View Full Version : Poll: Bring back the dog?

31st December 2011, 11:22 AM

I'm not going to do this on a regular basis, so don't get used to it. I pretty much HATE Democracy as a form of government, it invariably leads to mob rule and a legalized welfare plunder-state. However, I think VERY highly of the idea of people having a say in their government, and being TRULY represented by their governmental SERVANTS. Voting seems to be the best solution for this so far... combined with strict legal boundaries as to WHAT can be "put to vote".

There has been a lot of outcry following last night's banning of Dogman. This situation seems as good as any to put these ideas to practice.

Whether or not you all vote to bring him back, there WILL be a 1 month ban... he's crossed the line too many times and insulted ALL of us with his attacks on the forum membership.

That's all.

midnight rambler
31st December 2011, 11:30 AM
Questions: How many times demonstrating bad behavior/engaging in name calling (veiled or not) is too many? And does this standard apply equally across the board regardless of # of posts and duration of membership, or do some get more latitude than others? Or is there really no limit?

31st December 2011, 11:31 AM
I was JUST wondering when and who would start this thread.....

31st December 2011, 11:35 AM
Questions: How many times demonstrating bad behavior/engaging in name calling (veiled or not) is too many? And does this standard apply equally across the board regardless of # of posts and duration of membership, or do some get more latitude than others? Or is there really no limit?

Being a mod isn't easy and I'd never do it again.


31st December 2011, 11:37 AM
Questions: How many times demonstrating bad behavior/engaging in name calling (veiled or not) is too many? And does this standard apply equally across the board regardless of # of posts and duration of membership, or do some get more latitude than others? Or is there really no limit?

A truly objective application of the forum rules, regardless of member "standing" etc., is not possible... as the rules (in their current form) are not defined with enough precision and clarity to make a 100% impartial decision about when they've been broken.

However, we (madfranks, myself, and JQP) do make every attempt to be as fair, impartial, and "giving of the benefit of the doubt" that we possibly can.

31st December 2011, 11:41 AM
Whether or not you all vote to bring him back, there WILL be a 1 month ban... he's crossed the line too many times and insulted ALL of us with his attacks on the forum membership.


This lifeboat has no captain. We now "take a vote" before we throw someone overboard.


31st December 2011, 11:42 AM

I'm not going to do this on a regular basis, so don't get used to it. I pretty much HATE Democracy as a form of government, it invariably leads to mob rule and a legalized welfare plunder-state. However, I think VERY highly of the idea of people having a say in their government, and being TRULY represented by their governmental SERVANTS. Voting seems to be the best solution for this so far... combined with strict legal boundaries as to WHAT can be "put to vote".

There has been a lot of outcry following last night's banning of Dogman. This situation seems as good as any to put these ideas to practice.

Whether or not you all vote to bring him back, there WILL be a 1 month ban... he's crossed the line too many times and insulted ALL of us with his attacks on the forum membership.

That's all.

Very righteous, good way to end and start the years.

midnight rambler
31st December 2011, 11:44 AM

This lifeboat has no captain. We now "take a vote" before we throw someone overboard.


I take it you don't like mob rule.

31st December 2011, 11:46 AM

This lifeboat has no captain. We now "take a vote" before we throw someone overboard.


You can think about whether THIS lifeboat has a captain during your 3-day ban.
Book... I've grown tired of your repeated veiled attacks on me, I've put up with FAR more from you and your meaning-twisting divisive BS than I reasonably should.
Hmmm... no vote either. ::)

How about THEM rolleyes? ;)

31st December 2011, 11:49 AM
Questions: How many times demonstrating bad behavior/engaging in name calling (veiled or not) is too many? And does this standard apply equally across the board regardless of # of posts and duration of membership, or do some get more latitude than others? Or is there really no limit?

Correct equal measures should be taken for obvious regularized & multiple "shit" attacks of the forum and its membership.

31st December 2011, 11:55 AM
This ban of Pluto weighted heavily in my mind and I was very much thinking of quiting because of this........I really don't know what is going on because I usually skip anything that looks like a stupid fight and keep on reading........I didn't even know that he drank (as many here do because of job loss or family troubles) so that I cannot say anything about that..... if one month looks fair to the rest of the gang then let it be..........................................HEY PLUTO, BE SURE TO RETURN IN 30 DAYS.

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE AND MAY YOU BE HERE TO CELEBRATE 2013.....be sure to write even if you are in a FEMA camp.

