View Full Version : Natural Cellular Zeolite Powder : Micronized

6th January 2012, 06:45 PM
Natural Cellular Zeolite Powder : Micronized - 1 pound


Natural Cellular Powdered Zeolite that we carry is of the highest quality micronized powdered zeolite, used by some MDs and felt by some researchers to be at least as powerful as the liquid when used in therapeutic quantities. It detoxifies and alkalinizes the whole body. Studies show that this form of zeolite activates the P21 enzyme in cancerous cells, and has potent anti-viral activity.
Zeolite is one of natures only negatively charged particles it is able to directly interact with the damaged cells and magnetically attract other floating debris. Heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic are extremely toxic to the body, and unfortunately are found everywhere in our society. Liquid zeolites are a very unique, complex structure that have a “honeycomb” shape. All these channels and cavities act as cages; trapping all these toxins inside of itself and then are eliminated from the body.
What we can say is that zeolite has a chelation-like effect in removing heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and other positively charged toxins from the system. Zeolites negatively charged crystalline structure is what makes this possible. Its crystals act as “cages,” inside of which are positive ions. These positive ions switch places with positively charged toxins in the body, tightly bind them, and excrete them completely. One of the benefits of binding toxins in this manner is that they are 100 percent excreted. Heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides all leave the system; they do not get deposited elsewhere in the body. Forty percent of zeolite binds heavy metals in the gastrointestinal tract, and 60 percent binds toxins in the bloodstream and at the cellular level. Zeolites binding power was proven during the Chernobyl disaster, when tons of it were used to remove radioactive cesium and strontium-90 before they contaminated local water systems. Acting primarily as a chelator, zeolite trapped these radioactive minerals within its crystalline cage structure.
Zeolite appears to remove toxins from the body in a hierarchical order. It first acts strongly to remove lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic. This first phase may take one to four weeks or longer. Zeolite then removes second-priority toxins, including pesticides, herbicides, and plastics. Zeolite appears to increase the rate of glucuronization in the liver, activating phase II of the glucuronidase function. This in turn removes pesticides, herbicides, and xeno-estrogens from the body, releasing them through the urine. Interestingly, it also appears to neutralize the aflatoxin poison.
A third function of zeolite is to trap pre-virus components, preventing the replication of viruses and their ability to make us sick. In this way, zeolite may play an important role as a broad-spectrum anti-viral. Viruses are produced in parts as on a production line, at the end of which the virus is fully constructed. Zeolite absorbs viral parts into the pores of the mirconized zeolite aggregates (not into the chelating-like cages described above). This explains why zeolite seems to block the development of many viral infections, including herpes virus 1, coxsachie virus B-5, ecco-virus 7, and adeno virus 5. Forty anecdotal cases of herpes zoster have reportedly been cured, with sufferers becoming pain-free in one to three days after beginning to take zeolite. Anecdotal testimony also reports that it is effective in alleviating or curing the flu, colds, hepatitis C, viral or heavy-metal induced multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Zeolite’s effect as an anti-viral appears to be a preventative function that builds up over time, beginning after approximately four to six weeks of use, when heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides have been mostly eliminated. There is anecdotal evidence, however, that in some cases its anti-viral effect seems to be immediate.
Zeolite also is a unique antioxidant. A traditional antioxidant works by absorbing excess free radicals into its system because it has an unpaired electron. In contrast, zeolite traps free radicals in its complex structure, inactivating and eliminating them. In this way, it acts as a complement to traditional antioxidants.
In addition, zeolite buffers the system towards slight alkalinity by establishing pH levels of 7.35 to 7.45, which is the optimum pH for the human body. The body’s pH level influences both immunity and brain function. An acid blood pH (7.34 or lower) creates a precondition for cancer. In an acid environment, brain cell function can also be impaired, causing depression, anxiety, stupor, paranoia, delusions, hallucinations, or even psychosis.
Zeolite also appears to balance the immune system , either up- or down-regulating it as needed. Although the precise mechanism for this is not entirely understood, this function is clearly very important in a world in which most people's immune systems are seriously compromised.
Because zeolite so powerfully removes various types of toxins from the body, it naturally increases energy and well-being. Users report improvements in mental clarity and a sense of peace, wellness, and happiness. These are what we term positive secondary effects. For example, clearing out heavy metals allows the body's magnesium stores to work efficiently with adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the biological source of energy in the body. When this interaction is occurring optimally, people have more energy and experience greater well-being. One study has demonstrated that zeolite also appears to increase serotonin level, which is known to help alleviate some forms of depression.
Extraordinary health benefits of Cellular Zeolite - The Liquid, Activated Zeolite are:

• Absorbs free radicals*
• Activates P21 gene which is appears to halt the growth of tumors by directly suppressing growth signals.*
• Powerful antioxidant, improves the immune system*
• Helps balance the bodies' pH (acidity levels)*
• Remove heavy metals and toxins (mercury, lead, arsenic, pesticides, viruses, etc.*
• Provides a sense of mental clarity, improvement in general sense of well being*
• Non-toxic and 100% natural*
• On the FDA's GRAS list (generally recognized as safe)
This 454 gram container supplies 2 heaping teaspoons (14 grams) a day for a month.
Use as needed. For normal supplementation one scoop a day is taken.
For more serious supplementation, double to 2 scoops a day. More can be used if desired.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

http://www.zeolitesupport.com/store/...d-1-pound.html (http://www.zeolitesupport.com/store/natural-cellular-zeolite-powder-micronized-1-pound.html)

http://www.zeolitefacts.org/pb/wp_37..._370e7a18.html (http://www.zeolitefacts.org/pb/wp_370e7a18/wp_370e7a18.html)


6th January 2012, 08:06 PM
Taken internally, I've always described zeolites as acting like a sponge and detoxing your system. You can find capsules that are more convenient then powder, IMHO.

I've experimented with using the zeolites topically as well. I've mixed it with an apricot oil and used on burns and open wounds. It crusts over and "pulls" out infection.

If I remember correctly, it has also been praised for clearing up toenail fungus.

100% natural it's basically volcanic ash!!

6th January 2012, 11:44 PM
Super Duper TAG of this thread.

7th January 2012, 01:28 AM
SERPO writes:

Zeolites binding power was proven during the Chernobyl disaster, when tons of it were used to remove radioactive cesium and strontium-90 before they contaminated local water systems. Acting primarily as a chelator, zeolite trapped these radioactive minerals within its crystalline cage structure.If you recall back on Dec 2 on the Fukushima/Japanese thread, Serpo, you would discover that it was the Bulgarian CLINOPTILOLITE which was the "Chernobyl Zeolite" massively distributed by the Ruskies...

Not only is it micronized, it is 90% pure Zeo/10% clay, and approximately MINUS 325 mesh in current availability. (-325=44 micron...pretty darned tiny) The TWO other major clino- deposits on the planet (one of them in Cuba) of course can be micronized as well, but only have 67% naturally pure clino- in their deposits vs 90% clino- from Bulgarian deposit.

If you recall my post from Dec 2 when I broke this particular news, and you "thanked me for on Dec 13...it read like this:

Dec 2, updated Dec 7, 2011
This has been a slow grind trying to get to the bottom of this rabbit hole, progress is being made!

Clinoptilolite is THE zeolite ordered en masse' by the Russian govt post Chernobyl. It was incorporated into:
1) milkshakes
2) cookies
3) candies
4) chocolate bars
to get this health restoring CLINO-zeo into the humans for miles around.

There are 85 natural and synthetic zeo's on the planet currently known. This particular one, clinoptilolite, is abundant in it's particular deposits. Ponce may be interested to learn, one is in nearby Cuba...for all the good it is doing to blockaded US consumers.

The best mined deposit is Bulgarian, to this day.

Why clino?

The honeycomb structure (also referred to as "cage") of this particular zeo has been scientifically evaluated to be the best at snagging the radioactive cesium and strontium ions partially due to this particular structure.

The other reason it is so effective at snagging these harmful ions is due to it's weak magnetic charge, which, when an harmful ionizing particle is snagged, it "ain't comin' back out" and therefore can be passed through the human waste removal system.

