View Full Version : James Turk - Gold is Great, But Silver is the Next Apple

6th January 2012, 02:10 PM
http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2012/1/5_James_Turk_-_Gold_is_Great%2C_But_Silver_is_the_Next_Apple.htm l

With 2012 off to a solid start, King World News wanted to do a gold & silver special with James Turk for KWN readers globally. All we can tell you is Turk came through in a very big way. Turk discussed gold, but let’s start off with what he had to say about silver: “Whenever I look at silver I keep going back to the wonderful blog piece you wrote on October 18th, titled, ‘Is Silver the Next Apple?’ That long-term chart of Apple conveys an important message. Despite five major corrections, over ten years, shares of Apple, nevertheless, rose 70 fold. If you were shaken out on any of those corrections, you would have missed one of greatest bull moves in history.”......linky

6th January 2012, 03:01 PM
the only reason silver is so easy for the manipulators to control is because it is a smaller market in terms of dollar volume.

the higher the price gets, the harder it is to control. that's why we had the 5 margin increases back in March / April - couldn't let silver get above $50.

which reminds me of Silver Art's prediction.

6th January 2012, 03:54 PM

Twisted Titan
6th January 2012, 04:01 PM
Those five margin hikes are the best possible move because all it is doing is shaking out the paper traders and you are left with the silver fundamentalist.

Those who dubbled down everytime the price got smacked.

Those will be the ones who wont sell for any price. Three figure Silver woll be a joke to them while The CRIMEX
will be holding emergeny meetings in washington that will rock markets around the world as they will be forced to admit The Emperor is Stark naked.

Hold on to your Silver Ticket......It will be the Ultimate Game Changer