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6th January 2012, 06:59 PM
Natural Cellular Zeolite Powder : Micronized

Natural Cellular Zeolite Powder : Micronized - 1 pound


This stuff is going to be big.............

Natural Cellular Powdered Zeolite that we carry is of the highest quality micronized powdered zeolite, used by some MDs and felt by some researchers to be at least as powerful as the liquid when used in therapeutic quantities. It detoxifies and alkalinizes the whole body. Studies show that this form of zeolite activates the P21 enzyme in cancerous cells, and has potent anti-viral activity.
Zeolite is one of natures only negatively charged particles it is able to directly interact with the damaged cells and magnetically attract other floating debris. Heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic are extremely toxic to the body, and unfortunately are found everywhere in our society. Liquid zeolites are a very unique, complex structure that have a “honeycomb” shape. All these channels and cavities act as cages; trapping all these toxins inside of itself and then are eliminated from the body.
What we can say is that zeolite has a chelation-like effect in removing heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and other positively charged toxins from the system. Zeolites negatively charged crystalline structure is what makes this possible. Its crystals act as “cages,” inside of which are positive ions. These positive ions switch places with positively charged toxins in the body, tightly bind them, and excrete them completely. One of the benefits of binding toxins in this manner is that they are 100 percent excreted. Heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides all leave the system; they do not get deposited elsewhere in the body. Forty percent of zeolite binds heavy metals in the gastrointestinal tract, and 60 percent binds toxins in the bloodstream and at the cellular level. Zeolites binding power was proven during the Chernobyl disaster, when tons of it were used to remove radioactive cesium and strontium-90 before they contaminated local water systems. Acting primarily as a chelator, zeolite trapped these radioactive minerals within its crystalline cage structure.
Zeolite appears to remove toxins from the body in a hierarchical order. It first acts strongly to remove lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic. This first phase may take one to four weeks or longer. Zeolite then removes second-priority toxins, including pesticides, herbicides, and plastics. Zeolite appears to increase the rate of glucuronization in the liver, activating phase II of the glucuronidase function. This in turn removes pesticides, herbicides, and xeno-estrogens from the body, releasing them through the urine. Interestingly, it also appears to neutralize the aflatoxin poison.
A third function of zeolite is to trap pre-virus components, preventing the replication of viruses and their ability to make us sick. In this way, zeolite may play an important role as a broad-spectrum anti-viral. Viruses are produced in parts as on a production line, at the end of which the virus is fully constructed. Zeolite absorbs viral parts into the pores of the mirconized zeolite aggregates (not into the chelating-like cages described above). This explains why zeolite seems to block the development of many viral infections, including herpes virus 1, coxsachie virus B-5, ecco-virus 7, and adeno virus 5. Forty anecdotal cases of herpes zoster have reportedly been cured, with sufferers becoming pain-free in one to three days after beginning to take zeolite. Anecdotal testimony also reports that it is effective in alleviating or curing the flu, colds, hepatitis C, viral or heavy-metal induced multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Zeolite’s effect as an anti-viral appears to be a preventative function that builds up over time, beginning after approximately four to six weeks of use, when heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides have been mostly eliminated. There is anecdotal evidence, however, that in some cases its anti-viral effect seems to be immediate.
Zeolite also is a unique antioxidant. A traditional antioxidant works by absorbing excess free radicals into its system because it has an unpaired electron. In contrast, zeolite traps free radicals in its complex structure, inactivating and eliminating them. In this way, it acts as a complement to traditional antioxidants.
In addition, zeolite buffers the system towards slight alkalinity by establishing pH levels of 7.35 to 7.45, which is the optimum pH for the human body. The body’s pH level influences both immunity and brain function. An acid blood pH (7.34 or lower) creates a precondition for cancer. In an acid environment, brain cell function can also be impaired, causing depression, anxiety, stupor, paranoia, delusions, hallucinations, or even psychosis.
Zeolite also appears to balance the immune system , either up- or down-regulating it as needed. Although the precise mechanism for this is not entirely understood, this function is clearly very important in a world in which most people's immune systems are seriously compromised.
Because zeolite so powerfully removes various types of toxins from the body, it naturally increases energy and well-being. Users report improvements in mental clarity and a sense of peace, wellness, and happiness. These are what we term positive secondary effects. For example, clearing out heavy metals allows the body's magnesium stores to work efficiently with adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the biological source of energy in the body. When this interaction is occurring optimally, people have more energy and experience greater well-being. One study has demonstrated that zeolite also appears to increase serotonin level, which is known to help alleviate some forms of depression.
Extraordinary health benefits of Cellular Zeolite - The Liquid, Activated Zeolite are:

• Absorbs free radicals*
• Activates P21 gene which is appears to halt the growth of tumors by directly suppressing growth signals.*
• Powerful antioxidant, improves the immune system*
• Helps balance the bodies' pH (acidity levels)*
• Remove heavy metals and toxins (mercury, lead, arsenic, pesticides, viruses, etc.*
• Provides a sense of mental clarity, improvement in general sense of well being*
• Non-toxic and 100% natural*
• On the FDA's GRAS list (generally recognized as safe)
This 454 gram container supplies 2 heaping teaspoons (14 grams) a day for a month.
Use as needed. For normal supplementation one scoop a day is taken.
For more serious supplementation, double to 2 scoops a day. More can be used if desired.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

http://www.zeolitesupport.com/store/...d-1-pound.html (http://www.zeolitesupport.com/store/natural-cellular-zeolite-powder-micronized-1-pound.html)

http://www.zeolitefacts.org/pb/wp_37..._370e7a18.html (http://www.zeolitefacts.org/pb/wp_370e7a18/wp_370e7a18.html)


11th January 2012, 06:09 PM
There is controversy over drops or powder

Back in early March I went for what I expected to be a routine mammogram. Instead, I needed more diagnostic tests done, which showed a total of six enlarged lymph nodes - three in each breast. I didn't have enlarged lymph nodes anywhere else....the radiologist and doctor who read the mammogram confirmed that I didn't have breast cancer, but they were quite concerned about lymphoma...particularly primary breast lymphoma. I had a full blood workup done. It was pretty normal with the exception of an elevated lactic dehydrogenase level (which is also an early warning sign for lymphoma) I was referred to an oncology surgeon who did an ultrasound and agreed I should have two of the largest nodes in the right breast biopsied. The first appointment I could get for the biopsy was five weeks later!!!!! Of course, I was experiencing a great deal of anxiety over the whole situation. I began to look online for information on lymphoma, protocol for treatments, etc. I knew I wanted to also consider alternative medicine options as well before agreeing to kill my immune system with traditional chemotherapy if I was indeed diagnosed with cancer. That's when I happened to find information on Enhanced Zeolite. It sounded too good to be true, but in theory, I liked the concept of how it worked and the testimonials were impressive. I ordered both Zeolite and Oxy E...the shipment was very prompt by the way. I started 15 drops 3Xs a day of Zeolite, and 10 drops 3Xs a day of Oxy E. Within 3 days, I noticed some changes...within 10 days, I was amazed at the major changes: Improved energy!!! I was able to do heavy duty yard work 6-7 hours a day and still feel good afterwards.

11th January 2012, 06:10 PM

Zeolites - How Do They Affect Cancer?

In an article titled "Natural zeolite clinoptilolite: new adjuvant in anticancer therapy" published in the Journal of Molecular Medicine Volume 78, Number 12 / February 2001, research is detailed with Mice, Dogs and Rats, indicating the use of Zeolite reduces skin cancer tumour growth.

It states, "In vitro tissue culture studies showed that finely ground clinoptilolite inhibits protein kinase B (c-Akt), induces expression of p21WAF1/CIP1 and p27KIP1 tumor suppressor proteins, and blocks cell growth in several cancer cell lines. These data indicate that clinoptilolite treatment might affect cancer growth by attenuating survival signals and inducing tumor suppressor genes in treated cells".

Although only one small human trial has been conducted, the results were intriguing: 78% full remission for stage 4 cancer patients (with various types of cancer). The study was an open-label trial conducted by the researchers at LifeLink Pharmaceuticals in Ohio. Although one small study is not grounds for leaping to solid conclusions about cancer, this result is promising enough to warrant additional investigation. Any anti-cancer effect is probably due to NCD's ability to induce tumor suppressor genes that cause the body to not only halt the growth of tumor cells, but actually destroy such tumors.

