View Full Version : All is well my friends

4th January 2012, 08:34 AM
AS of right now the field just got narrowed by two, Bachmann and Perry are out and snewty is limping in. Sanitorium hasn't been vetted yet and when he's scrutinized he's done, not to mention he can't raise $. There are TWO debates this weekend, Fri and Sat w/ the NH primary on the 10th.

It's a whole new game folks and now is NOT the time to get discouraged, now is the time to get active and fight the machine from within the machine, what do we have to lose? See the "exclusive" post, being a mittens kinda guy might not be all that bad ;)

4th January 2012, 08:36 AM
So now that Ron Paul is in the top 3, does that mean he will get significant debate time?

4th January 2012, 08:37 AM
so now that ron paul is in the top 3, does that mean he will get significant debate time?


Thanks for the laugh! :)

4th January 2012, 08:39 AM
AS of right now the field just got narrowed by two, Bachmann and Perry are out and snewty is limping in. Sanitorium hasn't been vetted yet and when he's scrutinized he's done, not to mention he can't raise $. There are TWO debates this weekend, Fri and Sat w/ the NH primary on the 10th.

It's a whole new game folks and now is NOT the time to get discouraged, now is the time to get active and fight the machine from within the machine, what do we have to lose? See the "exclusive" post, being a mittens kinda guy might not be all that bad ;)

Thanks for the encouragement! I'm slighty disgusted today. :(

4th January 2012, 08:47 AM
I know dude, hell I was hoping for a decisive win but it ain't the end of the line either, in no such stretch of the imagination.

Twisted Titan
4th January 2012, 08:47 AM
Anyone got michelle bachmans consession speech?

4th January 2012, 08:48 AM
Get ready for the headlines for the next few primaries given a three-way race:

Romney Edges Out Santorum For Near Win!

Paul wins primary, edges out Romney 52-31%


4th January 2012, 08:51 AM
what no one is talking about is that after the caucus was over in each place last night, then they elected the delegates who are going to cast the real votes. the kicker, the delegates have no binding rule making them vote for whoever won. ron paul people hung around after the vote last night and got elected to many of those positions. so, even though romney may have won a county...the person that got elected to cast the vote at the convention was a ron paul person.

4th January 2012, 09:00 AM
well, well, well, i take that back. apparently people ARE talking about it.


4th January 2012, 09:12 AM
All is not well, we are going down, the entire Western World.

War on Christians, War on Western Man, War on European Man.

War on you !

That is what is going on.

We are nowhere near a bottom.

It is all Jews warring on you.
If anyone on this forum doesn't understand this
by now, they are clueless, on gim we were not
wrong about anything and ended up here to
tell the truth. The entire truth is all over this forum,
you can also find it in my threads opened if you are
new. It is all there. Police State JewSA.

And some people here need to be reminded why we
are being trolled and messed with.

4th January 2012, 09:17 AM
Just as there is a war on us there is also a war on them.

Telling the truth here is a good thing, unfortunately it doesn't get anything accomplished.

4th January 2012, 09:23 AM
At this point it becomes just a fundraising effort to destroy Sanatorium. So I think the key thing will be Paul's money bombs.

4th January 2012, 09:26 AM
Just as there is a war on us there is also a war on them.

Telling the truth here is a good thing, unfortunately it doesn't get anything accomplished.

I remember at school being on the web researching sites for travel,
nobody had internet back then, except maybe aol,
Back then I was reading Forbes and paying for it even though I had
no money, I believed Forbes and all his lies, late 90's, big motherfucking
lies, FED and Gold related, I was also for bombing the Serbs, swallowed
the lies, only in a few years from sites for travel to reading antiwar and
learning about the NeoCons even before 9/11, my experience is the
experience of the many, just in the last 5 years we have seen huge changes
and awakenings. In another 10 years there will be nobody out there that
can play stupid with a straight face.

We can do something, we have, get involved, join another forum spread
the truth, join an org, do something, I have, pick up the phone, write some
snail mail, stay anonymous where you can, protect yourselves, your privacy,
be smart, crypto enemies everywhere, even on these forums. Get out of the
cities if you can or at the least go to suburbia, prep, and get ready.

