View Full Version : West Point grad/Iraq vet arrested for defending woman by Austin police

midnight rambler
7th January 2012, 10:02 AM
Some of the 'patriot'* Chief Arty Acevedo's boyz in action doing what they typically do.

*Alex Jones sucks up to his pal Arty Acevedo


7th January 2012, 10:05 AM
I am sorry to say this, but most of my shit-head classmates would probably see this guy as a criminal. There are a few of us who know better. Now I understand how officers of the civil war could shoot at classmates.

midnight rambler
7th January 2012, 10:14 AM
Naive AJ conned by the chameleon and NWO tool Acevedo, unable to pick up on Arty's veiled references of being in favor of 'closing the *gun show loophole*' (so-called "straw purchases" aka private sales of guns between private parties without undergoing a NICS check) and "common sense approach" to gun ownership (aka 'common sense gun control', i.e. no one *needs* a hi-cap semi-auto 'assault weapon').


midnight rambler
7th January 2012, 10:15 AM
I am sorry to say this, but most of my shit-head classmates would probably see this guy as a criminal. There are a few of us who know better. Now I understand how officers of the civil war could shoot at classmates. With that long hair he's obviously a communist hippie pinko fag...right?

midnight rambler
7th January 2012, 10:27 AM
Note in the video in the OP how one of the local nooz stations intentionally distorts the video taken from across the street so as to obscure the details - the actual video taken from across the street is very clear with good resolution.

7th January 2012, 10:56 AM
The pork (freeze frame @ 2:03) is obviously lying.
This is where he says he spit on the officer.

Reminds me of this lady
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-0h9TGUvspcg/TjUXXQ8iiwI/AAAAAAAABSk/1iBQuMuehu8/s1600/barbara-spectre+of+evil%252C+fucking+yiddish+bitch.+Pic+by +stormfront.jpg

7th January 2012, 12:47 PM
uary 1st, 2012 sometime between 1:00 am
and 1:30 am, I was driving my friend home from
a New Years Eve party. I was the designated
driver and was sober. We pulled into the 7-11 on
Lamar & West 10th in Austin TX to get gas, and
we saw ourselves near a car that was pulled over
with two police cruisers behind it. A black woman
was being given a field sobriety test in the cold.
She seemed to be getting bossed around by the
cops, and we both took notice. They had her doing
the heel to toe test in high heels. In the passenger
seat was a young Hispanic lady who appeared to
be on her phone.
She was doing nothing aggressive.

As we finished pumping gas, a cop had gone over
to the passenger side door and opened it.
Soon after we heard a terrible scream and watched
in horror as the very built cop started yanking this
poor girl from the car. The other cop came up
and joined in on the abuse.

My friend and I stayed within two arms lengths of
the truck, and tried to take pictures and yelled at the
cops to stop assaulting the girl.

After that, one cop came up to me yelling at me and
asking why I was taking pictures. I said it was my
right in public, and he pushed me into the truck and
started yelling in my face. I asked him why he
pushed me, I put up my arms to show I wasn't a
threat, told him to get out of my face, and that I had
done nothing illegal. He then grabbed my arm, and
pinned me against the truck, at which time
he claimed I "spit" on him.

They arrested me, claimed it was for "interfering
with an investigation". By the time I got to their
truck, it was a DUI and they made me blow. It didn't
register, and by the time I got to jail it was then a
"felony harassment" and a "resisting arrest" charge.

The woman was arrested for "public intoxication".
The cops said that she was interfering with their DUI
investigation because she yelled to her friend not to
submit to any tests. Interestingly, neither of us was
charged with interfering in an investigation.

Joe King
7th January 2012, 02:36 PM
The cops said that she was interfering with their DUI
investigation because she yelled to her friend not to
submit to any tests.
Yes, how dare anyone advise anyone else of their Rights while at the hands of the po-po. ::)

They count on people not knowing their Rights and rolling over on themselves.
...and most people comply with their wishes.

midnight rambler
7th January 2012, 08:16 PM
palani has this to add to the story:


and fwiw, some tyranny lover rated this thread 'terrible' lol