View Full Version : Alleged Cubana Hijacker Dies ... Edmundo Ponce de Leon.

29th December 2011, 12:54 AM
Well, it looks like my cousing bought the farm......they didn't say anything about him joining the rebels up in the hills or that after the revolution he was part of the S-2, or secret police, of the Castro government, he was a Lt.......on Jan 4 of 59 he came to my home at the sugar mill with his 3.5 rocket louncher.....in order to come back to the US he made a deal with the with the US government where he told them a lot of secrets from the time that he was with the S-2 and that's why he was never prosecuted in the US.......before all this happen I just to go out with him in Miami to pick up girls...........be sure to check out the video at the link
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Alleged Cubana Hijacker Dies ... Edmundo Ponce de Leon.

Alleged Cubana hijacker has died and was buried in a U.S. veterans cemetery with full honors

By Hank Tester | Thursday, Oct 13, 2011 | Updated 11:59 AM ESTView Comments (1)

Edmundo Ponce de Leon, who was named as one of the alleged hijackers in the first-ever international hijacking originating on U.S. soil, has died.

Alleged Cubana Hijacker Dies

Edmundo Ponce de Leon, who was named as one of the alleged hijackers in the first-ever international hijacking originating on U.S. soil, has died.

He was a naturalized U.S. citizen and had been the subject of extensive FBI investigation and also a recent two-part NBC Miami special.

Ponce de Leon had been accused by hijacking survivors and his own family, as being the mastermind behind the takeover of Cubana flight 495 on Nov. 1 1958.

The cargo hold of the plane had been secretly loaded with a cache of weapons for Fidel Castro's revolution, and it crashed at Nipe Bay, Cuba. A total of 14 people died in the crash.

Ponce De Leon died at the Miami Veterans Hospital at 5:54 a.m. Oct. 3, just hours before the first installment of the NBC Miami series.

Photos and Videos Cubana Hijacking Suspect Found in Hialeah
Cubana Hijacking
Suspect Found in Hialeah Cubana Hijacking Remembered
Hijacking Remembered More Multimedia His wife had told NBC Miami that he had cancer. When NBC Miami went to his house for comment, his comment was: “It was 50 years ago.”

He served in the U.S. Air Force and then joined Castro’s army after the plane crash. He returned to the U.S. in the early 1990s, and even though authorities investigated him in connection to the hijacking, he was never charged with anything.

He was buried in a U.S. veterans cemetery with full military honors, according to the South Florida National Cemetery in Lake Worth.

Mike Medrano, the son of the one of the plane’s pilots who died in the crash, said he was shocked by the death.

"Stunned, mind boggling. I wish he'd had lived long enough to be indicted,” Medrano said.

Patricia Pita, Medrano’s sister, said she would’ve liked more.

This is what God had planned for him. I wanted more, like prosecution,” she said.

In 2008, the U.S. Attorney's Office announced that he wouldn’t be prosecuted, but in recent weeks as the NBC Miami story was being prepared, FBI agents and representatives of the U.S. Attorney's Office mounted an intense investigation. Sources close to the story say the case was about to be wrapped up.

"The U.S. Attorney's Office and the FBI were actively investigating these allegations. The events surrounding the 1958 hijacking were a true human tragedy and cannot be easily forgotten," said U.S. Attorney Wilfred Ferrer.


29th December 2011, 01:06 AM
10/26/08 - Miami Herald - The hijacking suspect next door

In 1958, armed Castro sympathizers hijacked a flight from Miami, causing it
to crash off Cuba. One suspected hijacker has been living here -- not far
from two survivors.


Before the plane slammed into the darkness of the ocean, Omara Gonzalez
fixed on an image that has haunted her for 50 years: the hijacker's piercing
eyes and white shoes.
''There are things you don't forget,'' she said tearfully of the deadly
hijacking that left 14 dead and four wounded. ``I can still see him in those
shoes, standing by the [cockpit] door.''

While the Coral Gables woman grapples with images of the crash that changed
her life a half century ago, she now confronts a new twist in the disaster:
The suspected hijacker is living just miles from her home.

Edmundo Ponce de Leon, who quietly moved to Miami from Cuba in 1994 -- with
no barriers to his entry -- is one of the only surviving suspects from the
famous hijacking of a Cubana Airlines plane on Nov. 1, 1958.

State Department records obtained by The Miami Herald say the 72-year-old
and four others were identified as the armed men in dark fatigues who took
over the plane during a flight from Miami to Cuba -- the first international
hijacking from U.S. soil.

The plane -- secretly loaded with arms for Fidel Castro's rebels -- crashed
off the coast of Cuba while running out of fuel in an event that rocked
Miami and Havana. No one was ever charged in the crime.

Ponce de Leon says he was on the airliner that night, but insists he was not
among the hijackers. ''I was going on a vacation trip,'' he said in an
interview at his home. ``I was just going for a few days.''
But witnesses tracked down after the crash said he was one of the hijackers
who later joined the revolutionary forces in Havana, according to State
Department records.