I personally believe it will be a slow burn to the bottom.

4th January 2012, 09:28 AM
I remember at school being on the web researching sites for travel.
Back then I was reading Forbes and paying for it even though I had
no money, I believed Forbes and all his lies, late 90's, big motherfucking
lies, FED and Gold related, I was also for bombing the Serbs, swallowed
the lies, only in a few years from sites for travel to reading antiwar and
learning about the NeoCons even before 9/11, my experience is the
experience of the many, just in the last 5 years we have seen huge changes
and awakenings. In another 10 years there will be nobody out there that
can play stupid with a straight face.

We can do something, we have, get involved, join another forum spread
the truth, join an org, do something, I have, pick up the phone, write some
snail mail, stay anonymous where you can, protect yourselves, your privacy,
be smart, crypto enemies everywhere, even on these forums. Get out of the
cities if you can or at the least go to suburbia, prep, and get ready. I personally
believe it will be a slow burn to the bottom.

i can beat you. i was actually campaigning for forbes in 1996-ish. shudder.

4th January 2012, 09:39 AM
i can beat you. i was actually campaigning for forbes in 1996-ish. shudder.

Forbes is the biggest maggot that ever existed, a text book example
of how disinformation works, it does not matter if his magazine is 99%
good and truth, on the big issues for the FED he was the biggest shill
and liar that ever existed, he had a huge influence on business, I have
mentioned a few times his lies and shilling on gold, FED, inflation, etc.
Where did all that gold go ? At that price ? Rothchild. Before us and
before gim, there was people that identified the inflating, the lies,
the manufactured bubbles, they were buying silver and gold at ridiculous
cheap prices, those people are not even around to post anymore, people
like that joined the original gim and started the gold sites exposing the FED.
Those people were a lot smarter than us, real leaders, and I strongly suspect
they knew the truth because they were students of who the Jews were,
reading "eccentrics" like Eustace Mullins, " the greatest antisemite that ever existed ".

4th January 2012, 10:00 AM
Santorum...Santorum...Santorum! That's all we're hearing on the MSM as the right wingers defend Santorum against every attack from the left. Like a bat out of hell, Santorum suddenly appears a contender in Iowa, the MSM engaged in a full court press pumping his candidacy, his name everywhere. Call me paranoid, but I smell a rat. Santorum has been inserted into this race as a covert spoiler, to siphon votes from Paul and act as a foil for Romney who is really their guy. The plan is to take the steam out of Ron Paul's campaign. Then at the right moment, Santorum will be taken down by yellow journalist hit pieces and his own flawed rhetoric; and Romney will be hailed as the GOP clear choice to beat Obama.

4th January 2012, 10:02 AM
romney and palin versus obama and hillary. that's their wet dream.

4th January 2012, 10:10 AM
Santorum...Santorum...Santorum! That's all we're hearing on the MSM as the right wingers defend Santorum against every attack from the left. Like a bat out of hell, Santorum suddenly appears a contender in Iowa, the MSM engaged in a full court press pumping his candidacy, his name everywhere. Call me paranoid, but I smell a rat. Santorum has been inserted into this race as a covert spoiler, to siphon votes from Paul and act as a foil for Romney who is really their guy. The plan is to take the steam out of Ron Paul's campaign. Then at the right moment, Santorum will be taken down by yellow journalist hit pieces and his own flawed rhetoric; and Romney will be hailed as the GOP clear choice to beat Obama.

I agree in your assessment for the most part. But....there's always a but.

Now it's Sanitoriums turn under the light of scrutiny and he has lots of splainin' to do, lots. Not to mention Paul is not just going to roll over, with every day and debate that occurs RP gets bolder and bolder, more focused and a little more cavalier. I don't think Ron Paul is in any way misguided that this election is anything less than them vs us, he knows Sani is their patsy and that Rommy is their chosen one.

4th January 2012, 10:22 AM
Romney will win, they'll steal the election. They just can't have a Ron Paul presidency.

4th January 2012, 10:37 AM
Ron Paul was just assassinated by them.

That is the power they have.

