View Full Version : Manges

30th December 2011, 11:59 PM
You have friends here, hell I do not dislike you.but I had to speak out to defend those that you smeared here by calling them shit. And most of us now know that you back post and edit your posts so you look squeaky clean. I do admire even if I may not agree or at least totally agree with all you say..


Western civilization would not even existed unless the Muslims or ottoman empire did not exist.

Defender of western civilization, shit the west stole all of the ideals of the east..

Or maybe not stole, but for dam sure "borrowed"
How do you count 1 2 3 4 5 and 0 ..guess what ..they thought of it first..

Any more from you ,, you are Don Quote

Chasers of tilting windmills..

I call for peace, we all know each other here, so why attack? Because we do not believe or accept your line of thoughts or warped history?

I will not close this thread as you did a few times, why did you close your threaded?
Could not defend yourself?

I will back off ,

once you

apologize to this forum

for calling everyone "shit"

And your back posting to "edit" what you said
does not cut it..

I still like you , And I am not a troll or any kind of name you want to call me
I am a member of this forum, like you..

Do what is right and we can get along.. for the forum..


for calling all of us shit!

Your turn

Edit: Hell man you accused me or all evils of the world in your own sweet way.l

Say something , prove something.. want to hurt me?

You can not..so

Peace to you..

31st December 2011, 12:35 AM
Dogman are you drinking again? Maybe you ought to just let this go.

31st December 2011, 01:00 AM

31st December 2011, 01:08 AM


31st December 2011, 01:10 AM

No shit, I like all here, but do not agree with their white is right or I love Hitler.bull crap.

I started this thread because he called us on the forum ,,"shit"!

And attacked clueless members

As stated I will back down when he makes a apology to the forum.


Weed yu are respected your choice at least in my mind.

31st December 2011, 01:22 AM
Dude you are a chickenshit, back posting, another way is editing ..

Thank god others have seen this..

so attack..I or not any other on this forum cares? who in the fuck are you , other than one that attacks members of good standing? Are you thought police? Yes yu are, you can back post all you want, but , it is too late , ewe know , what you do..

apologize to the forum that you made a mistake , but your pride will not let is, shame.

Go Magnes and edit more , all people here are total idiots, and have no memory.

31st December 2011, 01:52 AM

31st December 2011, 02:17 AM
Dude you are a chickenshit, back posting, another way is editing ..

Thank god others have seen this..

so attack..I or not any other on this forum cares? who in the fuck are you , other than one that attacks members of good standing? Are you thought police? Yes yu are, you can back post all you want, but , it is too late , ewe know , what you do..

apologize to the forum that you made a mistake , but your pride will not let is, shame.

Go Magnes and edit more , all people here are total idiots, and have no memory.

Goodbye, my friend... and I really do mean that (the friend part). I've reached out to a total of only FOUR members of this forum, talked with them on the phone and discussed the world situation, the forum and its membership, and the possibility of maybe doing our own version of "Galt's Gulch". You, Dogman, were one of those people, and the one that I quite frankly held the highest hopes of maybe eventually actualizing such aspirations with.

I see at this point that it probably is not to be... I don't have time or resources to spare for drunks or ungrateful people in my life. You have taken all of the forgiveness, 2nd chances, kindness in your times of shame and self loathing, repeated elevation with custom user titles and a forum sub-section of your own (forum library) that JQP and myself have repeatedly offered, and SPIT on it. Shown your "appreciation" by posting drunken rants full of half-intelligible insults against the forum membership. Repeatedly.

I know you hate yourself when you've been drinking, but apparently that "hate" is not enough for you to GET A CLUE and actually CHANGE anything about your life and your relationship to the people here.

You've been banned repeatedly, warned repeatedly, and given the final ultimatum... sober up or GTFO.

You've chosen the latter. I am saddened by that decision! :(

Banned... no more chances, no return. I wish you well.

31st December 2011, 03:17 AM
Bye dogman.

31st December 2011, 03:33 AM
sidestepping the basic spat of this thread, I've always felt the mods should have vBulletin's "last edit" notation turned ON- where if a member goes back to edit a post more than 5-10 mins grace period after it was originally submitted, then there's a "Last Edit: xxxx" notation in small font at the bottom of the post. Keeps things honest when a disagreement is being hashed out.