His emergence in the case represents a new dilemma in one of the first
hijacking investigations in U.S. history.
Though the case was investigated by the FBI and State Department for several
weeks, it was never officially closed, records show.

Because Ponce de Leon and other suspected hijackers remained in Cuba after
the crash, the U.S. attorney's office concluded they could not be prosecuted
because they were outside the jurisdiction of the United States, State
Department records indicate.

A spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney's office declined to say whether the
case would be reopened. ''We simply do not comment on whether we plan to
open or reopen any investigation,'' said Alicia Valle, special counsel.
The event nearly faded from history until early this year when a dispute
erupted between Ponce de Leon and a sister over ownership of their mother's
An attorney for the sister pressed to interview survivors about the
hijacking, but the case was settled.

Several former federal prosecutors say the case presents legal challenges
for the justice system because of due-process protections, but one thing is
for certain: There's no statute of limitations on murder.
''You still have real-life survivors,'' said Christopher Bruno, a former
federal prosecutor in Washington, D.C. ``Just because the years have gone by
doesn't mean you just close the books.''
In the days after the crash, the investigation of the hijacking was
considered a priority by the FBI and State Department.

The suspects were identified right away, including Ponce de Leon, a U.S. Air
Force veteran born in Cuba and raised in New York and Miami, where he
attended Edison High School.

The British-built plane was one of many flights connecting Miami and Cuba at
the time, when relations between Havana and Washington were normal.
But the situation in Cuba was deteriorating: Castro's rebels were advancing
and President Fulgencio Batista seemed ready to relinquish power. On the eve
of the flight, an election loomed to choose a presidential successor.
For days, U.S. embassy agents interviewed survivors and witnesses who helped
pluck the bodies out of the sea off eastern Cuba.

One of those survivors, Osiris Martinez -- now living in Miami -- identified
Ponce de Leon from a photo provided by investigators just five days after
the crash, records state.
Martinez, now 81, whose wife and three young children, 2, 4, and 5, died
when the plane plunged into the sea, said he was certain during interviews
with investigators that Ponce de Leon was one of the armed men who
commandeered the turboprob plane.
''There was no doubt,'' he said in an interview with The Herald last week.
``I recognized him right away.''

Martinez, who says he now has a more difficult time recognizing the aging
man in the photos, said he and other passengers were in the plane with the
hijackers for several hours.
''I saw them when we were on the plane, and I saw them again when they
jumped from the plane'' after it broke apart on the water.
Gonzalez, then 16, said she recognized Ponce de Leon from photos shown to
her last week by The Herald, including a black-and-white photo from the
1950s and another taken recently. ``I can see his eyes. I'll never forget
them as long as I live.''

Gonzalez, whose grandfather died in the crash, said she spent several hours
watching the hijackers move down the aisle.
''We were all so panicked,'' she recalled in an interview. ``We didn't know
what they were going to do.''

The men, who boarded the Vickers Vicount airliner dressed in street clothes,
jumped from their seats about 20 minutes after the plane departed and
shouted they were taking over, according to Gonzalez and Martinez.
The hijackers yanked open a floor compartment, pulling out large green
canvas bags stuffed with machine guns, handguns and ammunition, Martinez

With passengers watching, they stripped down to their underwear and put on
olive fatigues and black and red armbands of the July 26th Movement --
Castro's rebel forces.
''They told us not to move,'' recalled Gonzalez, who was sitting near her
9-year-old cousin.
She said the man she recognized as Ponce de Leon was wearing white shoes,
standing near the cockpit. ''Not tennis shoes,'' she said. ``White shoes.''
Instead of flying to Varadero -- a resort town on the northern coast -- the
plane headed to eastern Cuba, where the rebels were to land at Sierra
Cristal to deliver the weapons to Raśl Castro, said Gonzalez and Martinez.
But the hours passed, and darkness set in.

The pilot struggled to find a runway because of the lack of lighting on the
mountainous terrain.
The airliner ''kept going up and down and up and down,'' recalled Gonzalez
in an interview.
Martinez said all the passengers, including his children, were getting sick.
``They would rev up the motors and the plane would shoot up. The carts and
the suitcases would fly to the back of the plane. Everyone was vomiting and
At one point, Gonzalez said she overheard a hijacker say they would ``have
to kill the pilot.''
''He apparently wasn't doing what they wanted,'' she said in an interview.
Martinez told investigators the pilot tried to land the plane 10 times, but
each time, he would pull back in fear of missing the mark.

Shortly after 9 p.m. -- more than four hours after takeoff -- the hijackers
ordered the passengers to strap in. ''They said to buckle our seat belts.
There was no gas,'' said Martinez in a recent interview.
After slamming into the water, the plane broke into pieces, with some of the
passengers still alive in their seats. 'I looked over at my grandfather, who
was buckled in, and I heard him say, `Save yourself,' '' Gonzalez said.
She and her young cousin, Luis Sosa, were pulled from the water by a
fisherman as they clung to a floating suitcase.

Martinez was pulled from the water by the same fisherman.
Two of the hijackers died in the crash, their bodies found floating while
still clad in fatigues and armbands. Fourteen people died, although news
reports initially said 17.

