View Full Version : Ava Causes The Housing Crisis

7th January 2012, 04:46 PM


Did a conspiracy of baby Avas cause the U.S. housing market to implode? Was Michele Bachmann's candidacy doomed by the end of Staten Island Cakes? Are scientists raising the global average temperature in order to increase their own research funding?

Didn't you just KNOW there were people approaching this problem from the serious side?

7th January 2012, 06:27 PM
my daughters name is ava! oh no!

Oddly enough, she was also born at the peak of the "ava" boom, which we had NO idea about until a few years later. Never crossed our minds that would be the msot popular name of 2007 for girls, we thought it was a pretty name, with a good nordic history behind it and a good short name to accompany a long irish last name that no one ever gets right


7th January 2012, 07:47 PM
Consensus is in. Names will be changed to protect the innocent!

Twisted Titan
7th January 2012, 09:54 PM
It is no strecth of the immagination that Economist use the exact same sound reasoning to push their theories