I recall GIM1's setup had it where the "Last Edit:" notation was a clickable link, which led to a full history of all edits, former and new/changed text highlighted- invaluable when battling Shill-A-Thon. I recall jooristic pussy used to quote people's (my!) posts- and she'd have the audacity to actually change what you wrote in the quote box, and/or text which you'd linked somewhere which undermined her bosses' agenda, she'd unlink before she'd "quote" it, etc. Is GIM2.adl.gov setup that way now that Shill-A-Thon operates it? I don't go there, makes me feel dirty.

31st December 2011, 03:52 AM
sidestepping the basic spat of this thread, I've always felt the mods should have vBulletin's "last edit" notation turned ON- where if a member goes back to edit a post more than 5-10 mins grace period after it was originally submitted, then there's a "Last Edit: xxxx" notation in small font at the bottom of the post. Keeps things honest when a disagreement is being hashed out.

I recall GIM1's setup had it where the "Last Edit:" notation was a clickable link, which led to a full history of all edits, former and new/changed text highlighted- invaluable when battling Shill-A-Thon. I recall jooristic pussy used to quote people's (my!) posts- and she'd have the audacity to actually change what you wrote in the quote box, and/or text which you'd linked somewhere which undermined her bosses' agenda, she'd unlink before she'd "quote" it, etc. Is GIM2.adl.gov setup that way now that Shill-A-Thon operates it? I don't go there, makes me feel dirty.

I'll look into it. I was unaware of that option until now.

31st December 2011, 06:48 AM
well that's too bad, i've learned a ton of stuff from dogman :(

i wish he'd get another chance.

31st December 2011, 07:01 AM
A permanent ban for dogman is much more detrimental to him than his sometimes drunken posts are to the forum as a whole.

I implore the mods here to let our friend stay.

Dogman, dammit, you should really take it easy on the firewater. I'll miss you if Gaillo doesn't have a change of heart.

31st December 2011, 07:09 AM
My thoughts too, sirgonzo and chad. I really hate to see him go!!

31st December 2011, 07:14 AM
How many times am I supposed to answer to bogus charges ?

I didn't edit anything, that's a new one, and I have been taken out of context,
they don't give you the original link for a reason, Horn attacks
me too, but at least he does it to my face with a link.

I made an issue out of it where I saw people thanking a bogus post.
Then I made an issue out of it when I saw Gaillo posting about what
I saw as new rules and my post was mostly against what Gaillo was
posting. Dogman is fair game and his history is fair game, if he wants to
attack me he is fair game. everything he did here and on gim is
fair game, under golddust dogman was a cheerleader for our bans.

I got a ban when I swore at 3 people, then referred to that ban
and them, I also called them occult posters. Maybe I should of got
another ban there, I know I was pushing it. So who are the people
stirring this shit ? Are these charges even worth a response ?

If I thought the members here were all shit I and these were the shit
forums, I would not be contributing, I contributed $100, I spoke out
strongly for Vb, for security reasons, Gaillo went into my hacked page,
I gave him my password, others reported the same thing as they spoke
out against Mayhem, there is a thread on this, these were not coincidences,
I have concerns for the membership, I implore people to remain anonymous.
I am one of the main spammers identified and singled out by gim and
attacked. I have my own opinions and these forums are full of all kinds.
They are worth fighting for.

Dogman has a huge history on here going back to last summer, he has
other account names on here, one was golddust. I was not involved in
any of that first summer here. I was not involved with the 5 Joe King
threads either. I told people just to ignore him.

If people want more information and want to pick apart what I posted,
go to where I made my responses, two threads, gim section, comms section,
I dropped it a few times, even from last year. And I didn't do anything to him
last year either other than bring up past posts and names he is using.

Apparently I am the though police, helped destroy forums,
he has the answers from gim.
http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?57282-Merry-Christmas-to-John-and-those-that-celebrate-!&p=499426&viewfull=1#post499426 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?57282-Merry-Christmas-to-John-and-those-that-celebrate-%21&p=499426&viewfull=1#post499426)

I would rather have Dogman here to meet his charges and attacks.
I already have but he keeps making more.