Yes, multilevel marketers are making a killing on packaging this. I've seen some retailers seeking $160 PER MONTH for their particular affiliate bloated downline to package and distribute this 30 day supply of their clino product.

Swanson's turns their clino- into a tincture of sorts...and wants you to take 1-3 drops 3 x a day with clear water. Any guesses as to how much clino- is in 1 drop?

Is this Swanson being chintzy? Or is clino that powerful in small amounts, tincturized? Who knows? It's taken me 9 months to get at the truth about what truthfully will help. I'm still drilling down on efficacious amounts, etc.

Bulgarian clino- IS acquired by the thieving MLM crowd at $2 a pound, in 90% pure form...the remainder 10% = clay, a topic we've covered on this thread priorly in the "french green clay" discussions.

Yes, it's offered on eBay...but who knows what one is buying when surveying ebay. Could be ground up bleached silica/playsand repackaged from Home Depot for all I know.

It is 1st person reported to me that the Japanese govt is very interested in this particular bulgarian zeolite. Hmmm...wonder why.

It is my opinion, based upon the slow to respond and the TEPCO incestuous interests, that the govt level expressed interest is NOT primarily of an altruistic motivation. Makes me mad.

Here it is 9 months...and I've been hunting...down on my lowly plebecite level trying to get my hands on SOMETHING that will help in a positive and restorative manner all this airborne and now food chain--land and sea--poisoned Fukushima radioactive dispersal.

Finally, this is something that can return milk and milk products, and feeding of poultry for meat and eggs into the rather monotonous dietary regime me and my household have strictly followed since 3/11.

Primarily available as a "soil amendment" in order to escape the wrath and control of the FDA, this zeolite has other commercial applications.

One I found most curious in my research is the following:
Clino- has been added for several decades to MIDDLE EASTERN SOFTDRINKs currently still being supplied by street vendors.

It is astounding to believe this supplement has basically purified the MIDDLE EASTERN BELLY AND BODIES under those corpulent flowing white robes of the towel-heads. And then there are the guzzlin' Zionists which have also been consuming this for decades, both creating a "therapeutic dosage level" over time, over and against what we all know is coming down in the middle east. Sooner rather than later.

I'm simply astounded at uncovering this level of stealth preparation by TPTB in this nucleated societal class.

And those of us plebes, west coast to east coast, north border to southern border...by and large, have NOT been informed, primarily due to the FDA's guidelines about what can be discussed, claimed, etc.

I'm still after more specifics, and have tried to upload an actual, electron microscopic image of the zeiolite "cage/structure" from bulgarian deposit. Been thwarted, so I'll figure out a way to get it up somehow.

Anyhow, me and my family are breathing a sigh of relief for now being able to bring back into our lives milk products for my wife's baking most especially, as well as ability to "clean up and protect poultry on the hoof" so to speak.

Today is a great day of rejoicing in my household.

Today, I am Bulgarian. And I'm going to find one, if at all possible, and give a manly hug to if at all possible!

Busby's testing protocol has now come to the surface. Scientifically defensible and individually doable.
Chorella and Flax seed consumption has come into foreground.
There's the rather complicated Japanese forumala of Mamboni's contribution iterated recently above on this thread.
Also, sodium bicarb has come to the fore as a bladder protector.
Now, we have the heavy lifter, Clinoptilolite,
Remember our GS'er buddy, Antonio who cheerfully advised us all we can "P*ss it out," as this Chernobyl survivor so graphically shared with us on this thread in the last 9 months.

Thanks be to God
for this unfathomable, lovingly created eons in advance Clinoptilolite deposits of on this planet, which we can all avail ourselves of if we but try.

This CLINOPTILOLITE is a huge piece of the remediation and mitigation puzzle I've been searching for. Belief in the Almighty intersects with sound science, and old fashioned gumshoe detective work. Let's all whup this thing back into submission for we the people's greater good and screw up the plans for the depopulating PTB in the process.


