronounced he needed to provide a payment of $495. He said "but you haven't done anything yet" and was told that they could see he needed stitches and that is what it was going to cost. He decided to try the public hospital instead.

At the public hospital the waiting room was filled with people who had knife wounds, gunshot wounds etc ... all waiting to be treated. He decided to go back to the hotel, got his bosses credit card and made a trip back to the private hospital. They swiped it, he was fixed in 15 minutes and left.

Twisted Titan
27th December 2011, 06:07 AM
and that is why they flock here like locust.

not only that .....if you offer sub par care there is a cottage industry of lawyers that will sue the pants off you

27th December 2011, 06:09 AM
Why didn't he go to the free one?

27th December 2011, 06:15 AM
Why didn't he go to the free one?

My guess? He probably viewed the public one in a more favorable light than what was offered for free and he got tired of bleeding.

mick silver
27th December 2011, 08:19 AM
in a few more years we will all see the same thing here pay or bleed to death ... what they have will come here