It's too early for this crap and it's New Year's.
I was startled when Gaillo made a post talking about calling him
in real life, so Gaillo cares, so how are you supposed to help
someone like that ? If it helps him he can rant on me.

I sent Gaillo a PM, about his ban. I am sincere in it.

This is just a rant I typed up fast.

General of Darkness
31st December 2011, 07:21 AM
I think the right solution is to unban Dog and move this to Thunderdome or reduce it to 30 days. I know the 30 day ban I had calmed me the fuck down. JMHO.

Also, Magnes is a big boy and I don't think he takes things personally. Maybe let him decide because it was directed at him.

31st December 2011, 07:23 AM
How many times am I supposed to answer to bogus charges ?

I didn't edit anything, that's a new one, and I have been taken out of context,
they don't give you the original link for a reason, Horn attacks
me too, but at least he does it to my face with a link.

I made an issue out of it where I saw people thanking a bogus post.
Then I made an issue out of it when I saw Gaillo posting about what
I saw as new rules and my post was mostly against what Gaillo was
posting. Dogman is fair game and his history is fair game, if he wants to
attack me he is fair game. everything he did here and on gim is
fair game, under golddust dogman was a cheerleader for our bans.

I got a ban when I swore at 3 people, then referred to that ban
and them, I also called them occult posters. Maybe I should of got
another ban there, I know I was pushing it. So who are the people
stirring this shit ? Are these charges even worth a response ?

If I thought the members here were all shit I and these were the shit
forums, I would not be contributing, I contributed $100, I spoke out
strongly for Vb, for security reasons, Gaillo went into my hacked page,
I gave him my password, others reported the same thing as they spoke
out against Mayhem, there is a thread on this, these were not coincidences,
I have concerns for the membership, I implore people to remain anonymous.
I am one of the main spammers identified and singled out by gim and
attacked. I have my own opinions and these forums are full of all kinds.
They are worth fighting for.

Dogman has a huge history on here going back to last summer, he has
other account names on here, one was golddust. I was not involved in
any of that first summer here. I was not involved with the 5 Joe King
threads either. I told people just to ignore him.

If people want more information and want to pick apart what I posted,
go to where I made my responses, two threads, gim section, comms section,
I dropped it a few times, even from last year. And I didn't do anything to him
last year either other than bring up past posts and names he is using.

Apparently I am the though police, helped destroy forums,
he has the answers from gim.
http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?57282-Merry-Christmas-to-John-and-those-that-celebrate-!&p=499426&viewfull=1#post499426 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?57282-Merry-Christmas-to-John-and-those-that-celebrate-%21&p=499426&viewfull=1#post499426)

I would rather have Dogman here to meet his charges and attacks.
I already have but he keeps making more.

It's too early for this crap and it's New Year's.
I was startled when Gaillo made a post talking about calling him
in real life, so Gaillo cares, so how are you supposed to help
someone like that ? If it helps him he can rant on me.

I sent Gaillo a PM, about his ban. I am sincere in it.

This is just a rant I typed up fast.

I'm glad you seem to agree that Dogman should not be banned permanently.

Permanent bans, in my opinion, should be reserved for spambots. Known members shouldn't be banished forever.

Magnes, if you were in dogman's place I'd stand for you too.

MODS: How about he's just banned for the rest of the year? :p

31st December 2011, 07:31 AM
I'm glad you seem to agree

I would rather have him here to answer him, I don't have the
energy for this, but it is necessary, not just for me either,
Dogman totally reinvented himself on here, has friends, he did contribute,
I did thank him. But if he wants to attack me the way he does, his past,
connections, etc, he is RichG's brother, he was golddust from gim, a cheerleader
for our bans, I have a screen, I saved a few of skyvikes rants banning
us, he is also golddust on here swearing at people summer of 2010,
I was not involved, I did dig these up when he went off later. He
gets all worked up when I mention all this, this is why he is ranting,
see the link I gave above, he even got a member while he was banned to post
an attack on me, his bans had nothing to do with me, ever, but this last one does.