Nice to see this 37 days later you still researching this CLINO-Zeo story first broken here on GSUS Dec 2...It was my fervent hope some of you would pick up on my posted research and check it out for yourself. Very satisfying indeed!

I especially appreciate you, Serpo for posting the order of "attraction/then fecal expulsion" ...that order you iterated above is important.

So too, is pacing oneself...or one could get VERY VERY ILL self-chelating due to being driven by intense desire to mitigate/remove/chelate harmful alpha-, beta-, gamma radiation fear since 3/11/2011, and end up in a very serious medical crisis.
Ask Neuro, or Mamboni, or Dvrm what such a self-destructive gung-ho toxic dump crisis looks like

PLEASE do one's own due diligence before engaging in "off - label" internal zeo- use, whether for yourself, or for animals.

There's a physiological reason to not get crazy by off-label, self-treatment with Clino-, and without regards to any research into things such as the zeo- research into the archane but applicable body of research lit available on zeo's.

Here's an allegorical "visual" illustration to help provide a neumonic "hook" if needed to reinforce gradualism in including self-chelating with off-label zeo's in this dangerous day and age of overt, unceasing, de-populating radiation dosing...

Avid Rose gardeners love adding by manually pushing into the soil, a single16dwt iron nail --right next to the crown of their newly planted rosebush. It's because decomposition of said iron nail it will be a steady source of released iron via oxidation/rusting.

The same nail could be pneumatically shot --I s'pose--from a 16dwt Paslode Framing Nail gun by a lazy gardener sitting on the bench at the edge of his rose-beds, and randomly firing into the clump of rose crowns as far as the eye could see, until his compressed air cartridge is spent from the injudicious spraying of 16dwt nails...why waste time individually inserting into rose crowns if one owns a Paslode?

Same with injudicious self-chelating without regard to
laxation tolerance,
presence of industrial heavy metals already in ones system,
viral loads, etc.,
when wanting to go gung-ho with zeolite consumption, okay?

Wouldn't it be personally fun to know the researcher who did the exhaustive chemistry selectivity and testing of all the 84-ish natural and synthetic zeo's on the planet for the Russian Govt who was his client....and how he/she arrived at this one, and then reported to his client that THIS one --Bulgarian Clino- was and still IS the best for the harmful big 3 rays removal....yes, THIS Clino- zeo--post Chernobyl.

This is the real deal, folks.


7th January 2012, 02:04 PM
I met a guy who works as an orderly in clinics ect who says that this stuff can be used in relation to chronic health problems like cancer.

Some of the doctors are interested in it.

When you read how it can draw out toxins from the body ,heavy metals and toxic material in 4 to 6 weeks,I found it quite mind boggling good.Anyone can use this stuff to improve their health.

It seems it can be used in agriculture also as it can be added to fertilizer where it prevents leaching of the fertilizer and not as much is needed and also for water retention.

7th January 2012, 04:13 PM
Another product that is a type of volcanic clay called AZOMITE. Joogle it they have their own website. It's sold as
a fertilizer and livestock mineral. For years it was painful for me to raise my arms over my head, but when I started
mixing a spoonful of AZOMITE in water those symptoms went away. A couple years ago I mixed a shovelfull in a 5
gallon pail of water making a mud to put around one of my apple trees as an experiment. This year I couldn't believe
the size of the apples on that tree compared to the others and the taste was the best I've ever tasted. I wonder if this
stuff would be similar to what zeolite is?

7th January 2012, 04:28 PM
Another product that is a type of volcanic clay called AZOMITE. Joogle it they have their own website. It's sold as
a fertilizer and livestock mineral. For years it was painful for me to raise my arms over my head, but when I started
mixing a spoonful of AZOMITE in water those symptoms went away. A couple years ago I mixed a shovelfull in a 5
gallon pail of water making a mud to put around one of my apple trees as an experiment. This year I couldn't believe
the size of the apples on that tree compared to the others and the taste was the best I've ever tasted. I wonder if this
stuff would be similar to what zeolite is?

Sounds very similar but isnt the same........

Sounds like azomite adds trace elements and minerals that have been long leached out of the soil causing plants to lap it up

Thanks for the info though