11th January 2012, 06:16 PM
Full article...........of above

If you look around the internet, you will find many references to Activated Liquid Zeolite and its use with Cancer. This article discusses some of the information, and attempts to take a rational viewpoint of the material with regard to what Zeolite actually does in the human body.
Recently, while in Las Vegas, I was told that preliminary research has been done taking Zeolite with a chemotherapy drug, Cyclophosphamine. Apparently this drug causes a toxin called "acrolene" when ingested which has toxic side effects. When the Activated Liquid Zeolite is taken in conjunction with the drug, the toxic effects are eliminated. This is preliminary research and it will be many years before this connection is proven by published scientific papers. It may explain why some people have less side effects from treatment when they are taking the Activated Liquid Zeolite as well.
First there is Jonathan Campbell, who asserts that activated liquid Zeolite can cause cancer. There is no evidence to back this claim. Mr Campbell sells an alternate cancer cure and has a vested interest in discrediting other products. Furthermore there are 3 classes of Zeolite. One includes asbestos, which definitely causes lung cancer. The sheath like Zeolites, of which Clinoptilolite, the Zeolite used in activated zeolite products, has been certified as GRAS (generally recognised as safe) status by the FDA in the US. This is the highest level of safety possible. Who do you trust, the FDA, or Mr Campbell?
Now, let's look at some of the research done with regards to Cancer and Zeolite.
In an article titled "Natural zeolite clinoptilolite: new adjuvant in anticancer therapy" published in the Journal of Molecular Medicine Volume 78, Number 12 / February 2001, research is detailed with Mice, Dogs and Rats, indicating the use of Zeolite reduces skin cancer tumour growth.
It states, "In vitro tissue culture studies showed that finely ground clinoptilolite inhibits protein kinase B (c-Akt), induces expression of p21WAF1/CIP1 and p27KIP1 tumor suppressor proteins, and blocks cell growth in several cancer cell lines. These data indicate that clinoptilolite treatment might affect cancer growth by attenuating survival signals and inducing tumor suppressor genes in treated cells".
While this is not a study on humans, it does indicate that the use of Zeolite has some function at least in animals in tumour suppression. The p21 gene is known by scientists to suppress tumours and one of the great scientific debates is how to trigger this gene in cancer patients.
The following information is quoted on many websites. To my knowledge, it has not been substantiated or published, and the study was done by Lifelink Pharmaceuticals, of which Rik Deitsch is a director. It therefore must be taken with a grain of salt!
Although only one small human trial has been conducted, the results were intriguing: 78% full remission for stage 4 cancer patients (with various types of cancer). The study was an open-label trial conducted by the researchers at LifeLink Pharmaceuticals in Ohio. Although one small study is not grounds for leaping to solid conclusions about cancer, this result is promising enough to warrant additional investigation. Any anti-cancer effect is probably due to NCD's ability to induce tumor suppressor genes that cause the body to not only halt the growth of tumor cells, but actually destroy such tumors.
Now, you must make up your own mind whether animal studies can be applied to humans, or whether Lifelink's study is fact or fiction. All we can do is to quote the information available.
There are some other areas where Natural Cellular Defense could definitely help with many disease states. One is the area of body pH. Studies done invitro (in a test tube) indicate that with a pH of 7.4 or higher, cancer cells become dormant. This would indicate that if the body's pH can be raised to this level, it is possible that it could slow down or even stop the spread of cancer.
Dr. William Kelley, in an article titled, "Cancer - Self Treatment", suggests that "There is research indicating that cancer grows slowly in a highly acid environment (because the acids cause it to partially destroy itself) and may actually grow more quickly as your body becomes more alkaline prior to reaching the healthy pH slightly above 7.4 where the cancer becomes dormant. Therefore, you will want to get your pH above 7.4 as quickly as possible by every means available."
This would indicate that when raising pH, it is important that it is done as quickly as possible and that as pH rises, cancer activity can increase for a while. So, one would have to be really convinced that a pH of 7.4 does effectively stop the spread of the disease before considering this action.
Often there is a challenge with Natural Remedies in that sometimes indications get worse before they normalise. This leads many physicians to recommend against the use of such products, because they see any worsening of the situation as alarming. Again, you will have to make your own mind up about this. The question then is to research alternate pathways and decide the likely outcome in each case!
Natural Cellular Defense, taken regularly, will raise pH into the 7.4 zone and keep it there, which I think is a good thing!
Vic Shayne, PhD in an article called' "Ignoring the Link Between Toxins and Cancer" states, "With all of the cancer information and disinformation broadcasted continually through the major news media, rarely do we hear a mention of the greatest threat to our health - and the most prevalent cause of cancer: toxins."
More evidence is emerging every day that there is a relationship between environmental toxins and cancer. A recent article in the Vancouver Sun stated, " Banned pesticides and other toxic chemicals lingering in the environment put people at an increased risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma, according to a B.C. Cancer Agency study".
We are rapidly approaching a point where there is little doubt that toxins are affecting our health in a negative way. In 1907 there were less than 7% of deaths from cancer. At that time no chemicals were used in agriculture. Today the death rate from cancer is over 30% and of course we have thousands of toxic substances in our food, water and air. Is this a coincidence? You decide!
Natural Cellular Defense, or Zeolite, is effective in removing toxins, particularly heavy metals and organic chemicals such as dioxin, deildrin and benzene. We have done hair analysis tests before and after using the product, and although this is not a scientific controlled study, the results are documented by lab reports and are quite impressive.
Research was published in an article titled, "Zeolite Binds to Benzene" (Active Crystallography 1996). This shows how in a laboratory, the Zeolite molecules combine with benzene to remove it from the body.
Conclusion. In summary, we know that Activated liquid Zeolite increases heavy metal secretion by 8-20 times baseline. We know that it increases pH to the 7.4 range. We know that it removes toxins and heavy metals from the body.
This doesn't necessarily mean that the product will give results with any particular medical condition. We suggest you do your research. If an out of balance pH or toxic overload are likely causes of a condition, adding activated liquid zeolite to your regime won't do any harm, and it just might work. You have very little to lose and possibly much to gain.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/888670