Read's Gaillo's post again, Gaillo has this guy on the phone, this is not an easy
decision for Gaillo, I don't have Gaillo on the phone, we are practically totally anonymous
to each other. People should guard their personal privacy. There is other issues here.
I defended RichG his brother here a few times, Dogman posted his personal info here.

31st December 2011, 07:34 AM
Since this isn't really much of an open forum and we don't get many new members here, maybe we can get Dogman a jury trial? Gaillo can appoint twelve peers to reach the verdict?

General of Darkness
31st December 2011, 07:35 AM
I'm willing to be permabanned for the rest of the year if that helps.

For Dog.


31st December 2011, 07:38 AM

General of Darkness
31st December 2011, 07:46 AM
Be careful people.



Joe King
31st December 2011, 07:47 AM
I think the right solution is to unban Dog and move this to Thunderdome or reduce it to 30 days. I know the 30 day ban I had calmed me the fuck down. JMHO.

That's what you got the last time.
ie your post edited and moved to Thunderdome {along with one of mine and one of Books because they contained your quote} in order for you to avoid a permanent ban. If it's good enough for you, it's good enough for him.

ETA: I saw it happen two seconds after I submitted my post.

Also, Magnes is a big boy and I don't think he takes things personally. Maybe let him decide because it was directed at him.The only reason this happened is because of Mags going on a witch hunt and attacking people en masse.
ie if Mags didn't get banned for his attack, no one should get banned for attacking him back. Because had he not done it first, no one would do it to him. The only reason I dis-like him is because of the venom and hatred he's spewed in my direction when I've done nothing to him to deserve it.

I also don't like his shotgun approach to lumping people together as he did, simply due to a particular post they may have thanked.

31st December 2011, 07:50 AM
Dayum! General, WTF is that last clip all about? LMAO!

General of Darkness
31st December 2011, 07:53 AM
That's what you got the last time.
ie your post edited and moved to Thunderdome in order for you to avoid a permanent ban. If it's good enough for you, it's good enough for him.

The only reason this happened is because of Mags going on a witch hunt and attacking people en masse.
ie if Mags didn't get banned for his attack, no one should get banned for attacking him back. Because had he not done it first, no one would do it to him. The only reason I dis-like him is because of the venom and hatred he's spewed in my direction when I've done nothing to him to deserve it.

I also don't like his shotgun approach to lumping people together as he did, simply due to a particular post they may have thanked.

Would you like a tissue?


31st December 2011, 08:01 AM
Dayum! General, WTF is that last clip all about? LMAO!

Looks like a lo-tec way of clearing a minefield. All you need is manpower.

Joe King
31st December 2011, 08:03 AM
Would you like a tissue?

No. I was merely agreeing with you and also pointing out that by the rules you should have been banned, but were given another chance instead.

IMHO, what you got set a precedence for your request that Dogman not be perma-banned. In other words, if was good enough for you, it ought to be good enough for him.

Joe King
31st December 2011, 08:03 AM
IMHO, what you got set a precedence for your request that Dogman not be perma-banned. In other words, if was good enough for you, it ought to be good enough for him.

BTW General, did you ever thank Admin for that? If not, you def owe 'em a cold one. ;) lol

General of Darkness
31st December 2011, 08:08 AM
BTW General, did you ever thank Admin for that? If not, you def owe 'em a cold one. ;) lol

Honestly I don't have any idea WTF you're talking about. So liar liar pants on fire.


Joe King
31st December 2011, 08:22 AM
Honestly I don't have any idea WTF you're talking about. So liar liar pants on fire.

A while back you responded to Book in the manner you are sometimes notorious for and both Book and I quoted it. An instant after I posted, all three posts were edited out of the original thread and moved to TD.
ETA: if it was deemed TD quality and neede to be moved, it's obvious that it violated the regular forums rules and seeing as it would have been your third, you got yer butt saved.

Several people here posted in that thread while it was still in TD and they should remember having done so.