If Ron Paul is not the candidate, they will finagle this to an Obama win.

This is how I am reading all this.

Short of some nominee they can sell to people like Petraeus
coming in late, Obama is the next President again, DieBold says so,
he is totally in their pocked and blackmailed to death already.

Their blatancy has not gone unnoticed, that's the good thing.

4th January 2012, 10:40 AM
I agree in your assessment for the most part. But....there's always a but.

Now it's Sanitoriums turn under the light of scrutiny and he has lots of splainin' to do, lots. Not to mention Paul is not just going to roll over, with every day and debate that occurs RP gets bolder and bolder, more focused and a little more cavalier. I don't think Ron Paul is in any way misguided that this election is anything less than them vs us, he knows Sani is their patsy and that Rommy is their chosen one.

Rick Santorum’s Top 10 Most Outrageous Campaign Statements (http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2012/01/04/397355/rick-santorums-top-10-most-outrageous-campaign-statements/)

snip c/o wrh


4th January 2012, 10:58 AM
It will be interesting to see how the polls change after yesterday's Iowa caucus. Most recent polling averages in NH:

Romney 41%
Paul 18%
Gingrich 13%
Huntsman 10%
Santorum 4%
Bachman 4%
Perry 2%

The big "winner" in NH will be whoever comes in 2nd to Romney. Also significant: 1) Is there one clear runner-up, or are the runner-up votes split amongst 2 or 3 candidates. 2) Does Romney win by 20%, 15%, or 10%.

4th January 2012, 11:03 AM
Washington, DC – Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) released its second annual report on the most corrupt members of Congress entitled Beyond DeLay: The 20 Most Corrupt Members of Congress (and five to watch). This encyclopedic report on corruption in the 109th Congress documents the egregious, unethical and possibly illegal activities of the most tainted members of Congress. CREW has compiled the members’ transgressions and analyzed them in light of federal laws and congressional rules.
Two members have been removed from last year’s list of 13. Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-CA) is now serving an eight-year jail term for bribery and Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH) has agreed to plead guilty to crimes that will likely result in a minimum two-year prison term.
CREW has also re-launched the report’s tandem website, www.beyonddelay.org. The site offers short summaries of each member’s transgressions as well as the full-length profiles and all accompanying exhibits.
CREW’s Most Corrupt Members of Congress:
Members of the Senate:

Conrad Burns (R-MT)
Bill Frist (R-TN)
Rick Santorum (R-PA)

http://www.crewsmostcorrupt.org/mostcorrupt/entry/past-reports 2006

4th January 2012, 11:24 AM
It will be interesting to see how the polls change after yesterday's Iowa caucus. Most recent polling averages in NH:

Romney 41%
Paul 18%
Gingrich 13%
Huntsman 10%
Santorum 4%
Bachman 4%
Perry 2%

The big "winner" in NH will be whoever comes in 2nd to Romney. Also significant: 1) Is there one clear runner-up, or are the runner-up votes split amongst 2 or 3 candidates. 2) Does Romney win by 20%, 15%, or 10%.
Why is Romney so far ahead in NH?

4th January 2012, 11:30 AM

Joe King
4th January 2012, 11:53 AM
Forbes is the biggest maggot that ever existed,And if I'd tried telling you that back then, you'd have gotten just as mad at me then as you do now. lol
ie you've changed, I haven't.

Before us and before gim, there was people that identified the inflating, the lies, the manufactured bubbles,Hello!

they were buying silver and gold at ridiculous cheap prices, those people are not even around to post anymore, people like that joined the original gim and started the gold sites exposing the FED.
Those people were a lot smarter than us,Us? You got a mouse* in yer pocket, or what? lol
...and I hope you're not including me in your "us" that you say you belong to. Sounds gang-ish, to me.

* no offense intended towards Mouse here on the forum

4th January 2012, 12:00 PM
well, well, well, i take that back. apparently people ARE talking about it.


