View Full Version : Who really won Iowa?

7th January 2012, 05:29 PM


See below for important affidavit from Edward L. True,
Iowa caucus attendee and ballot counter

If We Believe the Official Numbers Published on the night of Iowa Caucus 2012 by Iowa GOP State HQ --
This Affidavit Changes the
Winner from Romney To Santorum!

Below is the affidavit of Edward L. True. In his local Caucus in Appanoose County, Iowa (precinct Washington Wells), Mitt Romney actually received 2 votes. The Iowa State GOP HQ, using their secret computer program, programmed by an unknown person, hidden from the public in a secret location -- credited Romney with 22 votes for Washington Wells Precinct -- 20 more than Romney actually received. If we are to believe the Iowa State GOP's published numbers on Caucus Night, this changes the outcome of the Iowa Caucus. Since it was published for worldwide distribution that Romney "won" by only 8 votes out of some 122,000 votes case -- this means that Rick Santorum is now the winner by 12 votes. As you will see, both the caucus leader and the GOP County Chairman have confirmed to Mr. True (and others who will come forth with affidavits soon - that Mr. True's report is correct. Below the affidavit from Edward L. True, you will see the actual tally sheet he himself created at the caucus -- as well as the screen shots taken by Judy Spady of Durango, Colorado from the official Iowa GOP HQ Google Docs, which confirm that the Iowa GOP HQ credited Romney with 22 votes, rather than the 2 votes he received. The official Iowa GOP website made it impossible to take only one screen shot and get the data, so there are three screen shots. Mrs. Spady will shortly publish an affidavit that the screen shots reflect exactly what she saw on the internet -- before the Iowa GOP HQ pulled all the numbers down off the internet a few hours later. (What's the rush boys?) And why did the leaders at Iowa State GOP HQ, for the first time ever, tell the GOP County Chairmen not to give anyone the numbers from the caucuses in the their local county, including local newspaper? Looks like somebody at Iowa State GOP HQ doesn't want to make it easy for people to check the local Caucus results against what is published on the Iowa State GOP Website.

So this affidavit changes the outcome of the Iowa Caucus 2012, right? Or does the Iowa GOP HQ wish to acknowledge that they have made mistakes in other precincts?

7th January 2012, 06:11 PM
Tampering with the vote. I say- trace that sucker down and hang him from the nearest tree.