Again, I'm only bringing this up in order to show that there is in fact precedence for what you requested of admin in post #16 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?57479-Manges&p=501360&viewfull=1#post501360)
If you notice, I even thanked you for it, as it reminded me of what happened to you.

31st December 2011, 08:22 AM
BTW General,

Said the biggest troll and agitator.

I warned Dogman about you, see my link above,
I had a good discussion with his friends, tried to
warn them about you, you egged Dogman on in
chat, you are a divider and do nothing but troll
and agitate, there is a good chance if you were
not here Dogman would be here and we would
be arguing our differences, notice you are a
cheerleader for bans, we are the opposite.

I have been sworn at a few times on here and no ban,
even indirect threats of violence, no ban, and gave the
guy a break because I would rather talk to him.

You dare put words in my mouth too, who here thinks this forum
is full of shit, shit members, shit everything, people like you,
you have absolutely no respect for anyone here, not even yourself.

" By their works ye shall know them. " GSUS

Jesus was a really smart guy, it ain't the exact quote but a
great adaptation that applies strongly here on these forums.

General of Darkness
31st December 2011, 08:27 AM
A while back you responded to Book in the manner you are sometimes notorious for and both Book and I quoted it. An instant after I posted, all three posts were edited out of the original thread and moved to TD.

Several people here posted in that thread while it was still in TD and they should remember having done so.

Again, I'm only bringing this up in order to show that there is in fact precedence for what you requested of admin in post #16 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?57479-Manges&p=501360&viewfull=1#post501360)
If you notice, I even thanked you for it, as it reminded me of what happened to you.

As Magnes just posted, we know who and what you are. It's sad that you're trying to egg me on after you know I don't play your games, and it's especially sad in a thread where someone got permabanned.

So keep dancing.


31st December 2011, 08:36 AM
Who wants to take the feet end?


Joe King
31st December 2011, 08:37 AM
Said the biggest troll and agitator.

I warned Dogman about you, see my link above,
I had a good discussion with his friends, tried to
warn them about you, you egged Dogman on in
chat, you are a divider and do nothing but troll
and agitate, there is a good chance if you were
not here Dogman would be here and we would
be arguing our differences, notice you are a
cheerleader for bans, we are the opposite. I don't cheerlead anyones ban{s}, but when I see people do stupid things, I admit that I
do sometimes find it funny....but only after the fact.

I have been sworn at a few times on here and no ban,
even indirect threats of violence, no ban, and gave the
guy a break because I would rather talk to him.You are the only one on here I've ever seen use words that indicated any type of violence towards others on here.
That was when you said some people deserved to be stomped in real life for what they post.
In fact, that's why you got banned. Gaillo gave you the benefit of the doubt that you got your words mixed up, but you came back and re-affirmed them.
...and you got banned for it.

You dare put words in my mouth too, who here thinks this forum
is full of shit, shit members, shit everything, people like you,
you have absolutely no respect for anyone here, not even yourself.I've never used words to insult the entire board as you did. {you called us all, shit}

On the contrary, I like this place and the people in it. Even those I may disagree with.
Heck, I don't even want to see General get banned. I've enjoyed his and my exchanges and have told him as much.

The reason for my post pointing out the break he was given is not to say that I think he should have been banned, but rather to say that any regular poster on here deserves the same break he got.

" By their works ye shall know them. " GSUS

Jesus was a really smart guy, it ain't the exact quote but a
great adaptation that applies strongly here on these forums.I certainly know you by your works against people who have done nothing to you.
ie go look in the mirror, you gots a Red Wood tree growin' out yer eyeball. lol

Joe King
31st December 2011, 08:42 AM
As Magnes just posted, we know who and what you are. It's sad that you're trying to egg me on after you know I don't play your games, and it's especially sad in a thread where someone got permabanned.

So keep dancing.

I'm just pointing out that there is a precedence for your request in post #16

Do you not stand by your request? I'm trying to support you in your request by showing that it has been done before. Why are you wanting to fight about it? ??? I'm in your corner on this.
ie you made the request, I'm merely seconding it.

31st December 2011, 09:00 AM
Well, I don't know what to say about dogman, he knows he can't go Posting while under the influence.