You know the Blaze is owned by Glenn Beck right? His girl was Bachman until last night, now he loves Santorum. I just heard Beck defending Santorum for "wanting to take his child home for a proper burial rather than have him thrown into the hospital incinerator". I can only imagine he's referencing how Santorum (not to be crude) took his dead baby home, had his kids hug and kiss it, take family photos of it and sing songs. WTF :o

4th January 2012, 12:01 PM
Ron Paul ties for first in Iowa delegates per CNN estimate



4th January 2012, 12:01 PM
Why is Romney so far ahead in NH?

former gov. of Taxachewsetts.

4th January 2012, 12:07 PM
Ron Paul ties for first in Iowa delegates per CNN estimate



That means it was a statistical tie! Someone should keep tabs on the delegate count.

4th January 2012, 12:09 PM
You know the Blaze is owned by Glenn Beck right? His girl was Bachman until last night, now he loves Santorum. I just heard Beck defending Santorum for "wanting to take his child home for a proper burial rather than have him thrown into the hospital incinerator". I can only imagine he's referencing how Santorum (not to be crude) took his dead baby home, had his kids hug and kiss it, take family photos of it and sing songs. WTF :o

yeah, i know. when i posted it, it was the only info i could find. it's all over the net now.

4th January 2012, 12:13 PM
That means it was a statistical tie! Someone should keep tabs on the delegate count.

Exactly EE! So much for all the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

4th January 2012, 12:14 PM
And if I'd tried telling you that back then, you'd have gotten just as mad at me then as you do now. lol
ie you've changed, I haven't.

[ learning is just learning, I did learn did I not ]


[ Halo , yes you were one of the leaders here, no doubt, Old School, thank you ]

Us? You got a mouse* in yer pocket, or what? lol
...and I hope you're not including me in your "us" that you say you belong to. Sounds gang-ish, to me.

* no offense intended towards Mouse here on the forum


How you been ?

Haplophyte was actually a productive poster,
then he became a troll when we were outing
the Jews, he flipped out in a thread where
all the best wishes were being extended to
Eustace Mullins when he was in the hospital.

I always gave you credit where credit was do Agamemnon.

It's a friggin reunion on here, the way we once were.
Where is Large Sarge and PatColo. LOL !
I think Sarge was on to you.

And please accept my apologies Halo, JP was never as smart
as you, I suspected it was you, JP can't say anything other
than one liner snide remarks, a little more cutting than yours.

Mr King is quite the ladies man on here, who knew ? LOL

4th January 2012, 12:39 PM
I hope the delegate stats are correct...I'm seeing numbers all over the place. RP's site says 4?

4th January 2012, 12:44 PM
from the daily paul delegates forum:

Iowa has 25 delegates to award to candidates based on the caucusing results and 3 that are untied to a candidate, making for a total of 28 delegates. Keep that in mind for a second.

Look at the delegate totals for Iowa. Both Romney and Santorum received seven delegates for their tie. Gingrich and Perry both received two delegates a piece. Where did the other seven go? ...to Ron Paul.

ron paul is directly tied with romney and santorum in terms of delegates. the media is not reporting it because they are afraid it will fuel a huge paul surge in nh if people knew.

4th January 2012, 01:36 PM
Three NH Newspapers Endorse Ron Paul


Three New Hampshire newspapers endorsed Ron Paul for President on Wednesday, the Texas congressman’s campaign headquarters said in a press statement.
The Littleton Courier, Berlin Reporter, and Coos County Democrat all endorsed Paul for president in the 2012 election.
“Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has been in the lead for months,” wrote one of the op-eds, “but voters still seem desperate for an alternative. There’s always another candidate pulling stronger or almost as strong numbers in the polls. Voters have lost faith in Obama, but they are not sold on Romney to replace him. Congressman Ron Paul, however, has never voted to raise a tax and voted against all of the bailouts that have riled up Tea Partiers and Occupy Wall Streeters alike,” editors at these papers said.


4th January 2012, 02:09 PM
Breaking News!
Jan. 4, 2012
Three New Hampshire newspapers file for bankruptcy, The Littleton Courier, Berlin Reporter, and Coos County Democrat.
No reason was given why the announcment came so abruptly. Newspapers will be removed from circulation immediately.
A sad day in New Hampshire for all.