31st December 2011, 11:59 AM
we need another troll back here to help joe king......please un ban him so joe and his buddies have more help diverting threads and attacking members.....yeah, thats a no.

31st December 2011, 12:02 PM
I think Mr. Dogman's knowledge of history is weak and agenda driven.

Joe King
31st December 2011, 12:03 PM
I hereby nominate Gaillo for the "Best mod in the whole freakin' universe, for all time", award. :cool:

31st December 2011, 12:05 PM
I don't appreciate any attacks, but it was ok for another member to mouth off and say K-os, Me and dogman were trolls, thats ok though.

Oh here I am thanking JK !!! Does that make me a troll? (Insert a finger here.)

31st December 2011, 12:06 PM
where's the public viewing option in this poll?

Are these removed to a secret and undisclosed location as in Iowa for sockpuppet encroachment?

31st December 2011, 12:08 PM
I don't appreciate any attacks, but it was ok for another member to mouth off and say K-os, Me and dogman were trolls, thats ok though.

Oh here I am thanking JK !!! Does that make me a troll? (Insert a finger here.)

I hear you, Zap...
However, if I banned every person who called another forum member a troll, we'd almost ALL (including myself) be banned. Troll-naming seems to be the "national sport" of this place...

31st December 2011, 12:09 PM
I think we're starting a new year, and it's a good time to put past issues to rest.

I also strongly urge folks to stop with the group think mentality, of if you agree with a certain post, you agree with ALL posts from that person. I like the freedom of good discussion, not being lumped into groups, or online cliques.

We're all individuals here. That's a freedom we should encourage...not disgrace.

General of Darkness
31st December 2011, 12:12 PM
Great job Gaillo. I don't think this is mob rule at all. This forum has been built up by about 50 core members. Just jewgle gold silver forum and we're second behind geltismoney.

I do consider GSUS my second family to an extent. Have I wanted to dick stab the fuck out of dogman at times, oh for sure. Do I really trust Book, nope. But that's how this forum rolls. We freely talk about EVERYTHING, literally, EVERYTHING, other than something illegal. All forums should be like this. For fuck sake, mentions jews or zionism on ANY OTHER fucking forum and see what happens. We've got it MADE here, there's no other freer forum on the net that I can find. I do think that Gaillo doesn't like the word cunt, but that's probably because he's not as European or cultured as I am. LOL.

The only rule I try to live by when posting on GSUS. DON'T POST WHEN YOU'RE TOAST.

31st December 2011, 12:13 PM
where's the public viewing option in this poll?

Try "view poll results" underneath the poll.

General of Darkness
31st December 2011, 12:18 PM
I don't appreciate any attacks, but it was ok for another member to mouth off and say K-os, Me and dogman were trolls, thats ok though.

Oh here I am thanking JK !!! Does that make me a troll? (Insert a finger here.)

The attacks that you're referring to are because you ladies give Joe King a pass. Oh he's not so bad, etc. Some of us see right through him. Just saying.

31st December 2011, 12:19 PM
I think we're starting a new year, and it's a good time to put past issues to rest.

I also strongly urge folks to stop with the group think mentality, of if you agree with a certain post, you agree with ALL posts from that person. I like the freedom of good discussion, not being lumped into groups, or online cliques.

We're all individuals here. That's a freedom we should encourage...not disgrace.

I agree Solid, Its almost a New YEAR WHOOO HOOOO , I will try to behave myself and forgive and forget, life is way to short to be pissy all the time.

31st December 2011, 12:20 PM
Try "view poll results" underneath the poll.

No, the one that shows the individual votes of the members placed as in a yeh and ney fashion.

To avoid sockpuppet infringement.

just wanting to know which 6 members are voting for censorship.

31st December 2011, 12:23 PM
The attacks that you're referring to are because you ladies give Joe King a pass. Oh he's not so bad, etc. Some of us see right through him. Just saying.

Maybe you are right and maybe your wrong? Maybe he just has opposing opinions, then the group?

I don't know, but I will thank whoever the Fvck I want and If you want to call me a troll so be it.

I won't go along with the group like a sheep.I will do exactly whatever the hell I want !!! ;)

General of Darkness
31st December 2011, 12:37 PM
I won't go along with the group like a sheep.I will do exactly whatever the hell I want !!! ;)

Excellent, so get back to work.


31st December 2011, 12:39 PM
Strike that 6, now 8 unconstitutional members.

31st December 2011, 12:40 PM
I think the permaban is too harsh, but one month is too soft.
I also think one month would not be enough time for the permabanned person to deal with his issues. In which case they will continue to occur.
Sometime in April/May would be fine.