11th January 2012, 07:18 PM
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Published Clinical Studies Using Activated Liquid Zeolite

When all is said and done, the Activated Liquid Zeolite (NCD) is unique and highly effective as has been showen in numerous clinical studies.
What of the Clinical Studies?

There have been 13 completed clinical trails using Activated Liquid Zeolite (NCD). If you are still interested in another Zeolite product, ask them what clinical trials they are doing and what results are they getting?
When you undertake a Clinical Trial, it has no real value in the Scientific Community until published in a recognised journal. This can take some time (5 years of data collection). Here is some feedback on some of the trials as well as the published Clinical Evidence Supporting the Use of an Activated Clinoptilolite (http://www.vitalityplusaustralia.com/files/liquid_zeolite_clinical_evidence_supporting_the_us e_of_an_activated_clinoptilolite.pdf).
The information on the finished clinical studies is accurate, and can be verified. 'The proof of the pudding is in the taste' so to speak and in the many personal stories and clinical studies that refer to the Activated Liquid Zeolite product.
Here are the official studies authorised for release

Activated Liquid Zeolite therapy in healthy individuals without chronic exposure to heavy metal toxins.

A short-term (7-day) trial in five individuals to evaluate changes in urinary excretion of heavy metals. Urinary excretion was measured with Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). Four out of five individuals showed increase in heavy metal excretion.

Activated Liquid Zeolite therapy in healthy individuals and short-term "non-responders" without chronic exposure to heavy metal toxins.

An intermediate-term (30-day) trial in twenty (20) individuals to evaluate changes in urinary excretion of heavy metals. Urinary excretion was measured with Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). Participants demonstrated an 8-12 fold increase in heavy metal excretion. 100% had raised levels of heavy metals excreted through their urine.

Activated Liquid Zeolite therapy in otherwise healthy individuals with chronic, employment-related exposure to heavy metal toxins (WV Coal Miners).

A long-term (84-day), blinded, clinical trial in fifty (50) individuals to evaluate changes in urinary excretion of heavy metals and determine longevity of the effect. Urinary excretion was measured with Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). Additionally, hair and saliva was collected at the beginning and the end of the trial and measured for heavy metal content. Participants continued to excrete heavy metals throughout the trial at a rate of up to 12 times normal. All had more energy, better sleep patterns and greater mental acuity.