Article by Bernie Goldstein

4th January 2012, 05:29 PM
Breaking News!
Jan. 4, 2012
Three New Hampshire newspapers file for bankruptcy, The Littleton Courier, Berlin Reporter, and Coos County Democrat.
No reason was given why the announcment came so abruptly. Newspapers will be removed from circulation immediately.
A sad day in New Hampshire for all.

Article by Bernie Goldstein

WTF ? ???

If that's true, talk about TIMING! :o

4th January 2012, 05:38 PM
Breaking News!
Jan. 4, 2012
Three New Hampshire newspapers file for bankruptcy, The Littleton Courier, Berlin Reporter, and Coos County Democrat.
No reason was given why the announcment came so abruptly. Newspapers will be removed from circulation immediately.
A sad day in New Hampshire for all.

Article by Bernie Goldstein

Is this true? Linky please.

Old Herb Lady
4th January 2012, 05:42 PM
Breaking News!
Jan. 4, 2012
Three New Hampshire newspapers file for bankruptcy, The Littleton Courier, Berlin Reporter, and Coos County Democrat.
No reason was given why the announcment came so abruptly. Newspapers will be removed from circulation immediately.
A sad day in New Hampshire for all.

Article by Bernie Goldstein

Ha ha !!! Good one EE !

Joe King
4th January 2012, 05:43 PM
Is this true? Linky please.
C'mon, really?

4th January 2012, 05:46 PM

po boy
4th January 2012, 06:31 PM
All is not well, we are going down, the entire Western World.

War on Christians, War on Western Man, War on European Man.

War on you !

That is what is going on.

We are nowhere near a bottom.

It is all Jews warring on you.
If anyone on this forum doesn't understand this
by now, they are clueless, on gim we were not
wrong about anything and ended up here to
tell the truth. The entire truth is all over this forum,
you can also find it in my threads opened if you are
new. It is all there. Police State JewSA.

And some people here need to be reminded why we
are being trolled and messed with.

Dude "you don't know if you've been shot fucked powder burned or snake bit" and that's being real polite.

In english you aint got half a clue.

4th January 2012, 06:45 PM
Breaking News!
Jan. 4, 2012
Three New Hampshire newspapers file for bankruptcy, The Littleton Courier, Berlin Reporter, and Coos County Democrat.
No reason was given why the announcment came so abruptly. Newspapers will be removed from circulation immediately.
A sad day in New Hampshire for all.

Article by Bernie Goldstein

Am I the only one who can read the sarcasm between the lines without the http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS36_WFoz3HT9GSK1RS9O5ulpSAmfiA-cYpyiw0ZZ7SY9H7IkLo smiley?

EDIT: Ok, I'm not the only one, but come on folks, this is obviously a joke! And a good one too, EE_!

4th January 2012, 08:43 PM
Why is Romney so far ahead in NH?
A significant portion of New Hampshire residents are transplants from Massachusetts, where Romney was governor and makes his home residence. And he's more of a pragmatist, which is more palatable to that crowd. He also owns a summer home in New Hampshire.

The further north you go in New Hampshire, the more libertarian it gets, which is why Ron Paul is hanging tough with the rest of the field. Unfortunately though, as you go north, the population thins out dramatically.

4th January 2012, 09:06 PM
A significant portion of New Hampshire residents are transplants from Massachusetts, where Romney was governor and makes his home residence. And he's more of a pragmatist, which is more palatable to that crowd. He also owns a summer home in New Hampshire.

The further north you go in New Hampshire, the more libertarian it gets, which is why Ron Paul is hanging tough with the rest of the field. Unfortunately though, as you go north, the population thins out dramatically.

So you're saying New Hampshire doesn't give a rats ass about what's good for the country...only what they can get for New Hampshire?

4th January 2012, 10:03 PM
So you're saying New Hampshire doesn't give a rats ass about what's good for the country...only what they can get for New Hampshire?

More like 80% of them probably don't know what's good for the country. And that's better than the 90% in most states. Ron Paul is polling 19% in NH, 9% in South Carolina, and 7% in Florida. Which of those three states gives the most rat's ass about the country?

4th January 2012, 10:06 PM