31st December 2011, 12:46 PM
Strike that 6, now 7 unconstitutional members.


You are under the mistaken impression that this place is a constitutional political entity.

This forum is the PRIVATE PROPERTY of one man (JohnQPublic) and as such is governed ONLY by the rules he sees fit to set for it's USE BY PERMISSION. That is his RIGHT... just like it is also the RIGHT of any of us to set conditions regarding the permitted use of OUR property for those we CHOOSE to offer it to.

You all remember Rights, Choice, Ownership, and the concept of Property don't you?

Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one... a press will NOT be provided to you at someone else's expense! Do you want a press, and the freedom to use it how you see fit? Then go earn or create one through your own mental and physical efforts.

31st December 2011, 12:52 PM

Yes, Unconstitutional.

31st December 2011, 12:57 PM
Yes, Unconstitutional.

A stunning argument. It's going to take me a while to think that through and comprehend the magnitude of your position and its eloquent defense! ::)

31st December 2011, 01:09 PM
Apparently I have missed some more drama.

Lucky me.

31st December 2011, 01:11 PM
i don't know about dogman's view of history, politics, etc. but i do know he knows a shitload about fixing mechanical & electrical stuff, building, plumbing, etc. his insight in to these matters has helped me numerous times. i also think he's pretty funny. i think everyone on here has posted something like that that they later regret. i also agree with whoever said permanent bannings should be for spammers or something. not regular members. make a 6 month ban or something if it's really that bad, but no perma bans. hell, even magnes doesn't want him banned.

31st December 2011, 01:14 PM
A stunning argument. It's going to take me a while to think that through and comprehend the magnitude of your position and its eloquent defense! ::)

This forum is the PRIVATE PROPERTY

You've already done it for me, what else is for me to add?

31st December 2011, 01:17 PM
Gaillo? stop stiring the pot......when you talk you make trouble.......you are a God keeping an eye of Earth, stay up there.

7th trump
31st December 2011, 01:25 PM
When asked how many times we should forgive. Christ said we should forgive 70x7.......................thats 490 times a day.
How many times has Dog crossed the GSUS line in one day?

Besides is GSUS as a community better with him or without?
Bring the dog back!

31st December 2011, 01:27 PM
Gaillo? stop stiring the pot......when you talk you make trouble.......you are a God keeping an eye of Earth, stay up there.

And you're just God Jr!


Joe King
31st December 2011, 01:40 PM
The attacks that you're referring to are because you ladies give Joe King a pass. Oh he's not so bad, etc. Some of us see right through him. Just saying.So you admit that they're being they've been personally attacked for no good reason? Other than their use of the "Thanks" button on various occasions?

Did you ever stop long enough to consider the possibility that the reason they "give me a pass" {as you put it} isn't so much that they're always on my side as it is that over time they've seen that I treat them as any other normal person should want to be treated? As I'd like to be treated? Golden Rule etc etc etc?

Just for the record, I in no way believe any of the ladies here give me a "free pass" and if I posted anything towards them like Mags has done to some of them, I'd expect my head to be handed to me on a silver platter.
...and deservedly so, I might add.

General, I've been bein' called out and labeled before I really even started posting {my first post was in ______s thread that had my name in the title} and ever since then it's mostly all been based upon Mags' flawed logic of tryin' to connect dots that reside only in the make-believe World that's in his head. It's so big it puts Disney World to shame. lol

31st December 2011, 01:49 PM
Gaillo? stop stiring the pot......when you talk you make trouble.......you are a God keeping an eye of Earth, stay up there.

Unlike you, I've never made any claims to (junior) Godhood. Hell... I don't even believe such a being exists! ;D

31st December 2011, 02:08 PM
l think the inter-member axe to grind threads should be moved to a private members only area.

It would do two things. Defuse the situation, and shield potential new members from wondering what kind of freak show is going on here.


I would do:

Ban 1 - Three days.
Ban 2 - 2 weeks.
Ban 3 - 1 month
Ban 4 - You have to plead your case to the moderators via email, then apologize to the forum as your first post if allowed back. The apology thread would be considered a ban hammer zone.

Subsequent time outs are a 1 month ban, and repeat step/ban #4.

That's how I would roll. Nothing is forever, but you have to prove yourself, and hopefully improve yourself in the process.

