View Full Version : need some input from canadians

2nd January 2012, 01:07 PM
i just got off the phone with one of my friends who lives in northern ontario. he was ranting about people from quebec again.

every time i go to their resort in the summer, other guests - also canadians, are sometimes ranting about people from quebec as well.

my sister in law is from ontario, her whole family rants about people from quebec.

everyone i know from canada has a long list of why they don't like people from quebec. rude, know it alls, speak french and pretend they don't know english, etc.

so, is it that all people in canada as a general rule dislike people from quebec, or is it just people from ontario?

i'm trying to to figure this out, as my friend just went on an epic rant. he maintains that everyone hates them but won't admit it for pc reasons.

edit: another bitch i hear all the time is that you'll never advance in the military if you can't speak fluent french.

2nd January 2012, 01:28 PM
I lived and went to school in Canada back in '71 and '72. It was the same then. Quebecians or what ever you want to call them always felt oppressed because they were not of the English majortity. I don't know why they don't just get it over with and vote for an independant Quebec. Perhaps you can shed light on this. Is there some great amount of welfare they get from the rest of Canada that keeps them in the fold?

2nd January 2012, 02:40 PM

quebec is a " provincial israel "

crybabys if they don't get their way


2nd January 2012, 02:44 PM

quebec is a " provincial israel "

crybabys if they don't get their way


Tell us how you really feel, CG.

In all seriousness though, how would you feel about them striking out on their own? They do after all seem to be a seperate people, whith a seperate identity, hence the divisiveness.

old steel
2nd January 2012, 03:01 PM

quebec is a " provincial israel "

crybabys if they don't get their way



2nd January 2012, 03:01 PM

quebec is a " provincial israel "

crybabys if they don't get their way


okay, this is what i'm talking about. this is the exact same reaction i get from my friends + sister in law. but then they never expound on it. and when i ask them to, they get all pissy like i should just know quebec sucks, and all i get is "people from quebec are assholes." can you elaborate?

3rd January 2012, 04:35 AM
but then they never expound on it. and when i ask them to, they get all pissy like i should just know quebec sucks, and all i get is "people from quebec are assholes."?

Exactly a bunch of morons that don't take 2 seconds to look at it from a different angle.

Media fed divide and conquer...

I used to think along the same lines.

They can be dicks to people from other provinces. Or if you don't speak french. Good thing I'm pretty fluent. I've had the dirty looks when they see my Ontario license plates.

I kinda respect their shitty attitude towards the rest of Canada.

If I had time to elaborate I would.

I had some interesting convesations this past summer while in Quebec with my Grandfather.

I actually like it quite a bit there. If I had a good job lined up I'd move there in a heart beat.

3rd January 2012, 08:04 AM
I run into very few people from Quebec out here on the west coast, but those that I have met generally fit the description in the op.
They already seem seperate from the rest of Canada in several ways. Red seal certification for trades are recognized everywhere except
Quebec, they have there own gov't pension plan, an assortment of other things such as contests, etc. not valid in Quebec, the attitude of
the people. I say let them go off on their own, then change all the packaging and labelling to English only.

3rd January 2012, 08:20 AM
Since the Quebec separatist position is that they basically want to be "released" from the rest of the country, wouldn't that be the expected response from the rest of the country? Screw 'em, right?

I've only been there a couple of times, but as an American, I was definitely made to feel like an intruder. They didn't refuse my money though.

3rd January 2012, 09:07 AM
as an American, I was definitely made to feel like an intruder

The legal term is "alien" and you are one.

Of aliens there are but two classes: friend and enemy.

If they didn't kill you then you must have been treated as a "friend".

By the way, there is no "illegal" class in aliens.

3rd January 2012, 09:09 AM
The Iowa flag has a background of red, white and blue.

This comes from recognition of the Louisiana purchase of territory from the French Republic.

3rd January 2012, 10:03 AM
The legal term is "alien" and you are one.

Of aliens there are but two classes: friend and enemy.

If they didn't kill you then you must have been treated as a "friend".

By the way, there is no "illegal" class in aliens.

"Alien" I could live with, because as you say, I am one. But "intruder" implies an unwelcome threat. Big difference. I don't define friendly as "someone who doesn't kill me." And I'm a Bostonian! ;)

3rd January 2012, 10:11 AM
so, why are all the laws different in quebec? it's just a province, aren't tey subject to the same laws as all of the other provinces?

3rd January 2012, 10:13 AM
"Alien" I could live with, because as you say, I am one. But "intruder" implies an unwelcome threat. Big difference. I don't define friendly as "someone who doesn't kill me."

I wonder how you consider "intruder" to be defined?

INTRUDER. One who, on the death of the ancestor, enters on the land, unlawfully, before the heir can enter.

And I'm a Bostonian! ;)
My word! A Finian!

3rd January 2012, 10:18 AM
I wonder how you consider "intruder" to be defined?

An unsolicited threat crossing a geographical or physical boundary.

And that's how I felt.

3rd January 2012, 10:21 AM
so, why are all the laws different in quebec? it's just a province, aren't tey subject to the same laws as all of the other provinces?

For one of French extraction the civil laws of France (coutomes de Paris) still apply.

This is true in Iowa being part of the Louisana Purchase.

The common law of England applies to those of English extraction.

We carry our laws with us at all times.

3rd January 2012, 10:23 AM
An unsolicited threat crossing a geographical or physical boundary.

And that's how I felt.

There is a virtual boundary when dealing with peoples of different nations. Their laws are not yours and ignorance becomes important. For the life of me I don't see the necessity of becoming "domestic" with every mothers son on the planet.

3rd January 2012, 11:51 AM
There is a virtual boundary when dealing with peoples of different nations. Their laws are not yours and ignorance becomes important. For the life of me I don't see the necessity of becoming "domestic" with every mothers son on the planet.

I didn't have that feeling in Ontario.

3rd January 2012, 11:57 AM
Beckers can be a bit like blacks.

They're OK when one-on-one -- outside of Quebec; but when they are in larger numbers they start to have a tribal mentality and can start to get ignorant -- but not all of them. If you are in their "Motherland", the ignorance can go full-scale.

It's true, you can only go so high in the military without speaking French. It's the case more so for the officers. NCM's can actually go quite high w/o speaking it.

3rd January 2012, 12:25 PM
Tell us how you really feel, CG.

In all seriousness though, how would you feel about them striking out on their own? They do after all seem to be a seperate people, whith a seperate identity, hence the divisiveness.

Canada has to put up with this 2 language BS
but the quebec signage laws are not exactly equal

Speaking out: Quebec's debate over language laws (http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2009/10/22/f-quebec-language-laws-bill-101.html)

i'd love to see quebec seperate and go it's own way
and a year later when quebec comes begging to be a part of Canada again

the rest of Canada may send them a big " FUCK YOU "

3rd January 2012, 06:56 PM
the rest of Canada may send them a big " FUCK YOU "

I kind of wish they had separated in '95 -- good riddance.