View Full Version : Great caucus news

3rd January 2012, 12:46 PM

Snip.....Paul took a small private plane to his five Iowa stops on Monday, making it impossible for reporters, none of whom were similarly equipped, to follow. It was a revealing glimpse into his campaign's final preparations: While his fellow frontrunners hoped for as much attention as possible, Paul was trying to avoid being noticed

The event's emcee, local Tea Party activist Judd Saul, asked how many in the crowd were registered Republicans. Virtually all the hands went up. Then he asked how many were registered Republicans six months ago -- about three-quarters. And how many were Democrats before that? About a third.

Perhaps the biggest wild card in tonight's caucus calculation is Paul's army of non-traditional caucus voters. His campaign has spent the last four years building up its ranks, and is said to have tens of thousands signed up to storm the caucuses. They have a captain for every one of Iowa's 1,700 precincts, and each precinct captain has a computer with vote-tracking software.

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Rasmussen on Fox - Polls may not be accurate.

Rasmussen was on fox not too long ago talking about how polls may not be accurate and that Ron Paul could win. He mentioned that Ron Paul is expanding the voter base which is very hard to do and only has been done by two people in the past; one of those people being Obama.

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Rick Santorum's Nephew Comes Out as a Ron Paul Supporter

Rick Santorum's nephew, 19-year-old University of Pittsburgh student John Garver, wrote an op-ed in The Daily Caller today (http://dailycaller.com/2012/01/03/the-trouble-with-my-uncle-rick-santorum/#ixzz1iQSIKsxH) urging readers to vote for, who else, Ron Paul. We wouldn't say his rhetoric exactly makes this one of the five best columns we've read today (http://www.theatlanticwire.com/posts/todays-best/), but we find his urge to publicly, vehemently support Paul on the internet rather indicative of just how passionate Paul's typically young, web-savvy following (http://www.theatlanticwire.com/politics/2011/12/guide-weird-ron-paul-collectibles/46476/) can get: His uncle is actively running against Paul in Iowa this very moment, but Garver couldn't just stay quiet for the sake of a peaceful Thanksgiving dinner in 2012 or even just comment voluminously on web articles like his fellow Paul-supporters. Garver writes that he's drawn to Paul for his defense of personal liberty and isolationist foreign policy, writing, "My uncle’s interventionist policies, both domestic and foreign, stem from his irrational fear of freedom not working." There's not much to indicate just how close he is with his uncle (we're guessing not very...) but a disclaimer at the bottom notes that he "is a strong supporter of Ron Paul despite his love for family member Rick Santorum." Great, well that should smooth over any potential tensions at the next family reunion, eh?


3rd January 2012, 12:47 PM
uh-oh. small planes.

3rd January 2012, 01:00 PM
I like that his son is appearing with him and speaking on his behalf!

I think the Fox Newsies actually like Rand!

I'm getting very hopeful!

3rd January 2012, 01:01 PM
uh-oh. small planes.


If Paul gets Wellstone'd I think we fast track the civil unrest.

3rd January 2012, 01:06 PM

If Paul gets Wellstone'd I think we fast track the civil unrest.

You got that straight brother!

midnight rambler
3rd January 2012, 01:09 PM
'Small plane' could include a King Air* which is by far one of the safest aircraft there is - short of being shot down by a directed energy weapon.


*Wellstone was flying in a King Air A100 - if someone is bent on assassination there's no stopping them; Dr. Paul doesn't have SS protection yet, does he?

3rd January 2012, 01:24 PM
Ron Paul caucus day anti-Mitty radio ad. The player is at the link w/ an article.


3rd January 2012, 01:30 PM
I can only hope that they have at least 2 smart guards on that plane at ALL time while on the ground......

General of Darkness
3rd January 2012, 01:31 PM
When does the Iowa voting open and close?

3rd January 2012, 01:34 PM
most of them start around 7pm and last 2 hours or so. i once went to one that lasted maybe 15 minutes. our whole neighborhood voted for forbes.