31st December 2011, 02:09 PM
Well, neither do I ......... but in our make believe world we can be whatever we want to me and I choose.....GOD JR.....hear the trumpets blowing hahahahahahahahaha............upssssssss sorry, that was me burping.

31st December 2011, 02:12 PM
Jaboo? you saw how I handled another member when he called me a liar?.......what should I had done? cursing him out?.........nawwwwww I simply what was the problem and that was it.............you only fight when your have the excuse to fight and not the reason to fight........as the US is doing with Iran.................

31st December 2011, 02:15 PM
I hereby nominate Gaillo for the "Best mod in the whole freakin' universe, for all time", award. :cool:

No, only for one month! ;)

31st December 2011, 02:17 PM
l think the inter-member axe to grind threads should be moved to a private members only area.

It would do two things. Defuse the situation, and shield potential new members from wondering what kind of freak show is going on here.


I would do:

Ban 1 - Three days.
Ban 2 - 2 weeks.
Ban 3 - 1 month
Ban 4 - You have to plead your case to the moderators via email, then apologize to the forum, and members involved, as your first post if allowed back. The apology thread would be considred a ban hammer zone.

Subsequent time outs are a 1 month ban, and repeat ban #4.

That's how I would roll. Nothing is forever, but you have to prove yourself, and hopefully improve yourself in the process.

That would be fair.

31st December 2011, 02:23 PM
Bring back the dog, 30 day ban in effect (until midnight, new years eve 2012) then pardoned with full amnesty.

31st December 2011, 02:27 PM
Jaboo? you saw how I handled another member when he called me a liar?.......what should I had done? cursing him out?.........nawwwwww I simply what was the problem and that was it.............you only fight when your have the excuse to fight and not the reason to fight........as the US is doing with Iran.................

Tell them to take a nice long roller coaster ride on a big fat sloppy donkey dick.

Much more effective and entertaining than "fu you fin pos!!"

31st December 2011, 02:59 PM
Bring back the dog, 30 day ban in effect (until midnight, new years eve 2012) then pardoned with full amnesty.

bump... bump dammit!!!

31st December 2011, 03:05 PM
I guess the offending post was deleted (?) I did not see anything in that thread worth banning for, but . . . I am late to the drama.

Oooh I have an idea! Put a breathalyzer on dogman's keyboard, and if he blows over .08, don't let him type!

Everyone should know not to call, text, or type (super-duper-regrettably) drunk. :)

31st December 2011, 03:09 PM
I guess the offending post was deleted (?) I did not see anything in that thread worth banning for, but . . . I am late to the drama.

Oooh I have an idea! Put a breathalyzer on dogman's keyboard, and if he blows over .08, don't let him type!

Everyone should know not to call, text, or type (super-duper-regrettably) drunk. :)

That's what Sunday night chat is for ;)

31st December 2011, 03:11 PM
I guess the offending post was deleted (?) I did not see anything in that thread worth banning for, but . . . I am late to the drama.

No I must of missed that part too..........

Maybe he just needs one of these for a while..........

31st December 2011, 04:19 PM
LOL Serpo, looks to me like the dog want's to be a member of GSUS........be here, say nothing hahahahahhaahah.

31st December 2011, 05:22 PM
I did not vote......

Banning members for their speech is far from something i would promote. No matter how vulgar it may be, or no matter who may be offended. If people are free to speak their mind, it is more likely they will come in contact with people who will disagree, which will lead to the great human experience called 'communicating'.

Only through communicating can we learn from our own mistakes and misguided opinions. I truly believe that all speech is valuable, ESPECIALLY the unpopular speech.

Im not even a fan of Dogman, or an enemy. But i do think that using the label of 'personal attacks' is just another way of censoring what the individual has to say in regard to the collective.

I also realize that JQP is the owner, and therefore in a free and open society, has the right to control who uses his services.

PEACE to all......

31st December 2011, 05:27 PM
Okay... can someone please post the offending statement or whatever he did to deserve a perma ban? WTF

31st December 2011, 05:37 PM
I don't know what he said, but I like Dogman. I want him back.

31st December 2011, 05:48 PM
This community is too small to throw out people who get drunk and act the fool. I say bring him back.

31st December 2011, 06:41 PM
Perma ban for drunk posting?

Seems excessive to me.

I understand the prior warnings, but what was said has bubbling over for the past few weeks.

I could see one week tops.

31st December 2011, 06:43 PM
This community is too small to throw out people who get drunk and act the fool.

Considering the mood of the public, I'm surprised we are as small as we are.