But I am still pissed at Magnes, and If I wanted to cuss him out I would do it in thunderdome!!!

But he's Not worth the time or energy.

Edit to add;; Good Morning !!

Joe King
31st December 2011, 09:05 AM
Well, I don't know what to say about dogman, he knows he can't go Posting while under the influence.

But I am still pissed at Magnes, and If I wanted to cuss him out I would do it in thunderdome!!!

But he's Not worth the time or energy.

Edit to add;; Good Morning !!
I hope it doesn't dis-please Mags too much that I thanked the Queen of the Mountains post. lol

31st December 2011, 09:08 AM
Back at ya JK :) I am the biggest troll lover right?

31st December 2011, 09:09 AM
Ah man, it saddens me to see Dogman permanently banned. When he's sober, he brought a lot of good humor and cheer to the forum, and knowledge too. He's a good contribution to the site. Yet, a drunken rant seems like a completely different person.

This is why we have the thunderdome. If he would have posted this thread there, it would have been no problem.

Gaillo, it's got to be tough being a mod and having to make this decision. I like EE's idea, perhaps put certain things like permanent bans to a vote.

31st December 2011, 09:25 AM
To me it was no worse than 10-20% of Manges' recent posts when he is focused on the site and membership. But with empathy towards the site and people here.

It should have been in thunder dome, but our local thunderagent will not acknowledge our site's place for thunderbolts.

31st December 2011, 09:35 AM
To me it was no worse than 10-20% of Manges' recent posts when he is focused on the site and membership. But with empathy towards the site and people here.

Good point. You know, re-reading the original post, where's the personal attack? What forum rule was broken actually? Not once did he attack Magnes in the orignal post. It was more of a drunken rant, but no direct attacks.

midnight rambler
31st December 2011, 09:39 AM
Good point. You know, re-reading the original post, where's the personal attack? What forum rule was broken actually? Not once did he attack Magnes in the orignal post. It was more of a drunken rant, but no direct attacks.

Apparently you missed the deleted post (would be #3 on this thread) which was stronger than the OP. And perhaps you think that the title of this thread is an innocent typo.

31st December 2011, 09:42 AM
My spelling of Magnes in the above post was a reflected typo, not intentional. Sorry.

31st December 2011, 09:50 AM
Pluto is OUT?............I will have to think about this one.........more when I calm down.

31st December 2011, 09:59 AM
I will miss the Dog - good man is he. But the firewater and he do not go well together.

Be well Dog!

31st December 2011, 10:33 AM
There should be no permanent bans based on the content of posts. It seems like a 1-month ban is sufficient to make someone think more carefully before making a too-offensive post . Follow-up offenses can be two months. But permanent is just too...permanent.

Just my opinion.

31st December 2011, 10:35 AM
As Magnes just posted, we know who and what you are. It's sad that you're trying to egg me on after you know I don't play your games, and it's especially sad in a thread where someone got permabanned...


Joe King dividing and conquering the USS GSUS goyim crew one fool at a time as usual.

::) probably supplied the booze

Joe King
31st December 2011, 10:44 AM
Joe King dividing and conquering the USS GSUS goyim crew one fool at a time as usual.I'd say you're the one trying to divide after I've already stated that I'm 100% behind General in his suggestion.
So why are you trying to make it seem like I'm not, you divider person you? >:(

ETA: it was you who General went off on that time I'm referring to when the thre of ours posts were moved to TD instead of General getting banned.

::) probably supplied the boozeI'd supply your booze for that purpose. >:D lol

31st December 2011, 10:56 AM
Sam Roberts - Brother Down


31st December 2011, 11:00 AM
There should be no permanent bans based on the content of posts. It seems like a 1-month ban is sufficient to make someone think more carefully before making a too-offensive post . Follow-up offenses can be two months. But permanent is just too...permanent.

Just my opinion.
Agreed. Even if he got banned within a week of returning each time, that would only be about 10 bans per year....which isn't a huge amount of effort.

(could also look at adding another mod to keep up with everything)

31st December 2011, 11:31 AM
This issue has been put up for membership vote. See this thread:


I'm closing this one.