3rd January 2012, 01:49 PM
most of them start around 7pm and last 2 hours or so. i once went to one that lasted maybe 15 minutes. our whole neighborhood voted for forbes.
Could you go into more detail about the whole process? I'm a little fuzzy on it. Is each caucus small enough that all the voters kind of gather together in a group and tally up their votes? Then each one sends them to the county, which sends them to the state?

3rd January 2012, 01:53 PM
the ones i've gone to, you voted on pieces of paper, and once we voted by a show of hands. my mom went to one once where she reported that you went and sat underneath a sign with your candidates name on it. all of the ones i've gone to were people giving speeches or trying to tell why you should pick one candidate or the other, and then after 2 hours or so, you "voted." not sure of what happens after they tally the votes though. the place you go to for the voting is done by neighborhood so to speak.

this is why i don't understand the recent talk about "hacking" the results. i've never seen a machine at a caucus, ever.

last one i went to was when bush 2 was running for his first term, so maybe they changed things. palani should know, he's from iowa.

the forbes one i referenced was kind of neat. basically everyone in the neighborhood was for forbes, so it was over right away- we didn't even do anything really.

3rd January 2012, 02:00 PM
So in this 2 hour process, could be a number of psychosocial tactics used to sway people's votes, for example peer pressure or similar? I'm thinking of like a jury foreman which kind of guides the jury to come to a decision.

3rd January 2012, 02:01 PM
i guess. it was all pretty boring. i never saw anything dazzling happen. basically everyone has their mind made up before they go.

the feeling i get from all of my family this year is that they all kind of like ron paul, but fox new, hannity, and limbaugh told them he can't win, so they better go vote for romney or else obama is going to take their house away.

3rd January 2012, 02:25 PM
The scene outside the Carrol, Iowa caucus meeting place. And they're all RP supporters so I am told.


midnight rambler
3rd January 2012, 02:27 PM
The scene outside the Carrol, Iowa caucus meeting place. And they're all RP supporters so I am told.


looks like a bunch of teenage girls

3rd January 2012, 02:28 PM
looks like a bunch of teenage girls
They do, which is surprising. Generally turnout for young people is low.

3rd January 2012, 02:35 PM
Just ran into this little nugget.


Former CIA agent Michael Scheuer endorses Ron Paul (http://caucuses.desmoinesregister.com/2012/01/03/former-cia-agent-michael-scheuer-endorses-ron-paul/)

Michael Scheuer, the CIA’s former agent charged with tracking Osama bin Laden, endorsed Ron Paul in a Sunday column he published on his website (http://ronpaul2012.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9b8827e2d9e8f8bf88bfe6fcb&id=68459b47a6&e=1895eb8349).
In the piece, Scheuer said: “Electing anyone but Ron Paul will further increase the already strong chances of widespread Islamist-conducted violence inside the United States.”

“Michael Scheuer understands that only Dr. Paul will put our national security first and stop the foreign wars and nation building,” said Jesse Benton, national campaign chairman. “Our campaign is very proud to have his support.”
Scheuer spent 22 years as a CIA intelligence officer, and is now a blogger and political analyst who serves as an adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s Center for Peace and Security Studies.

He served as chief of the Osama bin Laden tracking unit at the Counterterrorist Center from 1996 to 1999. He also worked as a special adviser to the chief of the bin Laden unit from September 2001 to November 2004.

3rd January 2012, 03:34 PM
3 months ago. Michael is a thorn in the Zionist NeoCon's ass.



3rd January 2012, 04:30 PM
Yep...he's a racist! lolol. This guy, RP's press secretary, handles the interview perfectly.


3rd January 2012, 04:39 PM
NBC just had a pie chart up showing Iowans most important trait in a candidate

MSM's favorite buzzword 'electibility' came in at a meager 7%

Winston Smith
3rd January 2012, 04:45 PM

there is a poll here...--

3rd January 2012, 05:05 PM
Paul took a small private plane

That's one way to avoid the

Thugs in