View Full Version : R.I.P Joe Bodolai, Comic Writer and Producer; Suicide note goes viral Media Reports

28th December 2011, 11:52 AM

28th December 2011, 01:11 PM
Not a bad way to go at least he tried to inform people.

29th December 2011, 12:02 AM
SNL Writer Suicided? Critic Of Zionist Israel (http://revoltoftheplebs.wordpress.com/2011/12/27/snl-writer-who-committed-suicide-was-a-strong-critic-of-israel-and-fan-of-what-really-happened/)

^ also good comments, deep skepticism that someone with his brains would choose a suicide method which is so torturous...

29th December 2011, 10:50 AM
He was a member here.

who was he?

30th December 2011, 09:31 PM
who was he?

(bump) yes keehah do tell ::)

31st December 2011, 04:19 AM
^ cryptic. So "not Banjo" (first mention of same in this thread), is that ahem, "codespeak",???;)

Maybe I gravitate to bad news, but I'm not really seeing the "good news" to which you refer-- like, what's the "CBC exposed" story?

I can certainly relate to his "prediction list", it's all in more/less perfect alignment with GSUS and my other news-aggregator watering holes.

Can also relate to feeling "too much of what everyone's pain will be going through all this too." That's perhaps my biggest dread looking forward- I'm among the ~95% of humanity cursed with empathy for the hardship of others, rather than the ~5% of socio/psycho-paths who populate TPTB and who are orchestrating this unfolding nightmare.

What's your take on the 'SNL Writer Suicided? Critic Of Zionist Israel (http://revoltoftheplebs.wordpress.com/2011/12/27/snl-writer-who-committed-suicide-was-a-strong-critic-of-israel-and-fan-of-what-really-happened/)' angle? A smart guy choosing (torturous) antifreeze poisoning as his "opt-out" method, as the official account alleges? The LAPD investigators & coroners are ziOwned, they can tell us whatever they choose.

And you're sure Joe wasn't banjo?;) Regardless, R.I.P. brother, see you on the other side! :)