View Full Version : Brokered convention

4th January 2012, 12:42 PM
Yesterday, BabushkaLady posted (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?57629-EXCLUSIVE-Ron-Paul-May-Have-Just-Secretly-Won-Iowa&p=502830&viewfull=1#post502830) an article which talked about details in the way delegates are assigned in this republican primary.

I think it's important that everyone understand it. In 2010 the republican party changed the rules on how delegates are assigned to a proportional basis. No longer, in most states, is it winner-take-all.

The key thing to realize is that if no single candidate gets more than 50% of the delegates, we have a situation that is known as a brokered convention (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brokered_convention). In that case all delegates are released from their pledged candidate and can vote for anyone.

So lets look at Iowa's results for example:
Romney 7
Santorum 7
Paul 7
Gingrich 2
Perry 2

If the convention is brokered, you can expect the Gingrich and Perry delegates to choose someone other than RP.

So we can see that as long as the race is split between enough people, no one will get over 50% of the votes and it will be brokered.

Please read the article for more details:

One interesting thing though is that even in states where delegates are compelled to vote for someone, it still pays for RP supporters to be in those positions. The reason is that if the convention is brokered, they can change their vote.

4th January 2012, 01:21 PM
Speaking of Iowa.

Ok I'm writing this so that once and for all, people understand what happened with the delegate process last night in Iowa.

It is a tiered system of delegate weeding out.

1) Level One: Precinct level. At each precinct, as many delegates as you want can sign up. Needless to say at the precinct I was at, 70% of them were Ron Paul supporters.

2) Level Two: County level.
3) Level Three: District level.
4) Level Four: State Level.

At each of the next county, district, and state level, a weeding out process occurs by two things. a) Who wants to pay the fee to go to the next level and b) at some point you start to vote delegates ahead by forming coalitions.

For example, in 08 we joined forces with Huckabee and entirely blocked out McCain delegates.

5) Level Five: Republican National Convention.

When people say "delegates" this is what we are ACTUALLY talking about. At the state level we decide who gets to go to the RNC. We most likely won't get all the delegates, but I predict we will get way more than any other candidate. It will be MONTHS before we find any of this other stuff out, however because the county delegate meeting is in March.

So in summary: No delegates to the RNC were decided last night. Only delegates at the precinct level volunteered to work their way up the food chain to try go to the RNC, or to try get their buddies to go to the RNC.


4th January 2012, 01:47 PM

The comments at that link really cements how this works in Iowa. I would like to see how it works in the following states preferably before it happens.

4th January 2012, 02:19 PM
I wonder if this indicates there is an effort to keep more people in the race and split the vote (from drudge):


THERE WILL BE BLOOD... (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/04/us-usa-campaign-gingrich-idUSTRE8030CZ20120104)

Newt won't congratulate Mitt... (http://www.politico.com/blogs/burns-haberman/2012/01/newt-wont-congratulate-mitt-on-win-109590.html)

Floats possibility of anti-Romney alliance... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czBDm7qIOW0&feature=youtu.be)