31st December 2011, 06:57 PM
Put him in stocks in the middle of town square. Throw rotten vegetables at him, then let him come back.

31st December 2011, 07:09 PM
Looks like he'll be back. Might as well bring him back now and get our drink on.

31st December 2011, 08:13 PM
Looks like he'll be back. Might as well bring him back now and get our drink on.

Hey... no double posting! ;)

1970 silver art
31st December 2011, 08:32 PM
I say bring back Dogman. Just my 2 cents worth.

31st December 2011, 08:41 PM
I'm not super drunk but I'm buzzed and dammit I DEMAND dogman be freed IMMEDIATELY.

Happy New Years!

Bring back the dogman!

Let freedom ring!

31st December 2011, 08:58 PM
I'm not super drunk but I'm buzzed and dammit I DEMAND dogman be freed IMMEDIATELY.

Happy New Years!

Bring back the dogman!

Let freedom ring!

Make him beg for forgiveness like he demanded from Magnes.

31st December 2011, 09:01 PM
Officially 2012 in the U.S.A.
The dog is free!!!

(After a 30 day kenneling quarantine...)

31st December 2011, 09:29 PM
I'm not super drunk but I'm buzzed and dammit I DEMAND dogman be freed IMMEDIATELY.

Happy New Years!

Bring back the dogman!

Let freedom ring!

You mean "Let freedom bark?"

1st January 2012, 03:37 AM

1st January 2012, 06:00 AM
I am in the same camp as Sui Juris. I did not vote. Not my place. And I do believe in free and open speech as well as having a reasonable environment for all to bring value, concerns or observations to each other.

I did agree with Gaillo's response to Dogman with the firm warning about losing self-control... whether alcohol or anything else. We all need to take that to heart in these perilous times. We have a beast laying down laws in every fiber of our society and it will strike the moment we become less than blameless. We all need to be careful in words and deeds.

Old Herb Lady
1st January 2012, 09:01 AM
Well I must be residing in the same campground as Spectrism as Sui Juris.
Damned if you do & damned if you don't anyways.
Take sides / don't take sides. Pffffft. Where's zat gonna getchoo. NO where me thinks.
Just stand for what's right but who knows who's right, or who's wrong ?
Nobody knows but those that know.

Happy New Year & that means be happy.

1st January 2012, 09:08 AM
Well I must be residing in the same campground as Spectrism as Sui Juris.
Damned if you do & damned if you don't anyways.
Take sides / don't take sides. Pffffft. Where's zat gonna getchoo. NO where me thinks.
Just stand for what's right but who knows who's right, or who's wrong ?
Nobody knows but those that know.

Happy New Year & that means be happy.

If you are in the Appalachians, I wish I was in your camp. Besides, it would be nice to have a like-minded and armed friends nearby.

1st January 2012, 09:35 AM
Good luck Dogman!

2nd January 2012, 07:08 AM
"Freedom means putting up with stuff that pisses you off."
Frank Zappa

2nd January 2012, 07:12 AM
Looks like I missed all of the fun ;_;, I'm not going back to search his posts that would be rude of me. I don't vote so I'm not voting. Anyway, I'm goin to get some bacon, want anything?

3rd January 2012, 06:47 AM
I didn't vote as I find myself agreeing with Sui Juris' post. I don't care for the ban of Dogman or Book for that matter.

You either believe in free speech or you don't. The only time free speech needs to come in question is when words are used to bring actual harm to the membership here. As in "make bombs by using so and so, then head to the local PD!" - that kind of bad stuff.

Gaillo, Book has every right to call you out - you did write that post a while back about "not liking him and he knows it" - banning book for his post is bad form, IMO.

As much as I've accused JK of working the forum I have yet to call for his banning.

Dogman messed up badly, AGAIN. By banning it is swept under the rug as I see it. Let him face his music the morning after. Not get forgotten because it happened a month in the past.

3rd January 2012, 07:29 AM
The only time free speech needs to come in question is when words are used to bring actual harm to the membership here. As in "make bombs by using so and so, then head to the local PD!" - that kind of bad stuff.

Yeah that, and or calling most of the entire forum "shit" for example.

3rd January 2012, 07:43 AM
Dogman posts all kinds of nonsensical babble while drunk. He doesn't when he isn't. If he's breaking forum rules, the Mods or Admin will handle it.

Are we about done here?

3rd January 2012, 09:27 AM
The poll is closed?.........this is like when Ron Paul is winning......they close the poll hahahahahahahah.

Pluto, Pluto ra ra ra.