Electrolyte levels with the use of Activated Liquid Zeolite.

A trial to evaluate changes in vital serum electrolytes in healthy individuals following 30-day Natural Cellular Defense therapy.

Exercise recovery with Activated Liquid Zeolite.

A trial to evaluate the effect of Activated Liquid Zeolite therapy on post-workout recovery-time in competitive athletes vs. non-competitive participants. This trial consisted of 300 athletes, both elite and weekend warriors . 80% of participants noted more energy, less soreness, and faster recovery after exercise.

pH balancing with Activated Liquid Zeolite.

A trial to evaluate the effect of short- vs long-term Activated Liquid Zeolite therapy on serum and salivary pH in healthy and compromised individuals.
There are other non Waiora endorsed studies in the areas of autism, cancer, chronic fatigue, etc.
A series of animal studies backs up claims of Zeolite's ability to absorb a wide range of toxins and heavy metals, balance pH, and normalise vitamin and mineral levels. Some are included here...
Anticancer and anti-oxidative effects of micronized zeolite clinoptilolite.
Zarkovic N , Zarkovic K , Kralj M , Borovic S , Sabolovic S , Blazi MP , Cipak A , Pavelic K .
Ruder Boskovic Institute, Division of Molecular Medicine, Bijenicka 54, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
BACKGROUND: Treatment of cancer-bearing mice and dogs with micronized zeolite (clinoptilolite) led to improvement of the overall health status, prolongation of life span and decrease of tumor size in some cases. It also reduced lipid peroxidation in the liver of mice.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The experiments were performed on various tumor cell cultures and tumor-bearing animals. Immunohistochemistry was used to analyze if micronized zeolite could interfere with Doxorubicin-induced lipid peroxidation and consequential production of 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE).
RESULTS: Micronized zeolite reduced the metabolic rate of cancer cells and increased binding of HNE to albumin in vitro. It selectively reduced generation of HNE in vivo in tumor stroma after Doxorubicin treatment leaving onset of lipid peroxidation intact in malignant cells. Combined treatment with Doxorubicin and micronized zeolite resulted in strong reduction of the pulmonary metastasis count increasing anticancer effects of Doxorubicin.
CONCLUSION: Interference of micronized zeolite with lipid peroxidation might explain some of the beneficial effects of this particular zeolite in combined cancer therapy.
PMID: 12820427 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Anticancer Res. 2003 Mar-Apr;23(2B):1589-95.
Download & Details


http://www.vitalityplusaustralia.com/files/hyperlink_icon_thumb.jpgClinical evidence supporting the use of Activated Liquid Zeolite (PDF) (http://www.vitalityplusaustralia.com/files/liquid_zeolite_clinical_evidence_supporting_the_us e_of_an_activated_clinoptilolite.pdf)

11th January 2012, 10:36 PM
Good Stuff, Serpo. Keep up the good posting!!!

16th January 2012, 03:10 PM

Helen measured out and then weighed a level teaspoon of her "French green clay" fine powder also talked about earlier on the Jap/West Coast/Fuku thread.

She came in and told me that 1 level teaspoon came to 2100 MILLIGRAMS, or 2.1 grams of French Green Clay.

She's worried you might have swallowed too much just starting out. I told her I'd let you know what she said.

Mission accomplished. LOL


17th January 2012, 12:40 PM

Helen measured out and then weighed a level teaspoon of her "French green clay" fine powder also talked about earlier on the Jap/West Coast/Fuku thread.

She came in and told me that 1 level teaspoon came to 2100 MILLIGRAMS, or 2.1 grams of French Green Clay.

She's worried you might have swallowed too much just starting out. I told her I'd let you know what she said.

Mission accomplished. LOL


Hard to over dose on this stuff and the amount I was taking is 5gms so maybe I need more in fact.This is the Clinoptilolite Zeolite

5gms or a teaspoon is mentioned in clip below.......thanks for your concern Helen.....this truly is amazing stuff for our health and it looks like it is a big secret as this guys you tube clip has less than 100 views......weird.

17th January 2012, 12:42 PM


He also mentions powdered is best.

17th January 2012, 12:56 PM
Is this the stuff you're talking about?