The day after the crash, U.S. Ambassador Earl Smith ordered an investigation
by the embassy in Havana, while requesting help from the FBI in Miami.
Citing top Cuban authorities, Miami Herald correspondent George Southworth
reported Ponce de Leon was one of the hijackers.
But at the time, no one was able to find him, said Wayne Smith, an embassy
diplomat who interviewed survivors.

However, Smith managed to interview a man identified as Ponce de Leon's
cousin, Carlos Arias Aguero, who told embassy officials Ponce de Leon ''had
been engaged in revolutionary activities in Miami,'' records say.
''He had reason to believe that Edmundo Ponce de Leon might possibly have
been one of the gunmen who commandeered the ill-fated Varadero flight,'' the
report states.
By then, the three surviving suspects had traveled to the mountains,
according to hospital workers interviewed by the embassy.
During an interview at his home last week, Ponce de Leon -- who is now blind
in one eye and has a heart condition -- gave a vastly different version of
the final hours leading to the crash and how he ended up staying in Cuba.
He said he boarded as a tourist, and in all his years, ``I have never owned
a pair of white shoes.''

He said the hijacking took place ''over Cuba'' and not 20 minutes after
He said during the flight to the island, he did not believe the captain was
threatened, insisting that most passengers were sympathetic to the rebel
''There was no violence or hostility aboard the plane,'' said Ponce de Leon.
But Gonzalez said she and the other passengers were terrified because the
hijackers threatened them with guns and ordered them to sit with their heads
between their legs and pillows over their heads.
''I still have nightmares,'' she said.
Martinez said the hijacking ``was an act of terrorism. They were carrying

After the crash, Ponce de Leon said he swam with the hijackers to safety and
was later ''taken prisoner'' by the rebel forces. One of the suspects:
Manuel Fernandez Falcon, who became a top Cuban military commander.
By Jan. 29, 1959, a month after Castro took power, records state that Ponce
de Leon was a lieutenant in the revolutionary forces and ``stationed at the
Havana Tourist Police Station as second in command.''

Ponce de Leon says he was never an officer, but an interpreter who worked at
the police station after the revolution.
He said he stayed in Cuba because he met a woman and decided to get married,
and moved back to the United States in 1994 to join his family in Miami.
Though he came to this country as a naturalized U.S. citizen, experts
question how he was able to enter without being interrogated about a major
hijacking case -- even one from decades earlier.
''That is why you have border alerts,'' said Bruno, the former federal
prosecutor. ``If this happened today, there's no way you could come back
into the country.''

Federal prosecutors in Miami reviewed the case in early 1959, but declined
to prosecute, ''at least for the present,'' because Ponce de Leon and the
others were not in the United States, records state.
Ricardo Bascuas, a University of Miami law professor and former federal
public defender who reviewed the government documents for The Herald, said
the suspects could have been charged without being in the country.
''There were any number of crimes that could have been considered, including
murder, assault and possibly even transporting arms,'' he said.

Bruno said one reason to drop a prosecution is because of a lack of
evidence, but because sworn statements and supporting evidence existed in
the case, a grand jury could have been summoned.
''I would have pursued it,'' said Atlee Wampler III, the U.S. attorney in
Miami in the early 1980s. ``Anytime you have people hijacking airlines, you
act on that. It's too dangerous.''
James Guilmartin, Miami's U.S. attorney during the investigation, died in
However, Bruno questioned whether influences beyond the justice system
played a role in the outcome of the case. Cuba was in turmoil.
While the United States had diplomatic relations with the fledgling Castro
government, ''you have to wonder whether this case was a political hot
potato,'' Bruno said.

Many top officials in the State Department were trying to maintain relations
with the new leadership. The lone person pushing the case, Earl Smith, the
U.S. ambassador and an ardent Castro foe, resigned on Jan. 20, 1959. By the
following month, the investigation was suspended, records show.
''You got to think of the time period -- it's right after the revolution,''
Bruno said.
Now, bringing the case to court would present challenges, say legal experts.
''The government knew where he was,'' said Richard Strafer, a Miami criminal
attorney. ``The problem is a defendant can make the case there was a delay
in due process.''
Gonzalez, who says she remains shattered by the experience, says Ponce de
Leon should have been charged then -- and now. ''He has to pay for this,''
she says.
``They destroyed the lives of people. This is the United States of America.
If this had been an accident it would be one thing, but this was a
hijacking. Babies died.''
Martinez says he was never contacted by federal prosecutors after the crash.
''In all that time, no one came to me,'' he said.
He said he believes Ponce de Leon, with his nagging ailments, ``is paying
the price right now. He's fat and old. He's sick. That's his punishment.''

29th December 2011, 01:17 AM
Ponce de Leon

29th December 2011, 01:21 AM
What about it?........all the males of my family go by Ponce.......it could be Ponce the engineer, Ponce the carpenter, Ponce the electrician........Ponce the big mouth.......upsssssssss that's me ahahahahahahah.