View Full Version : What if? Judge Napolitano

7th January 2012, 08:18 AM
What if we invited the good judge to hang out with us here at GSUS?


General of Darkness
7th January 2012, 08:24 AM
LOL, great minds think alike. The judge is on fire these days.

I'll delete my thread.

7th January 2012, 08:34 AM
What if I edited this video so there were no "What if's" in it?

7th January 2012, 08:50 AM
Holy crap, how is this on the air!?

This video would be like giving the average GSUSer 5 open minutes on live tv. I'm kind of shocked at how much truth was just said. Did this air at 4am est?

7th January 2012, 08:59 AM
There's either a boatload of idiot Evangelists in Iowa, or key tally agents have been undermined.

Even if, without one, there would be the other.


7th January 2012, 09:02 AM
What if I edited this video so there were no "What if's" in it?

If the Judge didn't include the "what if's", I'm sure his show would suddenly be plagued by unforeseen "technical difficulties". We know what he means.

A major propaganda technique by the fake news outlets is to program ideas into people's heads in the form of a question. For example, they can perpetuate the idea that RP is racist, without outright calling him racist or needing proof, by showing a story on him with the words "Is Ron Paul racist?" on the screen. The Judge is slyly using that technique back in their face, allowing him to say things they wouldn't allow him to otherwise. Good tactic.

7th January 2012, 09:54 AM
BRAVO! I've always liked his "what if" segments but this was by far the best!