17th January 2012, 01:09 PM
Is this the stuff you're talking about?


Yes............that is it,,,,,,ZeoForce is pure, Clinoptilolite mineral Concentrate, micro reduced to the size of a red blood cell for optimum absorption and potency that diluted liquids simply can not match. Capsules can be opened up into liquids. The Zeolite "cage" in ZeoForce is 100% intact. http://www.iherb.com/HealthForce-Nutritionals-ZeoForce-180-VeganCaps/19197?at=0

17th January 2012, 01:10 PM


From some of the comments under this clip it looks as though this subject is an on going process of understanding.

17th January 2012, 04:46 PM
Helen expresses her relief that you got her forum message, Serpo. :)

The thing that gets me about this healthfood store repackaging is that this stuff is sold, micronized from the mine in 90% purity (10% clay) intact cage etc., for what the mine considers comfortably profitable at $2.00 (US) per 454g amounts or $4.80 per kg.

ZeoForce - 400 g - Powder

by Healthforce (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=bl_sr_hpc?_encoding=UTF8&node=3760901&field-brandtextbin=Healthforce)
List Price: $48.34 Price: $24.89 ($62.23 / kg)

How disgusting is it, that this, which is abundantly earth deposited product is available to one and all at much less expensive than retail package pricing?

The "healthfood re-sellers" will probably get jammed up and depleted before this is all over the net, but rest assured, the deposits are massive and in "western hands." There is comfort in that reality. There is no reason to run out in a run-on or a run-to this particular scientifically vetted radiation mitigator.

There is a non-90% pure deposit (more like in the 60's% pure) even in Ponce's beloved Cuba. How's THAT for a plot twist. LOL


18th January 2012, 01:00 PM
Of course blatant commercialization is everywhere .It appears that zeolite may of got a tarnished name when people where selling it in liquid form through a MLM company.
Personally I am grateful that this stuff even exists (God given) and that we can use it in this way.Mine came in a plastic bag without the fancy bottle .

19th January 2012, 04:06 AM
Thanks for the good info Serpo. I'm going to be adding some zeolite to my list of things to take. Seems it has alot of the same qualities of Diatomaceous earth that we have discussed here before.


You mentioned sprinkling zeolite on food.

I don't think that the best way to take it because it will bind some of the good minerals in your food instead of going to work on the bad stuff. I always take my DE and clay on an empty stomach. Right before bed is a good time as well. I've read before that the body does alot of its detoxing at night while your sleeping. I don't have anything readily available to back this up so hopefully I'm not putting my foot in my mouth.

23rd January 2012, 03:22 PM
Thanks for the good info Serpo. I'm going to be adding some zeolite to my list of things to take. Seems it has alot of the same qualities of Diatomaceous earth that we have discussed here before.


You mentioned sprinkling zeolite on food.

I don't think that the best way to take it because it will bind some of the good minerals in your food instead of going to work on the bad stuff. I always take my DE and clay on an empty stomach. Right before bed is a good time as well. I've read before that the body does alot of its detoxing at night while your sleeping. I don't have anything readily available to back this up so hopefully I'm not putting my foot in my mouth.

Between meals is OK but your idea before bed time is interesting and will give it a shot.

Just consuming this stuff is the important thing.

23rd January 2012, 06:25 PM
Serpo sez:
Just consuming this stuff is the important thing. Had one nutritionally aware and alert chemist guy recommend consuming clino- 30 minutes prior to eating (for optimal, negative magnetic grabbing of the +charged radionuclide ions that are killing us all...)

that person likes putting the Clino- into the intestines first, then it's ready for when the food gets there, quite literally.

Just sharing.


24th January 2012, 04:22 AM
Had one nutritionally aware and alert chemist guy recommend consuming clino- 30 minutes prior to eating (for optimal, negative magnetic grabbing of the +charged radionuclide ions that are killing us all...)

that person likes putting the Clino- into the intestines first, then it's ready for when the food gets there, quite literally.

Just sharing.


I've heard thats a good time to take chlorella as well. Apparently when we eat the gall bladder starts secreting bile to help breakdown the foods. That bile has toxins in it. Taking your binders 30 minutes before eating means the toxic craps gets trapped and excreted instead of being re-absobed.